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Bocîi Sevastian Liviu The influence of the braking time on heat flow through the friction surfaces of the friction elements of disk brakes for railway vehicles. TRANSPORT, p.75 -78, 2011.
Bocîi Sevastian Liviu, Muller Valentin Dan Mathematical model of three-phase induction machine connected to advanced inverter for traction system for electric trolley. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences), p.849-858, 2013.
D. Kapetanovic, F. Rusek, T. E. Abrudan, V. Koivunen Construction of Minimum Euclidean Distance MIMO Precoders and Their Lattice Classifications. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, p.4470-4474, 2012.
L. Oliveira, Hongbin Li, L. Almeida, T. E. Abrudan RSSI-based Relative Localisation for Mobile Robots. Ad Hoc Networks (Elsevier), 2013.
T. E. Abrudan, A. Haghparast, V. Koivunen Time synchronization and ranging in OFDM systems using time-reversal. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, p.99, 2013.
T. Abrudan, V. Koivunen Blind equalization in spatial multiplexing MIMO-OFDM systems based on vector CMA and decorrelation criteria. Wireless Personal Communications (Springer), p.1151-1172, 2007.
T. Abrudan, J. Eriksson, V. Koivunen Conjugate gradient algorithm for optimization under unitary matrix constraint. Signal Processing (Elsevier), p.1704-1714, 2009.
T. Abrudan and J. Eriksson and V. Koivunen Steepest Descent Algorithms for Optimization Under Unitary Matrix Constraint. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, p.1134-1147, 2008.
Cividjian G. A., Cramariuc R. MODELING THE ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE TEST GENERATOR. XVIth Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc, 2005.
G. A. Cividjian, Jan Klejch, Ovidiu Dan Andrei BLACK BOX ARC MODEL PARAMETERS DETERMINATION FROM OSCILLOGRAMS. XVII-th Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc, Vol 1, p.53-56, 2007.
Grigore A. Cividjian, Dumitru Broscareanu Thermal Field Diffusion in One, Two and Three-Dimensional Half Space. SERBIAN JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, p.229-244, 2011.
Grigore A. CIVIDJIAN, Ernest MATAGNE Resistance of Arbitrary Angle Corner. PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY (Electrical Review), ISSN 0033-2097,, p.83-86, 2010.
Grigore Alexandru Cividjian Permeance of fringing flux. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, p.694-700, 2009.
Dan Vladimir Nichita, Martin Petitfrere Phase stability analysis using a reduction method. Fluid Phase Equilibria,, p.27-39, 2013.
Claude F. Leibovici, Dan Vladimir Nichita SRK and PR alpha functions for ice. Fluid Phase Equilibria, p.371–373, 2013.
Dan Vladimir Nichita, Claude F. Leibovici A rapid and robust method for solving the Rachford–Rice equation using convex transformations. Fluid Phase Equilibria, p. 38–49, 2013.
Ionicã CÎRCIU, Sorin DINEA Review of applications on Coandã effect. history, theories, new trends. Review of the Air Force Academy, p.14-21, 2010.
Ileana Nicoleta POPESCU Materiale Compozite. Volumul 2: Obtinerea prin Metalurgia Pulberilor (MP) a materialelor compozite pe baza de Aluminiu /COMPOSITE MATERIALS, VOL.2 Powder Metallurgy (P/M) Processing of Aluminium Matrix Composites (AMCs). 2, p.1-150, 2013.
Chiorean C.G A computer method for nonlinear inelastic analysis of 3D composite steel-concrete frame structures. Engineering Structures, p.125-152, 2013.
I. N. POPESCU, V. BRATU, M. ROSSO, C. POPESCU, E. V. STOIAN Designing and continuous extrusion forming of Al-Mg-Si contact lines for electric railway. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, p.712-717, 2013.
Florin Caldararu, A. Vasile, M. Caldararu Hardware simulator for design and characterization of MOEMS for environmental applications. Proceedings of SPIE, Volume: 7297, 2009.
Florin Cãldãraru, Cosmin Vatra, Mira Cãldãraru Monitoring of volatile organic compounds using a single tin dioxide sensor. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, p.2616-2623, 2012.
Ileana Nicoleta POPESCU Materiale Compozite. Volumul 1: Obtinere, proprietati si aplicatii /COMPOSITE MATERIALS, VOL.1 Processing. Properties. Applications. , p.1-126, 2013.
F.V. Anghelina, D.N. Ungureanu, V. Bratu, I.N. Popescu, C.O. Rusanescu Fine structure analysis of biocompatible ceramic materials based hydroxyapatite and metallic biomaterials 316L. Applied Surface Science, 2013.
