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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

Ferencz L., Balog A. A pesticide survey in soil, water and foodstuffs from central Romania. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, p.111-118, 2010.

Ferencz L., Balog A. Pesticides masked with cyclodextrins – A survey of soil samples and computer aided evaluation of the inclusion processes.. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, p.172-179, 2010.

Damian Gheorghe, Damian Floarea, Macovei Gheorghe, Constantina Ciprian, Iepure Gheorghe Zeolitic Tuffs from Costiui zone – Maramures Basin. CARPATHIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, p.59-74, 2007.

Damian Floarea & Damian Gheorghe Geochemical characterization of some old mine waste dumps from Baia Mare area and their influence on the natural vegetation. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, p.63-72, 2006.

Pavel S.,Coculescu M „Arginine Vasotocin-Like Activity of Cerebrospinal Fluid Induced by Injection of Hypertonic Saline into the Third Cerebral Ventricle of Cats”. Endocrinology (USA), p.825-827, 1972.

Chisevescu DP, Mihailescu I, Mihailescu GP, Pasat L, Ion-Nedelcu N, Popa MI Injection practices among nurses – Valcea, Romania, 1998 (Reprinted from MMWR, vol 50, pg 59-61, 2001). JAMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, p.1149-1150, 2001.

Ion-Nedelcu N, Craciun D, Pitigoi D, Popa M, Hennessey K, Roure C, Aston R, Zimmermann G, Pelly M, Gay N, Strebel P Measles elimination: a mass immunization campaign in Romania. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, p.1042-1045, 2001.

Massimo Ciotti, Renu Dayal Drager, Christine Meffre, Mircea Popa, Florin Popovici, Kaat Vandemaele, Anatolie Melnic, Oleg Beneş, Radu Cojocaru, Nicolae Furtunã, Arcade Guţu, Vera Lefter Assessment of the National Surveillance System for Infectious Diseases; Republic of Moldova; 19-31 March 2001. , p.1-60, 2002.

Lopalco P, Granstrom M, Molnar Z, Navarro-Alonso JA, Popa MI, Weil-Olivier CS ECDC Guidance, Scientific Panel on Childhood Immunisation Schedule: Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) vaccination, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. , p.1-33, 2009.

Mihaescu M., Mylavarapu G., Gutmark E.J., Powell N.B. Large Eddy Simulation of the pharyngeal airflow associated with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome at pre and post-surgical treatment. Journal of Biomechanics, p.2221-2228, 2011.

Cristinel Mortici Refinements of Gurland’s formula for pi. CAMWA, 2011.

Henriette Stavri*, Irina Ulea, Dorel L. Radu, Manuela Gheorghiu Branaru, Olga Moldovan, Miron A. Bogdan, Cornelia Tudose, Marinela Raileanu, Dan Duiculescu, Luminita Ene, Viorel Olar, Catalin Ionita, Gabriela Loredana Popa*, Mircea I. Popa* and Patrick J. Serodiagnosis of Environmental Mycobacterial Infections. JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGICAL METHODS, p.283-290, 2011.

Popa GL, Vizitiu O, Georgescu R, Grigore L, Iarca C, Beldescu N, Popa MI Antibiotic Susceptibility of Group B Streptococcal Strains in Women of Child-Bearing Age. Recommendations for Prevention and Control of Perinatal Group B Streptococcal Disease. GINECO.RO, p.146-155, 2009.

Popa MI, Popa GL Listeriosis in Pregnancy: a Public Health Problem in Romania?. GINECO.RO, p.58-61, 2009.

Radulescu S, Angelescu N, Horvat T, Lazar L, Cretu C, Popa L, Filiu P, Ene V, Burcos T, Ifrim S, Popa G Clinical study of the efficacy of albendazole treatment in human hydatidosis. CHIRURGIA, p.331-335, 1997.

Henriette Stavri*, Irina Ulea, Dorel L. Radu, Manuela Gheorghiu Branaru, Olga Moldovan, Miron A. Bogdan, Cornelia Tudose, Marinela Raileanu, Dan Duiculescu, Luminita Ene, Viorel Olar, Catalin Ionita, Gabriela Loredana Popa*, Mircea I. Popa* and Patrick J. Serodiagnosis of environmental mycobacterial infections. JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGICAL METHODS, p.283-290, 2011.

Zaharia DC, Iancu C, Steriade AT, Muntean AA, Balint O, Popa VT, Popa MI, Bogdan MA MicroDSC study of Staphylococcus epidermidis growth. BMC MICROBIOLOGY, p.322, 2010.

Popa GL, Vizitiu O, Georgescu R, Grigore L, Iarca C, Beldescu N, Popa MI Antibiotic Susceptibility of Group B Streptococcal Strains in Women of Child-Bearing Age. Recommendations for Prevention and Control of Perinatal Group B Streptococcal Disease. GINECO.RO, p.146-155, 2009.

Popa MI, Popa GL Listeriosis in Pregnancy: a Public Health Problem in Romania?. GINECO.RO, p.58-61, 2009.

Popovici F, Sarbu A, Nicolae O, Pistol A, Cucuiu R, Stolica B, Furtunescu F, Manuc M, and Popa MI West Nile fever in a patient in Romania, August 2008: case report. EUROSURVEILLANCE, p.39, 2008.

