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A. A. Raduta, A. Gheorghe and A. Faessler Remarks on the shape transition from spherical to deformed gamma unstable nuclei. Jour. Phys. Phys. G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, p.337-353, 2005.

M, S. Krivoruchenko, A. Faessler, A. A. Raduta and M. Fuchs Gauge ivariant counterparts and quantization of systems under holonomic constraints. Phys. Lett B, p.164, 2005.

A. A. Raduta, C. M. Raduta and A. Escuderos, New results for the two neutrino double beta decay in deformed nuclei with angular momentum projected basis,. Phys. Rev. C 71 (2005) 034317, p.034317, 2005.

C. M. Raduta and A. A. Raduta, New results for the fully renormalized pnQRPA formalism,. Nucl. Phys. A 756 (2005) 153-175, p.153-175, 2005.

A. A. Raduta and A. Faessler Coherent state description of the shape phase transition in even-even Gd isotopes. Jour. Physics G, Nuclear and Particle Physics, p.873-901, 2005.

A. A. Raduta, A. D. Aaron and I. I. Ursu Semiclassical description of a sixth order quadrupole boson Hamiltonian,. Nucl. Phys. A, p.20-54, 2006.

M. I. Krivoruchenko, A. Faessler, A. A. Raduta and C. Fuchs Underlying gauge symmetries of systems with second class constraints. International Journal of Modern Physics A, vol. 22, nr. 4 (2007) 787-833., p.787-833, 2007.

A. A. Raduta, C.M. Raduta and Amand Faessler Description of positive and negative parity dipole bands in octupole deformed nuclei. Phys. Lett. B, 635 (2006) 80-84. , p.80-84, 2006.

A. A. Raduta and C. M. Raduta Positive and negative parity bands in 226Ra. Nucl. Phys. A, p.170, 2006.

M. I. Krivoruchenko, A. A. Raduta and Amand Faessler, [131] Quantum deformation of the Dirac bracket. Phys. Rev. D 73, 025008 (2006). , p.025008, 2006.

A. A. Raduta, Al. H. Raduta and C. M. Raduta Simultaneous description of four positive and four negative parity bands. Phys. Rev. C , p.044312, 2005.

A. C. Gheorghe, A. A. Raduta and A. Faessler Solvable models for the gamma deformation having X(5) as limiting symmetry. Removing some drawbacks of the existent descriptions,. Phys. Lett. B, p.171-175, 2007.

A. A. Raduta, C. M. Raduta Double beta decay to the first $2^+$ state within a boson expansion formalism with a prjected spherical single particle basis. Phys. Lett. B, p.265-270, 2007.

A. A. Raduta and F.D. Aaron A simple description of the states $0^+$ and $2^+$ in $^{168}$Er$,. Jour. Phys. G, Nuclear and Particle Physics, p.2053-2061, 2007.

C. M. Raduta, A. A. Raduta Unified descriptionof the double beta decay to the first quadrupole phonon state in spherical and deformed nuclei. Phys. Rev. C , p.044306, 2007.

A.A.Raduta, R. Budaca, C.M.Raduta Semiclassical description of a triaxial rigid rotor. Phys.Rev.C, p.064309, 2007.

A. A. Raduta, R. Budaca, Al. H. Raduta Colective dipole excitations in sodium clusters. Phys. Rev. A, p.023202, 2009.

A. A. Raduta, C. M. Raduta, E. Moya de Guerra, P. Sarriguren [142] Remarks on monopole charge properties within the generalized Coherent State Model. Jour. Phys. G, Nuclear and Particle Physics, p.015114, 2009.

A. A. Raduta, F. D. Aaron, E. Moya de Guerra and Amand Faessler, Phenomenological description of the states 0+ and 2+ in some even-even nuclei. Jour. Phys. G, Nuclear and Particle Physics, p.055101, 2009.

