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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

Laura Giurca Vasilescu . Financing gap for SMEs and the mezzanine capital. Economic Reseach Journal, Croatia, p.57-67, 2010.

Laura Giurca Vasilescu Business angels – potential financial engines for the start-ups. Economic Reseach Journal, Croatia, p.86-97, 2009.

Laura Giurca Vasilescu, Marian Siminicã, Cerasela Pîrvu, Costel Ionaşcu, Anca Mehedinţu Data Mining used for analyzing the Bankruptcy Risk of the Romanian SMEs. Surveillance Technologies and Early Warning Systems: Data Mining Applications for Risk Detection, p.144-171, 2010.

Popescu, Liviu METRIC NON-LINEAR CONNECTIONS ON THE PROLONGATIONS OF A LIE ALGEBROIDS TO ITS DUAL BUNDLE. Annals of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University - Mathematics, p.211-220, 2011.

Carmen Debeleac Vibratory Diagnosis of the Earthmoving Machines for the Additional Necessary Power Level Evaluation. 9th WSEAS International Conference on ACOUSTICS & MUSIC: THEORY & APPLICATIONS (AMTA '08), p.83-88, 2008.

Banciu, Mihai Revenue Maximization Using Product Bundling. 2009.

Banciu, Mihai Dual Simplex. The Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 2011.

Banciu, Mihai, Gal-Or, Esther, and Mirchandani, Prakash Bundling Strategies When Products Are Vertically Differentiated and Capacities Are Limited. Management Science, p.2207-2223, 2010.

Tadikamalla, Pandu, Banciu, Mihai, and Popescu, Dana An Improved Range Chart for Long Tailed Symmetrical Distributions. Naval Research Logistics, p.91-99, 2008.

Ghitescu, Filip, and Banciu, Mihai Economic Crime in Romania. Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, p.643-669, 2001.

• E. Albert-Lõrincz, M. Albert-Lõrincz, A.Kádár, R. Kukács-Márton, R. Kovács Study on Adolescents’ Awarence of Life. Comparative Study between the Projection of Hungarian Adolescents’ Awareness of Life of Transylvanian and Hungary. The New Educational Review, p.65–9, 2008.

R. Bosînceanu*, F. Iacomi The magnetic properties optimization in diluted magnetic oxide semiconductor nanoparticles obtained by a modified co-precipitation approach in intrazeolitic networks. , p.838 - 841, 2010.

• Albert-Lõrincz, Enikõ – Albert-Lõrincz, Martin Developing the Mental Image of Profession: a Basic Condition for Professional Development and Creativity. Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi, p.11-24, 2009.

R. BOSÎNCEANU, F. IACOMI*, A. V. SANDU Preparation in situ and characterization of zeolite enclosed nanoparticles. , p. p. 1095 –, 2011.

R. BOSÎNCEANU*, N. SULIŢANU Synthesis and characterization of FeO(OH)/Fe3O4 nanoparticles encapsulated in zeolite matrix. The 8th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials, June 4-7, 2008, Iași, Romania, p.3482 – 348, 2008.

Alexandru C. Razus, Liviu Birzan, Mihaela Cristea, Victorita Tecuceanu, Cristian Enache Extended aromatic pi-electron conjugated dyes with three azo bonds and either. Dyes and Pigments, p.1166-76, 2012.

Lucretiu M. Popescu Nonparametric signal detectability evaluation using an exponential transformation of the FROC curve. Medical Physics, p.5690-5702, 2011.

Aileni Raluca Maria, Farima Daniela, Ciocoiu Mihai Technological innovation in support of the global database-morhotypes. MTC 2011 ISI Proceedings, Alexandroupolis, Greece, 2011.

Aileni Raluca Maria, Farima Daniela, Ciocoiu Mihai THE GARMENT MASS CUSTOMIZATION BY USING THE E-COMMERCE AREA. MTC 2011 ISI Proceedings, Alexandroupolis, Greece, 2011.

Aileni Raluca Maria , Daniela Farimă, Mihai Ciocoiu DYNAMIC CLOTH SIMULATION BY USING THE PARAMETRIC MANNEQUIN. Modtech 2011 ISI Proceedings, 2011.

Aileni Raluca Maria , Creţu Mioara, Daniela Farimă, Mihai Ciocoiu THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TENSION ON 3D CLOTH SURFACE SIMULATION AND THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF THE FABRIC. Modtech 2011 ISI Proceeding, Chisinau, Republic Moldova, 2011.

Aileni Raluca Maria, Ciocoiu Mihai, Farima Daniela VIRTUAL GARMENT SIMULATION BY USING THE PARAMETRIC MANEQUINN. The 7th International Scientific Conference "eLearning and Software for Education", eLSE 2011, ISI Proceedings , Bucharest , Romania , 2011.

Aileni Raluca Maria, Farima Daniela, Ciocoiu Mihai Modeling and 3D simulation of the garment product. Industria Textila, p.141-145, 2011.

Alexandru, V.; Necula, R.; Ghita, G.; Gaspar, A.; Toma, A.; Tatia, R. & Gille, E. Evaluation of four traditional Romanian medicinal plants as wound healing agents. Planta Medica, p.1317, 2011.

Danila, D.; Necula, R.; Spac, A.; Tebrencu, C. & Gille, E. Phytochemical evaluation of some natural populations of Achillea, Hypericum and Thymus from Romanian Eastern Carpathians used in traditional medicine. Planta Medica, p.1207, 2010.

Danila, D.; Necula, R.; Hancianu, M.; Ghita, G.; Gille, E. & Stanescu, U. Contribution to the comparative studies of natural populations of Veronica from the Romanian Eastern Carpathians. Planta Medica, p.930-931, 2009.

