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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

P. Anghel-Vasilescu, J. Dorignac, F. Geniet, J. Leon, and A. Taki3 Generation and dynamics of quadratic birefringent spatial gap solitons. Phys. Rev. A, 2011.

J. Leon, P. Anghel-Vasilescu, F. Ginovart and N. Allegra Scattering of slow-light gap solitons with charges in a two-level medium. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 2009.

P. Anghel-Vasilescu, J. Dorignac, F. Geniet, J. Leon, and M. Taki Nonlinear Supratransmission in Multicomponent Systems. Phys. Rev. Lett , 2010.

DANA ALINA MAGDAS, NICOLETA SIMONA VEDEANU, LAURA BOLOJAN, ROMULUS PUSCAS, GRIGORE DAMIAN Comparative study between single strenght juice and commercial natural juices by IRMS and EPR. Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Chemia, p.19 - 27, 2011.

DOINA PRODAN, LAURA SILAGHI-DUMITRESCU, PREJMEAN CRISTINA, RADU SILAGHI-DUMITRESCU, LAURA BOLOJAN, G. DAMIAN Evaluation of Free Radical Concentration in Some New Dental Composite Materials by ESR Spectroscopy. Studia Univrsitatis Babes–-Bolyai, Chemia, p.201-206, 2011.

Nicoleta Simona Vedeanu, Dana Alina Magdas, Laura Bolojan and Grigore Damian Antioxidant potential and authenticity of some commercial fruit juices studied by EPR and IRMS. Chemical Papers, p.612-616, 2012.

R.M. Tudoran A normal form of completely integrable systems. Journal of Geometry and Physics, p.1167-1174, 2012.

Feurdean, A., Tanţãu, I., Fãrcaş, S Holocene variability in the range distribution and abundance of Pinus, Picea abies, and Quercus in Romania; implications for their current status. Quaternary Sciences Review, p.3060-3075, 2011.

Tanţãu, I., Feurdean, A., Beaulieu, J.L. de, Reille, M., Fãrcaş, S Holocene vegetation history in the upper forest belt of the Eastern Romanian Carpathians. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, p.281-290, 2011.

Sos, T., Toth, A., Tanţãu, I New reptile fossil records from Corund (Eastern Transylvania, Romania) and their paleoenvironmental significance. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, p.173-181, 2011.

Tanţãu, I., Fãrcaş, S., Beldean, C., Geantã, A., Ştefãnescu, L Late Holocene paleoenvironments and human impact in Fãgãraş Depression (Southern Transylvania, Romania). Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, p.101-108, 2011.

Feurdean, A., Willis, KJ, Parr, CL, Tanţãu, I., Fãrcaş, S. Postglacial patterns in trees diversity and distribution in Romania: homogenization or differentiation?. Journal of Biogeography, p.2197-2215, 2010.

Irene Keller, Ioana C. Chintauan-Marquier, Paris Veltsos and Richard A. Nichols Ribosomal DNA in the Grasshopper Podisma pedestris: Escape from Concerted Evolution. Genetics, p.863-874, 2006.

Salamon, J., Bogdan, M., Closedness of the solution map for parametric weak vector equilibrium problems. J. of Math. Analysis and Appl., p.483-491, 2010.

1. M. Chipara, R. Skomski, R. Kirby, D. J. Sellmyer Ferromagnetic Resonance on Ni nanowire arrays. Journal of Materials Research, p.2169-2174, 2011.

Hamid Reza Rezaei, Saejd Naderi, Ioana Cristina Chintauan-Marquier, Pierre Taberlet, Amjad Tahir Virk, Hamid Reza Naglash, Delphine Rioux, Mohammad Kaboli, François Pompanon Evolution and taxonomy of the wild species of the genus Ovis (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Bovidae). Molecular Phylogenetic and Evolution, p.315-326, 2010.

Ioana C. Chintauan-Marquier, S. Jordan, P. Berthier, C. Amédégnato and F. Pompanon Evolutionary history and taxonomy of a short-horned grasshopper family: The Melanoplinae (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, p.22-32, 2011.

Lucica Mihalte, Radu E. Sestras The plant size and the spine characteristics of the first generation progeny obtained through the cross-pollination of different genotypes of Cactaceae. Euphytica DOI: 10.1007/s10681-011-0597-5, 2011.

Ghiţã Eugen Realitãţi demografice în oraşul Arad în secolul al XVIII-lea. ProMemoria, p.35-43, 2011.

