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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

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A.A.Raduta, V. Ceausescu, A.Gheorghe, M.S.Popa Semiclassical treatment of the interaction between individual and quadrupole collective degrees of freedom. Nucl. Phys. A , p.1, 1984.

A.A.Raduta, A.Faessler, V.Ceausescu Description of the Kpi = 1+ magnetic states within a generalised coherent state model. Phys. Rev. C 57 (1998) 1512, p.2111, 1987.

A.A.Raduta, S.Stoica Coupling of one and three quasiparticles to a collective core projected from quadrupole coherent states. Z. fur Phys. A, p.275, 1987.

Rãzvan Sãftoiu An exercise in the theory of conversational resources. Language and Dialogue, p.244-261, 2012.

A.A.Raduta, I.I.Ursu and D.S.Delion Simultaneus G.C.S.M. description of the M1 state and the major collective bans,. Nucl. Phys. A , p.439, 1987.

A.A.Raduta, I.I.Ursu and D.S.Delion Simultaneus G.C.S.M. description of the M1 state and the major collective bans,. Nucl. Phys. A , p.439, 1987.

A.A Raduta, I.I.Ursu, A.Faessler The description of the K? = 1+ isovector M1 state within a boson expansion formalism. Nucl. Phys. A, p.20, 1988.

A.A Raduta, D.Delion Description of the magnetic properties of the proton-neutron asymmetric states within the generalised coherent states model. Nucl.Phys. A , p.24, 1989.

A.A. Raduta, N. Lo Iudice Toward a microscopic description of the M1 states in deformed even-odd nuclei,. Z.fur Phys. A, p.403, 1989.

A.A. Raduta, N. Lo Iudice Toward a microscopic description of the M1 states in deformed even-odd nuclei,. Z.fur Phys. A, p.403, 1989.

A.A. Raduta, D. Delion The description of the collective M1 properties of the even-odd nuclei,. Nucl. Phys. A , p.11, 1990.

A.A. Raduta, I.I. Ursu, I. Suhonen, N. Lo Iudice The description of M1 states in terms of quadrupole-octupole interacting bands. Phys.Rev.C, p.2538, 1990.

A.A. Raduta, I.I.Ursu, N. Lo Iudice, I.Suhonen Low lying positive parity dipole states from a quadrupole-octupole boson Hamiltonian. Nuovo Cimento A, p.1037, 1989.

A.A. Raduta, A. Faessler, S. Stoica, W. Kaminsky The two neutrino double beta decay rate within a higher RPA approach. Phys. Lett. B, 635 (2006) 80-84. , p.7, 1991.

A.A.Raduta, A.Faessler, S.Stoica The two neutrino double beta decay rate within a boson expansion formalism. Nucl.Phys.A , p.149, 1991.

A.A.Raduta, N.Sandulescu The single particle motion in a deformed and rotating mean field,. Nucl.Phys. A, p.299, 1991.

N.Sandulescu, A.A.Raduta [46] Description of pairing correlations in a large deformation regime without breaking the rotational symmetry. Int. Jour. Mod. Phys. A, p.125, 1992.

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A.A.Raduta, I.I.Ursu, N.Lo Iudice The description of negative parity bands as dipole excitations of a coherent quadrupole state. Nuovo Cimento A, p.633, 1992.

A.A.Raduta, D.Delion, N.Lo Iudice Semimicroscopic description of the alpha clustering in heavy nuclei. Phys. Rev.C, p.1929, 1991.

A.A.Raduta, D.Delion, N.Lo Iudice Semimicroscopic description of the alpha clustering in heavy nuclei. Phys. Rev.C, p.1929, 1991.

N. Lo Iudice, A.A.Raduta and D.S.Delion. Scissors mode and nuclear deformation within the generalized coherent state model. Phys.Lett. B, p.195, 1993.

A.A.Raduta, N.Sandulescu, J. Suhonen Semiclassical description of spin excitations of the particle-core interacting system. Int. Jour. Mod. Phys. E, p.629, 1993.

A.A.Raduta, I.I.Ursu and N.Lo Iudice Description of collective spin excitations in deformed nuclei within a projected single particle basis. Phys.Rev.C, p.1782, 1992.

A.A.Raduta, D.S.Delion and N. Lo Iudice A projected single particle basis for deformed nuclei. Nucl.Phys. A, p.73, 1993.

A.A.Raduta, D.S.Delion and N. Lo Iudice A projected single particle basis for deformed nuclei. Nucl.Phys. A, p.73, 1993.

