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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


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L. Marin, D. Lesnic Regularized boundary element solution for an inverse boundary value problem in linear elasticity. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering , p.817-825, 2002.

L. Marin, D.N. Hào, D. Lesnic Conjugate gradient-boundary element method for the Cauchy problem in elasticity. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, p.227-247, 2002.

L. Marin, L. Elliott, D.B. Ingham, D. Lesnic Boundary element method for the Cauchy problem in linear elasticity. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, p.783-793, 2001.

Romulus-Catalin Damaceanu Foreign trade operations. , p.64, 2011.

Alessandro Busca, Franco Locatelli, Simona Emilia Flonta, Gianni Ciccone, Ileana Baldi, Stefano D'Ardia, Bernardino Allione and Michele Falda In vivo T-cell depletion with pretransplant low-dose antithymocyte globulin is associated with reduced transplant-related mortality and improved clinical outcome in patients receiving allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from unrelated and p. Am J Hematol , p.214-217 , 2011.

Wojciech Czechowski, Balint Marko Competition between Formica cinerea Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and co-occurring ant species, with special reference to Formica rufa L.: direct and indirect interferences. Polish Journal of Ecology, p.467-487, 2005.

Soare Liliana Several Remarks on Vocabulary Categories in Chemistry Textbooks. Academic Days of Timisoara: Language Education Today, p.531-536, 2011.

Soare Liliana Aspects of Geographical Terminology in Amfiloch of Hotin’s Texts. Academic Days of Timisoara: Language Education Today, p.525-530, 2011.

Lavinia Stan and Lucian Turcescu Church, State and Democracy in the Expanded Europe. Book, 2011.

Barbarino F, Neumann E, Tamas S, Suciu A, Andercou A, Abrudan O, Badea R. Morphologic, histoenzymatic and radioisotopic changes in the liver after portal vein ligation.. Med Interne, PMID: 749175, p.375-381, 1978.

Badea R, Tãpãlagã D, Badea Gh, Philippi W, Cazacu M. Die zystische Echinokokkose der Leber. Probleme der Ultraschalldiagnostik. Ultraschall, DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-1011935 , p.147 - 151, 1986.

Badea R, Badea Gh, Drãghici A, Cazacu M, Porr PJ. Ultraschalldiagnose der echinokokken cholangitis.. Ultraschall Med, DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-1011679 , p.147-148, 1987.

Acalovschi M, Badea R, Dumitraşcu D, Varga C. Prevalence of gallstones in liver cirrhosis: a sonographic study. Am J Gastroenterol, PMID:3046336 , p.954-956, 1988.

Badea R, Badea Gh, Philippi W, Dejica D, Bologa S, Cazacu M. The value and limits of endorectal sonography in the preoperative stage classification of rectal cancer.. Ultraschall Med, PMID: 3070750, p.265-269, 1988.

R. Arvinte, D. Munteanu, J. Borges, R.E. Sousa, N.P. Barradas, E. Alves, F. Vaz, L. Marques Preparation and characterization of CrNxOy thin films: The effect of composition. Applied Surface Science, p.9120-9124, 2011.

Acalovschi M, Georeceanu A, Badea R, Blendea D. Gallstone prevalence in obese women – pathogenic role of hyperlipoproteinemia and gallbladder motility.. Dev Gastro. , p.113-120, 1991.

Badea R, Badea Gh, Dejica D, Henegar E The role of transvaginal sonography as compared with endorectal sonography in the evaluation of rectal cancer: preliminay study.. Surgical Endoscopy, DOI: 10.1007/BF00316844 , p.89 -91, 1991.

Acalovschi M, Badea R, Pascu M. Incidence of gallstones in liver cirrhosis. Am J Gastroenterol, PMID:1882796, p. 1179 -118, 1991.

Badea R, Badea Gh, Galatâr N, Crãciun C, Marin M, Bucher M. Aspiration of fine needle biopsy – its relevance to higher accuracy of ultrasonic diagnosis of liver tumors – investigation of 165 patients. Z Klin Med , p.1489 ̵, 1991.

Stanciu L, Dumitrascu DL, Badea R T lymphocytes bearing histamine receptors in patients with digestive neoplasm. Bull Cancer., p.931-934., 1991.

Badea R, Badea Gh. Ultrasound studies of the portal vein system thrombosis in liver tumors (Sonographische Untersuchungen des Pfortadersystems bei Lebertumoren).. Ultraschall Med , p.272 - 276, 1991.

