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Dabija, Dan-Cristian; Pop, Ciprian-Marcel Green marketing – Factor of Competitiveness in Retailing. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, p.393-400, 2013.

Yanhong Zheng, Qingyun Wang, Marius-F. Danca Noise induced complexity: patterns and collective phenomena in a small-world neuronal network. Cogn Neurodyn, 2013.

Radu BM, Dumitrescu DI, Marin A, Banciu DD, Iancu AD, Selescu T, Radu M Advanced type 1 diabetes is associated with ASIC alterations in mouse lower thoracic dorsal root ganglia neurons. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, p.9-23, 2014.

Conzelmann M, Williams EA, Tunaru S, Randel N, Shahidi R, Asadulina A, Berger J, Offermanns S, Jékely G. Conserved MIP receptor-ligand pair regulates Platynereis larval settlement.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. , p.8224-9, 2013.

Wainberg ZA, Anghel A, Rogers AM, Desai AJ, Kalous O, Conklin D, Ayala R, O'Brien NA, Quadt C, Akimov M, Slamon DJ, Finn RS. Inhibition of HSP90 with AUY922 induces synergy in HER2-amplified trastuzumab-resistant breast and gastric cancer.. Mol Cancer Ther., p.509-19, 2013.

Chatterjee P, Choudhary GS, Sharma A, Singh K, Heston WD, Ciezki J, Klein EA, Almasan A PARP inhibition sensitizes to low dose-rate radiation TMPRSS2-ERG fusion gene-expressing and PTEN-deficient prostate cancer cells.. PLoS One, p.e60408, 2013.

Sharma A, Singh K, Mazumder S, Hill BT, Kalaycio M, Almasan A. BECN1 and BIM interactions with MCL-1 determine fludarabine resistance in leukemic B cells.. Cell Death Dis, p.e628, 2013.

C. R. Rotundu Comment on “Retention of the Tetragonal to Orthorhombic Structural Transition in F-Substituted SmFeAsO: A New Phase Diagram for SmFeAs(O1-xFx)”. Physical Review Letters, p. 209701, 2013.

Arleen Ionescu „Joyce’s Reception in Romania (1935-1965)”. Joyce Studies Annual, p. 277-285, 2012.

Arleen Ionescu „Waiting for Blanchot: A Third Act for Beckett’s Play”. Partial Answers, p.71-84, 2013.

Marco J. L. Coolen, William D. Orsi, Cherel Balkema, Christopher Quince, Keith Harris, Sean P. Sylva, Mariana Filipova-Marinova, and Liviu Giosan Evolution of the plankton paleome in the Black Sea from the Deglacial to Anthropocene. Proceedings of the US National Academy of Sciences, p.8609–8614, 2013.

A. Georgescu, N. Alexandru, M. Nemecz, I. Titorencu, D. Popov Irbesartan administration therapeutically influences circulating endothelial progenitor cell and microparticle mobilization by involvement of pro-inflammatory cytokines. European Journal of Pharmacology, p.27-35, 2013.

Hundorfean G, Agaimy A, Chiriac MT, Rösler W, Mackensen A, Siebler J, Neurath MF Highlighting crypt necrosis by using confocal laser endomicroscopy for the in vivo and real-time diagnosis of GI graft-versus-host disease. J Clin Oncol. 2012 Dec 10;30(35):e368-9., 2012.

Zulij Mihaljevic, M.; Simon, S.; Pejic, I.; Carka, F.; Sevo, R.; Kojic, A.; Gasi, F.; Tomic, L.; Jovanovic Cvetkovic, T.; Maletic, E.; Preiner, D.; Bozinovic, Z.; Savin, G.; Cornea, V.; Maras, V.; Tomic Mugosa, M.; Botu, M.; Popa, A.; Beleski, K. Molecular characterization of old local grapevine varieties from south east European countries. Vitis, p.69-76, 2013.

Pop, I. F., Vicol, A. C., Botu, M., Raica, P. A., Vahdati, K., & Pamfil, D. Relationships of walnut cultivars in a germplasm collection: Comparative analysis of phenotypic and molecular data. Scientia Horticulturae, p.124-135, 2013.