Hemcinschi, A., Gille, E., Necula, R., Danila, D., Trifan, A., Stanescu, U. Chemical variability of some natural populations of Ajuga sp. from the north-eastern part of Romania. Planta Medica, p.931, 2009.

Eugen Axinte Metallic glasses from „alchemy” to pure science. Present and future of design, processing and applications of glassy metals.. Materials and Design, p.518-556, 2012.

M. Dobromir, G. Biliuta, D. Luca, M. Aflori, V. Harabagiu, S. Coseri XPS study of the ion-exchange capacity of native and surface oxidized viscose fibers. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 381, 106-110, 2011.

Ciurea AV, Iencean StM, Rizea RE , Brehar FM Olfactory groove meningiomas. A retrospective study on 59 surgical cases. Neurosurgical Review, 2011.

Florina Sorescu Relatiile politico-diplomatice romano-italiene intre anii 1932-1936. 2009.

Florina Sorescu • Bibliografia istoricã a relaţiilor româno-italiene (1930-1939). 2011.

Florina Sorescu • Reorganizarea Micii Înţelegeri şi politica italianã în sud-estul Europei. Cercetãri Doctorale, p.153-158, 2010.

Florina Sorescu Relazioni romeno-italiani durante la guerra italo-etiopica: tra amicizia e sanzioni. Storia e storiografia. Valahian Journal of Historical Studies, p.53-65, 2009.

Florina Sorescu • Atitudinea Italiei faţã de constituirea Antantei Balcanice. România în relaţiile internaţionale. Diplomaţie, Minoritãţi, Istorie. In Honorem Ion Calafeteanu, p.109-115, 2010.

T. Sireteanu, M. Giuclea, O. Solomon Analytical methods to assess linear models for experimental hysteretic loops. Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A, , p.39-46, 2011.

Ilonca G; Pop AV; Corega C; Benea, D ; Rusu, M ; Ilonca, M ; Deltour, R Thermoelectric and thermomagnetic effects of (B1.6Pb0.4)Sr2Ca2Cu3OX thin films. CZECHOSLOVAK JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, p.1181, 1996.

Ilonca G; Pop AV; Benea D; Lung, C ; Lachescu, M ; Transport phenomena in the mixed and normal state of (Bi1.6Pb0.4)Sr2Ca2(Cu1-xFex)(3)O-y epitaxial thin films. MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B, p.25, 1998.

Wilhelm F; Poulopoulos P; Ceballos G; Wende, H ; Baberschke, K ; Srivastava, P ; Benea, D ; Ebert, H ; Angelakeris, M; Flevaris, NK ; Niarchos, D; Rogalev, A; Brookes, NB Layer-resolved magnetic moments in Ni/Pt multilayers. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS , p.413, 2000.

Poulopoulos P; Wilhelm F; Wende H;Ceballos, G ; Baberschke, K ; Benea, D ; Ebert, H ; Angelakeris, M; Flevaris, NK ; Rogalev, A; Brookes, NB X-ray magnetic circular dichroic magnetometry on Ni/Pt multilayers. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, p.3874, 2001.

Scherz A; Wende H; Baberschke K;; Minar, J; Benea, D ; Ebert, H Relation between L-2,L-3 XMCD and the magnetic ground-state properties for the early 3d element V. PHYSICAL REVIEW B , p.184401, 2002.

Huang ZL; Bensch W; Benea D; Ebert H Anion substitution effects on structure and magnetism in the chromium chalcogenide Cr(5)Te(8) – Part I: Cluster glass behavior in trigonal Cr((1-x)) Q(2) with basic cell (Q = Te, Se; Te : Se=7 : 1). JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY , p.3245, 2004.

Scherz, A ; Wende, H; Sorg, C ; Baberschke, K ; Minar, J ; Benea, D ; Ebert, H Limitations of integral XMCD sum-rules for the early 3d elements. PHYSICA SCRIPTA, p.586, 2005.

Major, Z ; Dugdale, SB ; Watts, RJ ; Santi, G; Alam, MA ; Hayden, SM ; Duffy, JA ; Taylor, JW ; Jarlborg, T ; Bruno, E ; Benea, D ; Ebert, H Direct observation of the multisheet Fermi surface in the strongly correlated transition metal compound ZrZn2. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, p.107003, 2004.

Huang ZL; Bensch W; Benea D; Minar J; Perlov A; Ebert H Preparation, crystal structure, properties, and electronic band structure of TlTaSe3. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION B-A JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL SCIENCES, p.858-866, 2005.

Huang ZL; Bensch W; Benea D; Ebert H Crystal structures, unusual magnetic properties and electronic band structures of Cr5-xTIxTe(8). JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY, p.2778, 2005.

Ciolacu, D.; Ciolacu, F.; Popa, Valentin I. Supramolecular Structure – A Key Parameter for Cellulose Biodegradation. Macromol. Symp., p.136-, 2008.

Olaru, N.; Ciolacu, D.; Tampu, D.; Olaru, L. Structural modifications of cellulose in heterogeneous acetylation process. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, p.3917-3920, 2007.

Oprea, Ana-Maria; Ciolacu, Diana; Neamtu, Andrei; Mungiu, Ostin C.; Stoica, Bogdan; Vasile, Cornelia Cellulose/chondroitin sulfate hydrogels: synthesis, drug loading/release properties and biocompatibility. CELLULOSE CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY, p.369-378, 2010.

Petreus, Oana; Cazacu, Georgeta; Necula, Adina Maria; Ciolacu, Diana Synthesis and characterization of phosphorus-containing lignin-epoxy resins. CELLULOSE CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY, p.569-576, 2008.