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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

C.A. Dumitru, Y. Zhang, X. Li and E. Gulbins Ceramide – a novel player in reactive oxygen species-induced signaling? (review). Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, p.1535-40, 2007.

S. Dreschers, P. Franz, C.A. Dumitru, B. Wilker, K. Jahnke and E. Gulbins Infections with human Rhinovirus induce the formation of distinct functional membrane domains. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, p.241-254, 2007.

C.A. Dumitru, A. Carpinteiro, T. Trarbach, U.R. Hengge and E. Gulbins Doxorubicin enhances TRAIL-induced cell death via ceramide-enriched membrane platforms. Apoptosis, p.1533-41 , 2007.

S. Dreschers, C.A. Dumitru, C. Adams and E. Gulbins The cold case – are Rhinoviruses perfectly adapted pathogens? (review). Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, p.181-91, 2007.

C.A. Dumitru and E. Gulbins TRAIL activates acid sphingomyelinase via a redox mechanism and releases ceramide to trigger apoptosis. Oncogene, p.5612-25, 2006.

C.A. Dumitru, S. Dreschers and E. Gulbins Rhinoviral infections activate p38MAP-Kinase via membrane rafts and RhoA. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, p.159-166, 2006.

Ofiteru, I.D., Bellucci, M., Lavric, V., Picioreanu, C., Curtis, T.P Multi-scale modeling of activated sludge floc structure formation in wastewater bioreactors. 21st European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, p.96-100, 2011.

Daniela Cioloboc, Adrian-Raul Tomsa, Grigore Damian, Radu Silaghi-Dumitrescu High spin to low spin change induced by reductive chemistry with iron-substituted Dawson polyoxometalate. Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2012.

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Anwar Alizai, Stephen Hillier, Peter D. Clift, Liviu Giosan, Andrew Hurst, Sam VanLaningham, Mark Macklin Clay mineral variations in Holocene terrestrial sediments from the Indus Basin. Quaternary Research, p.368-381, 2012.

Vicas Laura Optimization formulation of clotrimazole vaginal suppositories. Practica farmaceutica, p.151 –, 2011.

Jurca T, Vicas L Complexes of the ACE – inhibitor captopril. Farmacia, p.198 –, 2010.

Laura Vicaş Sisteme cu eliberare controlatã pentru aplicare intrauterinã şi intravaginalã. Al VIII lea Congres Româno-German de Obstetricã şi Ginecologie, Oradea - România, p.442 –, 2009.

Mariana Mureşan, Otilia Micle, Liana Antal, Luciana Dobjanschi, Angela Antonescu, Laura Vicaş, Florin Bodog, Mircea Dorofteiu Correlation between reactive oxygen species and homocysteine levels in normal pregnancy. Farmacia, p.179 –, 2011.

Tunde Jurca, Eleonora Marian, Laura Vicaș, Daniela Gâtea Simultaneouss determination of metals in Hypericum perforatum L. by ICP-OES. Revista de Chimie, p.1154 ̵, 2011.

Eleonora Marian, Tunde Jurca, Laura Vicaș, Iren Kacso, Maria Miclãuș, Ioan Bratu Inclusion compounds of erythromycin with β-cyclodextrin. Revista de Chimie, p.1065 ̵, 2011.

Laura Vicaş Systems with controlled discharge for percutaneed administration(transdermic therapeutic systems. Archives of the Balkan Medical Union, p.105 –, 2004.

Adriana Georgescu, Nicoleta Alexandru, Eugen Andrei, Irina Titorencu, Emanuel Dragan, Cristina Tarziu, Silviu Ghiorghe, Elisabeta Badila, Daniela Bartos, Doina Popov Ratio of circulating microparticles to endothelial progenitor cells as a new marker of vascular atherosclerosis; effect of irbesartan. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis , 2012.

N. Alexandru, D. Popov, A. Georgescu Intraplatelet oxidative/nitrative stress: inductors, consequences, and contro. Trends Cardiovasc Med, p.232–, 2010.

Nicoleta Alexandru, Doina Popov, Adriana Georgescu Platelet dysfunction in vascular pathologies and how can it be treated. Thrombosis Research, p.116-126, 2012.

I Titorencu, M. G. Albu, F. Anton, A. Georgescu, V. V. Jinga Collagen – dexamethasone and collagen-D3 scaffolds for bone tissue engineering. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, p. 1-10, 2012.

