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Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


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G. Carja, Yoshikazu Kameshima, G. Ciobanu, Kiyoshi Okada Oleate-LDH Hybrids by the Successive Use of the Clay Structural ”Memory Effect”. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, p.2880-2884, 2010.

G. Ciobanu, G. Carja Electrolyte removal by mixed matrix membranes based on polyurethane. Desalination, p.698-701, 2010.

Bogdan Tita, Adriana Fulias, Geza Bandur, Eleonora Marian, Dumitru Tita Compatibility study between ketoprofen and pharmaceutical excipients used in solid dosage forms. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, p.221-227, 2011.

TUNDE JURCA, ELEONORA MARIAN , LAURA VICAS, DANIELA GATEA Simultaneouss Determination of Metals in Hypericum Perforatum L. by ICP-OES. Revista de Chimie, p.1154-1156, 2011.

BOGDAN TITA, ADRIANA FULIAS, MIRCEA STEFÃNESCU, ELEONORA MARIAN, DUMITRU TITA Kinetic Study of Decomposition of Ibuprofen under Isothermal Conditions. Revista de Chimie, p.216-221, 2011.

BOGDAN TITA, ADRIANA FULIAS, MIRCEA STEFANESCU, ELEONORA MARIAN, DUMITRU TITA Kinetic Study of Sodium Diclofenac under Isothermal Conditions. Revista de Chimie, p.31-36, 2011.

ELEONORA MARIAN, TUNDE JURCA, LAURA VICAS, IREN KACSO, MARIA MICLAUS, IOAN BRATU Inclusion Compounds of Erythromycin with β-cyclodextrin. Revista de Chimie, p.1065-1068, 2011.

T. Jurca, E. Marian, M. Braun, L. Vicaș Metals determination by microwave digestion ICP-OES of some supplements. Revista de Chimie, p.139-141, 2011.

Babeanu C., Marinescu G., Badea E. Influence of some natural and synthetic growing factors on peroxidase system in leaves of greenhouse plants. J. Environ. Protection and Ecology, p.68-74, 2004.

Della Gatta G., Badea E., Saczuk M., Odlyha M., Larsen R. Sustainable preservation of historical parchments. Chimica e Industria , p.106-111, 2010.

Badea E., Della Gatta G., Budrugeac P. Characterisation and evaluation of the environmental impact on historical parchments by DSC. J. Thermal. Anal. Calorim., p.495-506, 2011.

Badea E., Della Gatta G., Józwiak M., Giancola C Hydration of Thiourea and Mono-, Di- and Tetra-N-Alkylthioureas at Infinite Dilution: A Thermodynamic Study at a Temperature of 298.15 K. J. Chem. Eng. Data, p.4778-4785, 2011.

Badea E., Della Gatta G., Usacheva T. Effects of Temperature and Relative Humidity on Fibrillar Collagen within Parchment: A Micro Differential Scanning Calorimetry Study. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2011.

Wei Liu, Sheba Johnson, Miodrag Micic, Jhony Orbulescu, Jeffrey Whyte, Andrew R. Garcia, and Roger M. Leblanc Study of the Aggregation of Human Insulin Langmuir Monolayer. Langmuir, 2012.

Madalina Dragoi, Adriana Samide, Anca Moanţã Discoloration of waters containing azo dye Congo Red by Fenton oxidation process. Estimation of activation parameters. Revista de Chimie (Bucureşti), p.1195-1198, 2011.

C.Flangea, E.Sisu, D.G. Seidler, A.D. Zamfir Analysis of oversulfation in biglycan chondroitin/dermatan sulfate oligosaccharides by chip-based nanoelectrospray ionization multistage mass spectrometry. Analytical Biochemistry, p.155-, 2012.

Augustin C. Mot, Sergei A. Syrbu, Sergei V. Makarov, Grigore Damian, Radu Silaghi-Dumitrescu Axial ligation in water-soluble copper porphyrinates: contrasts between EPR and UV–vis. Inorganic Chemistry Communications, p.1-3, 2012.

E. Angelescu, M. Che, M. Andruh, R. Zãvoianu, G. Costentin, C. Miricã, O.D. Pavel Ethylene selective dimerization on polymer complex catalyst of Ni(4,4′-bipyridine)Cl2 coactivated with AlCl(C2H5)2. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, p.13-19, 2004.

