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Turkmen K, Tonbul HZ, Erdur FM, Guney I, Kayikcioglu H, Altintepe L, Ozbek O, Yilmaz MI, Gaipov A, Turk S, Covic A, Kanbay M. Peri-aortic fat tissue and malnutrition-inflammation-atherosclerosis/calcification syndrome in end-stage renal disease patients.. Int Urol Nephrol, 2012.

The ad-hoc working group of ERBP:, Fliser D, Laville M, Covic A, Fouque D, Vanholder R, Juillard L, Van Biesen W A European Renal Best Practice (ERBP) position statement on the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Clinical Practice Guidelines on Acute Kidney Injury: Part 1: definitions, conservative management and contrast-induced nephropathy.. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2012.

Sicari R, Gargani L, Wiecek A, Covic A, Goldsmith D, Suleymanlar G, Parati G, Ortiz A, Massy Z, Martinez-Castelao A, Lindholm B, Heine GH, Fliser D, Mallamaci F, London G, Zoccali C; EUropean REnal and Cardiovascular Medicine (EURECA-m) working group of t The use of echocardiography in observational clinical trials: the EURECA-m registry.. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2012.

Sicari R, Gargani L, Wiecek A, Covic A, Goldsmith D, Suleymanlar G, Parati G, Ortiz A, Massy Z, Martinez-Castelao A, Lindholm B, Heine GH, Fliser D, Mallamaci F, London G, Zoccali C; EUropean REnal and Cardiovascular Medicine (EURECA-m) working group of t The use of echocardiography in observational clinical trials: the EURECA-m registry.. Nephrol Dial Transplant., 2012.

The ad-hoc working group of ERBP:, Fliser D, Laville M, Covic A, Fouque D, Vanholder R, Juillard L, Van Biesen W A European Renal Best Practice (ERBP) position statement on the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Clinical Practice Guidelines on Acute Kidney Injury: Part 1: definitions, conservative management and contrast-induced nephropathy.. Nephrol Dial Transplant., 2012.

Turkmen K, Tonbul HZ, Erdur FM, Guney I, Kayikcioglu H, Altintepe L, Ozbek O, Yilmaz MI, Gaipov A, Turk S, Covic A, Kanbay M. Peri-aortic fat tissue and malnutrition-inflammation-atherosclerosis/calcification syndrome in end-stage renal disease patients.. Int Urol Nephrol, 2012.

Kanbay M, Yilmaz MI, Apetrii M, Saglam M, Yaman H, Unal HU, Gok M, Caglar K, Oguz Y, Yenicesu M, Cetinkaya H, Eyileten T, Acikel C, Vural A, Covic A. Relationship between Serum Magnesium Levels and Cardiovascular Events in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients.. Am J Nephrol, p.228-37, 2012.

Covic AN, Kanemoto E, Bastos AC. Effectiveness of a hospital school mathematics literacy program.. Stud Health Technol Inform, p.168-73, 2012.

Verri, G;Barkai, R;Ben-Dov, Y; Boaretto, E;Bordeanu, C;Gopher, A;Hass, M;Paul, M;Weiner, S Be-10 measurements on Neolithic and Paleolithic flint tools from Israel. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, p.A805, 2002.

Paul, M;Feldstein, C;Valenta, A;Ahmad, I;Ben-Dov, Y;Berkovits, D;Bordeanu, C;Ghelberg, S;Hashimoto, Y;Jiang, S;Nakanishi, T; Sakamoto, K;Verri, G An insight into Pu-244 abundance in interstellar matter. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA,, p.A583, 2002.

Baby LT, Bordeanu C, Goldring G, Hass M, Weissman L, Fedoseyev VN, Koster U, Nir-El Y, Haquin G, Gaggeler HW, Weinreich R Precision measurement of the Be-7(p,gamma)B-8 cross section with an implanted Be-7 target. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, p.022501, 2003.

Baby, LT;Bordeanu, C;Goldring, G;Hass, M;Weissman, L;Fedoseyev, VN;Koster, U;Nir-El, Y;Haquin, G;Gaggeler, HW;Weinreich, R New measurement of the proton capture rate on Be-7 and the S-17(0) factor. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, p.065805, 2003.

France, RH;Baby, LT;Bordeanu, C;Delbar, T;Dooley, JA;Gai, M;Hass, M;McDonald, JE;Ninane, A;Przybycien, CM Destruction of Li-7 and Be-7 in astrophysical environments. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, p.398c, 2003.

Paul, M;Feldstein, C;Ahmad, I;Berkovits, D;Bordeanu, C;Caggiano, J;Ghelberg, S;Goerres, J;Greene, J;Hass, M;Heinz, A;Henderson, D;Hui, SK;Janssens, RVF;Jiang, CL;Jiang, S;Nirel, Y;Pardo, RC;Pennington, T;Rehm, KE;Savard, G;Verri, G;Vondrasek, R;Wiedenhove Counting Ti-44 nuclei from the Ca-40(alpha,gamma)Ti-44 reaction. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, p.239c, 2003.

