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Doina Popov Endoplasmic reticulum stress and the on site function of resident PTP1B. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, p.535-538, 2012.
Nicoleta Alexandru, Doina Popov , Adriana Georgescu Platelet dysfunction in vascular pathologies and how can it be treated. Thrombosis Research , p.116-26, 2012.
A. Georgescu, N. Alexandru, E . Andrei, I . Titorencu, E . Dragan, C. Tarziu, S . Ghiorghe, E . Badila,, D. Bartos, D. Popov Circulating microparticles and endothelial progenitor cells in atherosclerosis: pharmacological effects of irbesartan. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis,, p.680-691, 2012.
Maksaev G, Milac AL, Anishkin A, Guy HR, Sukharev S Analyses of gating thermodynamics and effects of deletions in the mechanosensitive channel TREK-1: comparisons with structural models. Channel (Austin), p.34-42, 2011.
Milac AL, Anishkin A, Fatakia SN, Chow CC, Sukharev S, Guy HR Structural models of TREK channels and their gating mechanism. Channels (Austin), p.23-33, 2011.
Ruprecht, E., Szabó, A. Grass litter is a natural seed trap in long-term undisturbed grassland. Journal of Vegetation Science, p.495-504, 2012.
Sorin Tunaru, Till F. Althoff, Rolf M. Nüsing, Martin Diener, and Stefan Offermanns Castor oil induces laxation and uterus contraction via ricinoleic acid activating prostaglandin EP3 receptors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 2012.
Bierhaus A, Fleming T, Stoyanov S, Leffler A, Babes A, Neacsu C, Sauer SK, Eberhardt M, Schnölzer M, Lasischka F, Neuhuber WL, Kichko TI, Konrade I, Elvert R, Mier W, Pirags V, Lukic IK, Morcos M, Dehmer T, Rabbani N, Thornalley PJ, Edelstein D, Nau C, Fo Methylglyoxal modification of Na(v)1.8 facilitates nociceptive neuron firing and causes hyperalgesia in diabetic neuropathy. Nature Medicine, 2012.
Balmus G, Zhu M, Mukherjee S, Lyndaker AM, Hume KR, Lee J, Riccio ML, Reeves AP, Sutter N, Noden DM, Peters RM, Weiss RS. Disease severity in a mouse model of Ataxia Telangiectasia is modulated by the DNA damage checkpoint gene Hus1.. Human Molecular Genetics, 2012.
MAQC Consortium The MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC)-IIII study of common practices for the development and validation of microarray-based predictive models. Nature Biotechnology, 2010.
Erin K. Daugherity, Gabriel Balmus, Ahmed Al Saei, Elizabeth Moore, Delbert Abi Abdallah, Arlin B. Rogers, Robert S. Weiss and Kirk J. Maurer The DNA damage checkpoint protein ATM promotes hepatocellular apoptosis and fibrosis in a mouse model of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Cell cycle, 2012.
Q Qi, W Huang, Y Bai, G Balmus, RS Weiss, A August A Unique Role for ITK in Survival of Invariant NKT Cells Associated with the p53-Dependent Pathway in Mice. The Journal of Immunology, p.3611-3619, 2012.
M. Ursache-Oprisan, E. Focanici, D. Creanga and O. Caltun, Sunflower chlorophyll levels after magnetic nanoparticle supply. African Journal of Biotechnology, p. 7092-7098, 2011.
D. Creanga, A. Poiata, A. Fifere C. Nadejde, A. Airinei Fluorescence of pyoverdine synthesized by Pseudomonas under the effect of iron oxide nanoparticles. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, p.6336-6344, 2011.
Kobe F, Guseva D, Jensen TP, Wirth A, Renner U, Hess D, Müller M, Medrihan L, Zhang W, Zhang M, Braun K, Westerholz S, Herzog A, Radyushkin K, El-Kordi A, Ehrenreich H, Richter DW, Rusakov DA, Ponimaskin E. 5-HT7R/G12 signaling regulates neuronal morphology and function in an age-dependent manner. Journal of Neuroscience, p.2915-2930, 2012.
Farisello P, Boido D, Nieus T, Medrihan L, Cesca F, Valtorta F, Baldelli P, Benfenati F. Synaptic and Extrasynaptic Origin of the Excitation/Inhibition Imbalance in the Hippocampus of Synapsin I/II/III Knockout Mice. Cerebral Cortex, 2012.
