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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

MANDEA, M., R. Holme, A. Pais, K. Pinheiro, A. Jackson, G. Verbanac, Geomagnetic Jerks: Rapid Core Field Variations and Core Dynamics. Space Sci Rev , p.147–175, 2010.

A. Bende, F. Bogár and J. Ladik Model calculations of the energy band structures of double stranded DNA in the presence of water and Na+ ions. Solid State Communications, p.301 - 305, 2011.

M. Kenaan, M.G. Moisescu, T. Savopol, D. Martin, D. Arnaud-Cormos, P. Leveque Dosimetry of an in vitro exposure system for fluorescence measurements during 2.45 GHz microwave exposure. Int J of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2010.

A. Palla-Papavlu, I. Paraico, J. Shaw-Stewart, V. Dinca, T. Savopol, E. Kovacs, T. Lippert, A. Wokaun, M. Dinescu Liposome micropatterning based on laser-induced forward. Appl Phys A, DOI 10.1007/s00339-010-6114-1, 2010.


Bogdan Chiorean On euthanasia in new borns – premises. Revista Romana de Bioetica, 2008.

Macovei L, Ghosh A, Thomas VC, Hancock LE, Mahmood S, Zurek L. Enterococcus faecalis with the gelatinase phenotype regulated by the fsr operon and with biofilm-forming capacity are common in the agricultural environment. Environmental Microbiology, p.1540-7, 2009.

Ionescu, Arleen, Milesi, Laurent „The <> of Ulysses in Romanian”. Papers on Joyce, p.85-114, 2008.

Alexandru Sofronia, Alexandru Popa, Gheorghe Stefanescu Undecidability Results for Finite Interactive Systems. Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, p.265 - 279, 2009.

Alexandru Popa , Alexandru Sofronia , Gheorghe Stefanescu High-level Structured Interactive Programs with Registers and Voices. Journal of Universal Computer Science, p.1722-1754, 2007.

Samaşca G, Iancu M, Farcãu D, Butnariu A, Pop T, Pîrvan A, Andreica M, Miu N, Cristea V, Dejica D IgA Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase Antibodies, First Line in the Diagnosis of Celiac Disease. Clinical Laboratory, p.695-701, 2011.

Dima M., and G. Lohmann Hysteresis behavior of the Atlantic ocean circulation identified in observational data. Journal of Climate, p.397-403, 2011.

A. S. Carstea, A. T. Grecu, D. Grecu Proteomic signals in modular transcriptional cascades. A discrete time and cellular automaton approach. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2010.

A. S. Carstea, A. Ramani, B. Grammaticos Construction of the soliton solution for the N=1 supersymmetric KdV hierarchy. Nonlinearity, p.1419, 2001.

A. S. Carstea Extension of the bilinear formalism to supersymmetric KdV-type equations. Nonlinearity, p.1645, 2000.

Iuliana Oprea, G. Dangelmayr, G. Acharya, J. Gleeson, and J. Ladd Diagnosis of spatiotemporal chaos in wave-envelopes of a nematic electroconvection pattern. Physical Review E, 2009.

Marius-F. Danca Approach of a Class of Discontinuous Systems of Fractional Order: Existence of Solutions. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, p.3273–3276, 2011.

Belu, A. R.; Selsis, F.; Morales, J.-C.; Ribas, I.; Cossou, C.; Rauer, H (12 Pages, 5 Figures, 2 Tables) Primary and secondary eclipse spectroscopy with James Webb Space Telescope (JWST): exploring the exoplanet parameter space. Astronomy & Astrophysics, p.A83, 2010.

Cristinel Mortici The best rational remainders in the Stirling formula. Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 2012.

Cristinel Mortici On the monotonicity and convexity of the remainder of the Stirling formula. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2011.

Mihaela Antonina Calin, Toma Coman, Marian Romeo Calin The effect of low level laser therapy on surgical wound healing. Reports in Physics, No. 3, P. 617-627, 2010.

M.R. Calin, M. Enachescu, E. Petrescu DETECTOAR DE RADIAÞII IONIZANTE. Brevet de Invenţie OSIM, nr. 118094, Hotararea nr. 6/151 din 27 11 2005, 2005.

Marian Romeo CALIN, Corina Anca SIMION, Mihaela Antonina CALIN, Alexandru Erminiu DRUKER The characterization of the radioactivity in the Cacica salt mine. Rom. Jour. of Phys, 2011.

Marian Romeo CALIN, Alexandru Erminiu DRUKER Use of KCl reference samples to calibrate the efficiency of a gross alpha/beta counting system MPC 2000. Romanian Journal of Physics, 2011.

Marian Romeo Calin, Mihaela Antonina Calin Evaluation of the radon concentration in Ocna Dej salt mine,. J Radioanal Nucl Chem 286:169-173, 2010.

Nita L.E., Chiriac A.P., Bercea M., Neamtu I Aspects concerning the temperature influence on the polymer/polymer interactions between poly(aspartic acid) and poly (ethylene glycol). Colloid and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, p.121-128, 2011.

S. Iordache, A.-M. Ducu,. A. Cucu, A. Andronie, S. Stamatin, C. Ceaus, A. Popescu, E. Fagadar-Cosma, R. Cristescu, I. Stamatin, The Characterization of The Immobilized Active Substrates On Screen-Printed Electrodes Designed for Response to the Biochemical Agents,. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials , p.1946-1951, 2010.

