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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

Daniela Nedelescu-Ionescu Developments and adjustments of philosophy within the international trade. Metalurgia International 2010 - No. 3, ISSN 1582-2214 [publication indexed ISI Thompson], 2010.

Daniela Nedelescu-Ionescu Enlargement of the European Union. Possible consequences of other countries accession for Romania. University of Malta International Conference February 2010, The International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Cumberland USA, ISSN 1944-6934, [paper awarded with ’Certificate of Distinction’], 2010.

Daniela Nedelescu-Ionescu, Ovidiu Rujan Possible trade effects of the next European Union enlargement. International Conference European Integration - New Challenges - EINCO 2012, ISSN 1582-5450 [publication indexed B+], 2012.

Marian Aprodu, Ruxandra Moraru, Matei Toma Two-dimensional moduli spaces of vector bundles over Kodaira surface. Advances in Mathematics, p.1202-1215, 2012.

V. Constantin, A. M. Popescu, M.Olteanu Electrochemical studies on cerium (III) in molten fluorides. Journal of Rare Earth, p.428-434, 2010.

Viorel Pais, Leon Danaila Early and late coexistence of apoptosis and paraptosis in perivascular vasculogenic focuses and posttraumatic cerebral arteries, and their pathophysiologic significance. Proceedings of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, 2010.

Viorel Pais, Leon Danaila Multifaceted intracranial neuroprotection by means of the ultimate intelligent and efficient defender: the interstitial cell. A new cytodynamic perspective. Proceedings of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, 2009.

Cocean Pompei, Filip Sorin The Huntington Boundary between Error and Bias. Transylvanian Review, p.197-211, 2011.

Bubenek S, Nastase A, Niculescu AM, Baila S, Herlea V, Lazar V, Paslaru L, Botezatu A, Tomescu D, Popescu I, Dima S Conf.. Can J Cardiol. , p.712-20, 2012.

Rotariu, L., Zamfir, L.-G., Bala, C. A rational design of the multiwalled carbon nanotube-7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethan sensor for sensitive detection of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. Analytica Chimica Acta, p.81-88, 2012.

Nicolae Cotfas and Daniela Dragoman Properties of finite Gaussians and the discrete-continuous transition. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. , p.425305 , 2012.

Richardson D.S., Rodrigues D.M., Hyndman B.D., Crupi M.J., Nicolescu A.C., Mulligan L.M Alternative splicing results in RET isoforms with distinct trafficking properties. Mol. Biol. Cell., p.3838-50, 2012.

J.T. Huo, D.Q.Zhao, H.Y.Bay, E(ugen) Axinte, Wei Hua Wang Giant magnetocaloric effect in Tm-based bulk metallic glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids , p.1-4, 2013.

A. Karageorghis, D. Lesnic, L. Marin The method of fundamental solutions for the detection of rigid inclusions and cavities in plane linear elastic bodies. Computers & Structures, p.176-188, 2012.

L. Marin A relaxation method of an alternating iterative MFS algorithm for the Cauchy problem associated with the two-dimensional modified Helmholtz equation. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equation, p.899–925, 2012.

C. Ivascu, I.B. Cozar, L. Daraban, G. Damian Spectroscopic investigation of P2O5-CdO-Li2O glass system. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, p.60-64, 2013.

Luminita Marin, Elena Perju, Mariana Dana Damaceanu Designing thermotropic liquid crystalline polyazomethines based on fluorene and/or oxadiazole chromophores. European Polymer Journal, p.1284 - 129, 2011.

Orsolya Horber, Karoly Zilahi L’image du médecin et formation de l’image : le dilemme entre la philosophie et les sciences naturelles. L’influence de l’école de Padoue sur la médecine de Transylvanie dans la Renaissance.. 43rd Congress of the International Society for the History of Medicine, p.75, 2012.

Luminita Marin, Bogdan Simionescu, Mihail Barboiu Imino-chitosan biodynamers. Chemical Communication, p.8778 - 878, 2012.

K. Zong, H. Franklin, O. Lenoir, M.V. Predoi Effects of periodicity perturbations on the transmission by underwater phononic crystals. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, p.2834-2841, 2012.

Wagner S.M., Zhu S.J., Nicolescu A.C., Mulligan L.M Molecular mechanisms of RET receptor-mediated oncogenesis in multiple endocrine neoplasia 2. Clinics, p.77-84, 2012.

