Articolele autorului Simona Pinzaru
Link la profilul stiintific al lui Simona Pinzaru

Theoretical and pH dependent surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy study on caffeine
2-nd Conference on Advanced Spectroscopies on Biomedical and Nanostructured Systems, September 3-6, 2006, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA

The Conference is organized by the Faculty of Physics and the Institute for Interdisciplinary Experimental Research of the Babeş-Bolyai University in collaboration with the National Institute of Research and development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies and the Romanian Physical Society. Following the lines of the first conference organized in September 2004 in Cluj-Napoca, this second edition will bring together physicists, chemists and biologists

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Decada Fizicii Clujene in Anul Mondial al Fizicii 2005

O suita de manifestari stiintifice cuprinzand simpozioane, sesiune de comunicari stiintifice pe sectiuni, masa ratunda, concursuri, activitati organizate in ae liber (Festivalul Fizicii), menite sa atraga atentia publicul larg, tinerei generatii, asupra importantei fizicii in progresul tehnologic al societatii si totodata sa sensibilizeze factorii de decizie pentru ca FIZICA sa-si reia locul ce i se cuvine in cadrul educatiei tinerei generatii. Detalii

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Studii de interes pentru Interpol

One of our cited paper at the 13-th Interpol Forensic Science Symposium, Lyon, France, October 16-19 2001; See details at

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Mediul- Cercetare, protectie si gestiune

La Universitatea Babes-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca, a avut loc in 25-26 oct. 2002 simpozionul cu participare internationala "Mediul-Cercetare, protectie, gestiune", organizat de Facultatea de Biologie-Geologie, Facultatea de Stiinta Mediului si Gradina Botanica Jibou. Programul manifestarii a fost deschis cu salutul domnului Prof. Dr. Andrei MARGA, Rectorul Universitatii Babes-Bolyai, presedinte de onoare, urmat de prof. dr. Iustinian Petrescu, presedinte

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Workshop 28-29 May 2002, Cluj-Napoca

The aim of the meeting is to facilitate interdisciplinary discussions about the applicability of FT-IR, FT-Raman & micro-Raman techniques in different research topics of analytical science, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, environment. The main goal is the presentation of the ability, flexibility and advantages of performing applied research and interdisciplinary applications with the new acquired BRUKER apparatus FT-IR EQUINOX 55 SPECTROMETER

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FT-IR, FT-Raman & Micro-Raman Laboratory at Babes-Bolyai University

A new Vibrational Spectroscopy Laboratory was created at Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. The FT-IR Equinox 55 spectrometer has a Raman module Fra 106/S with a Nd YAG laser operating at 1064 nm. A fiber optic coupled Ramanscope II 560 assisted by video-camera allows performing vibrational spectroscopy under microscope. The flexibility of the setup can be applied in a wide range of applications (pure and applied physics, chemistry, biology, pharmaceuticals,

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Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy and theoretical studies on 1, 4 dihydrazinophthalazine sulfate

The two tautomeric forms of 1,4-dihydrazinophthalazine sulfate have been studied by means of density functional theory calculations. The computed structural parameters agree very well with the experimental values of the related crystal structure. The SERS spectrum of 1,4-dihydrazinophthalazine sulfate was then recorded at different solution concentrations and discussed on the basis of the SERS "surface selection rules" in conjunction with the results

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Raman and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy of tempyo spin labelled ovalbumin

Tempyo labelled ovalbumin at different pH values was prepared and investigated using Raman and SERS spectroscopy. Raman spectra of tempyo labelled ovalbumin in the pH range from 6.7 to 11 were compared to those of the corresponding free ovalbumin. In the basic pH range from 6.7 to 11 the molecular conformation was found to be unaffected by the tempyo presence. Adsorption versatility to the colloidal Ag particles of pure- and tempyo labelled ovalbumin

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The reaction of the neutral 1,3-diphenyltriazenide derivative PhNHNNPh with [(PPh3)2Cu(CH3COO)]2 leads to a mixture of different coordinated Cu(I) complexes (TPPC), in contrast to the homologue complexes containing bidentate triazenido ligands, [(PPh3)Cu(TolNNNTol)]2 and [(PPh3)2Cu(XC6H4NNNC6H4Y)], X=Y=Et, X=H, Y=Me. The SERS spectrum of the reaction product reveals the strong enhancement of the n(N=N) mode, characteristic to the monodentate ligand,

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