S Ibram, A Munteanu, B Stolica, M. Enescu, C Savulescu, R Costinea, and MI Popa An outbreak of gastroenteritis in a campsite in Romania, July 2007. EUROSURVEILLANCE, p.8, 2007.

Dentinger C, Pasat L, Popa M, Hutin YJF, Mast EE Injection practices in Romania: Progress and challenges. INFECTION CONTROL AND HOSPITAL EPIDEMIOLOGY, p.30-35, 2004.

Anghel Vasile Modelling and Simulation for Cavitations Failures. WSEAS Mechanical Engineering Series , 2008.

Anghel Vasile Prediction of the safety level to an installation of the tritium process through predictive maintenance. FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, p.354, 2008.

M. Apreutesei, R. Arvinte, D. Constantin, O.C. Andrei, D. Munteanu Mechanical and decorative properties of ZrOx thin films. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, p.897-901, 2011.

Coculescu Bogdan-Ioan Antimicrobial resistance induced by genetic changes. Journal of Medecine and Life, p.114-123, 2009.

D. MARCONI, I. MATEI, S. MANOLACHE, C. LUNG, A. V. POP. Study of localization processes in transport properties of Bi:2201 epitaxial thin film. ournal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, p.926-928, 2008.

Marian Aprodu, Gavril Farkas Green’s Conjecture for curves on arbitrary K3 surfaces. Compositio Mathematica, p.839-851, 2011.

A. Khosravifard, M.R. Hematiyan, L. Marin Nonlinear heat conduction transient analysis of functionally graded materials in the presence of heat sources using an improved meshless radial point interpolation method. Applied Mathematical Modelling, p.4157-4174, 2011.

A. Karageorghis, D. Lesnic, L. Marin A survey of applications of the MFS to inverse problems. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, p.309-336, 2011.

L. Marin Relaxation procedures for an iterative MFS algorithm for two-dimensional steady-state isotropic heat conduction Cauchy problems. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, p.415-429, 2011.

L. Marin, A. Karageorghis, D. Lesnic The MFS for numerical boundary identification in two-dimensional harmonic problems. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, p.342-354, 2011.

L. Marin, B.T. Johansson A relaxation method of an alternating iterative algorithm for the Cauchy problem in linear isotropic elasticity. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, p.3179-3196, 2010.

L. Marin Stable boundary and internal data reconstruction in two-dimensional anisotropic heat conduction Cauchy problems using relaxation procedures for an iterative MFS algorithm. CMC: Computers, Materials & Continua, p.233-274, 2010.

L. Marin, B.T. Johansson Relaxation procedures for an iterative MFS algorithm for the stable reconstruction of elastic fields from Cauchy data in two-dimensional isotropic linear elasticity. International Journal of Solids and Structures, p.3462-3479, 2010.

L. Marin Regularized method of fundamental solutions for boundary identification in two-dimensional isotropic linear elasticity. International Journal of Solids and Structures, p.3326-3340, 2010.

L. Marin, L. Munteanu Boundary reconstruction in two-dimensional steady state anisotropic heat conduction using a regularized meshless method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, p.5815–5826, 2010.

L. Marin Reconstruction of boundary data in two-dimensional isotropic linear elasticity from Cauchy data using an iterative MFS algorithm. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, p.221-246, 2010.

M. Mohammadi, M.R. Hematiyan, L. Marin Boundary element analysis of nonlinear heat conduction problems involving non-homogeneous and nonlinear heat sources using time-dependent fundamental solutions. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, p.655-665, 2010.

B.T. Johansson, L. Marin Relaxation of alternating iterative algorithms for the Cauchy problem associated with the modified Helmholtz equation. CMC: Computers, Materials & Continua, p.153-190, 2010.

L. Marin An alternating iterative MFS algorithm for the Cauchy problem for the modified Helmholtz equation. Computational Mechanics, p.665-677, 2010.

L. Marin Treatment of singularities in the method of fundamental solutions for two-dimensional Helmholtz-type equations. Applied Mathematical Modelling, p.1615-1633, 2010.

L. Marin A meshless method for the stable solution of singular inverse problems for two-dimensional Helmholtz-type equations. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, p.274-288, 2010.

L. Marin An alternating iterative MFS algorithm for the Cauchy problem in two-dimensional anisotropic heat conduction. CMC: Computers, Materials & Continua, p.71-100, 2009.

L. Marin, A. Karageorghis Regularized MFS-based boundary identification in two-dimensional Helmholtz-type equations. CMC: Computers, Materials & Continua, p.259-293, 2009.

L. Marin An iterative MFS algorithm for the Cauchy problem associated with the Laplace equation. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, p.121-153, 2009.

L. Marin Boundary reconstruction in two-dimensional functionally graded materials using a regularized MFS. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, p.221-253, 2009.

C. Cobos Sanchez, R.W. Bowtell, H. Power, P. Glover, L. Marin, A.A. Becker, I.A. Jones Forward electric field calculation using BEM for time-varying magnetic field gradients and motion in strong static fields. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, p.1074-1088, 2009.

L. Marin Boundary element-minimal error method for the Cauchy problem associated with Helmholtz-type equations. Computational Mechanics, p.205-219, 2009.

L. Marin The minimal error method for the Cauchy problem in linear elasticity. Numerical implementation for two-dimensional homogeneous isotropic linear elasticity. International Journal of Solids and Structures, p.957-974, 2009.