Armatu Alice, Colceru-Mihul Svetlana, Bubueanu Corina, Draghici, Elena, Lucia Pirvu Evaluation of antioxidant and free scavenging potential of some Lamiaceae species growing in Romania. Romanian Biotechnological Letters (ISI), p.5274-5280, 2010.

A. A. Raduta, A. C. Gheorghe, P. Buganu and A. Faessler A solvable model which has X(5) as a limiting symmetry and removes some inherent drawbacks. Nucl. Phys. A, p.46-78, 2009.

Cornelia Nichita, Neagu Georgeta, Vulturescu Virginia, Lucia Pirvu, Nicoleta Badea, Albulescu Radu, Giurginca Maria Evaluation of scavenger properties of some flavonoid vegetal extracts obtained from Crataegus monogyna Jacq.. Key Engineering Materials (ISI), p.41-44, 2009.

A. A. Raduta, C. M. Raduta, Amand Faessler, [145] The CSM extension to the odd-even octupole deformed nucleii. Phys. Rev. C , p.044327, 2009.

A. A. Raduta and R. Budaca Sum rule for a Schiff-like dipole moment. Int. Jour. Mod. Phys. B, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, p.467-478, 2011.

Alice Armatu, Svetlana Colceru-Mihul, Lucia Pîrvu, Nuta Mănăilă, Maria Ichim Evaluation of antioxidant and free radical scavenging potential and determination of bioactive compounds of various plant extracts. Proceedings of the International Symposium on New Research in Biotechnology, p.233-240, 2008.

C. M. Raduta and A. A. Raduta, Description of the 2$ uetaeta$ decay within a fully renormalized pnQRPA approach with a restored gauge symmetry,. Phys. Rev. C , p.068501, 2010.

Lucia Pîrvu, Alice Armatu, Ileana Rău, Stelian Şchiopu, Dragomir Coprean Centaurea cyanus L.-herba, chemical composition and therapeutically potential. Proceedings of the International Symposium on New Research in Biotechnology, p.187-194, 2008.

A. A. Raduta, M. I. Krivoruchenko and A. Faessler Some exact results for the particle number projected BCS approach of the isovector proton-neutron pairing. Phys. Rev. C , p.054314, 2012.

Lucia Pîrvu, Alice Armatu, Dragomir Coprean Contributions to the chemical characterization of some vegetal products with insecticidal activity obtained from Chrysanthemum cinerariafolium L. acclimatized in Constanta. Proceedings of the International Symposium on New Research in Biotechnology, p.427-437, 2008.

Viorica Istudor, Cerasela Elena Gird, Ligia Elena DuŃu, Maria Lidia Popescu, Mariana Pavel, Lucia Pirvu, C. Ionescu-Tirgoviste Preliminary technological studies, laboratory – pilot transfer, fulfilled on an hypoglycaemic natural vegetal product, Fitohipoglic. Annual Congresses of Romanian Medical Association, p.182, 2008.

Cornelia Nichita, Cristina Bâzdoacă, Lucia Pîrvu, Maria Giurginca, Aurelia Meghea Antioxidant capacity of some plant extracts reach in flavones for therapeutically applications. Scientific Bulletin of UPB, Serie B,Chemistry and Materials Science, p.39-42, 2005.

Lucia Pîrvu, Aurelia Meghea, Maria Giurginca, Cristina Bâzdoacă, Cornelia Nichita Scavenger properties of some natural products with application in the therapy of gastro-intestinal diseases. Scientific Bulletin of UPB, Serie B,Chemistry and Materials Science, p.23-27, 2005.

Viorica Istudor, Mariana Pavel, Cerasela Elena Gîrd, Ligia-Elena Dutu, Lidia-Maria Popescu, Crina Maria Popa, Corina Aramă, Lucia Pîrvu, S. Dima, C. Ionescu-Tîrgovişte The obtaining technology of the vegetal standardized extract of Phaseoli pericarpium origin and the establishing of the quality control methodology. Acta Diabetologica Romana, p.144, 2007.

