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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

Balcu, I., Segneanu, A.E., Mirica M.C., Iorga, M.I., Badea, C., Fitigau I. F., Iron oxides from electrofilter ash for water treatment (arsenic removal). Environmental Engineering and Management Journal "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania, p.895-900, 2009.

Balcu, I., Segneanu, A.E., Mirica M.C., Iorga, M.I., Macarie, A.C., Popa, I. Anticorrosive protection system based on nanocomposites. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania, p.765-769, 2009.

Mirica M.C., Iorga, M.I., Segneanu, A.E., Balcu, I., Buzatu, D., Vaszilcsin, C., Non-ferrous heavy metal metallurgy wastewater treatment by electro-floto-coagulation method. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania, p.889-893, 2009.

Segneanu, A.E, Balcu, I., Mirica M.C., Iorga, M.I., Milea M., Urmosi Z., Reactive carbonates with leaving group for biologically active dipeptides synthesis. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, p.797-801, 2009.

A.D. Zamfir, A.Serb, Z.VukeliC, C.Flangea, C.Schiopu,D.Marincic, S.Kalanj-Bognar, F.Capitan, E.Sisu Assessment of the Molecular Expression and Structure of Gangliosides in Brain Metastasis of Lung Adenocarcinoma by an Advanced Approach Based on Fully Automated Chip-Nanoelectrospray Mass Spectrometry. JASMS, p.2145-2159, 2011.

Alexandru C. Razus, Liviu Birzan, Mihaela Cristea, Eugenia, Andreea Dragu, Anamaria Hanganu Azulen-1-yl Diazenes Substituted at C-3 with Phenyl-Chalcogene Moieties: Dye Synthesis, Product Characterization and Properties. Monatshefte fur Chemie-Chemical Monthly, p.1271-82., 2011.

Marian Eleonora, Tinde Jurca, Laura Vicas, I Kacso, M. Miclaus, Ioan Bratu Compounds of Erythromycin with -cyclodextrin. Revista de chimie, p.1065-1068, 2011.

Tunde Jurca, Eleonora Marian, Laura Vicas, Daniela Gatea Simultaneous Determination of Metals in Hypericum Perforatum L. by ICP-OE. Revista de chimie, p.1154-1156, 2011.

R. Boscencu, R. Socoteanu, M. Ilie, R. Bandula, A. Sousa Oliveira, L. F. Vieira Ferreira Spectral Properties of Cooper (II) and Zinc (II) Complexes with Mesoporphyrinic Ligands in Micellar Media. Revista de Chimie , p.135-139 , 2010.


Bercea M., Darie R.N., Nita L.E, Morariu S Temperature responsive gels based on Pluronic F127 and poly(vinyl alcohol). Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, p.4199-4206, 2011.

Morariu S., Brunchi C.E., Hulubei C., Bercea M Influence of temperature on the rheological behavior of polymer mixtures in solution. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, p.9451-9455, 2011.

Sina COSMULESCU and Ion TRANDAFIR Seasonal variation of total phenols in leaves of walnut. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 23 September, 2011, p.pp. 4938-4, 2011.

E.C. Buruiana, T. Buruiana, M. Olaru Considerations in the development of new photoluminescence polyurethanes. Recent Research Developments in Applied Polymer Science, p.179-208 , 2009.

M. Damaceanu, R. Rusu, M. Olaru, M. Bruma Laser ablation of polyimide thin films. Semiconductor Conference (CAS), 2010 International, p.231 - 234, 2010.

M. D. Damaceanu, R.-D. Rusu, M. Olaru, I. Stoica, M. Bruma Nanostructured Polyimide Films by UV Excimer Laser Irradiation. ROMJIST, p.368–, 2010.

I. Bordianu, M. Olaru, C. Cotofana, L. Ursu Synthesis and characterization of a silsesquioxane nanocomposite with photoluminescence properties. JOAM, p.635 - 637, 2011.

B. Simionescu, M. Olaru, M. Aflori, F. Doroftei Micro-FTIR spectroscopy characterization of monumental stones protective coatings. E. J. Sci. Theol. , p.85-97, 2011.

M. Aflori, M. Drobota, M. Olaru, I. Stoica, G. Hitruc Laser ablation influence on untreated and chemical-treated poly(ethylene terephthalate) film surfaces. OAM-RC, p.821-816 , 2009.

B. Simionescu, M. Olaru Assessment of siloxane-based polymeric matrices as water repellent coatings for stone monuments. E. J. Sci. Theol. , p.59-67 , 2009.

B. Simionescu, M. Aflori, M. Olaru 5. Mineral composition and stone conservation of cultural heritage building materials studied by PXRD. Z. Kristallogr. Suppl. , p.471-476 , 2009.

Bogdana Simionescu, Magdalena Aflori, Mihaela Olaru Protective coatings based on silsesquioxane nanocomposite films. Constr. Build. Mater., p.3426-3430, 2009.

B. Simionescu, M. Olaru, M. Aflori, C. Cotofana Silsesquioxane-based hybrid nanocomposite with self-assembling properties for porous limestones conservation. High Perform. Polym., p.42-55, 2010.

M. Olaru, B. C. Simionescu, C. Cotofana, X. Patras Noncovalent immobilization of collagen on the surface of silanized hydroxyapatite. OAM-RC, p.726-729, 2008.

M. Olaru, T. Buruiana, N. Lupu, H. Chiriac Polymer composites with magnetostrictive properties. OAM-RC, p.224-228 , 2008.