Engel, MA; Leffler, A; Niedermirtl, F; Babes, A; Zimmermann, K; Filipovic, MR; Izydorczyk, I; Eberhardt, M; Kichko, TI; Mueller-Tribbensee, SM; Khalil, M; Siklosi, N; Nau, C; Ivanovic-Burmazovic, I; Neuhuber, WL; Becker, C; Neurath, MF; Reeh, PW TRPA1 and Substance P Mediate Colitis in Mice. Gastroenterology, p.1346-1358, 2011.
Deaconescu AM, Sevostyanova A, Artsimovitch I, Grigorieff N. Nucleotide excision repair (NER) machinery recruitment by the transcription-repair coupling factor involves unmasking of a conserved intramolecular interface. PNAS, p.3353-3358, 2012.
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M. BRATU, TOFAN L. , V. COATU, M. CRASMARU Comparative study of catalase activity from digestive gland of three mollusc species from the Black Sea. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE), p.341-346, 2004.
Tofan Lucica, D. Secrieru, M. Skolka, M. Arcuş, G. Paraschiv, M. Bratu Impact of waste waters discharging on the qualitative state of coastal ecosystems from Vadu -Gura Buhaz. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE), p.258-264, 2004.
TOFAN Lucica, M. BRATU, F. ZISU, V. SERBAN, G. PARASCHIV Bioaccumulation of oil petroleum hydrocarbons by mussels from the Romanian Black Sea Coast physiological and biochemical alterations. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE), p.569-576, 2003.
SCHIOPU S., , COPREAN D. , TOFAN L. Study of oxidative stress in acute intoxication with benzene on Mytilus galloprovincialis. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE), p.710-713, 2005.
D. COPREAN, S. SCHIOPU, TOFAN L. Evaluation of marine pollution degree using the variation of oxidative stress enzymes activity in tissues of fish Apollonia melanostoma.. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE), p.704-709, 2005.
Tofan Lucica, D. Coprean, M. Bratu, T. Negreanu - Parjol, M. Belc, I. Spanu Preliminary data about ecotoxicological, physiological and biochemical changes at mussels under Zn contamination at the Romanian Black Sea Coast and in experimental conditions. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE), p.845-853, 2005.
Guido Persoone, B. Marsalah, I.Blinova, A. Torokne, D. Zarina, L. Manusodzianas, G. Nalecz-Jawecki, Lucica Tofan, N.Stepanova, L. Tothova, B. Kolar A practical and User-Friendly Toxicity Classification System with Microbiotests for Natural waters and Wastewaters. Environmental Toxicology, p.395-402, 2003.
C.A. Dumitru, M. K. Fechner, T.K. Hoffmann, S. Lang and S. Brandau A novel p38-MAPK signalling axis modulates neutrophil biology in head and neck cancer. Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 2012.
P.J. Schuler, P. Boeckers, R. Engers, E. Boelke, M. Bas, J. Greve, C.A. Dumitru, G.F. Lehnerdt, R.L. Ferris, P.A. Andrade Filho, S. Brandau, S. Lang, T.L. Whiteside and T.K. Hoffmann EGFR-specific T cell frequencies correlate with EGFR expression in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Journal of Translational Medicine, 2011.
S. Trellakis, H. Farjah, K. Bruderek, C.A. Dumitru, T.K. Hoffmann, S. Lang and S. Brandau Peripheral blood neutrophil granulocytes from patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma functionally differ from their counterparts in healthy donors. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, p.683-693, 2011.
C.A. Dumitru, T.K. Hoffmann, G. Lehnerdt, R. Zeidler, S. Lang and S. Brandau Innovations in Biomarker Development: a Pathway Towards Individualized Cancer Therapy? (review). Laryngorhinootologie, p.168-177, 2011.
C.A. Dumitru, H. Gholaman, S. Trellakis, K. Bruderek, N. Dominas, X. Gu, A. Bankfalvi, T.L. Whiteside, S. Lang and S. Brandau Tumor-derived macrophage migration inhibitory factor modulates tumor biology through activation of neutrophil granulocytes in head and neck cancer. International Journal of Cancer, p.859-869, 2011.
C. Battke, E. Kremmer, J. Mysliwietz, G. Gondi, C.A. Dumitru, S. Brandau, S. Lang, D. Vullo, C. Supuran and R. Zeidler Generation and characterization of the first inhibitory antibody targeting tumour-associated carbonic anhydrase XII. Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy, p.649-658, 2011.
