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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

L. Marin, H. Power, R.W. Bowtell, C. Cobos Sanchez, A.A. Becker, P. Glover, I.A. Jones Boundary element method for an inverse problem in magnetic resonance imaging gradient coils. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, p.149-174, 2008.

L. Marin, D. Lesnic The method of fundamental solutions for nonlinear functionally graded materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures, p.6878-6890, 2007.

L. Comino, L. Marin, R. Gallego An alternating iterative algorithm for the Cauchy problem in anisotropic elasticity. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, p.667-682, 2007.

B. Jin, L. Marin The method of fundamental solutions for inverse source problems associated with steady-state heat conduction. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, p.1570-1589, 2007.

T. Johansson, L. Marin A procedure for the temperature reconstruction in corner domains from Cauchy data. Inverse Problems, p.357-372, 2007.

L. Marin, L. Elliott, P.J. Heggs, D.B. Ingham, D. Lesnic, X. Wen Parameter identification in Helmholtz-type equations with a variable coefficient using a regularized DRBEM. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, p.837-858, 2006.

L. Marin Numerical boundary identification for Helmholtz-type equations. Computational Mechanics, p.25-40, 2006.

L. Marin, L. Elliott, P.J. Heggs, D.B. Ingham, D. Lesnic, X. Wen Dual reciprocity boundary element method solution of the Cauchy problem for Helmholtz-type equations with variable coefficients. Journal of Sound and Vibration, p.89-105, 2006.

B. Jin, Y. Zheng, L. Marin The method of fundamental solutions for inverse boundary value problems associated with the steady-state heat conduction in anisotropic media. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, p.1865-1891, 2006.

L. Marin, D. Lesnic The method of fundamental solutions for inverse boundary value problems associated with the two-dimensional biharmonic equation. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, p.261-278, 2005.

L. Marin Numerical solution of the Cauchy problem for steady-state heat transfer in two-dimensional functionally graded materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures, p.4338-4351, 2005.

L. Marin A meshless method for solving the Cauchy problem in three-dimensional elastostatics. Computers & Mathematics With Applications, p.73-92, 2005.

L. Marin Detection of cavities in Helmholtz-type equations using the boundary element method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, p.4006-4023, 2005.

L. Marin, L. Elliott, P.J. Heggs, D.B. Ingham, D. Lesnic, X. Wen Two-dimensional thermal analysis of a polygonal fin with two tubes on a square pitch. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer , p.3018-3033, 2005.

L. Marin A meshless method for the numerical solution of the Cauchy problem associated with three-dimensional Helmholtz-type equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation, p.355-374, 2005.

L. Marin, D. Lesnic Boundary element-Landweber method for the Cauchy problem in linear elasticity. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, p.323-340, 2005.

L. Marin, D. Lesnic The method of fundamental solutions for the Cauchy problem associated with two-dimensional Helmholtz-type equations. Computers & Structures, p.267-278, 2005.

L. Marin, D. Lesnic, V. Mantic Treatment of singularities in Helmholtz-type equations using the boundary element method. Journal of Sound and Vibration, p.39-62, 2004.

L. Marin, L. Elliott, P.J. Heggs, D.B. Ingham, D. Lesnic, X. Wen BEM solution for the Cauchy problem associated with Helmholtz-type equations by the Landweber method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, p.1025-1034, 2004.

L. Marin, L. Elliott, P.J. Heggs, D.B. Ingham, D. Lesnic, X. Wen Comparison of regularization methods for solving the Cauchy problem associated with the Helmholtz equation. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, p.1933-1947, 2004.

L. Marin, D. Lesnic The method of fundamental solutions for the Cauchy problem in two-dimensional linear elasticity. International Journal of Solids and Structures, p.3425-3438, 2004.

L. Marin, L. Elliott, D.B. Ingham, D. Lesnic The boundary element method for the numerical recovery of a circular inhomogeneity in an elliptic equation. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, p.413-419, 2004.

L. Marin, L. Elliott, D.B. Ingham, D. Lesnic Parameter identification in isotropic linear elasticity using the boundary element method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, p.221-233, 2004.

L. Marin, L. Elliott, P.J. Heggs, D.B. Ingham, D. Lesnic, X. Wen Conjugate gradient-boundary element solution to the Cauchy problem for Helmholtz-type equations. Computational Mechanics, p.367-377, 2003.

