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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


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Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

Daniela Brînzan, Lucian Pãiuşan, Voicu Daşcãu, Gheorghe Furãu Benefits of Laser Therapy in Postmenopausal Vaginal Atrophy. AIP Conference Proceedings, p.125-131, 2011.

Gheorghe Furãu, Voicu Daşcãu, Cristian Furãu, Lucian Pãiuşan, Adriana Radu, Casiana Stãnescu Gynecological Cancer Age Groups at the „Dr. Salvator Vuia” Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital During the 2000-2009 Period. MÆDICA - a Journal of Clinical Medicine, p.268-271, 2011.

V. Daşcãu; Gh. Furãu; C. Furãu; L. Pãiuşan; Adriana Radu; Casiana Stãnescu Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia in the „Dr. Salvator Vuia” Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital – Arad During the 2000-2009 Period. MÆDICA - a Journal of Clinical Medicine, p.138-142, 2012.

Alexandru, V; Necula, R.; Ghita, G.; Gaspar, A.; Toma, A.; Tatia, R.; Gille, E. Evaluation of four traditional Romanian medicinal plants as wound healing agents. PLANTA MEDICA, p.1317-1317, 2011.

Wang Y, Nakagawa Y, Liu L, Wang W, Ren X, Anghel A, Lutfy K, Friedman TC, Liu Y. Tissue-specific dysregulation of hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and glucose-6-phosphate transporter production in db/db mice as a model of type 2 diabetes.. Diabetologia, p.440-50, 2011.

Fernández-Martín JL, Carrero JJ, Benedik M, Bos WJ, Covic A, Ferreira A, Floege J, Goldsmith D, Gorriz JL, Ketteler M, Kramar R, Locatelli F, London G, Martin PY, Memmos D, Nagy J, Naves-Díaz M, Pavlovic D, Rodríguez-García M, Rutkowski B, Teplan V, Tiele COSMOS: the dialysis scenario of CKD-MBD in Europe.. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2012.

Bolignano D, Rastelli S, Agarwal R, Fliser D, Massy Z, Ortiz A, Wiecek A, Martinez-Castelao A, Covic A, Goldsmith D, Suleymanlar G, Lindholm B, Parati G, Sicari R, Gargani L, Mallamaci F, London G, Zoccali C. Pulmonary Hypertension in CKD.. Am J Kidney Dis, 2012.

Wüthrich RP, Chonchol M, Covic A, Gaillard S, Chong E, Tumlin JA. Randomized Clinical Trial of the Iron-Based Phosphate Binder PA21 in Hemodialysis Patients.. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol, 2012.

Sicari R, Gargani L, Wiecek A, Covic A, Goldsmith D, Suleymanlar G, Parati G, Ortiz A, Massy Z, Martinez-Castelao A, Lindholm B, Heine GH, Fliser D, Mallamaci F, London G, Zoccali C; EUropean REnal and Cardiovascular Medicine (EURECA-m) working group of t The use of echocardiography in observational clinical trials: the EURECA-m registry.. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2012.

Dinu Vermasan, Radu Prejbeanu, Horia Haragus, M. Ahmadi, Gratian Damian Metaloza dupa artroplastia de revizie a soldului. Revista de Chimie, p.953-955, 2012.

Chirculescu, A. R. M.; Panduru, Andra; Chirculescu, Mihaela; Morris, J. F., Gerota and Brancusi: Romanian anatomy and art face to face.. JOURNAL OF ANATOMY , p.pp. 275-27, 2010.

Viorica Leordean, D. Lazãr, M. Trofenciuc Morphological aspects in a urogenital malformation,complex and rare, in a child.. 2012.

Melania F. Munteanu, Ramona Gligor, Ioan Crîsnic, Carmen A. Costache, Ioana A. Colosi Antimicrobial activity of Melampyrum cristatum, Melampyrum bihariense and Melampyrum arvense tinctures. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, p.2808-2812, 2012.

Ramona Gligor, Maria Puşchiţă, Dana Zdremţan, Ioan Crîsnic, Constantin Ionescu-Tîrgovişte Relationship between adiponectin and some metabolic parameters in obese and diabetic patients. Farmacia, p.293-306, 2012.

Simona Cinta-Pinzaru and Melania Munteanu Study of the betulin enriched birch bark extracts effects on human carcinoma cells and ear inflammation. Chemistry Central Journal , 2012.

Melania F. Munteanu, Ramona Gligor, Ioan Crîsnic, Carmen A. Costache, Ioana A. Colosi Antimicrobial activity of Melampyrum cristatum, Melampyrum bihariense and Melampyrum arvense tinctures. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology , 2012.