E. Angelescu, R. Ionescu, O.D. Pavel, R. Zãvoianu, R. Bîrjega, C.R. Luculescu, M. Florea, R. Olar Epoxidation of cyclohexene with O2 and isobutyraldehyde catalysed by cobalt modified hydrotalcites. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, p.178-186, 2010.

E. Angelescu, O.D. Pavel, R. Bîrjega, M. Florea, R. Zãvoianu The impact of the „memory effect” on the catalytic activity of Mg/Al; Mg,Zn/Al; Mg/Al,Ga hydrotalcite-like compounds used as catalysts for cycloxene epoxidation. Applied catalysis A:General, p.50-57, 2008.

R. Zãvoianu, C.R. Dias, A.P.V. Soares, M.F. Portela Oxidative dehydrogenation of i-butane over nanostructured silica-supported NiMoO4 catalysts with low content of active phase. Applied catalysis A:General, p.40-49, 2006.

E. Angelescu, O.D. Pavel, R. Bîrjega, R. Zãvoianu, G. Costentin, M. Che Solid base catalysts obtained from hydrotalcite precursors, for Knoevenagel synthesis of cinamic acid and coumarin derivatives. Applied catalysis A:General, p.13-18, 2006.

R. Zãvoianu, R. Bîrjega, O.D. Pavel, A. Cruceanu, M. Alifanti Hydrotalcite like compounds with low Mo-loading active catalysts for selective oxidation of cyclohexene with hydrogen peroxide. Applied catalysis A:General, p.211-220, 2005.

R. Zãvoianu, C.R. Dias, M.F. Portela Stabilisation of β-NiMoO4 in TiO2-supported catalysts. Catalysis Communications, p.37-42, 2001.

C.R. Dias, R. Zãvoianu, M.F. Portela oxydehydrogenation on SiO2-supported nickel molybdate catalysts: Effect of the active phase loading. Catalysis Communications, p.85-90, 2002.

R. Zãvoianu, C. Nenu, E. Angelescu Ni(2,2′-bipyridine)(2)Cl2 encapsulated in Y zeolite new catalyst for ethylene dimerization. Catalysis Communications, p.415-420, 2005.

R. Zãvoianu, A.P.V.S. Dias, O.D. Pavel, E. Angelescu, M.F. Portela 1-Octene metathesis on silica supported Zr-doped NiMoO4 catalysts. Catalysis Communications, p.321-327, 2005.

O.D. Pavel, R. Zãvoianu, R. Bîrjega, E. Angelescu The effect of ageing step elimination on the memory effect presented by Mg0.75Al0.25 hydrotalcites (HT) and their catalytic activity for cyanoethylation reaction. Catalysis Communications, p.845-850, 2011.

Luminita Mara, Stefan-Ovidiu Dima, Andrei Sarbu, Liliana Sarbu, Rodica Zãvoianu, Dragos Taloi, Fanica Bacalum, Obtaining of Clinoptilolitic Extrudates for Environmental Applications II. Statistical analysis of plasticizer and shear stress effects. REV. CHIM. (Bucharest), p.1102- 1106, 2011.

Vasile Gutsanu, Christina Schitco, Gabriela Lisa, Constantin Turta, Ultra dispersed particles of Fe(III) compounds in the strongly basic crosslinked ionic polymer- precursos for new sorbents and catalysts.. Materials Chemistry and Physics, p.253-261, 2011.

Toshihiro Yamase, Shun Kumagai, Petra V. Prokop, Eri Ishikawa, Adrian-Raul Tomsa {Mo96La8} Eggshell Ring and Self-Assembly to {Mo132} Keplerate through Mo-blue Intermediate, Involved in UV-Photolysis of [Mo7O24]6-/Carboxylic Acid System at pH 4. 2010.

Adrian-Raul Tomsa, José Martínez-Lillo, Yanling Li, Lise-Marie Chamoreau, Kamal Boubekeur, Fernanda Farias, Miguel A. Novak, Eduard Cremades, Eliseo Ruiz, Anna Proust, Michel Verdaguer, Pierre Gouzerh A new family of oxime-based hexa nuclear manganese(III) single molecule magnets with high anisotropy energy barriers. Chemical Communications, p.5106-5108, 2010.

Tamoghna Mitra, Pere Mir, Adrian-Raul Tomsa, Alice Merca, Hartmut Bögge, Josep Bonet Ávalos, Josep Maria Poblet, Carles Bo, Achim Müller Gated and Differently Functionalized (New) Porous Capsules Direct Encapsulates Structures: Higher and Lower Density Water. Chemistry a European Journal, p.1844-1852, 2009.