Nicolescu A. C Mechanisms of nitric oxide release from organic nitrates and nitrites: implications on the activation of soluble guanylyl cyclase and inhibition of lipid peroxidation [dissertation]. Queen's University, p.293 pp., 2004.

L-D. Dinu, Delaquis P., S. Bach. Nonculturable response of animal enteropathogens in the agricultural environment and implications for food safety. Journal of Food Protection, p.1342-1354, 2009.

L-D.Dinu, S. Bach. Induction of viable but non-culturable Escherichia coli O157:H7 on the phyllosphere of lettuce: a food safety risk factor. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, p.8295-8302, 2011.

Chifu T., Ştefan N., Zamfirescu Oana, Mânzu Ciprian, Zamfirescu Şt. Forest communities floristically specific to Eastern Romania. Nature Conservation, Concepts and Practice, p.169 - 180, 2006.

Roşu Crãiţa Maria, Mânzu Ciprian, Olteanu Zenovia, Opricã Lãcrãmioara, Oprea A., Ciornea Elena, Zamfirache Maria Magdalena Several Fruit Characteristics of Rosa sp. Genotypes from the Northeastern Region of Romania. Not. Bot. Horti Agrobo., p.203 –, 2011.

Truţã Elena, Cãpraru Daniela, Roşu Crãiţa Maria, Zamfirache Maria Magdalena, Olteanu Zenovia, Mânzu Ciprian Morphometric pattern of somatic chromosomes in three Romanian seabuckthorn genotypes. Caryologia, p.189 –, 2011.

Noiseux N, Borie M, Desnoyers A, Menaouar A, Stevens LM, Mansour S, Danalache BA, Roy DC, Jankowski M, Gutkowska J. Preconditioning of stem cells by oxytocin to improve their therapeutic potential.. Endocrinology. , 2012.


Olei, B.A., Gingu, O., Lupu, N., Sima, G., Structural Analysis of PM Biocomposites Based on Hydroxyapatite Nanopowders Elaborated by Spark Plasma Sintering Route. Periodical of Solid State Phenomena , p.52-58, 2012.

Gingu, O, Nicolicescu C., Sima, G Research of the Milling Time Influence on Ag-Cu Powder Particles Size Processed by Mechanical Alloying Route. Periodical of Solid State Phenomena, p.382-387, 2012.

Gingu, O., Benga, G., Olei, A., Lupu, N., Rotaru, P., Tanasescu, S., Mangra, M., Ciupitu, I., Pascu, I., Sima, G., Wear Behaviour Of Ceramic Biocomposites Based On Hydroxiapatite Nanopowders. Proceedings of the IMechE, p.62-71, 2010.

Trinkaus, E., Constantin, S., and Zilhao, J. (Eds.) Life and Death at the Pestera cu Oase. A Setting for Modern Human Emergence in Europe. , p.448, 2012.

Winzer T, Gazda V, He Z, Kaminski F, Kern M, Larson TR, Li Y, Meade F, Teodor R, Vaistij FE, Walker C, Bowser TA, Graham IA. A Papaver somniferum 10-gene cluster for synthesis of the anticancer alkaloid noscapine.. Science, p.1704-8, 2012.

José J. Reina-Pinto, Derry Voisin, Roxana Teodor, Alexander Yephremov Probing differentially expressed genes against a microarray database for in silico suppressor/enhancer and inhibitor/activator screens. The Plant Journal, p.166–, 2010.

Jos H.M. Schippers, Adriano Nunes-Nesi, Roxana Apetrei, Jacques Hille, Alisdair R. Fernie and Paul P. Dijkwel The Arabidopsis onset of leaf death5 Mutation of Quinolinate Synthase Affects Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Biosynthesis and Causes Early Ageing. The Plant Cell, p.2909-2925, 2008.

Solak Y, Gul EE, Kayrak M, Atalay H, Abdulhalikov T, Turk S, Covic A, Kanbay M. Electrocardiographic P-wave characteristics in patients with end-stage renal disease: P-index and interatrial block.. Int Urol Nephrol, 2012.

Kramer A, Stel VS, Caskey FJ, Stengel B, Elliott RF, Covic A, Geue C, Cusumano A, Macleod AM, Jager KJ Exploring the Association between Macroeconomic Indicators and Dialysis Mortality.. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol., p.doi: 10.22, 2012.