A. Umut Söyler, Burak Özkal, Leandru G. Bujoreanu Investigation of Mechanical Alloying Process Parameters on Fe-Mn-Si Based. TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), February 27–March 3, in San Diego, California, U.S.A. , p.577-583, 2011.

Sorin Briciu Contabilitatea manageriala. 2006.

Sorin Briciu, Sorinel Capusneanu Aspects of the Normalization of Managerial Accounting in Romania on a Microeconomic Level. Theoretical and Applied Economics, p.95-106, 2011.

Sorin Briciu Variable And Fixed Costs In Company Management. Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, p.14, 2008.

G. Vitel, A. L. Paraschiv, M. G. Suru, N. Cimpoesu, L.-G. Bujoreanu Tempering effects in a normalized hot forged Cu-Zn-Al shape memory alloy. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications, p.339-342, 2012.

Laura Jiga Iliescu Rasplata Paradisului. Filoane livresti si orale ale credintelor despre Blajini, in spatiul romanesc. 2006.

M.Bucsa, R.Varga, A.Pollnicz, A.Parnau, A.Silvestru, M. Vlassa The ring–chain tautomeric equilibria of selenium macrocyclic compounds: The isolation of the ring tautom. Dalton Trans. , 2012.

Dămăceanu, Romulus-Cătălin Foreign Trade Operations Using Commodities Exchange – Theory and Practice. Anuarul Universităţii "Petre Andrei” Iaşi - Fascicula Drept, Ştiinţe Economice, Ştiinţe Politice (Yearbook of Petre Andrei University Iaşi - series Law, Economic Science, Political Sciences), p.191-202, 2011.

Jurcut R, Giusca S, Ticulescu R, Popa E, Amzulescu MS, Ghiorghiu I, Coman IM, Popescu BA, Voigt JU, Ginghina C Different Patterns of Adaptation of the Right Ventricle to Pressure Overload: A Comparison between Pulmonary Hypertension and Pulmonary Stenosis. J Am Soc Echocardiogr, p.1109-17, 2011.

Giusca S, Jurcut R, Ticulescu R, Dumitru D, Vladaia A, Savu O, Voican A, Popescu BA, Ginghina C Accuracy of Handheld Echocardiography for Bedside Diagnostic Evaluation in a Tertiary Cardiology Center: Comparison with Standard Echocardiography. Echocardiography, p.136-41, 2011.

Roşca M, Popescu BA, Beladan CC, Călin A, Muraru D, Popa EC, Lancellotti P, Enache R, Coman IM, Jurcuţ R, Ghionea M, Ginghină C Left atrial dysfunction as a correlate of heart failure symptoms in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. J Am Soc Echocardiogr, p.1090-8, 2011.

Erven K, Jurcut R, Weltens C, Giusca S, Ector J, Wildiers H, Van den Bogaert W, Voigt JU Acute Radiation Effects on Cardiac Function Detected By Strain Rate Imaging in Breast Cancer Patients. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, p.1444-51 , 2011.

Jurcut R, Florian A, Deleanu D, Arsenescu I, Jurcut C, Coriu D, Ginghina C. Atherothrombosis in two vascular territories in a young woman: importance of trombophilia testing. Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, p.108-13, 2011.

Jurcut R, Savu O, Popescu BA, Florian A, Herlea V, Moldovan H, Ginghina C. Images in cardiovascular medicine: Primary cardiac leiomyosarcoma: when valvular disease becomes a vascular surgical emergency.. Circulation, p.e415-8 , 2010.

L. Duta, A.C. Popescu, G. Dorcioman, I. N. Mihailescu, G.E. Stan, I. Zgura, I. Enculescu, I. Dumitrescu ZnO thin films deposited on textile material substrates for biomedical applications. “Technological Innovations in Sensing and Detection of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Threats and Ecological Terrorism”, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology,, p.207-210, 2012.

I. Dumitrescu, A.M. Mocioiu, C. Radulescu, A. C. Popescu, G. Dorcioman, L. Duta, I. N. Mihailescu, M. Danciu, C. Panzaru, L. Surdu Functional ZnO – hydrophobins hybrid thin films applied by PLD and impregnation on cotton/polyester fibers. Proceedings of International Conference TEX TEH III, “Application of Nanotechnologies for Textiles”, p.28-33, 2010.

L. Duta, G. Socol, F. Sima, I.N. Mihailescu, G.E. Stan, D.A. Marcov, L.E. Sima, S.M. Petrescu, A. Melinescu, A. Ianculescu, A. Chiriac, I. Poeata Increased Bioactivity of Cranio-spinal Implants Functionalized with Hydroxyapatite Nanostructured Coatings: Morpho-structural Characterization and In-Vitro Evaluation. Proceedings - 2nd Advanced Technologies for Enhanced Quality of Life, ATEQUAL, p.127-130, 2010.