Acalovschi M, Blendea D, Georoceanu A, Badea R. Factors associated with gallstones in obese and non-obese women: a case control study. European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, ISSN: 0954-691X, p.343-437, 1992.

Acalovschi M, Badea R. Ultrasonographic study of gall-bladder emptying in obese patients. Int J Obes Relat Metab Desord, PMID:1318286, p.313 - 315, 1992.

Acalovschi M, Badea R, Dumitraşcu DL. Gallbladder emptying in response to a fatty meal with liver cirrhosis: a sonographic study.. European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology , p.437-441, 1994.

Acalovschi M, Blendea D, Pascu O, Georoceanu A, Badea R, Prelipceanu M Risk of asymptomatic and symptomatic gallstones in moderately obese women: a longitudinal follow-up study.. Am J Gastroenterol, PMID:8995952, p.127-131, 1997.

Mitrea D, Nedevschi S, Cenan C, Lupsor M, Badea R. Exploring Texture-Based Parameters for Nonivasive Detection of Diffuse Liver Diseases and Liver Cancer from Ultrasound Images. Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Computational Techniques in Electrical Engineering, p.259-265, 2006.

Stoian A, Mircea M, Dancea O, Badea R, Floares C. Information system for tumor angiogenesis phenomena imaging monitor. IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, E-ISBN: 1-4244-0361-8, Print ISBN: 1-4244-0360-X, INSPEC Accession Number: 9175443, DOI: 10.1109/AQTR.2006.254683 , p.468-472, 2006.

Lupsor M, Badea R, Nedevschi S, Mitrea D, Florea M. Ultrasonography contribution to hepatic steatosis quantification. Possibilities of improving this method through computerized analysis of ultrasonic image. Proceedings of IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, E-ISBN: 1-4244-0361-8, Print ISBN: 1-4244-0360-X, INSPEC Accession Number: 9163267, DOI: 10.1109/AQTR.2006.254685, p.478-483, 2006.

Stefanescu H, Badea R, Lupsor M, Stoian I, Schiau CI, Dancea O. Telescreening system for early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma. Proceedings of IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, E-ISBN: 1-4244-0361-8, Print ISBN: 1-4244-0360-X, INSPEC Accession Number: 9175444, DOI: 10.1109/AQTR.2006.254684, p.473-477, 2006.

Dancea O, Mircea M, Badea R , Stoian A, Vasile T, Manciu A. Information system for multimodal parameter analysis applied in early detection of prostate cancer. IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, E-ISBN : 1-4244-0361-8, Print ISBN: 1-4244-0360-X, INSPEC Accession Number: 9175424, DOI: 10.1109/AQTR.2006.254682, p.463 - 467 , 2006.

Seicean A, Tantau M, Badea R, Spârchez Z The applicability of radial endoscopic ultrasonography in pancreatic diseases.. Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases, p.77-83, 2007.

Hagiu C, Badea R Applicability of abdominal ultrasonography in inflammatory bowel diseases.. Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases, p.205-209., 2007.

Badea R, Socaciu M, Lupsor M, Mosteanu O, Pop T Evaluating the Liver Tumors Using Three-Dimensional Ultrasonography. A Pictorial Essay. Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases, p.85-92, 2007.

Tantau M, Pop T, Badea R, Spirchez Z, Moşteanu O, Tantau A. Intraductal ultrasonography for the assessment of preoperative biliary and pancreatic strictures.. Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases, p.217-222., 2008.

Seicean A, Badea R, Mocan T, Iancu C, Pop T, Seicean R, Mosteanu O, Bala O, Pascu O Radial endoscopic ultrasonography in the preoperative staging of pancreatic cancer. Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases, p. 273-278., 2008.

Mosteanu O, Pop T, Raica P, Lupsor M, Socaciu M, Miclea L, Badea R. Hepatocellular carcinoma angiogenesis assessment- role of ultrasound and mathematical modelling.. Proceedings of 2008 IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, E-ISBN: 978-1-4244-2577-8, Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-2576-1, INSPEC Accession Number: 10207826, DOI: 10.1109/AQTR.2008.4588904, p.171-175 , 2008.