E. C. Buruiana, M. Olaru, B. C. Simionescu Photochemical aspects in anthracene-containing cationic polyurethane. Eur. Polym. J., p.1359-1371, 2007.

E. C. Buruiana, M. Olaru, M. Strat, G. Strat, B. C. Simionescu Synthesis of polyurethane cationomers with anil groups: intramolecular proton transfer in salicylideneanil structures. Polym. Int., p.1296-1303, 2005.

E. C. Buruiana, M. Olaru, T. Buruiana, B. C. Simionescu Poly(ester-N-substituted urethane)s with carboxylate groups. Synthesis, characterization and solution properties. Rev. Roum. Chem., p.753-759 , 2004.

E. C. Buruiana, M. Olaru, B. C. Simionescu Photobase-generating new polyurethanes with oxime-urethane groups in the main chain. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., p.2324-2332 , 2004.

E. C. Buruiana, M. Olaru, B. C. Simionescu Synthesis and properties of some new polyazomethine-urethanes. Eur. Polym. J., p.1079-1086, 2002.

Alexandru C. Razus, Liviu Birzan, Mihaela Cristea, Victorita Tecuceanu, Cristian Enache Extended aromatic pi-electron conjugated dyes with three azo bonds and either. Dyes and Pigments, p.1166-76, 2012.

Alexandru, V.; Necula, R.; Ghita, G.; Gaspar, A.; Toma, A.; Tatia, R. & Gille, E. Evaluation of four traditional Romanian medicinal plants as wound healing agents. Planta Medica, p.1317, 2011.

Danila, D.; Necula, R.; Spac, A.; Tebrencu, C. & Gille, E. Phytochemical evaluation of some natural populations of Achillea, Hypericum and Thymus from Romanian Eastern Carpathians used in traditional medicine. Planta Medica, p.1207, 2010.

Danila, D.; Necula, R.; Hancianu, M.; Ghita, G.; Gille, E. & Stanescu, U. Contribution to the comparative studies of natural populations of Veronica from the Romanian Eastern Carpathians. Planta Medica, p.930-931, 2009.

Hemcinschi, A., Gille, E., Necula, R., Danila, D., Trifan, A., Stanescu, U. Chemical variability of some natural populations of Ajuga sp. from the north-eastern part of Romania. Planta Medica, p.931, 2009.

M. Dobromir, G. Biliuta, D. Luca, M. Aflori, V. Harabagiu, S. Coseri XPS study of the ion-exchange capacity of native and surface oxidized viscose fibers. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 381, 106-110, 2011.

Huang ZL; Bensch W; Benea D; Ebert H Anion substitution effects on structure and magnetism in the chromium chalcogenide Cr(5)Te(8) – Part I: Cluster glass behavior in trigonal Cr((1-x)) Q(2) with basic cell (Q = Te, Se; Te : Se=7 : 1). JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY , p.3245, 2004.

Huang ZL; Bensch W; Benea D; Minar J; Perlov A; Ebert H Preparation, crystal structure, properties, and electronic band structure of TlTaSe3. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION B-A JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL SCIENCES, p.858-866, 2005.

Huang ZL; Bensch W; Benea D; Ebert H Crystal structures, unusual magnetic properties and electronic band structures of Cr5-xTIxTe(8). JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY, p.2778, 2005.

Ciolacu, D.; Ciolacu, F.; Popa, Valentin I. Supramolecular Structure – A Key Parameter for Cellulose Biodegradation. Macromol. Symp., p.136-, 2008.

Olaru, N.; Ciolacu, D.; Tampu, D.; Olaru, L. Structural modifications of cellulose in heterogeneous acetylation process. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, p.3917-3920, 2007.

Oprea, Ana-Maria; Ciolacu, Diana; Neamtu, Andrei; Mungiu, Ostin C.; Stoica, Bogdan; Vasile, Cornelia Cellulose/chondroitin sulfate hydrogels: synthesis, drug loading/release properties and biocompatibility. CELLULOSE CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY, p.369-378, 2010.

Petreus, Oana; Cazacu, Georgeta; Necula, Adina Maria; Ciolacu, Diana Synthesis and characterization of phosphorus-containing lignin-epoxy resins. CELLULOSE CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY, p.569-576, 2008.

Raschip, Irina Elena; Vasile, Cornelia; Ciolacu, Diana; Cazacu, Georgeta Semi-interpenetrating polymer networks containing polysaccharides. I xanthan/lignin networks. HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYMERS, p.603-620, 2007.

Cazacu, G.; Totolin, M.; Constantinescu, G.; Ciolacu, D. Natural polymer modification under radio-frequency electrical discharge conditions. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, p.970-974, 2007.

Ciolacu, D. On the supramolecular structure of cellulose allomorphs after enzymatic degradation. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, p.1033-1037, 2007.

Ciolacu, D.; Cazacu, M. Synthesis of new hydrogels based on xanthan and cellulose allomorphs. CELLULOSE CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY, p.163-169, 2011.

Ciolacu, Diana; Ciolacu, Florin; Popa, Valentin I. Amorphous cellulose – Structure and characterization. CELLULOSE CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY, p.13-21, 2011.

Ciolacu, D; Popa, VI The correlation between the reactivity and the supramolecular structure of allomorphs of cellulose. Revue Roumaine de Chimie, p.361-366, 2007.

Ciolacu, Diana; Ciolacu, Florin; Dumitriu, Raluca; Vasile, Cornelia; Popa, V. I. Kinetics aspects in the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose allomorphs. CELLULOSE CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY, p.37-42, 2007.