A.C. Popescu, L. Duta, G. Dorcioman, I.N. Mihailescu, G.E. Stan, I. Pasuk, I. Zgura, T. Beica, I. Enculescu, A. Ianculescu, I. Dumitrescu Radical modification of the wetting behavior of textiles coated with ZnO thin films and nanoparticles when changing the ambient pressure in the pulsed laser deposition process. Journal of Applied Physics, p.064321, 2011.

S.A Popescu, B. Apter, N. Mirchin, U. Gorodetsky, I. Lapsker, A. Peled, L. Duta, G. Dorcioman, A. Popescu, I.N. Mihailescu Study of polyethylene nanolayers by evanescent light microscopy. Applied Physics A, p.997-1002, 2011.

G. Socol, A. C. Galca, C.R. Luculescu, A. Stanculescu, M. Socol, N. Stefan, E. Axente, L. Duta, C.M. Mihailescu, V. Craciun, D. Craciun, V. Sava, I.N. Mihailescu Tailoring Of Optical, Compositional And Electrical Properties Of The Inxzn1-Xo Thin Films Obtained By Combinatorial Pulsed Laser Deposition. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, p.107-115, 2011.

N. Mirchin, M. Gankin, U. Gorodetsky, S.A. Popescu, I. Lapsker, A. Peled, L. Duta, G. Dorcioman, A. Popescu, I.N. Mihailescu Estimation of polyethylene nanothin layer morphology by differential evanescent light intensity imaging. Journal of Nanophotonics, p.041760, 2010.

Lapsker I., Mirchin N., Gorodetsky U., Popescu S. A., Peled A., Duta L., Dorcioman G., Popescu A., Mihailescu I. N. Morphology of Polyethylene Nanolayers: A Study by Evanescent Light Microscopy. Journal of Materials Science, p.6332-6338, 2010.

G. Socol, A. M. Macovei, F. Miroiu, N. Stefan, L. Duta, G. Dorcioman, I. N. Mihailescu, S. M. Petrescu, G. E. Stan, D. A. Marcov, A. Chiriac, I. Poeata Hydroxyapatite thin films synthesized by pulsed laser deposition and magnetron sputtering on PMMA substrates for medical applications. Materials Scince and Engineering:B, p.159-168, 2010.

R. Cristescu, C. Cojanu, A. Popescu, S. Grigorescu, L. Duta, O. S. Ionescu, D. Mihaiescu, T. Buruiana, A. Andronie, I. Stamatin, I.N. Mihailescu, D. B. Chrisey Laser Processing of Polyethylene Glycol Derivative and Block Copolymer Thin Films. Applied Surface Science, p.5605-5610, 2009.

R. Cristescu, C. Cojanu, A. Popescu, S. Grigorescu, L. Duta, I.N Mihailescu, G. Caraene, R. Albulescu, L. Albulescu, A. Andronie, I. Stamatin, A. Ionescu, D. Mihaiescu, T. Buruiana, D. B. Chrisey Functionalized Polyvinyl Alcohol Derivatives Thin Films for Controlled Drug Release and Targeting Systems: MAPLE Deposition and Morphological, Chemical and In Vitro Characterization. Applied Surface Science, p.5600-5604, 2009.

A.C. Popescu, F. Sima, L. Duta, C. Popescu, I.N. Mihailescu, D. Capitanu, R. Mustata, L.E. Sima, S.M. Petrescu, D. Janackovic Biocompatible and bioactive nanostructured glass coatings synthesized by pulsed laser deposition: In vitro biological tests. Applied Surface Science, p.5486–5490, 2009.

R.M. Tudoran On a class of three dimensional quadratic Hamiltonian systems. Applied Mathematics Letters, p.1214-1216, 2012.

Robu, M., Petculescu, A., Panaiotu, C., Doeppes, D., Vlaicu, M., Dragusin, V., Kenesz, M., Moldovan, O.T., and Constantin, S. New insights on the cave bear population from the Ursilor Cave, Romania. Quaternaire, p.107-116, 2011.

Moldovan GL, Dejsuphong D, Petalcorin MI, Hofmann K, Takeda S, Boulton SJ, D'Andrea AD. Inhibition of homologous recombination by the PCNA-interacting protein PARI.. Molecular Cell, p.75-86, 2012.