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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

T. Buruiana, V. Melinte, E. C. Buruiana, M. Moldovan, C. Prejmerean Considerations in the development of novel functional monomers for dental resin composite. IFMBE Proceedings, p.2273-2274, 2009.

M. Alexandru, M. Cazacu, S. Vlad, F. Iacomi Polydimethylsiloxane-silica composites. Influence of the silica on the morphology and the surface, thermal, mechanical properties. High Performance Polymers, p.379-392, 2009.

S. Oprea Effect of composition and hard-segment content on thermomechanical properties of crosslinked polyurethane copolymers. High Performance Polymers, p.353-370, 2009.

C. Gaina, V.Gaina Synthesis and characterization of novel organotin carboxylate maleimide monomers and polymers. eXPRESS Polymer Letters, p.352-358, 2009.

G. G. Bumbu, B. S. Munteanu, J. Eckelt, C. Vasile Influence of the composition of hydroxypropyl cellulose/maleic acid-alt-styrene copolymer blends on their properties as matrix for drug release. eXPRESS Polymer Letters, p.286-294, 2009.

E. S. Dragan, M. V. Dinu, G. Lisa, A. W. Trochimczuk Study on metal complexes of chelating resins bearing iminodiacetate groups. European Polymer Journal , p.2119-2130, 2009.

S. Oprea, V. Oprea Synthesis and properties of polyetherurethane urea amide acrylates. Designed Monomers and Polymers, p. 433-444, 2009.

Nita L., Chiriac A., Neamtu I., Bercea M., Pintilie M An analysis of complexation between poly(aspartic acid) and poly(ethylene glycol). Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, p.254-262, 2009.

Chiriac A.P., Nita L.E., Neamtu I., Bercea M Contribution to polymer nanoparticles analysis by laser light scattering. Polymer Testing, p.886-889, 2009.

Neamtu I., Nita L.E., Bercea M., Chiriac A.P Influence of the Initiation System on the Rheological Behaviour of Chemically Crosslinked Hydrogels. Polimery, p.21-26 , 2009.

E. S. Dragan, I. A. Dinu, M. Mihai Conformational changes of strong polycations in the presence of divalent counterions and their influence upon the flocculation efficiency. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, , p.282-288, 2009.

C. Racles, M. Cazacu, G. Hitruc, T. Hamaide On the feasibility of chemical reactions in the presence of siloxane-based surfactants. Colloid & Polymer Science, , p.461-470, 2009.

C. M. Popescu, G. Singurel, M. C. Popescu, C. Vasile, S. D. Argyropoulos, S. Willfor Vibrational spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction methods to establish the differences between hardwood and softwood. Carbohydrate Polymers, , p.851-857, 2009.

R. Bodirlau, C. A. Teaca, I. Spiridon Preparation and characterization of composites comprising modified hardwood and wood polymers/poly(vinyl chloride). Bioresources,, p. 1285-1304, 2009.

Mihaela Mihai, Dumitru Turtoi, Raluca Isopescu, Carmencita Mateescu, Irinela Chilibon, Calcium Carbonate Synthesis in Ultrasonic Field. Rev. Chim., p.626-631, 2009.

M. Mihai, D. Turtoi, R. Isopescu, C. Mateescu, I. Chilibon Obtinerea carbonatului de calciu în câmp ultrasonic. Chemisty Magazine, p.626-631, 2009.

Liviu Al.Marghitas,Oltica Stanciu,Daniel Dezmirean, Stefan Bogdanov,Maria Graca Campos In vitro antioxidant capacity of honeybee-collected pollen of selected floral origin harvested from Romania. Food Chemistry, p.878-883, 2009.

Brunchi, C.E., Bercea, M., Morariu, S. Viscometric and rheological study of polyacrylonitrile solutions. e-Polymers , p.1-10, 2009.

Ghimici, L., Morariu, S., Nichifor, M. Separation of clay suspension by ionic dextran derivatives. Separation and Purification Technology , p.165-171, 2009.

Morariu, S., Eckelt, J., Wolf, B.A. Fractionation of Poly(vinyl methyl ether): Comparison of Two Large-Scale Fractionation Techniques. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. , p.6943-6948, 2009.

Silvia Patachia, Georgeta Moise, Hulusi Ozkul, Ozgur Ekincioglu, Catalin Croitoru Ecological polymer used for macro-defect-free cements (MDF) production. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal , p.679-685, 2009.

Silvia Patachia, Catalin Croitoru, Georgeta Moise Molecularly imprinted poly (vinyl alcohol) films for the selective absorption of glycyrrhizinic acid from aqueous solutions. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal , p.663-669, 2009.

Anna Fermvik, Christian Ekberg, Teodora Retegan, Gunnar Skarnemark Radiolysis and Ageing of C2-BTP in Cinnamaldehyde/Hexanol Mixtures. MRS Conference, 2006.

Anna Fermvik * | Christian Ekberg 1 | Sofie Englund 2 | M. R. S. J. Foreman 3 | G. Modolo 4 | Teodora Retegan 5 | Gunnar Skarnemark 6 Influence of dose rate on the radiolytic stability of a BTBP solvent for actinide(III)/lanthanide(III) separation. Radiochimica Acta, p.319-324, 2009.

Christian Ekberg | Anna Fermvik | Teodora Retegan | Gunnar Skarnemark | M. R. S. Foreman | M. J. Hudson | Sofie Englund | Mikael Nilsson An overview and historic look back at solvent extraction using nitrogen donor ligands to extract and separate An(III) from Ln(III). Radiochimica Acta, 2008.

