Articolele autorului Răzvan Valentin Florian
Link la profilul stiintific al lui Răzvan Valentin Florian

Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality in Psychology and Economics, Max Plank Institute, Berlin, funding available

>NEWS: FUNDING AVAILABLE - DEADLINE EXTENDED > >Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality in Psychology and Economics: >Special focus: Emotions as Foundations of Bounded Rationality >Max Planck Institute for Human Development >Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition >Berlin, Germany, August 13 - 21, 2002 > >we would like to draw your attention to the second Summer Institute on >Bounded Rationality in Psychology and Economics that will take place

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Postdoctoral positions in systems and cognitive neuroscience, Germany

Postdoctoral positions in systems and cognitive neuroscience are available to study information processing in the visual cortex of man and monkey in the Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory at the German Primate Research Center, headed by Stefan Treue. Research in the laboratory focuses on the neural basis of visual attention and of visual motion perception. We use a combination of extracellular recordings from primate visual cortex, human visual psychophysics,

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MSc, PhD, Postdoc positions in neuroinformatics, Max Planck Institute, Tuebingen, Germany

Several positions at various levels (MSc, PhD, Postdoc) are available in a new department at the Max Planck Institute in Tuebingen, Germany, studying learning theory and algorithms with applications in various domains (computer vision, bioinformatics, psychophysics modeling - for further information, cf. We invite applications of candidates with an outstanding academic record including a strong mathematical

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Actiunea JRC pentru extindere

Obiective: Scopul acestei actiuni este accelerarea preluarii aspectelor stiintifice si tehnice ale legislatiei UE in perspectiva apropiatei extinderi a Uniunii. Descriere: Schema include aproximativ 60 de sesiuni de lucru specializate si cursuri de perfectionare, precum si peste 60 de stagii pentru experti nationali si cercetatori pentru perioade scurte (3 luni) si medii (1 an), care se adreseaza organizatiilor de cercetare, laboratoarelor nationale

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PhD studentship in neural computing, U. of Stirling, UK

>A 3-year EPSRC-funded PhD studentship is available in the >Neural Computing group, Department of Computing Science and >Mathematics, University of Stirling, Scotland >( Applications are required by >May 1st, 2002. Start date is September 1st, 2002. > >Title: Compartmental modelling of developing neurons > >Supervisor: Dr Bruce Graham ( > >Project summary: > >A major tool in the study of biological

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PhD studentships in psychology, Birkbeck College, London

The School of Psychology, Birkbeck College as a number of Phd Studentships on offer for Phds starting in October 2002. Birkbeck College is part of the University of London and is situated in the central Bloomsbury area of London, in close proximity to University College London, The Insitute of Cognitive Neuroscience, the Gatsby Computational Neurosciences Unit, the Institue of Child Health, and the Insitute of Education. The School of Psychology

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PhD studentships in machine learning, U. of Sheffield, UK

Applications are invited to fill a PhD studentship at the University of Sheffield, U.K. Funding is available under EPSRC grant number GR/R84801/01 - `Learning Classifiers from Sloppily Labelled Data' for a three year EPSRC studentship. This project is a collaborative effort between Neil Lawrence of the Machine Learning group at Sheffield ( and Bernhard Schoelkopf ( of

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Romania poseda cel mai ridicat numar de profesionisti IT atestati Brainbench din Europa

Conform unui studiu, Romania este liderul european in domeniul IT ca numar de persoane certificate Brainbench, surclasand Marea Britanie. Pe locul al treilea se afla Bulgaria (cu peste 6 800 de certificate IT), urmata de Germania si Lituania. Noul studiu "Global IT IQ Report", publicat luna aceasta de Brainbench, lider mondial in testarea online a calificarii IT, are ca obiectiv identificarea statelor si regiunilor geografice cu cel mai ridicat numar

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Intenţie de realizare a unui program guvernamental pentru recrutarea tinerilor formaţi în străinătate

Premierul Adrian Nastase i-a anuntat pe studentii romani din Olanda ca Guvernul de la Bucuresti intentioneaza sa creeze o structura de tip "head hunting", pentru a recruta viitorii inalti functionari dintre tinerii aflati la burse in strainatate. Acest lucru inseamna ca, intr-o prima faza, se va constitui o baza de date in care vor fi inclusi toti cei care pleaca cu sprijinul statului la unitati de invatamant din tari straine. Pasul al doilea consta

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American – Romanian Student Internship Program (deadline: February 28)

Casa Romana, Asociatia Romanilor din Silicon Valley, California, anunta cel de-al treilea proiect A.R.S.I.P. (American - Romanian Student Internship Program) adresat studentilor din Romania in domeniile de “software” si “hardware”. A.R.S.I.P. are ca obiectiv familiarizarea studentilor romani cu modul in care se lucreaza si se traieste in SUA. Cei interesati sa afle mai multe amanunte sau sa participe in acest program sunt rugati sa urmeze

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