Ghiţã Eugen Population, Ethnicity and Confession in the County of Arad in the Eighteenth Century and Early Nineteenth Century. Ethno-confessional realities in the Romanian area: historical perspectives (XVIII-XX centuries)"/ Mircea Brie, Sorin Sipoş, Ioan Horga (coord.), p.41-54, 2011.

Ghiţã Eugen Aspecte privind organizarea administrativ-teritorialã şi instituţionalã a comitatului Arad în secolul al XVIII-lea. „Administrație româneascã arãdeanã”, Doru Sinaci, Emil Arbonie (coord.), p.22-31, 2011.

Lucian Drãguţ, Clemens Eisank Automated object-based classification of topography from SRTM data. Geomorphology, p.21-33, 2012.

Henrik Madsen, Grigore Albeanu, Fl. Popentiu-Vladicescu An Intuitionistic Fuzzy Methodology for Component-Based Software Reliability Optimization. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERFORMABILITY ENGINEERING, 2012.

Madsen H., R.-D. Albu, I. Felea, G. Albeanu, Fl. Popentiu-Vladicescu, R. C. Tarca Web server’s reliability improvements using recurrent neural networks. Advances in Safety, Reliability and Risk Management, p.2685-2690, 2012.

Madsen H., R.-D. Albu, Fl Popentiu-Vladicescu, R.C. Tarca, G. Albeanu Designing a reliable protocol for web services based robots interconnection. Advances in Safety, Reliability, and Risk Management , p.2647-2652, 2012.

Rusu MC, Jianu AM, Mirancea N, Didilescu AC, Manoiu VS, Paduraru D. Tracheal telocytes. J Cell Mol Med, p.401-405, 2012.

Holloway J.K., Mohan S., Balmus G., et al. Mammalian BTBD12 (SLX4) localizes to meiotic chromosome cores and is essential for normal spermatogenesis. PLoS Genet., 2011.

Jinadasa R., Balmus G., Gerwitz L., et al. Derivation of Thymic Lymphoma T-cell Lines from Atm-/- and p53-/- Mice. J Vis Exp. , 2011.

Toshihiro Yamase, Shun Kumagai, Petra V. Prokop, Eri Ishikawa, Adrian-Raul Tomsa {Mo96La8} Eggshell Ring and Self-Assembly to {Mo132} Keplerate through Mo-blue Intermediate, Involved in UV-Photolysis of [Mo7O24]6-/Carboxylic Acid System at pH 4. 2010.

Adrian-Raul Tomsa, José Martínez-Lillo, Yanling Li, Lise-Marie Chamoreau, Kamal Boubekeur, Fernanda Farias, Miguel A. Novak, Eduard Cremades, Eliseo Ruiz, Anna Proust, Michel Verdaguer, Pierre Gouzerh A new family of oxime-based hexa nuclear manganese(III) single molecule magnets with high anisotropy energy barriers. Chemical Communications, p.5106-5108, 2010.

Tamoghna Mitra, Pere Mir, Adrian-Raul Tomsa, Alice Merca, Hartmut Bögge, Josep Bonet Ávalos, Josep Maria Poblet, Carles Bo, Achim Müller Gated and Differently Functionalized (New) Porous Capsules Direct Encapsulates Structures: Higher and Lower Density Water. Chemistry a European Journal, p.1844-1852, 2009.

Paun O, Luna JA, Fay MF, Bateman RM, Chase MW Genomic responses drive adaptation in allotetraploid species of Dactylorhiza (Orchidaceae; Orchidinae). Diversity, Phylogeny, and Evolution in the Monocotyledons, p.169-192, 2010.

Kia A, Ribeiro F, Nelson R, Gavrilovici C, Ferguson SS, Poulter MO Kindling alters neurosteroid-induced modulation of phasic and tonic GABAA receptor-mediated currents: role of phosphorylation. J Neurochem. 2011 Mar;116(6):1043-56, 2011.

M. Bercea, M. Nichifor, J. Eckelt, B. A. Wolf Dextran-based polycations: Thermodynamic interaction with water as compared with unsubstituted dextran. 2. Flory-Huggins interaction parameter. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, p.1932-1940, 2011.

Cezar Gavrilovici Morpho-physiological analysis of interneuronal populations in the rat piriform cortex before and after kindling induced epilepsy. 2011.

Muntean E., Tania Mihaiescu, Nicoleta Muntean, R.Mihaiescu Simultaneous ion chromatographic determination of anions and cations in surface waters from Fizes valley. Chem Listy, p.s441–, 2008.