L. Marin, L. Elliott, D.B. Ingham, D. Lesnic Identification of material properties and cavities in two-dimensional linear elasticity. Computational Mechanics, p.293-300, 2003.

L. Marin, D. Lesnic BEM first-order regularisation method in linear elasticity for boundary identification. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, p.2059-2071, 2003.

L. Marin, L. Elliott, P.J. Heggs, D.B. Ingham, D. Lesnic, X. Wen An alternating iterative algorithm for the Cauchy problem associated to the Helmholtz equation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, p.709-722, 2003.

L. Marin, L. Elliott, D.B. Ingham, D. Lesnic Boundary element regularisation methods for solving the Cauchy problem in linear elasticity. Inverse Problems in Engineering, p.335-357, 2002.

L. Marin, L. Elliott, D.B. Ingham, D. Lesnic An iterative boundary element algorithm for a singular Cauchy problem in linear elasticity. Computational Mechanics, p.479-488, 2002.

L. Marin, D. Lesnic Boundary element solution for the Cauchy problem in linear elasticity using singular value decomposition. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, p.3257-3270, 2002.

L. Marin, D. Lesnic Regularized boundary element solution for an inverse boundary value problem in linear elasticity. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering , p.817-825, 2002.

L. Marin, D.N. Hào, D. Lesnic Conjugate gradient-boundary element method for the Cauchy problem in elasticity. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, p.227-247, 2002.

L. Marin, L. Elliott, D.B. Ingham, D. Lesnic Boundary element method for the Cauchy problem in linear elasticity. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, p.783-793, 2001.

Ágoston Róth, Imre Juhász Constrained surface interpolation by means of a genetic algorithm. Computer-Aided Design, p.1194–1210, 2011.

Eufrosina Otlacan About the Mathematical Expression of the Observation Operators,. KIBERNETES, , p.1058 ̵, 2000.

S. Codreanu and Marius-F. Danca Control of chaos in a nonlinear prey-predator model. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, p.21-24, 1997.

Marius-F. Danca On a class of discontinuous dynamical system. Miskolc Mathematical Notes, p.103-116, 2001.

Marius-F. Danca, M. Romera, G. Pastor, and F. Montoya Finding Attractors of Continuous-Time Systems by Parameter Switching. Nonlinear Dynamics, p.2317–2342, 2011.

Gabriel Bercu, Claudiu Corcodel and Mihai Postolache Iterative geometric structures. Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys., p.1103-1114, 2010.

T.S. Ratiu, R. Tudoran, L. Sbano, E. Sousa Dias, G. Terra Chapter II: A Crash Course in Geometric Mechanics. Geometric Mechanics and Symmetry: the Peyresq Lectures , p.23-156, 2005.

D. Rosca Uniform and refinable grids on elliptic domains and on some surfaces of revolution. Appl. Math. Comput., p.7812-7817, 2011.

Agarwal, RP; Mustafa, OG; Popescu, L, On the positive solutions of certain semi-linear elliptic equations.. BULLETIN OF THE BELGIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY-SIMON STEVIN, , p.49-57, 2009.

Popescu, Liviu Metric nonlinear connection on Lie algebroids. Balkan Journal of Geometry and its Applications, p.111-121, 2011.

M. Puta, R. Tudoran Controlability, stability and the n-dimensional Toda lattice. Bulletin Des Sciences Mathematiques , p.241-247, 2002.

P. Birtea, M. Puta, T.S. Ratiu, R. Tudoran A short proof of chaos in an atmospheric system. Physics Letters A, p.189-191, 2002.

P. Birtea, M. Puta, T.S. Ratiu, R. Tudoran Symmetry breaking for toral actions in simple mechanical systems. Journal of Differential Equations , p.282-323, 2005.

A. Aron, P. Birtea, M. Puta, P. Susoi, R. Tudoran Stability, periodic solutions and numerical integration in the Kowalevski top dynamics. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics , p.1323-1330, 2006.

P. Birtea, M. Puta, T.S. Ratiu, R.M. Tudoran On the symmetry breaking phenomenon. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics , p.697-718, 2006.

M. Puta, R. Tudoran, R.M. Tudoran, M. Boleantu Some remarks on the Herrera-Hojman system. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics , p.919-925, 2007.

P. Birtea, M. Puta, R.M. Tudoran Some remarks on the dynamics of the underwater vehicle. Bulletin Des Sciences Mathematiques , p.601-612, 2007.