Palmer SC, Nistor I, Craig JC, Pellegrini F, Messa P, Tonelli M, Covic A, Strippoli GF Cinacalcet in patients with chronic kidney disease: a cumulative meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.. PLoS Med. 2013 Apr;, p.e1001436. , 2013.

Locatelli F, Bárány P, Covic A, De Francisco A, Del Vecchio L, Goldsmith D, Hörl W, London G, Vanholder R, Van Biesen W; on behalf of the ERA-EDTA ERBP Advisory Board. Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes guidelines on anaemia management in chronic kidney disease: a European Renal Best Practice position statement.. Nephrol Dial Transplant. , 2013.

van de Luijtgaarden MW, Jager KJ, Stel VS, Kramer A, Cusumano A, Elliott RF, Geue C, Macleod AM, Stengel B, Covic A, Caskey FJ. Global differences in dialysis modality mix: the role of patient characteristics, macroeconomics and renal service indicators.. Nephrol Dial Transplant. May;, p.10.1093/nd, 2013.

Covic AC, Buimistriuc LD, Green D, Stefan A, Badarau S, Kalra PA. The prognostic value of electrocardiographic estimation of left ventricular hypertrophy in dialysis patients.. Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol Mar;, p.188-98. do, 2013.

Covic A, Voroneanu L Dialysis fata morgana: can we finally successfully tackle intradialytic hypotension with plasma sodium biofeedback systems?. Nephrol Dial Transplant, p.250-3, 2013.

Radu BM, Bramanti P, Osculati F, Flonta ML, Radu M, Bertini G, Fabene PF Neurovascular unit in chronic pain. Mediators of Inflammation, p.18 pages, 2013.

Alireza Amini-Harandi, Szilárd László. A coincidence point result via variational inequalities. Fixed Point Theory , 2013.

Alireza Amini-Harandi, Szilárd László Solution existence of general variational inequalities and coincidence points. Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 2013.

Teodorescu M., Secuianu C. Refractive indexes measurement and correlation for selected binary systems of various polarities at 25 0C. Journal of Solution Chemistry, p.1912-1934, 2013.

Cruceanu, C., Oprea, R., Spiroiu, M., Crãciun, C., Arsene, S. Computer Aided Study Regarding the Influence of Filling Characteristics on the Longitudinal Reaction within the Body of a Braked Train. Proceedings of the 13th WSEAS International Conference on Computers, p.531-537, 2009.

Oprea, R. Longitudinal dynamics of Trainsa non-smooth approach. Nonlinear Dynamics, p.1095-1106, 2012.

Oprea, R., Cruceanu, C., Spiroiu, M. Alternative Friction Models for Train Braking Dynamics. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2012.

Morcan, Oana Current situation of the labour in Arad county jobs fair for postinstitutionalized young adults. Case study. Youth employment: challenges and opportunities-selected proceedings, p.200-206, 2012.

C. Jozwiak, C. -H. Park, K. Gotlieb, D. -H. Lee, S. G. Louie, J. D. Denlinger, C. R. Rotundu, R. J. Birgeneau, Z. Hussain, and A. Lanzara Photoelectron spin-flipping and texture manipulation realized in a topological insulator. Nature Physics, p.293, 2013.

Claudiu Tiberiu Albulescu Financial stability and monetary policy: a reduced-form model for the Euro area. Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, p.62-81, 2013.

Schmiede, R., Ruprecht, E., Eckstein, R.L., Otte, A., Donath, T.W. Establishment of rare flood meadow species by plant material transfer: Experimental tests of threshold amounts and the effect of sowing position. Biological Conservation, p.222-229, 2013.

Ruprecht, E., Fenesi, A., Nijs, I. Sudden changes in environmental conditions do not increase invasion risk in grassland. Acta Oecologica, p.8-15, 2013.