Muntean E., V.Bercea, Nicoleta Muntean, N.Dragos Changes in carotenoid pattern in Mougeotia spp. algae induced by high light stress.. Chem.Listy, p.s441–, 2008.

Muntean, E Title: Simultaneous Carbohydrate Chromatography and Unsuppressed Ion Chromatography in Detecting Fruit Juices Adulteration. Chromatographia , p.S69-S74, 2010.

Albert-Lõrincz, Enikõ, Szõnyi Gábor Pszichoterapeuta-pályakép II.: a szakmatanulás útja. Revista Pszichoterápia, p.169-180, 2011.

AlbertüLõrincz, Enikõ, Szõnyi, Gábor Pszichoterapeuta-pályakép I.: képzéshasznosulás. Revista Pszichoterápia, p.98-108, 2011.

Albert-Lõrincz, Enikõ, Albert-Lõrincz, Márton, Lukács-Márton, Réka Anna, Kádár, Annamária Factorii de fundal al consumului de drog. Efectul satisfacţiei cu viaţa asupra integrãrii sociale. "De ce cad îngerii?" Vol. Conf. Naţionalã Antidrog cu paricipare internaţionalã "Impactul integrãrii României în Uniunea Europeanã din perspectiva reducerii cererii şi ofertei de droguri ilicite. Tratamentul adicţiilor. Provocãri şi oportunitãţi", p.26-36, 2007.

Albert-Lõrincz, Enikõ, Albert-Lõrincz, Márton A segítõ erõforrásai. Volumul Conferinței cu participare internaționalã "Egymást segítve hogyan segíthetünk? Erõforrás - Együttmûködés - Eredmény", p.23-31, 2010.

Albert-Lõrincz, Márton A lovasfogat és hajtói, avagy az erdélyi iskolaügy szabályozása a két világháború között. Revista Erdélyi Múzeum, p.75-90, 2006.

Albert-Lõrincz, Márton Erõforrás: ötlet és akció. Volumul Conferinței cu participare internaționalã "Egymást segítve hogyan segíthetünk? Erõforrás - Együttmûködés - Eredmény", p.51-55, 2010.

Albert-Lõrincz, Enikõ, Albert-Lõrincz, Márton A segítõ erõforrásai. Volumul Conferinței cu participare internaționalã "Egymást segítve hogyan segíthetünk? Erõforrás - Együttmûködés - Eredmény", p.23-31, 2010.

Albert-Lõrincz, Enikõ, Albert-Lõrincz, Márton, Lukács-Márton, Réka Anna, Kádár, Annamária Factorii de fundal al consumului de drog. Efectul satisfacţiei cu viaţa asupra integrãrii sociale. "De ce cad îngerii?" Vol. Conf. Naţionalã Antidrog cu paricipare internaţionalã "Impactul integrãrii României în Uniunea Europeanã din perspectiva reducerii cererii şi ofertei de droguri ilicite. Tratamentul adicţiilor. Provocãri şi oportunitãţi", p.26-36, 2007.

Albert-Lõrincz, Enikõ, Albert-Lõrincz, Márton, Kádár, Annamária, Lukács-Márton, Réka Anna Factori de risc în comportamentul de sãnãtate ai adolescenţilor. Studiu comparativ referitor la adolescenţii din Transilvania şi Ungaria. Volumul Conferinţei Naţionalã "Succesul şcolar la intersecţia factorilor sociali" - 11-12 septembrie 2009, Cluj-Napoca, p.189-206, 2009.

Albert-Lõrincz, Enikõ, Albert-Lõrincz, Márton, Kádár, Annamária, Timea, Krizbai, Lukács-Márton, Réka Flow and Anti-Flow as Predictive Factors in the Life of Adolescents. Revista The New Educational Review, p.81-92, 2010.

Albert-Lõrincz, Enikõ, Albert-Lõrincz, Márton, Kádár, Annamária, Timea, Krizbai, Lukács-Márton, Réka Relationship between the Characteristics of the Psychological Immune System and the Emotional Tone of Personality in Adolescents. Revista The New Educational Review, p.103-114, 2011.

Albert-Lõrincz, Enikõ, Albert-Lõrincz, Márton, Kádár, Annamária, Lukács-Márton, Réka, Kovács, Rozália Réka Anna The Relationship between Awareness of Life and Successful Social Adaptation. Revista Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai, p.3-16, 2007.