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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

Mihaela Mîndroiu, Cristian Pirvu, Raluca Ion, Ioana Demetrescu Mihaela Mîndroiu, Cristian Pirvu, Raluca Ion, Ioana Demetrescu Comparing performance of nanoarchitectures fabricated by Ti6Al7Nb anodizing in two kinds of electrolytes,. Electrochimica Acta, p.193-202, 2010.

D. Felbacq, A.I. Cãbuz and B. Guizal Spatial dispersion in an array of metallic nanorods. Journal of Nanophotonics, p.051512-1, 2011.

A. I. Cãbuz, A. Nicolet, F. Zolla, D. Felbacq and G. Bouchitté Homogenization of nonlocal wire metamaterial via a renormalization approach. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, p.1275, 2011.

Marian Popescu Theater Speaks Many Languages in Romania. History of the Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe Junctures and disjunctures in the 19th and 20th centuries Volume III: The making and remaking of literary institutions , 2007.

Marian Popescu Before the Fall: Shakespeare’s Modernity on the Romanian Stage.Ion Sava’s Macbeth and the Turmoil of the Forties. Shakespeare in Romania 1900-1950, p.35-53, 2007.

Marian Popescu In Cinderella’s Shoes. Romanian Theater Twenty Years after Communism. Theater, 2009.

Nistor R., Nistor C., Muntean M. C. Design and Development of a Business Modelling and Simulation Application for the Improvement of the Students’ Management Skills. Selected Topics in Education and Educational Technology Iwate Prefectural University, Japan , p.p. 132-137, 2010.

Albulescu Ion, Albulescu Mirela Puşa Didactica Disciplinelor socio-umane. , p.219, 2000.

Paun O, Bateman RM, Fay MF, Luna JA, Moat J, Hedrén M, Chase MW Altered gene expression and ecological divergence in sibling allopolyploids of Dactylorhiza (Orchidaceae). BMC Evolutionary Biology, p.113, 2011.

Sajfert Vjekoslav, Popov Du¹an, Ma¹koviæ Ljiljana. To¹iæ Bratislav Behaviour of Thin Magnetic Films at Low Temperatures. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience,, p.1148-1160, 2009.

Vjekoslav SAJFERT, Du¹an POPOV, Bratislav TO©IÆ Low-temperature magnetization in nanofilms. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, p.325-331 , 2009.

Duşan POPOV, Nicolina POP, Ioan LUMINOSU, Viorel CHIRIÞOIU Density matrix approach of the excitation on coherent states of the pseudoharmonic oscillator. EPL (Europhysics Letters) , p.44003 , 2009.

Duşan POPOV and Vjekoslav SAJFERT Pair-coherent states of the pseudoharmonic oscillator. Physica Scripta Volume 2009 T135 Create an alert RSS this journal D Physica Scripta 014008 doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2009/T135/014008, 2009.

Sajfert Vjekoslav; Popov Du¹an; Bednar Nikola; To¹iæ Bratislav Superconductivity of Thin Metallic Films. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience , p.1351-1363, 2010.

Duşan Popov, Nicolina Pop, Viorel Chiritoiu, Ioan Luminosu, Marius Costache Generalized Barut-Girardello Coherent States for Mixed States with Arbitrary Distribution. International Journal of Theoretical Physics , p.661-, 2010.

Vida-Simiti L, Cristea A, Blaga S, Marian I, Simiti A Serum levels of TRAIL, OPG and RANKL in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress on Thrombosis, p.61-65, 2008.

Luminiţa Vida-Simiti, Anca Cristea Plasma levels of TRAIL, OPG AND RANKL in patients with severe heart failure. Revista Românã de Medicinã de Laborator, p.17-23, 2010.

Sirbu Florinela, Scientific coordinator: Prof. dr. chim. Aurelia Meghea The influence in vitro of quinones on hemoglobin. Cursului de Studii Aprofundate in cadrul Universitatii “POLITEHNICA” Bucuresti, 1998.

O. Iulian, C. Banu, F. Piperea, C. Telea Excess molar properties of some binary mixtures with dimetylsulfoxide. The 10 th Conference on Physical Chemistry, September 26-29, Iasi, Romania, p.12, 2000.

