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Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

Patrick Imam and Camelia Minoiu The Equilibrium Exchange Rate of Mauritius: Evidence from Two Structural Models. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade , 2011.

V. Pop, D. Rosca Generalized piecewise constant orthogonal wavelet bases on 2D-domains. Applicable Analysis, p.715-723, 2011.

D. Munteanu, C. Gabor, D.G. Constantin, B. Varga, R. Adochite, O.C. Andrei, J.M. Chappe, L. Cunha, C. Moura, F. Vaz Friction and wear behaviours of Ti(C,O,N) dark decorative coatings. Tribology International, p.820-828, 2011.

Octavian Pastravanu, Mihaela-Hanako Matcovschi Linear Time-Variant Systems: Lyapunov Functions and Invariant Sets Defined by Holder norms. Journal of the Franklin Institute, p.627-640, 2010.

Octavian Pastravanu, Mihaela-Hanako Matcovschi Diagonal stability of interval matrices and applications. Linear Algebra and its Applications, p.1646-1658, 2010.

Pagani, M., D. Monelli, H. Crowley, L. Danciu, E. H. Field, S. Wiemer, D. Giardini GEM1 Hazard: Description of input models, calculation engine and main results, GEM Technical Report 03. GEM Foundation, Pavia, Italy.. 2010.

L. Danciu, D. Monelli, M. Pagani, and S. Wiemer GEM1 Hazard: Review of PSHA software, GEM Foundation, Pavia, Italy.. GEM Technical Report, no 02, 2010.

Lucian Drãguţ, Clemens Eisank, Thomas Strasser Local variance for multi-scale analysis in geomorphometry. Geomorphology, p.162-172, 2011.

Andries, AM; Cocris, V A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE EFFICIENCY OF ROMANIAN BANKS. Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, p.54-75 , 2010.

[3] Mihai Alin POP, Alexandru CONSTANTINESCU Utilisation of conposites for shell-type patterns manufacturing.. Metalurgia International, p.40-43, 2008.

Bencze, L. C., Paizs, C., Tosa, M. I., Irimie, F. D., Rétey, J. Chemoenzymatic synthesis of both (R)- and (S)-aryl-1,2-ethanediols. ChemCatChem, p.343, 2011.

Milosan Ioan Study and Researches about the Microhardness’s variation of a Special S.G. Cast Iron. Materials Science Forum, p.1233-1236, 2010.

F. Sirbu, O. Iulian, O. Ciocirlan, C. Stoicescu Predictive and correlative methods for activity of aqueous mixed electrolyte systems. Applications to some practical systems. “Ovidius” University Annals of Chemistry, Constanta, p.253-256, 2005.

O. Iulian, F Sirbu Prediction of the volumetric properties for aqueous NaCl-KBr and NaCl-CaCl2 mixtures. Revue Roumaine Chimie, p.1027-1034, 2005.

F. Sirbu, O. Iulian si C. Stoicescu Calculul Predictiv al Densitatii si Volumului Molar Aparent In Sistemele Mixte De Electroliti H2O – NaCl – KCl si H2O – KCl – CaCl2. Revista de Chimie (Bucuresti), p.729-732, 2007.

C. Stoicescu, O, Iulian, F, Sirbu Equilibrium experimental data in ternary system containing water + 1-propanol+ 1-butanol, 1-pentanol or 1-hexanol. Revue Roumaine Chimie, p.363–367, 2008.

C. Stoicescu, O. Iulian, F. Sirbu Liquid + liquid equilibrium data for the ternary mixtures of 1- propanol + water with 1-butanol, 1-hexanol, 1-octanol, or 1-decanol at 294.15 K. Revue Roumaine Chimie, p.1125–1129, 2008.

O. Iulian, F. Sirbu, C. Stoicescu Density and apparent molar volume prediction in some ternary electrolyte solutions. Revue Roumaine Chimie, p.1125–1129, 2008.

Florinela SIRBU and Olga IULIAN The mixing effect of glycine with sodium chloride from activity coefficients investigations at T = (303.15 and 313.15) K. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials , p.1200–1205, 2010.

Florinela Sirbu and Olga Iulian Activity Coefficients from Cell Potential Measurements in the NaCl + Glycine +Water Ternary System at (298.2, 308.2, and 318.2) K. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, p.3853-3858, 2010.

Gabriel Cornilescu, Andrew T. Ulijasz, Claudia C. Cornilescu, John L. Markley, and Richard D. Vierstra SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF A CYANOBACTERIAL PHYTOCHROME GAF DOMAIN IN THE RED LIGHT-ABSORBING GROUND STATE. J Mol Biol. , p.403-413, 2008.

Cornilescu, G., Ulijasz A.T., Cornilescu, C.C., Zhang, J., Rivera, M., Markley, J.L., Vierstra, R.D. Structural basis for the photoconversion of a phytochrome to the activated Pfr form. Nature, p.250-254, 2010.

Munday D., Mihaescu M., Gutmark, E.J. Experimental and Numerical Study of Jets from Elliptic Nozzles with Conic Plug. AIAA Journal - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, p.554-564, 2011.

1. Hretcanu, Cristina-Elena; Crasmareanu, Mircea Applications of the Golden Ratio on Riemannian Manifolds.. TURKISH JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, p.179-191, 2009.

Alexandru C. Razus, Simona Nica, Liliana Cristian, Matei Raicopol, Liviu Birzan, Andreea Eugenia Dragu Synthesis and physico-chemical properties of highly conjugated azo-aromatic systems. 4-(azulen-1-yl)-pyridines with mono- and bis azo-aromatic moieties at C3-position of azulene. Dyes & Pigments, p.55-61, 2011.