Durka, W., Nossol, C., Welk, E., Ruprecht, E., Wagner, V., Wesche, K., Hensen, I. Extreme genetic depauperation and differentiation of both populations and species in Eurasian feather grasses (Stipa). Plant Systematics and Evolution, p.259-269, 2013.

Wagner, V., Treiber, J., Danihelka, J., Ruprecht, E., Wesche, K., Hensen, I. Declining Genetic Diversity and Increasing Genetic Isolation toward the Range Periphery of Stipa pennata, a Eurasian Feather Grass. International Journal of Plant Sciences, p.802-811, 2012.

Tumer Kapan and Camelia Minoiu Liquidity Shocks and the Supply of Credit After the 2007-08 Crisis. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2014.

Rezlescu, C., Susilo, T., Barton, J., & Duchaine, B. Social perception of faces in acquired prosopagnosia. Journal of Vision, p.491, 2012.

Rezlescu, C., Duchaine, B., Olivola, C.Y., & Chater, N. Unfakeable Facial Configurations Affect Strategic Choices in Trust Games with or without Information about Past Behavior. PLoS ONE, p.e34293, 2012.

Rezlescu, C., Pitcher, D., & Duchaine, B. Acquired prosopagnosia with spared within-class object recognition but impaired recognition of degraded basic-level objects. Cognitive Neuropsychology, p.325-347, 2012.

Krey JF, Pasca SP, Shcheglovitov O, Yazawa M, Schwemberger R, Rasmusson R, Dolmetsch RE Timothy syndrome is associated with activity-dependent dendritic retraction in rodent and human neurons. Nature Neuroscience, p.201–209 , 2013.

Alexandru, C., Tatu, I.N. Optimal design of the solar tracker used for a photovoltaic string. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, p.023133, 2013.

D.E. Creangă, M. Culea, C. Nădejde, S. Oancea, L. Curecheriu, M. Racuciu Magnetic nanoparticle effects on the red blood cells. Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 2009.

Oancea,S., Creanga, D., Grosu, I. Fractal analysis of natural and induced echinocytosis for two species of mammals. Proc. of EHB-2009 (E-Healts and bioengineering), 2009.

S. Dunca, D. Creangă, F. M. Tufescu, Magnetic contamination impact on iron bacteria culture – a fluorescence study. WASET Proceedings Series, 2009.

Motrescu, I., Poiata, A., Nastuta,A., Creanga, D., Popa, Gh. Pathogen bacteria sterilization in low temperature helium plasma. Proceedings of INTERACADEMIA, Hungary, 2008.

Almasy, L., Gasser, U., Malik, V., Parekh, K., Creanga, D., Gubicza, J., Vekas, L., Schurtenberger P. Comparison of various synthesis methods of magnetic nanoparticles and of the various experimental methods used for their characterization. Int. Conf. on Magn. Fluids, Sendai, Japonia, 2010.

Racuciu,M., Miclaus, S., Creanga, D., Non thermal, continuous and modulated RF fields effects on vegetal tissues developped from exposed seeds. EHE'07, Int. Conf. on Electromagn. Fields, Health and Environment,Wroclav, Poland, p.80-86, 2007.

C. Astefanoaei, G. Mandru, C. Nadejde, D. Creanga, M. Racuciu Magnetic liquid effect on pigments and nucleic acids in sunflower seedlings. Analele Univ. De Vest Timisoara, p.133-136, 2007.

I. Motrescu, C. Astefanoaei, C. Nadejde, D. E. Creanga, G. Stoian The influence of direct current discharges on vegetal organisms exposed during early ontogenetic stages. Analele Univ. De Vest Timisoara, p.137-141, 2007.

E. Focanici-Ciurlica, L. Curecheriu, D. Creanga, C. Goiceanu, Fl. M. Tufescu Nucleic Acid Changes Induced By Microwave And Radiofrequency Exposure Of Animal Tissues. Romanian Journal of Biophyics, p.109-117, 2007.

M. Răcuciu, D. E. Creangă TMA-OH coated magnetic nanoparticles internalized in vegetal tissue. Romanian Journal of Physics, p.367-374, 2007.