M. Teodorescu, F. Piperea, O. Persson An experimental technique for the measurements of gas solubility in heavy liquids or solids at high pressure. The 12th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 13-15 sept., Bucharest, Romania, p.32-38, 2001.

O. Iulian, F. Piperea (Sirbu), O. Ciocirlan Thermodinamic mixing functions of some binary mixtures with dimethyl sulfoxide. , The 12th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 13-15 sept., Bucharest, Romania, p.68-73, 2001.

O. Iulian, O. Ciocirlan, F. Piperea, C. Petre Excess thermodynamic functions in binary systems with dimethyl sulfoxide. 3th International Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-Eastern European Countries, 22-25 sept., Bucharest, Romania, p.287, 2002.

F. Sirbu, C. Stoicescu, S. Tudorache, R. Tudorache Thermodynamic activities of organic compounds in electrolyte solutions from recent experimental techniques. The 13th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, September, Bucharest, Romania, p.147-152 , 2003.

C. Stoicescu, F. Sirbu Experimental techniques for the study of liquid-liquid equilibria. The 13th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, September, Bucharest, Romania , p.153-156 , 2003.

F. Sirbu, O. Iulian, O. Ciocirlan, C. Stoicescu Predictive and correlative methods for activity of aqueous mixed electrolyte systems. Applications to some practical systems. Conferinţa Naţională de Chimie-Petrol, sept. , Constanta, p.253-256, 2005.

Florinela Sirbu, Olga Iulian, Cristina Stoicescu Prediction of the thermodynamic properties of aqueous mixed- electrolyte systems. Applications to the volumetric properties. Proceedings of the Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering- RICCCE XIV, September 22nd – 24th, Bucharest, Romania, p.156-161, 2005.

Florinela Sirbu, Olga Iulian, Cristina Stoicescu Activity Coefficients, Densities and Adiabatic Compressibilities in Aqueous KCl-CaCl2 and KCl-MgCl2 Mixed Electrolyte Systems. International Conference of Physical Chemistry, ROMPHYSCHEM 12, September 6-8, Bucharest, Romania, p.82, 2006.

Stoicescu Cristina, Olga Iulian, Florinela Sirbu Liquid-liquid equilibria in ternary systems with Alcohols. International Conference on Physical Chemistry, ROMPHYSCHEM 12, September 6-8, Bucharest, Romania, p.239, 2006.

C. Stoicescu, O. Iulian, F. Sirbu LLE for water + n-propanol + n-alcohol system: experimental data and comparative studies. The 15th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering RICCE 15, 19-22 September Sinaia, Romania, p.13-14, 2007.

Florinela Sirbu, Olga Iulian and Cristina Stoicescu Prediction of the volumetric properties for the two ternary systems H2O – NaCl – KCl and H2O – KCl – CaCl2. The 15th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering RICCE 15, 19-22 September, Sinaia, Romania, p.11-12, 2007.

Florinela Sirbu, Olga Iulian, Cristina Stoicescu Volumetric properties of aqueous mixed-electrolyte systems with alkali chlorides at 298.15 K. Electrochemistry of South-East Europe Crveni Otok, Rovini, Istria, Croatia, May 4-8, p.237-238, 2008.

Cristina Stoicescu, Olga Iulian, Florinela Sîrbu (Liquid + liquid) equilibrium data for the ternary mixtures of 1-propanol + water with 1-butanol, 1-hexanol, 1-octanol, or 1-decanol at 294.15 K. CHISA 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, 24th-28th , August , p.582 - 583, 2008.

F. Sirbu, O. Iulian, A. C. Ion, I. Ion and C. Stoicescu Thermodynamic study of the NaCl-Na2SO4-H2O system by e.m.f. measurements at different temperatures. International Conference of Physical Chemistry, Romphyschem-13, September 3 - 5, Bucharest – Romania, p.102, 2008.

C. Stoicescu, O. Iulian, F. Sirbu Liquid-liquid equilibrium data for water + 1-propanol+ 1-nonanol or 1- dodecanol at 298.15 K. International Conference of Physical Chemistry, Romphyschem-13, September 3 - 5, Bucharest – Romania, p.69, 2008.