Paul, M;Valenta, A;Ahmad, I;Berkovits, D; Bordeanu, C;Ghelberg, S;Hashimoto, Y;Hershkowitz, A;Jiang, S;Nakanishi, T; Sakamoto, K A window on nucleosynthesis through detection of short-lived radionuclides. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, p.29c, 2003.

Baby, LT;Bordeanu, C;Goldring, G;Hass, M;Weissman, L; Fedoseyev, VN;Koster, U;Nir-El, Y;Haquin, G;Gaggeler, HW;Weinreich, R A new measurement of the proton capture rate on Be-7. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, p.487c, 2003.

Berkovits, D; Paul, M; Ben-Dov, Y;Bordeanu, C;Ghelberg, S;Heber, O;Hass, M;Shahar, Y;Verri, G Upgrading of the AMS facility at the Koffler 14UD Pelletron accelerator. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, p.161, 2004.

Baby, LT;Bordeanu, C;Goldring, G;Hass, M;Weissman, L;Fedoseyev, VN;Koster, U;Nir-El, Y;Haquin, G;Gaggeler, HW;Weinreich, R Precision measurement of the Be-7(p,gamma)B-8 cross section with an implanted Be-7 target. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, p.029901, 2004.

Baby, LT;Bordeanu, C;Goldring, G;Hass, M;Weissman, L;Fedoseyev, VN;Koster, U;Nir-El, Y;Haquin, G;Gaggeler, HW;Weinreich, R New measurement of the proton capture rate on Be-7 and the S-17(0) factor. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, p.019902, 2004.

Baby LT, Bordeanu C, Hass M, Haas H, Weissman L, Brown BA Magnetic moment of Ne-17 using beta-NMR and tilted foil polarization. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS, p.519, 2004.

Berkovits, D;Ben-Dov, Y;Berkovits, I;Bordeanu, C;Paul, M Magnet saturation and relativistic effects in accelerator-mass-spectrometry systems. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, p.233, 2004.

Verri, G;Barkai, R;Bordeanu, C;Gopher, A;Hass,M;Kaufman, A;Kubik, P;Montanari, E;Paul, M;Ronen, A;Weiner, S;Boaretto, E Flint mining in prehistory recorded by in situ-produced cosmogenic Be-10. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, p.7880, 2004.

A.Horvarth, K.Ieki, A.Kiss, A.Galonski, M.Thoennessen, T.Baumann, D.Bazin, C.A.Bertulani, C.Bordeanu, N.Carlin, M.Csanad, F.Deak, P.DeYoung, N.Frank, T.Fukuchi, Zs.Fulop, A.Gade, D.Galaviz, C.Hoffman, R.Izsak, W.A.Peters, H.Schelin, A.Schiller, R.Sugo, Z. Can the neutron –capture cross sections be measured with Coulomb dissociation?. Eur.Phys.J. A, p.217, 2006.

Paul M , Valenta A , Ahmad I , Berkovits D , Bordeanu C , Ghelberg S , Hashimoto Y , Hershkowitz A , Jiang S , Nakanishi T , Sakamoto K An upper limit to interstellar Pu-244 abundance as deduced from radiochemical search in deep-sea sediment: An account. JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY, p.243, 2007.

T. A. D. Brown, C. Bordeanu,* K. A. Snover,†D. W. Storm, D. Melconian, A. L. Sallaska,S. K. L. Sjue, and S. Triambak 3He + 4He->gamma+7Be astrophysical S factor. PHYSICAL REVIEW C , p.055801, 2007.

D. Melconian, S. Triambak, C. Bordeanu, A. García, J. C. Hardy, V. E. Iacob, N. Nica, H. I. Park, G. Tabacaru, L. Trache, I. S. Towner, R. E. Tribble, Y. Zhai The beta Decay of 32Cl: Precision gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and a Measurement of Isospin-Symmetry Breaking. arXiv:1112.2748, 2011.

Melconian, D; Triambak, S; Bordeanu, C; Garcia, A; Hardy, JC; Iacob, VE; Nica, N; Park, HI; Tabacaru, G; Trache, L; Towner, IS; Tribble, RE; Zhai, Y Experimental Validation of the Largest Calculated Isospin-Symmetry-Breaking Effect in a Superallowed Fermi Decay. PHYS REV LETT, p.182301, 2011.

D. Melconian, S. Triambak, C. Bordeanu, A. García, J. C. Hardy, V. E. Iacob, N. Nica, H. I. Park, G. Tabacaru, L. Trache, I. S. Towner, R. E. Tribble, Y. Zhai Experimental Validation of the Largest Calculated Isospin-Symmetry-Breaking Effect in a Superallowed Fermi Decay. arXiv:1108.5312, 2011.