N. Lo Iudice, A.A.Raduta and D.S.Delion Scissors mode and nuclear deformation: a generalised coherent state a pproach. Phys. Rev. C 57 (1998) 1512., p.127, 1994.

A.A.Raduta, Amand Faessler and D.S.Delion Unified description of the 2 uetaeta decay in spherical and deformed nuclei. Nucl. Phys. A , p.185, 1993.

Firoiu Ioana, Nafornita Corina, Isar Dorina, Isar Alexandru Bayesian Hyperanalytic Denoising of SONAR Images. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, p.1065-1069, 2011.

Alexandru Isar Space-Frequency Localization as Bivariate Mother Wavelets Selecting Criterion for Hyperanalytic Bayesian Image Denoising. Fluctuation and Noise Letters , 2012.

A.A.Raduta, D.S.Delion and Amand Faessler Influence of nuclear deformation on the 2 uetaeta decay. Phys.Lett.B, p.13, 1993.

A.A.Raduta, R. Budaca, C.M.Raduta Description of scissors mode within the Moszkowski model. Phys. Rev. C 57 (1998) 1512., p.2973, 1995.

A. A. Raduta, N. Lo Iudice, I. I. Ursu Description of orbital and spin excitations within a projected spherical single particle basis. Nucl. Phys. A , p.84, 1995.

A. Gheorghe, A. A. Raduta, V. Ceausescu Semiclassical treatment of a cranked triaxial rotor. Nucl. Phys. A , p.201, 1998.

A. A. Raduta, Baran, D. S. Delion Semiclassical treatment of the quadrupole boson hamiltonians: New results for small as well as for large amplitude regimes. Nucl Phys. A, p.431, 1995.

A. A. Raduta, D. S. Delion and A. Faessler [65] Description of the 2 uetaeta transition rate within the Moszkowski model. Phys. Rev. C 57 (1998) 1512., p.3008, 1995.

A. A. Raduta and J. Suhonen. Description of beta decay to excited quadrupole phonon states within a boson-expansion formalism. Phys. Rev. C, p.176, 1996.

A. A. Raduta and J. Suhonen Boson-expansion description of beta decay to excited final states. J. Phys. G; Nuclear and Particle Physics., p.123, 1996.

V. Baran, A. A. Raduta and D. S. Delion Regular and irregular features of classical motion described by a fourth order quadrupole Hamiltonian,. Phys. Rev. E, p.3264, 1996.

A. A. Raduta and C. M. Raduta Two possible improvements for pnQRPA. Application to the 2 uetaeta decay. Czeh. Journal of Physics, p.213, 1998.

V. Baran , A. A. Raduta. Quantum chaos and order described by quadrupole boson Hamiltonians. International Journal of Modern Physics E, p.527, 1998.

A. A. Raduta, N. Lo Iudice and I. I. Ursu Low lying octupole-bands in the Coherent State Model. Nucl. Phys. A , p.11, 1996.

A. A. Raduta, N. Lo Iudice and I. I. Ursu. Description of the Kpi=0-, 1-, 2- octupole bands within the Coherent State Model. Nuovo Cimento, p.1669, 1996.

A. A. Raduta, Al. H. Raduta and A. Faessler Phenomenological description of rotational bands in the pear shape nuclei,. Phys. Rev. C, p.1747, 1997.

A. A. Raduta, Al. H. Raduta and A. Faessler Positive and negative parity bands in pear shape nuclei. J. Phys. G; Nuclear and Particle Physics, p.49, 1997.

A. A. Raduta, D. S. Delion and Amand Faessler The nuclear deformation versus the spin-flip like excitations and the suppression of the 2 uetaeta decay amplitude. Nucl. Phys. A , p.176, 1997.

A. A. Raduta, M. C. Raduta, W. Kaminski and Amand Faessler [79] Toward a full selfconsistent RPA approach and a new proton neutron dipole excitation in some even-even nuclei. Nucl. Phys. A , p.497, 1998.

A. A. Raduta, Amand Faessler and R. K. Sheline On the phenomenological description of the Kpi =0- bands in some Rn and Ra isotopes. Phys. Rev. C 57 (1998) 1512., p.1512, 1998.

A. A. Raduta, Ad. R. Raduta and Al. H. Raduta Description of the deformed metalic clusters within a projected spherical basis. Phys. Rev. B . , p.8209, 1999.

U. Meyer, A. A. Raduta, Amand Faessler Description of even-even triaxial nuclei within the Coherent State and the Triaxial Rotation Vibration Models. Nucl. Phys. A , p.321, 1998.