Scopul nostru este sprijinirea şi promovarea cercetării ştiinţifice şi facilitarea comunicării între cercetătorii români din întreaga lume.
Stimati Colegi, Revenim cu noi informatii referitoare la Conferinta Asociatiei Sociologice Romane (A.S.R.) care va avea loc la Cluj in perioada 7-8 mai 2004. Va transmitem cateva precizari importante legate de organizarea Conferintei A.S.R. 1. Tema conferintei este: Romania sociala. Drumul schimbarii si al integrarii europene. 2. Programul general: vineri 7 mai, dimineata: deschidere, sesiune plenara; vineri 7 mai, dupa masa si sambata 8 mai dimineata
Read moreA aparut "Vagabondage dans les Balkans. Une incursion subjective au pays des Aroumains" ( editions de l'Aube, Paris, 2003, 189 pagini, 14,50 euro), traducerea in limba franceza (datorata etnologului belgian Marianne Mesnil) a unei mici, dar pasionante carti despre Aromani in care se amesteca amintiri personale, istorie si etnologie. Autorul, Irina Nicolau, etnolog recent disparuta, evoca parcursul acestui "popor cameleon" care, dupa ce a stralucit
Read morePromovarea drepturilor femeilor Descriere Organizaţia "Global Fund for Women" oferă granturi organizaţiilor de femei a căror activitate se concentrează pe promovarea drepturilor femeilor. Solicitanţi eligibili Organizaţiile solicitante trebuie să dovedească un angajament clar în favoarea drepturilor femeilor, precum şi preocupare pentru modul în care se privesc şi sunt privite femeile în societate. Solicitanţii trebuie să fie organizaţii
Read moreThe Department of Psychology from Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania, organizes between: September 12-19 2003 a summer school on developmental psychology. Topics include several aspects of the development across the life span, mainly from an information processing perspective. Special guests: - prof. Linda Smith - Indiana University, USA - „The self-organizing nature of development: Examples from word learning". - prof. Michael Thomas
Read moreCERGE-EI, with financial support provided by the World Bank through the Global Development Network and additional funding provided by the Government of Austria for the South-East European region, announces a research competition in all fields of the social sciences. Proposals are invited from economists, demographers, political scientists, sociologists, and other social scientists. Projects in these areas will receive priority: I. Enterprise Development
Read moreUniversitatea "Babes-Bolyai" (UBB) din Cluj-Napoca a infiintat, in premiera nationala, un centru de consultanta psihologica. Purtatorul de cuvint al institutiei, Catalin Baba, a declarat, ieri, ca acest centru va lucra pentru identificarea si formularea strategiilor si a metodelor de optimizare a utilizarii potentialului uman din cadrul comunitatii academice, urmind sa se axeze pe consultanta si evaluare psihologica, orientare in cariera, psihoterapie
Read more>NEWS: FUNDING AVAILABLE - DEADLINE EXTENDED > >Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality in Psychology and Economics: >Special focus: Emotions as Foundations of Bounded Rationality >Max Planck Institute for Human Development >Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition >Berlin, Germany, August 13 - 21, 2002 > >we would like to draw your attention to the second Summer Institute on >Bounded Rationality in Psychology and Economics that will take place
Read moreA pre-doctoral research fellow is required for the project "Bridging the Accountability Gap in European Security and Defence Policy" (ESDP Democracy) for up to 24 months at the Institute of International Relations, Prague (IIR). The researcher will be one of several 'pre-' and four 'post-doc' researchers in ESDP Democracy. The researcher will share in the responsibility for IIR's link to the other partners, for the accession countries and civil-military
Read moreInformation about Summer School "Applied Social Studies" Albania 2002 The Summer School "Applied Social Studies" is an academic program for young university teachers and professionals. It offers three weeks course in the social sciences and humanities to encourage and promote regional academic cooperation and curriculum development by drawing together young faculty in lectures, seminars and workshops. Professors from European Universities lead the
Read moreCall for Papers: The Roma - A Minority in Europe The Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism and Racism at Tel Aviv University is holding an international conference, entitled "The Roma A Minority in Europe: Historical, Social and Cultural Perspectives", which will take place at Tel Aviv University from 1 to 3 December 2002. An advisory committee composed
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