A.S. Buteica, D.I. Mihaiescu, A.M. Grumazescu, B.S. Vasile, A. Popescu, O.M. Mihaiescu, R. Cristescu, The antibacterial activity of magnetic nanofluid: Fe3O4/oleic acid / cephallosporins core / shell / adsorption shell proved on S. Aureus and E. Coli and possible applications as drug delivery systems,. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, p.927-932, 2010.

Popov Viola Maria, Horia Bumbea, Ana Maria Vladareanu, Claudiu Socoliuc, Sanziana Radesi, Minodora Onisai, Eugenia Kovacs, Anca Nicolescu, Tudor Savopol ALTERATIONS OF PLATELET FUNCTION IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC MYELOID LEUKEMIA. Hematologica, 2009.

Viola Maria Popov1*, Ana Maria Vladareanu2*, Horia Bumbea2*, Sanziana Radesi2*, Maria Minodora Iordache3*, Radu Gologan, Md, Phd4, Eugenia Kovacs3*, Tudor Savopol3*, Mihaela Georgeta Moisescu3* And Minodora Onisai , 1. Membrane Fluidity’s Role In Platelet Function In Patients With Myeloproliferative Neoplasms. Blood, 2010.

Viola Popov, Ana Maria Vladareanu, Horia Bumbea, Eugenia Kovacs, Tudor Savopol, Mihaela Moisescu, Minodora Onisai, Minodora Iordache, Claudiu Mihai. 5. Biophysical Properties of Platelet Membrane in Patients with Ph-negative Chronic Myeloproliferative Disorders ,. Hematologica, 2010.

V.Popov,C Socoliuc,H Bumbea,M Onisai,A Vladareanu,T Savopol,E Kovacs 14. Platelet aggregation changes in patients with Rendu Osler Disease-Brief Report. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis ; , 2009.

V Popov,H Bumbea,A Vladareanu,C Socoliuc,S Radesi,A Nicolescu,T Savopol,E Kovacs 13. Alteration of platelet function in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis , 2009.

Barboi, Gh; Dermengiu, D.; Costescu, M.; Vuta, V.; Alexandru, N.; Turcitu, M.; Nicolae, St.; Dumitrescu, Florina Laboratory diagnosis of a human rabies case. Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine, p.91-99, 2007.

N. Johnson, C. Freuling, A. Vos, H. Un, R. Valtchovski, M. Turcitu, F. Dumitrescu, V. Vuţã, R. Velic, V. Sandrac, O. Aylan, T. Muller, A.R. Fooks Epidemiology of Rabies in South East Europe- Towards the Elimination of Rabies in Eurasia. Dev Biol (Basel), 2008.

Reid SM, Shell WM, Barboi G, Onita I, Turcitu M, Cioranu R, Marinova-Petkova A, Goujgoulova G, Webby RJ, Webster RG, Russell C, Slomka MJ, Hanna A, Banks J, Alton B, Barrass L, Irvine RM, Brown IH First Reported Incursion of Highly Pathogenic Notifiable Avian Influenza A H5N1 Viruses from Clade 2.3.2 into European Poultry. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2010.

M.A.Turcitu, G. Barboi, V. Vuta, I. Mihai, D. Boncea, F. Dumitrescu, M.D. Codreanu, N. Johnson, A.R. Fooks, T. Müller, C.M. Freuling Molecular epidemiology of rabies virus in Romania provides evidence for a high degree of heterogeneity and virus diversity. Virus Research , p.28-33, 2010.

Cristinel Mortici A new refinement of the Radon inequality. Mathematical Communications, 2011.

Cristinel Mortici An extension of the Szasz-Mirakjan operators. Analele Stiintifice ale Univ. Ovidius Constanta, p.137-144, 2009.

Cristinel Mortici An ultimate extremely accurate formula for approximation of the factorial function. Archiv der Mathematil (Basel), p.37-45, 2009.

Cristinel Mortici A quicker convergence toward the gamma constant with the logarithm term involving the constant e. Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, p.86-91, 2010.

Cristinel Mortici Ramanujan formula for the generalized Stirling approximation. Applied Mathematics and Computation, p.2579-2585, 2010.

Cristinel Mortici New sharp inequalities for approximating the factorial function and the digamma function. Miskolc Mathematical Notes, p.79-86, 2010.

Cristinel Mortici A new method for establishing and proving new bounds for the Wallis ratio. Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, p.803-815, 2010.

Cristinel Mortici Fast convergences toward Euler-Mascheroni constant. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2011.

Cristinel Mortici New sharp bounds for gamma and digamma functions. Analele Ştiinţifice ale Univ. A. I. Cuza Iași, 2011.

Cristinel Mortici The natural approach of Wilker-Cusa-Huygens inequalities. Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, 2011.

Cristinel Mortici Estimating the gamma function by Ramanujan via monotonicity arguments. Ramanujan Journal, 2011.

Cristinel Mortici Sharp bounds of the Landau constants. Mathematics of Computation, 2011.

Cristinel Mortici Accurate approximations of the Mathieu series. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2011.