S. Trellakis, K. Bruderek, C.A. Dumitru, H. Gholaman, X. Gu, A. Bankfalvi, A. Scherag, J. Hütte, N. Dominas, G.F. Lehnerdt, T. K. Hoffmann, S. Lang and S. Brandau Polymorphonuclear granulocytes in human head and neck cancer: enhanced inflammatory activity, modulation by cancer cells and expansion in advanced disease. International Journal of Cancer, p.2183-2193, 2011.
I. E. Sandalcioglu, S. Asgari, D. Wende, J.A.P. van de Nes, C.A. Dumitru, Y. Zhu, E.R. Gizewski, D. Stolke and U. Sure Proliferation activity is significantly elevated in partially embolized cerebral arteriovenous malformations. Cerebrovascular Diseases, p.396-401, 2010.
C.A. Dumitru, I.E. Sandalcioglu, M. Wagner, M. Weller and E. Gulbins Lysosomal ceramide mediates gemcitabine-induced death of glioma cells. Journal of Molecular Medicine, p.1123-1132, 2009.
C.A. Dumitru, M. Weller and E. Gulbins Ceramide metabolism determines glioma cell resistance to chemotherapy. Journal of Cellular Physiology, p.688-695, 2009.
A. Carpinteiro, C.A. Dumitru, M. Schenck and E. Gulbins Ceramide-induced cell death in malignant cells (review). Cancer Letters, p.1-10, 2008.
C.A. Dumitru, Y. Zhang, X. Li and E. Gulbins Ceramide – a novel player in reactive oxygen species-induced signaling? (review). Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, p.1535-40, 2007.
S. Dreschers, P. Franz, C.A. Dumitru, B. Wilker, K. Jahnke and E. Gulbins Infections with human Rhinovirus induce the formation of distinct functional membrane domains. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, p.241-254, 2007.
C.A. Dumitru, A. Carpinteiro, T. Trarbach, U.R. Hengge and E. Gulbins Doxorubicin enhances TRAIL-induced cell death via ceramide-enriched membrane platforms. Apoptosis, p.1533-41 , 2007.
S. Dreschers, C.A. Dumitru, C. Adams and E. Gulbins The cold case – are Rhinoviruses perfectly adapted pathogens? (review). Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, p.181-91, 2007.
C.A. Dumitru and E. Gulbins TRAIL activates acid sphingomyelinase via a redox mechanism and releases ceramide to trigger apoptosis. Oncogene, p.5612-25, 2006.
C.A. Dumitru, S. Dreschers and E. Gulbins Rhinoviral infections activate p38MAP-Kinase via membrane rafts and RhoA. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, p.159-166, 2006.
Adriana Georgescu, Nicoleta Alexandru, Eugen Andrei, Irina Titorencu, Emanuel Dragan, Cristina Tarziu, Silviu Ghiorghe, Elisabeta Badila, Daniela Bartos, Doina Popov Ratio of circulating microparticles to endothelial progenitor cells as a new marker of vascular atherosclerosis; effect of irbesartan. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis , 2012.
N. Alexandru, D. Popov, A. Georgescu Intraplatelet oxidative/nitrative stress: inductors, consequences, and contro. Trends Cardiovasc Med, p.232–, 2010.
Nicoleta Alexandru, Doina Popov, Adriana Georgescu Platelet dysfunction in vascular pathologies and how can it be treated. Thrombosis Research, p.116-126, 2012.
I Titorencu, M. G. Albu, F. Anton, A. Georgescu, V. V. Jinga Collagen – dexamethasone and collagen-D3 scaffolds for bone tissue engineering. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, p. 1-10, 2012.
Moldovan GL, Dejsuphong D, Petalcorin MI, Hofmann K, Takeda S, Boulton SJ, D'Andrea AD. Inhibition of homologous recombination by the PCNA-interacting protein PARI.. Molecular Cell, p.75-86, 2012.
Yang K, Moldovan GL, Vinciguerra P, Murai J, Takeda S, D'Andrea AD. Regulation of the Fanconi anemia pathway by a SUMO-like delivery network.. Genes and Development, p.1847-1858, 2011.
Moldovan GL, D'Andrea AD. DNA damage discrimination at stalled replication forks by the Rad5 homologs HLTF and SHPRH (review). Molecular Cell, p.141-143, 2011.