Melconian, D; Triambak, S; Bordeanu, C; Garcia, A; Hardy, JC; Iacob, VE; Nica, N; Park, HI; Tabacaru, G; Trache, L; Towner, IS; Tribble, RE; Zhai, Y beta decay of Cl-32: Precision gamma-ray spectroscopy and a measurement of isospin-symmetry breaking. Phys. Rev. C , p. 025501, 2012.

L. Erdös, Z. Bátori, M. Zalatnai, K. Margóczi, D. Tolnay, V. Cseh, G. -G. Arsene, L. Kömöczi Comparison of two neighbouring alkaline grasslands with different land uses: A conservation management perspective. Acta Botanica Hungarica, p.89-100, 2011.

Fărcășescu, A.-M., Arsene, G.G., Neacșu, A.G. Eriochloa villosa (Thunb.) Khunt. – a new invasive weed in Romania. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, p.333-334, 2008.

Morvan, T., Leterme, T., Arsene, G.G., Mary, B. Nitrogen transformation after the spreading of pig slurry on bare soil and ryegrass using 15N-labelled ammonium. European Journal of Agronomy, p.181-188, 1997.

Gabriela Carja, M.I. Popa, Gabriela Ciobanu, N. Aelenei Mixed oxides derived from vanadium substitued layered double hydroxides as catalysts precursors for SO2 oxidation. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, p.307-311, 2002.

I. Sandu, C. Pascu, I.G. Sandu, Gabriela Ciobanu, Victoriţa Vasile, O. Ciobanu The obtaining and characterisation of NaCl nanocrystalline dispersions for saline type therapeutical climate. I. Theoretical aspects. Revista de Chimie , p.807-812, 2003.

I. Sandu, C. Pascu, I.G. Sandu, Gabriela Ciobanu, A.V. Sandu, O. Ciobanu The obtaining and characterisation of NaCl nanocrystalline dispersions for saline type therapeutical climate. II The in situ analysis of saline rooms aerosols. Revista de Chimie , p.791-796, 2004.

I. Sandu, C. Pascu, I.G. Sandu, Gabriela Ciobanu, A.V. Sandu, O. Ciobanu The obtaining and characterisation of NaCl nanocrystalline dispersions for saline type therapeutical climate. III. The evaluation of the „Saline” device reliability. Revista de Chimie , p.975-982, 2004.

Gabriela Ciobanu, C. Luca, S. Ilisei, A.C. Luca New polyurethane – hydroxyapatite composites membranes. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, p.291-295, 2012.

Gabriela Ciobanu, S. Ilisei, C. Luca, G. Carja, O. Ciobanu The effect of vitamins to hydroxyapatite growth on porous polyurethane substrate. Progress in Organic Coatings, p.648-653, 2012.

Florentina Sauca Introgression of drought-resistance gene(s) from Helianthus argophyllus to Helianthus annuus specie, using embryo rescue techniques. Romanian Agricultural Research, p.47-51, 2010.

Florentina Sauca Introgression of drought-resistance gene(s) from Helianthus argophyllus to Helianthus annuus specie, using embryo rescue techniques. Romanian Agricultural Research, p.47-51, 2010.

F. Albu and H. K. Kwan Memory improved proportionate affine projection sign algorithm. IET Electronics Letters, p.1279-1281, 2012.

Benjamin C. Pierce, Chris Casinghino, Michael Greenberg, Cãtãlin Hriţcu, Vilhelm Sjöberg, and Brent Yorgey Software Foundations. 2012.

Rotopanescu, A.M.; Trifina, L.; Tarniceriu, D. Soft Estimates for Doubly Iterative Decoding with 8-PSK and 16-PSK Modulations. Frequenz, p.101-107, 2012.

I Tomuta, C. Alecu, L.L. Rus Optimization of fluid bed formulations of metoprolol granules and tablets using an experimental design. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, p.1072-1081, 2009.

C. Alecu, I. Tomuta, L.L. Rus, S.E. Leucuta Screening formulation on technological variables of a fluidized bed granulation on characteristics of granules and tablets containining metoprolol. Farmacia, p.647-658, 2008.

C. Sarbu, L.L. Rus, I. Tomuta Analiza spectrofotometrica simultana a amestecului format din acid ascorbic si rutin prin metode de regresie bazate pe analiza componentelor principale. Revista de chimie, p.581-587, 2005.

L.L. Rus, M. Bojiţă Contributions to spectrophotometric determination of calcium and magnesium in pharmaceuticals. Farmacia, p.17-22, 2006.

B. Kiss, L.L. Rus, Cristina Iuga, M. Bojiţă Quantification of hydrochlorothiazide in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography with UV detection. Clujul Medical, p.681-688, 2006.

L.L. Rus, B. Kiss, I. Tomuţă, E. Făgărăşan Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of acetaminophen and caffeine in pharmaceuticals using multiple calibration methods. Farmacia, p.84-92, 2006.

L.L. Rus, M. Bojiţă Spectrophotometric determination of ubidecarenone in pharmaceuticals. Method validation. Farmacia, p.12-17, 2005.