Alexandru C. Razus, Eugenia Andreea Dragu, Simona Nica, Alina Nicolescu Reductive coupling of (azulen-1-yl)carbonyl compounds by low-valent titanium; pinacol/pinacolone rearrangement versus pinacol and alkene generation. Tetrahedron Lett., p.1858-1862, 2011.

Alexandru C. Razus, Liviu Birzan, Victorita Tecuceanu, Simona Nica , Cristian Enache Fragmentation of Azulen-1-yl Diazenes and bis-diazenes in Mass Spectrometer. Rev. Chim., p.55-57, 2010.

Cornelia Uncuta, Simona Ion, Dragos Gherase, Emeric Bartha, Florina Teodorescu, Petru Filip Absolute Configurational Assignment in Chiral Compounds through Vibrational Circular Dichroism (VCD) Spectroscopy. Rev. Chim., p.86-98, 2009.

Alexandru C. Razus; Simona Nica; Eugenia Andreea Dragu Pyranylium Salts as Synthones in the Synthesis of Substituted Benzenes. Synth. Commun., p.3166-3183, 2009.

Alexandru C. Razus, Claudia Pavel, Oana Lehadus, Simona Nica, Liviu Birzan Synthesis and properties of [1,60]biazulenyl compounds. Tetrahedron, p.1792-1797, 2008.

Simona Nica, Axel Buchholz, Manfred Rudolph, Annika Schweitzer, Maria Wächtler, Hergen Breitzke, Gerd Buntkowsky, Winfried Plass Mixed-Ligand Oxidovanadium(V) Complexes with N′-Salicylidenehydrazides: Synthesis, Structure, and 51V Solid-State MAS NMR Investigation. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., p.2350-2359, 2008.

Winfried Plass, Masroor Bangesh, Simona Nica, and Axel Buchholz Model Studies of Vanadium Dependent Haloperoxidation: Structural and Functional Lessons. ACS Symposium 974: Vanadium: The Versatile Metal, p.163-177, 2007.

Simona Nica, Axel Buchholz, Helmar Görls and Winfried Plass Methoxyoxobis(quinolin-8-olato-[kappa]2N,O)vanadium(V). Acta Cryst. E, p.m1450-m145, 2007.

Simona Nica, Manfred Rudolph, Helmar Goerls, Winfried Plass Structural characterization and electrochemical behavior of oxovanadium(V) complexes with N-salicylidene hydrazides. Inorg. Chim. Acta, p.1743-1752, 2007.

Simona Nica, Axel Pohlmann, Winfried Plass Vanadium(V) Oxoperoxo Complexes with Side Chain SubstitutedN-Salicylidenehydrazides: Modeling Supramolecular Interactions inVanadium Haloperoxidases. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., p.2032-2036, 2005.

Axel Pohlmann, Simona Nica, T. Kim K. Luong and Winfried Plass Dioxovanadium(v) complexes with side chain substituted N-salicylidenehydrazides modelling supramolecular interactions in vanadium haloperoxidases. Inorg. Chem. Comm., p.289-292, 2005.

Machedon Pisu T., Machedon Pisu E.,Bigioi O.L., Researches regarding the welding of 15NiMn6 steel used for spherical tanks. Metalurgia International , 2009.

9. Machedon Pisu T., Machedon Pisu E.,Bigioi O.L., Researches regarding the welding of 15NiMn6 steel used for spherical tanks. Metalurgia International , 2009.

Bigioi O.L., Iovanas R., Machedon Pisu T., Welding the rubberized equipment in the chlorine industry. Metalurgia International , 2009.

Machedon Pisu E., Machedon Pisu T. Researches regarding the friction welding of some benchmarks from the nuclear industry. Metalurgia International , 2009.

Oláh, A. Machedon Pisu T Research about wearing resistance of nitrocarburizing layers and deformation of structures after wearing. Metalurgia International, 2009.

Machedon Pisu T, Craciun s Research regardingthe effect of manganese/sulphur ratio in the weld metal deposit on slag detachability for austenitic stainless steel electrode. Metalurgia International , p.25 - 28, 2008.



Olah, Arthur Research regarding the influence of laser beat treatment upon nitrocarburated diffusion layers.. METALURGIA INTERNATIONAL, p.43-47, 2008.

Adriana Georgescu, Felicia Antohe. Editor From Vascular Cell Biology to Cardiovascular Medicine. ISBN - 978-81-7895-503-2, 2011.

Nicoleta Alexandru, Doina Popov, Emanuel Dragan, Eugen Andrei, Adriana Georgescu Platelet activation in hypertension associated with hypercholesterolemia; effects of irbersartan. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, p.173-184, 2011.

Adriana Georgescu, Doina Popov, Anamaria Constantin, Miruna Nemecz, Nicoleta Alexandru, Daniel Cochior, Aura Tudor Dysfunction of human subcutaneous fat arterioles in obesity alone or obesity associated with Type 2 diabetes. Clinical Science, p.463-472, 2011.

S. Jones, I. McHardy, D. Moss, N. Seymour, E. Breedt, P. Uttley, E. Koerding, V. Tudose Radio and X-ray variability in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4051. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, p.2641, 2011.

L. G. Bujoreanu, N. M. Lohan, B. Pricop, N. Cimpoeşu Thermal memory degradation in a Cu-Zn-Al shape memory alloy during thermal cycling with free air cooling. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, p.468-475, 2011.