Cazan R, Dancea O, Capatana D, Stefanescu H, Badea R, Lupsor M, Stoian A. Hepatocellular carcinoma tele-screening system. Proceedings of 2008 IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, E-ISBN: 978-1-4244-2577-8, Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-2576-1, INSPEC Accession Number: 10220971, DOI: 10.1109/AQTR.2008.4588900, p.149-154, 2008.

Mitrea D, Nedevschi S, Lupsor M, Badea R. Exploring the textural parameters obtained from ultrasound images for modelling the liver pathological stages in the evolution towards hepatocellular carcinoma,. Proceedings of 2008 IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, E-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2577-8, Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-2576-1, INSPEC Accession Number: 10220967, DOI: 10.1109/AQTR.2008.4588896, p.128-133, 2008.

Grigorescu M, Radu C, Lupşor M, Vicaş C, Nedevschi S , Badea R, Spârchez Z, Crisan D, Serban Al Comparison between attenuation coefficient computed on the ultrasound image and a biological marker, adiponectin, in the diagnosis of steatosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.. Proceedings of 2008 IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, E-ISBN: 978-1-4244-2577-8, Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-2576-1, INSPEC Accession Number: 10207824, DOI: 10.1109/AQTR.2008.4588894, p.118-122, 2008.

Tantau AI, Tantau MV, Serban A, Zaharie T, Cruciat C, Badea R, Pascu O. Prevalence, histology, endoscopic treatment and long-term follow-up of large colonic polyps and laterally spreading tumors. The Romanian experience.. Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases, p.419-425., 2008.

Lupsor M, Badea R, Vicaş C, Nedevschi S, Grigorescu M, Stefãnescu H, Radu C, Crisan D, Sparchez Z, Serban Al, Branda H. Ultrasonographic diagnosis of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis based on the quantitative evaluation of the ultrasound beam behavior into the liver. Proceedings of 2008 IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, p.112-117, 2008.

Mitrea D, Nedevschi S, Lupsor M, Badea R. Building the imagistic textural model of the liver pathological stages for the early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma based on ultrasound images. 7th WSEAS Int Conf on Applied Computer & applied computational science (ACACOS’08), Hangzhou, China, p.764-771, 2008.

Lupşor M, Badea R, Stefãnescu H, Grigorescu M, Sparchez Z, Serban A, Branda H, Iancu S, Maniu A Analysis of histopathological changes that influence liver stiffness in chronic hepatitis C. Results from a cohort of 324 patients. Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases, p.155-163, 2008.

Badea R. Artery Aneurysms: the Diagnostic Contribution of Ultrasonography in Correlation with other Imaging Methods. Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases, p.101 –, 2008.

Mitrea D, Nedevschi S, Lupsor M, Socaciu M, Badea R Improving the textural model of the hepatocellular carcinoma using dimesnsionality reduction methods. Proceedings of the 2009 2nd International Congress on image and Signal Processing CISP'09, E-ISBN : 978-1-4244-4131-0, Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-4129-7, INSPEC Accession Number: 10956053, DOI : 10.1109/CISP.2009.5304471, p.1083-1087, 2009.

Botar CC, Vasile T, Sfrangeu S, Clichici S, Agachi PS, Badea R, Mircea P, Cristea MV, Moldovan R. CFD Simulation of the Portal Vein Blood Flow. Proceedings of International Conference On Advancements Of Medicine And Health Care Through Technology, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04292-8_79, p.359-362, 2009.

Mitrea D, Nedevschi S, Lupsor M., Socaciu M, Badea R Classification of the Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Ultrasound Images Based on the Imagistic Textural Model of This Tumor. Proceedings of International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04292-8_59, p.267-272, 2009.

Vicas C, Nedevschi S, Lupsor M, Badea R. Automatic detection of liver capsule using Gabor Filters. Applications in steatosis quantification,. IEEE 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing ICCP, DOI 10.1109/ICCP.2009.5284775, p.133-140, 2009.

Lupsor M, Badea R, Stefanescu H, Sparchez Z, Branda H, Serban A, Maniu A, Performance of a new elastographic method (ARFI technology) compared to unidimensional transient elastography in the noninvasive assessment of chronic hepatitis C. Preliminary results,. Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases, p.303-310, 2009.

Sparchez Z, Radu P, Anton O, Socaciu M, Badea R Contrast enhanced ultrasound in assessing therapeutic response in ablative treatments of hepatocellular carcinoma.. Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases, p.243-248. , 2009.