C., Ekberg, I., Dubois; A., Fermvik, T., Retegan, G., Skarnemark, M.G.B, Drew, M., Foreman, M.J., Hudson Extraction behaviour of nickel(II) using some of the BTBP-class ligands. Solvent Extraction and Ion exchange, p.603-617, 2007.

T., Retegan, L., Berthon, C., Ekberg, A., Fermvik, G., Skarnemark, N., Zorz Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (ESI-MS) investigation of BTBP-lanthanides(III) and actinides(III) complexes. Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange, 2009.

t., Retegan, C., Ekberg, A., Fermvik, M.R.S., Foreman, G., Skarnemark A comparative study of some BTP and BTBP class extractants. Proceedings of International Solvent extraction Conference ISEC 2008, 2008.

T., Retegan, C., Ekberg, S., Englund, M.R.S., Foreman, G., Skarnemark The behaviour of organic solvents containing C5-BTBP and CyMe4-BTBP at low irradiation doses. Radiochimica Acta, p.637-642, 2007.

T. Retegan, C., Ekberg, I., Dubois; A., Fermvik, T., Johnsson Wass, G., Skarnemark Extraction of actinides with different 6,6′-bis(5,6-dialkyl-[1,2,4]-triazin-3-yl)-bipyridines (BTBPs). Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange, 2007.

T. Retegan, C. Ekbberg, A., Fermvik, G.,Skarnemark The Effect of diluents on extraction of actinides and lanthanides. Scientific basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXX, 2006.

Bogdan Dragnea Unnatural Life. Nature Materials, p.102-104, 2008.

Ryan T. Kelly, Jason S. Page, Ioan Marginean, Keqi Tang, Richard D. Smith Dilution-free analysis from picoliter droplets by nano-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, p.6832-6835, 2009.

Teodora Retegan Investigations of Solvent Systems Based on bis-triazine-bipyridine (BTBP) – class Ligands for the Separation of Actinides from Lanthanides. 2009.

Özbolat, E. Ionescu, S. Schneider, G. von Frantzius, M. Nieger, P. G. Jones, R. Streubel Attempted Synthesis of 1-Aza-3 3-phospha-1-allenide Complexes: Structure and Reactions of an Unusual Phosphanide Complex. Organometallics, p.4021, 2007.

Alexandru C. Razus, Liviu Birzan, Liliana Cristian, Victorita Tecuceanu Synthsis and properties of azulene-containing dioxane. Arkivoc, p.31-44, 2009.

C. Zarcula, R. Croitoru, L. Corîci, C. Csunderlik, F. Peter Improvement of lipase catalytic properties by immobilization in hybrid matrices. Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, p.179-184, 2009.

C. Van Dijk, C. Boeriu, F. Peter, T. Stolle-Smits, L.M.M. Tijskens The firmness of stored tomatoes (cv. Tradiro). 1. Kinetic and near infrared models to describe firmness and moisture loss. J. Food. Eng., p.575-584, 2006.

F. Peter, L. Poppe, C. Kiss, E. Szocs-Biro, G. Preda, C. Zarcula, A. Olteanu Influence of precursors and additives on microbial lipases stabilized by sol-gel entrapment. Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, p.251-260, 2005.

E. Scott, F. Peter, J. Sanders Biomass in the Manufacture of Industrial Products – The Use of Proteins and Amino Acids. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., p.751-762, 2007.

Christopher Southan, Peter Varkonyi and Sorel Muresan Quantitative assessment of the expanding complementarity between public and commercial databases of bioactive compounds. J. Cheminformatics, 2009.

Danut Ionel Vaireanu, Anca Cojocaru, Ioana Maior, Simona Caprarescu, Alexandra Ionescu, Valentin Radu Considerations on Reducing the Experimental Duration of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Measurements used for the Evaluation of Ionic Conductivity in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Electrolysers and Fuel Cells. Key Engineering Materials , p.61-64, 2009.

Simona Caprarescu, Danut-Ionel Vaireanu, Anca Cojocaru, Ioana Maior, Andrei Sarbu Removal of Copper Ions from Electroplating Wastewater by Ion-exchange Membranes. Rev. Chimie, p.673-677 , 2009.

Danut-Ionel Vaireanu 10 reasons to intensify the corrosion research during a period of crisis. Corrosion and Anticorrosive Protection, p.5-7, 2009.

S. Coseri, G. Nistor, L. Fras, S. Strnad, V. Harabagiu and B. C. Simionescu Mild and Selective Oxidation of Cellulose Fibers in the Presence of N-Hydroxyphthalimide. Biomacromolecules, 2009.

D. Scuderi, C. F. Correia, O. P. Balaj, G. Ohanessian, J. Lemaire, and P. Maitre Structural characterization by IRMPD Spectroscopy and DFT calculations of Deprotonated Phosphorylated Amino Acids in Gas Phase. ChemPhysChem, p.1630-1641, 2009.

Irina Dumitriu, Radu - Claudiu Fierascu, Ioana Raluca Bunghez, Rodica - Mariana Ion Application of ICP-AES for water quality control. environmental engineering and management journal, p.143-152, 2009.

Fierascu Radu – Claudiu, Ion Rodica – Mariana and Dumitriu Irina Advanced new materials with various applications. Proc. SPIE, , p.72970H, 2009.

Rodica - Mariana Ion, R.C. Fierascu and Irina Dumitriu Photonic metallic nanostructures in photodynamic therapy. Proc. SPIE, , p.729723, 2009.

Rodica-Mariana Ion, Mihaela-Lucia Ion, Radu Claudiu Fierascu, Sever Serban, Irina Dumitriu, Constantin Radovici, Ionel Bauman, Stelian Cosulet, Valentin Ioan Remus Niculescu THERMAL ANALYSIS OF ROMANIAN ANCIENT CERAMICS.. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,, 2009.