Kramer A, Stel VS, Caskey FJ, Stengel B, Elliott RF, Covic A, Geue C, Cusumano A, Macleod AM, Jager KJ Exploring the Association between Macroeconomic Indicators and Dialysis Mortality.. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol., p.doi: 10.22, 2012.

Oleniuc M, Secara I, Onofriescu M, Hogas S, Voroneanu L, Siriopol D, Covic A. Consequences of Advanced Glycation End Products Accumulation in Chronic Kidney Disease and Clinical Usefulness of Their Assessment Using a Non-invasive Technique – Skin Autofluorescence.. Maedica (Buchar), p.Oct;6(4), 2011.

Ozkok A, Elcioglu OC, Cukadar T, Bakan A, Sasak G, Atilgan KG, Alisir S, Kanbay M, Covic A, Odabas AR. Low serum pancreatic enzyme levels predict mortality and are associated with malnutrition-inflammation-atherosclerosis syndrome in patients with chronic kidney disease.. Int Urol Nephrol, 2012.

Solak Y, Biyik Z, Atalay H, Gaipov A, Guney F, Turk S, Covic A, Goldsmith D, Kanbay M Pregabalin versus Gabapentin in the Treatment of Neuropathic Pruritus in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients: a Prospective Crossover Study.. Nephrology (Carlton), p.1440-1797., 2012.

Covic AN, Kanemoto E, Bastos AC Effectiveness of a hospital school mathematics literacy program.. tud Health Technol Inform, p.168-73., 2012.

Kanbay M, Yilmaz MI, Apetrii M, Saglam M, Yaman H, Unal HU, Gok M, Caglar K, Oguz Y, Yenicesu M, Cetinkaya H, Eyileten T, Acikel C, Vural A, Covic A Relationship between Serum Magnesium Levels and Cardiovascular Events in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients.. Am J Nephrol, p.228-37, 2012.

Turkmen K, Tonbul HZ, Erdur FM, Guney I, Kayikcioglu H, Altintepe L, Ozbek O, Yilmaz MI, Gaipov A, Turk S, Covic A, Kanbay M. Peri-aortic fat tissue and malnutrition-inflammation-atherosclerosis/calcification syndrome in end-stage renal disease patients.. Int Urol Nephrol, 2012.

The ad-hoc working group of ERBP:, Fliser D, Laville M, Covic A, Fouque D, Vanholder R, Juillard L, Van Biesen W A European Renal Best Practice (ERBP) position statement on the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Clinical Practice Guidelines on Acute Kidney Injury: Part 1: definitions, conservative management and contrast-induced nephropathy.. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2012.

Sicari R, Gargani L, Wiecek A, Covic A, Goldsmith D, Suleymanlar G, Parati G, Ortiz A, Massy Z, Martinez-Castelao A, Lindholm B, Heine GH, Fliser D, Mallamaci F, London G, Zoccali C; EUropean REnal and Cardiovascular Medicine (EURECA-m) working group of t The use of echocardiography in observational clinical trials: the EURECA-m registry.. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2012.

Sicari R, Gargani L, Wiecek A, Covic A, Goldsmith D, Suleymanlar G, Parati G, Ortiz A, Massy Z, Martinez-Castelao A, Lindholm B, Heine GH, Fliser D, Mallamaci F, London G, Zoccali C; EUropean REnal and Cardiovascular Medicine (EURECA-m) working group of t The use of echocardiography in observational clinical trials: the EURECA-m registry.. Nephrol Dial Transplant., 2012.

The ad-hoc working group of ERBP:, Fliser D, Laville M, Covic A, Fouque D, Vanholder R, Juillard L, Van Biesen W A European Renal Best Practice (ERBP) position statement on the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Clinical Practice Guidelines on Acute Kidney Injury: Part 1: definitions, conservative management and contrast-induced nephropathy.. Nephrol Dial Transplant., 2012.

Turkmen K, Tonbul HZ, Erdur FM, Guney I, Kayikcioglu H, Altintepe L, Ozbek O, Yilmaz MI, Gaipov A, Turk S, Covic A, Kanbay M. Peri-aortic fat tissue and malnutrition-inflammation-atherosclerosis/calcification syndrome in end-stage renal disease patients.. Int Urol Nephrol, 2012.