Olga Iulian, Florinela Sirbu Thermodynamic study of the mixed (NaCl+Glycine+Water) system based on e.m.f. measurements. International Conference RICCCE XVI, 9-12 September, Sinaia, Romania, p.21, 2009.

Iulia Contineanu, Ioana. L. Gheorghe, Florinela Sîrbu, Cristina Stoicescu and Speranta Tanasescu The volumetric properties in sarcosin+d-glucose+water ternary system at 298.15 K. International Conference of Physical Chemistry ROMPHYSCHEM 14, June 2-4, Bucharest – Romania, p.53, 2010.

Florinela Sîrbu, Oana Ciocirlan and Olga Iulian Viscosity and density in aqueous NaCl solution with Na2SO4 and glycine at T = (298.15, 308.15 and 318.15) K. International Conference of Physical Chemistry ROMPHYSCHEM 14, June 2-4, Bucharest – Romania, p.61, 2010.

Florinela Sirbu, Olga Iulian Activity coefficients in the ternary system NaCl-Na2CO3-H2O. International Conference of Physical Chemistry ROMPHYSCHEM 14, June 2-4, Bucharest - Romania, p.111, 2010.

Dragoescu, D., Barhala, A., Teodorescu, M. Vapour-liquid equilibria for the binary mixtures of methyl ethyl ketone(2-butanone)+ some chloroalkanes at temperatures from 298.15 to 318.15 K. Comparison with disquac model prediction. Revue Roumaine de Chimie, p.487-500, 2011.

Teodorescu, M., Barhala, A., Dragoescu, D. Echilibre lichid-vapori in sisteme de neelecroliti. Metode experimentale, modelare de date, exemple si aplicatii. , p.1-268, 2010.

Dragoescu, D., Barhala, A., Teodorescu, M., Chiscan, D. Isothermal vapour-liquid equilibria in cyclohexanone + dichloroalkane binary mixtures at temperatures from 298.15 to 318.15 K. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, p.305–315, 2011.

Teodorescu, M., Barhala, A., Dragoescu, D. Isothermal vapour-liquid equilibria for 1,2-dichloroethane + nitromethane and + nitroethane binary systems at temperatures between 333.15 – 353.15 K. Fluid Phase Equilibria, p.58-63, 2010.

Ciocirlan, O., Teodorescu, M., Dragoescu, D., Iulian, O., Barhala, A. Densities and Excess Molar Volumes of the Binary Mixtures of Cyclopentanone with Chloroalkanes at Temperatures between (288.15 and 318.15) K. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, p.3891-3895, 2010.

Alina Botezat The Cultural Capital of Immigrant Families and The Impact on Student Performance: Evidence from Germany. Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies , p.59-72, 2011.

A. C. Ciubotariu, L. Benea, M. Lakatos–Varsanyi, V. Dragan Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and corrosion behaviour of Al2O3-Ni nano composite coatings.. Electrochimica Acta, p.4557-4563, 2008.

Felicia Bratu, Lidia Benea, Jean-Pierre Celis The influence of fretting parameters on tribocorrosion behaviour of AISI 304L stainless steel in ringer solution. , p.346-350, 2008.

Felicia Bratu, Lidia Benea, Jean-Pierre Celis Tribocorrosion behaviour of Ni–SiC composite coatings under lubricated conditions.. Surface and Coatings Technology, p.6940-6946 , 2007.

Geta Cârâc, Cătălina Iticescu, Lidia Benea, Thomas Lampke and Siegfried Steinhauser The effect of nano-Al2O3 dispersed phase in nickel matrix electrocodeposited. Revue Roumaine de Chimie, p.1057–1062, 2007.

A. Berradja, F. Bratu, L. Benea, G. Willems and J.-P. Celis Effect of sliding wear on tribocorrosion behaviour of stainless steels in a Ringer’s solution.. Wear, p.987-993, 2006.

L. Benea, P. Ponthiaux, F. Wenger, J. Galland, D. Hertz, J. Y. Malo Tribocorrosion of stellite 6 in sulphuric acid medium: electrochemical behaviour and wear.. Wear, p.948-953, 2004.