Viorica Istudor, Ligia-Elena Dutu, Cerasela Elena Gird, Lidia-Maria Popescu, Mariana Pavel, Corina Arama, Angela Nedelcu, Lucia Pirvu, R. Alexandrescu, C. Ionescu- Tirgoviste The obtaining technology of the standardized extract of Mori folium origin and the establishing of the quality control methodology. Acta Diabetologica Romana, p.141, 2007.

Cornelia Nichita, Maria Giurginca, Cristina Bazdoaca, Lucia Pirvu, Aurelia Meghea Vegetal antioxidants obtained from Hypericum perforatum L.. Chemistry Magazine, Bucharest (ISI), p.910-913, 2007.

Lucia Pirvu, Cornelia Nichita, Maria Girginca, Aurelia Meghea Selective plant extracts with application in the therapy of chronic fatigue syndrome. Chemistry Magazine, Bucharest (ISI), p. 914-917, 2007.

Lucia Pirvu, Cornelia Nichita, Maria Giuginca, Aurelia Meghea Structure/antioxidant activity relationship between some natural vegetal polyphenols compounds. Chemistry Magazine, Bucharest (ISI), p.699-705, 2006.

Lucia Pirvu, Armatu Alice, Bubueanu Corina, Pintilie Gabriela, Nita Sultana Obtaining and chemical characterization of some vegetal acts with corrosion-scaling inhibition properties. Part I. Fagus sylvatica and Alii cepae bulbus extracts. Romanian Biotechnological Letters (ISI), p.5683-5689, 2010.

Lucia Pirvu, Diana Barbulescu, Cornelia Nichita, Sultana Nita, Svetlana Colceru Mihul Obtaining and chemical characterization of some vegetal extracts with corrosion-scaling inhibition properties. Part I. Juglandis folium and Agrimoniae herba extracts. Romanian Biotechnological Letters (ISI), p.5937-5943, 2011.

Lucia Pirvu, Coprean Dragomir, Stelian Schiopu, Svetlana Colceru-Mihul Vegetal extracts with gastroprotective activity. Part. I. Extracts obtained from Centaurea cyanus L. raw material. Romanian Biotechnological Letters (ISI), p.7169-7176, 2012.

C. M. Raduta and A. A. Raduta Description of the 2$ uetaeta$ decay within a fully renormalized pnQRPA approach with a restored gauge symmetry. Journal of Physics G; Nucl. Part. Physics, p.055102, 2011.

A. A. Raduta, R. Budaca and Amand Faessler Closed formulas for ground band energies of nuclei with various symmetries,. Jour. Phys. G; Nucl. Part. Phys, , p.085108, 2010.

A. A. Raduta, Al. H. Raduta and R. Budaca Collective properties of Na clusters,. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, p.645-651, 2011.

A. A. Raduta, Al. H. Raduta and R. Budaca Collective properties of Na clusters,. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, p.645-651, 2011.

A. A. Raduta, P. Buganu Towards a new description of triaxial nuclei. Phys. Rev. C, p.034313, 2011.

A. A. Raduta, P. Buganu [151] Towards a new description of triaxial nuclei. Phys. Rev. C, p.034313, 2011.

A. A. Raduta, R. Budaca Semi-phenomenological description of the backbending phenomena in some deformed even-even nuclei. Phys. Rev. C84, p.044323, 2011.

P. Buganu, A. A. Raduta New features of the triaxial nuclei described with a coherent state model,. J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. , p.025103-22, 2012.

P. Buganu, A. A. Raduta, New features of the triaxial nuclei described with a coherent state model,. J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 39 (2012) 025103-22., p.025103-22, 2012.

C. M. Raduta, A. A. Raduta,, I. I. Ursu New teoretical results for $2nubetabeta$ decay within a fully renormalized proton-neutron random phase approximation approach with the gauge symmetry resored,. Phys. Rev. C 84, 064322 (2011)., p.064322, 2011.