Florin Borcan, Codruta M Soica, Srinvas Ganta, Mansoor M Amiji, Cristina A Dehelean, Melania F Munteanu Synthesis and preliminary in vivo evaluations of polyurethane microstructures for transdermal drug delivery. Chemistry Central Journal , 2012.

Melania F. MUNTEANU , Laurian VLASE The Determination of the Iridoids from the Melampyrum species by Modern Chromatographic Methods. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoc, 2011.

Ghibu, S; Craciun, C; Morgovan, C; Mogosan, C; Muresan, A The impact of therapy with alpha-lipoic acid and vitamin E in the oxidative stress associated with intermittent hypobaric hypoxia conditions.. FREE RADICAL RESEARCH, p.S58, 2008.

Morgovan, C; Cosma, S; Ghibu, S; Burta, C; Bota, M; Polinicencu, C Study of diabetes mellitus care cost in Romania during 2000-2008. FUNDAMENTAL & CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, p.44, 2010.


Ghibu, S; Muresan, A; Morgovan, C Alpha-lipoic acid and oxidative stress in the physical effort of variable intensity. FREE RADICAL RESEARCH, p.S157, 2006.


Viorel Pais, Leon Danaila Early and late coexistence of apoptosis and paraptosis in perivascular vasculogenic focuses and posttraumatic cerebral arteries, and their pathophysiologic significance. Proceedings of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, 2010.

Viorel Pais, Leon Danaila Multifaceted intracranial neuroprotection by means of the ultimate intelligent and efficient defender: the interstitial cell. A new cytodynamic perspective. Proceedings of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, 2009.

Bubenek S, Nastase A, Niculescu AM, Baila S, Herlea V, Lazar V, Paslaru L, Botezatu A, Tomescu D, Popescu I, Dima S Conf.. Can J Cardiol. , p.712-20, 2012.

Richardson D.S., Rodrigues D.M., Hyndman B.D., Crupi M.J., Nicolescu A.C., Mulligan L.M Alternative splicing results in RET isoforms with distinct trafficking properties. Mol. Biol. Cell., p.3838-50, 2012.

Wagner S.M., Zhu S.J., Nicolescu A.C., Mulligan L.M Molecular mechanisms of RET receptor-mediated oncogenesis in multiple endocrine neoplasia 2. Clinics, p.77-84, 2012.

Nicolescu A. C Mechanisms of nitric oxide release from organic nitrates and nitrites: implications on the activation of soluble guanylyl cyclase and inhibition of lipid peroxidation [dissertation]. Queen's University, p.293 pp., 2004.

Solak Y, Gul EE, Kayrak M, Atalay H, Abdulhalikov T, Turk S, Covic A, Kanbay M. Electrocardiographic P-wave characteristics in patients with end-stage renal disease: P-index and interatrial block.. Int Urol Nephrol, 2012.

Kramer A, Stel VS, Caskey FJ, Stengel B, Elliott RF, Covic A, Geue C, Cusumano A, Macleod AM, Jager KJ Exploring the Association between Macroeconomic Indicators and Dialysis Mortality.. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol., p.doi: 10.22, 2012.

Kramer A, Stel VS, Caskey FJ, Stengel B, Elliott RF, Covic A, Geue C, Cusumano A, Macleod AM, Jager KJ Exploring the Association between Macroeconomic Indicators and Dialysis Mortality.. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol., p.doi: 10.22, 2012.

Oleniuc M, Secara I, Onofriescu M, Hogas S, Voroneanu L, Siriopol D, Covic A. Consequences of Advanced Glycation End Products Accumulation in Chronic Kidney Disease and Clinical Usefulness of Their Assessment Using a Non-invasive Technique – Skin Autofluorescence.. Maedica (Buchar), p.Oct;6(4), 2011.

Ozkok A, Elcioglu OC, Cukadar T, Bakan A, Sasak G, Atilgan KG, Alisir S, Kanbay M, Covic A, Odabas AR. Low serum pancreatic enzyme levels predict mortality and are associated with malnutrition-inflammation-atherosclerosis syndrome in patients with chronic kidney disease.. Int Urol Nephrol, 2012.

Solak Y, Biyik Z, Atalay H, Gaipov A, Guney F, Turk S, Covic A, Goldsmith D, Kanbay M Pregabalin versus Gabapentin in the Treatment of Neuropathic Pruritus in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients: a Prospective Crossover Study.. Nephrology (Carlton), p.1440-1797., 2012.

Covic AN, Kanemoto E, Bastos AC Effectiveness of a hospital school mathematics literacy program.. tud Health Technol Inform, p.168-73., 2012.