M. Bercea, M. Nichifor, J. Eckelt, B. A. Wolf Dextran-based polycations: Thermodynamic interaction with water as compared with unsubstituted dextran. 2. Flory-Huggins interaction parameter. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, p.1932-1940, 2011.

Muntean E., Tania Mihaiescu, Nicoleta Muntean, R.Mihaiescu Simultaneous ion chromatographic determination of anions and cations in surface waters from Fizes valley. Chem Listy, p.s441–, 2008.

Muntean E., V.Bercea, Nicoleta Muntean, N.Dragos Changes in carotenoid pattern in Mougeotia spp. algae induced by high light stress.. Chem.Listy, p.s441–, 2008.

Muntean, E Title: Simultaneous Carbohydrate Chromatography and Unsuppressed Ion Chromatography in Detecting Fruit Juices Adulteration. Chromatographia , p.S69-S74, 2010.

O. Ardelean, G. Blăniţă, M. Miheţ, I. Coldea, D. Lupu, P.Palade, Supported Pt and Pd catalysts for hydrogen adsorption in MOFs. Rev. Roum. Chim. , p.655-657, 2011.

G. Blanita, O. Ardelean, D. Lupu, G. Borodi, M. Mihet, M. Coros, M. Vlassa, I. Misan, I. Coldea, G. Popeneciu Microwave assisted synthesis of MOF-5 at atmospheric pressure. Rev. Roum. Chim. , p.583-588, 2011.

Ris5. M. V. Bogatian, G. Bogatian, A. Hirtopeanu, , C. Deleanu, A. Nicolescu, M. Maganu, P. Filip Reaction of pyrylim perchlores having long alkyl substituents with aminoacids”. Rev. Roum. Chim., 2011, 56 (4) , p. 325-333 , p.325, 2011.

Laszlo Tarko, Maria Maganu “The computed aromaticity of tetra-substituted cyclobutadiene ring in various complexes. ” Revista de Chimie, 2011, Nr 5, 62, p. 483, p.483, 2011.

Ris1. Denisa Ficai, Anton Ficai, Mihaela Alexie, Maria Maganu, Cornelia Guran, Ecaterina Andronescu Amino-functionalized Fe3O4/SiO2/APTMS nanoparticles with core-shell structure as potential materials for heavy metals removal. Revista de Chimie, 2011:62(6):622-625 (ISI2009 0.552);, p.:622-625, 2011.

Muresan, S.; Petrov, P.; Southan, C.; Kjellberg, M. J.; Kogej, T.; Tyrchan, C.; Varkonyi, P.; Xie, P. H. Making every SAR point count: the development of Chemistry Connect for the large-scale integration of structure and bioactivity data. Drug Discovery Today, p.1019-1030, 2011.

A. E. Segneanu, I. Balcu, N. Vlatanescu, Z. Urmosi, C. A. Macarie Corrosion Resistance. Corrosion Resistance, 2012.

A.E. Segneanu, I.Balcu, C. A. Macarie, R.O.Pop Combined Microwave-Acid Pretreatment of the Biomass. Progress in Biomass and Bioenergy Production, 2011.

C. Popescu, F. Fitigau, A. E. Segneanu, I. Balcu, R. Martagiu, C. G. Vaszilcsin Separation and characterization of anthocyanins by analytical and electrochemical methods. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, p.697-701, 2011.

Vaszilcsin, C.G., Segneanu, A.E, Balcu, I, Pop, R., Fitigau, F., Mirica, M.C. Eco-friendly extraction and separation methods of capsaicines. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, p.1139-1143, 2010.

Segneanu, A.E, Pop, R., Balcu, I, Macarie, C.A., Milea, M., Martagiu, R., Vaszilcsin, C.G. Green synthesis of symmetrical carbonate FT-IR study. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, p.1139-1143, 2010.

Segneanu, A.E, Milea, M., Simon, M., Csunderlik, C. Utilizarea N,N’-diftalimidilcarbonatului în sinteze de carbonaţi organici nesimetrici cu aplicaţii în sinteza peptidelor. Revista de Chimie, p.575, 2008.

Balcu, I., Segneanu, A.E., Mirica M.C., Iorga, M.I., Macarie, A.C., Martagiu, R. Microwaves effect over biomass hydrolysis. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania, p.741-746, 2009.