Kanbay M, Yilmaz MI, Apetrii M, Saglam M, Yaman H, Unal HU, Gok M, Caglar K, Oguz Y, Yenicesu M, Cetinkaya H, Eyileten T, Acikel C, Vural A, Covic A Relationship between Serum Magnesium Levels and Cardiovascular Events in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients.. Am J Nephrol, p.228-37, 2012.

Turkmen K, Tonbul HZ, Erdur FM, Guney I, Kayikcioglu H, Altintepe L, Ozbek O, Yilmaz MI, Gaipov A, Turk S, Covic A, Kanbay M. Peri-aortic fat tissue and malnutrition-inflammation-atherosclerosis/calcification syndrome in end-stage renal disease patients.. Int Urol Nephrol, 2012.

The ad-hoc working group of ERBP:, Fliser D, Laville M, Covic A, Fouque D, Vanholder R, Juillard L, Van Biesen W A European Renal Best Practice (ERBP) position statement on the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Clinical Practice Guidelines on Acute Kidney Injury: Part 1: definitions, conservative management and contrast-induced nephropathy.. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2012.

Sicari R, Gargani L, Wiecek A, Covic A, Goldsmith D, Suleymanlar G, Parati G, Ortiz A, Massy Z, Martinez-Castelao A, Lindholm B, Heine GH, Fliser D, Mallamaci F, London G, Zoccali C; EUropean REnal and Cardiovascular Medicine (EURECA-m) working group of t The use of echocardiography in observational clinical trials: the EURECA-m registry.. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2012.

Sicari R, Gargani L, Wiecek A, Covic A, Goldsmith D, Suleymanlar G, Parati G, Ortiz A, Massy Z, Martinez-Castelao A, Lindholm B, Heine GH, Fliser D, Mallamaci F, London G, Zoccali C; EUropean REnal and Cardiovascular Medicine (EURECA-m) working group of t The use of echocardiography in observational clinical trials: the EURECA-m registry.. Nephrol Dial Transplant., 2012.

The ad-hoc working group of ERBP:, Fliser D, Laville M, Covic A, Fouque D, Vanholder R, Juillard L, Van Biesen W A European Renal Best Practice (ERBP) position statement on the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Clinical Practice Guidelines on Acute Kidney Injury: Part 1: definitions, conservative management and contrast-induced nephropathy.. Nephrol Dial Transplant., 2012.

Turkmen K, Tonbul HZ, Erdur FM, Guney I, Kayikcioglu H, Altintepe L, Ozbek O, Yilmaz MI, Gaipov A, Turk S, Covic A, Kanbay M. Peri-aortic fat tissue and malnutrition-inflammation-atherosclerosis/calcification syndrome in end-stage renal disease patients.. Int Urol Nephrol, 2012.

Kanbay M, Yilmaz MI, Apetrii M, Saglam M, Yaman H, Unal HU, Gok M, Caglar K, Oguz Y, Yenicesu M, Cetinkaya H, Eyileten T, Acikel C, Vural A, Covic A. Relationship between Serum Magnesium Levels and Cardiovascular Events in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients.. Am J Nephrol, p.228-37, 2012.

Covic AN, Kanemoto E, Bastos AC. Effectiveness of a hospital school mathematics literacy program.. Stud Health Technol Inform, p.168-73, 2012.

Hundorfean G, Chiriac MT, Siebler J, Neurath MF, Mudter J. Confocal laser endomicroscopy for the diagnosis of diversion colitis.. Endoscopy. 2012 Sep;44 Suppl 2:E358-9. Epub 2012 Sep 25., 2012.

Rusu MC, Jianu AM, Pop F, Hostiuc S, Leonardi R, Curca GC Immunolocalization of 200kDa neurofilaments in human cardiac endothelial cells.. Acta Histochemica, p.842– 845, 2012.

Armatu Alice, Colceru-Mihul Svetlana, Bubueanu Corina, Draghici, Elena, Lucia Pirvu Evaluation of antioxidant and free scavenging potential of some Lamiaceae species growing in Romania. Romanian Biotechnological Letters (ISI), p.5274-5280, 2010.

Cornelia Nichita, Neagu Georgeta, Vulturescu Virginia, Lucia Pirvu, Nicoleta Badea, Albulescu Radu, Giurginca Maria Evaluation of scavenger properties of some flavonoid vegetal extracts obtained from Crataegus monogyna Jacq.. Key Engineering Materials (ISI), p.41-44, 2009.

Alice Armatu, Svetlana Colceru-Mihul, Lucia Pîrvu, Nuta Mănăilă, Maria Ichim Evaluation of antioxidant and free radical scavenging potential and determination of bioactive compounds of various plant extracts. Proceedings of the International Symposium on New Research in Biotechnology, p.233-240, 2008.