Ileana Nicoleta Popescu, Constantin Ghiţã, Vasile Bratu, Guillermo Palacios Navarro Tribological behaviour and statistical experimental design of sintered iron-copper based composites. Applied Surface Science, 2013.
A.-L. PARASCHIV, F. BORZA, N. LUPU, M.-G. SURU, N. M. LOHAN, B. PRICOP, I.-P. SPIRIDON, L.-G. BUJOREANU On some structural characteristics of Fe-base shape memory alloys. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, p.781 –, 2013.
I. P. SPIRIDON, B. PRICOP, M. G. SURU, A. L. PARASCHIV, N. M. LOHAN, L-G. BUJOREANU The influence of heat treatment atmosphere and maintaining period on the homogeneity degree of a Fe- Mn-Si-Cr-Ni shape memory alloy obtained through powder metallurgy. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, p.730 - 733, 2013.
Alberto Gonzalez, Felix Albu, Miguel Ferrer; Maria de Diego Evolutionary and variable step size strategies for multichannel filtered-x affine projection algorithms. IET Signal Processing, p.471 –, 2013.
Zulij Mihaljevic, M.; Simon, S.; Pejic, I.; Carka, F.; Sevo, R.; Kojic, A.; Gasi, F.; Tomic, L.; Jovanovic Cvetkovic, T.; Maletic, E.; Preiner, D.; Bozinovic, Z.; Savin, G.; Cornea, V.; Maras, V.; Tomic Mugosa, M.; Botu, M.; Popa, A.; Beleski, K. Molecular characterization of old local grapevine varieties from south east European countries. Vitis, p.69-76, 2013.
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Oprea, R., Cruceanu, C., Spiroiu, M. Alternative Friction Models for Train Braking Dynamics. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2012.
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Adriana Valcu Interlaboratory Comparison of Five Standard Weights of Class F2 in Several Romanian Laboratories. SPRINGER , MAPAN Journal, p.183, 2012.
M.V. Popa, D. Raducanu, E. Vasilescu, P. Drob, V.D. Cojocaru, C. Vasilescu, S. Ivanescu, J. C. Rosca Mechanical and corrosion behaviour of a Ti-Al-Nb alloy after deformation at elevated temperatures. Materials and Corrosion, p.919-928, 2008.
E. Vasilescu, P. Drob, D. Raducanu, V.D. Cojocaru, I. Cinca, D. Iordachescu, R. Ion, M. Popa In vitro biocompatibility and corrosion resistance of a new implant titanium base alloy. Journal of Materials Science - Materials in Medicine, p.1959-1968, 2010.
D. Raducanu, A. Cimpean, E. Vasilescu, V.D. Cojocaru, I. Cinca, P. Drob, S. Ivanescu Corrosion behaviour and biocompatibility of a new dental noble AuPdAgTi alloy. Materials and Corrosion, p.775-782, 2010.
D. Raducanu, V.D. Cojocaru, I. Cinca, I. Dan Thermomechanical processing of a biocompatible Ti-Ta-Nb alloy. Solid State Phenomena, p.59-64, 2012.
V.D. Cojocaru, D. Raducanu, T. Gloriant, E. Bertrand, I. Cinca Structural observations of twinning deformation mechanism in a Ti-Ta-Nb alloy. Solid State Phenomena, p.46-51, 2012.
D. Raducanu, E. Vasilescu, V.D. Cojocaru, I. Cinca, P. Drob, C. Vasilescu, S.I. Drob Mechanical and corrosion resistance of a new nanostructured Ti–Zr–Ta–Nb alloy. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, p.1421-1430, 2011.
V.D. Cojocaru, D. Raducanu, D.M. Gordin, I. Cinca Texture evolution during ARB (Accumulative Roll Bonding) processing of Ti-10Zr-5Nb-5Ta alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, p.260-269, 2013.
D. Ionita, M. Grecu, M. Dilea, V.D. Cojocaru, I. Demetrescu Processing Ti-25Ta-5Zr Bioalloy via Anodic Oxidation Procedure at High Voltage. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, p.1352-1357, 2011.
V.D. Cojocaru Ball milling synthesis and stability under pressure in nanostructured HITPERM alloys. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, p.1664-1669, 2012.
N. Serban, V.D. Cojocaru, M. Butu Mechanical behavior and microstructural development of 6063-T1 aluminum alloy processed by ECAP: pass number influence. JOM-US, p.607-614, 2012.
V.D. Cojocaru, D. Raducanu, T. Gloriant, I. Cinca Texture evolution in a Ti-Ta-Nb alloy processed by severe plastic deformation. JOM-US, p.572-581, 2012.
V.D. Cojocaru Production by planetary ball-milling and phase transition of Fe-Nd-Nb nanocrystalline alloys. Powder Metallurgy, p.374-377, 2012.
Kevin L. Edwards, Eugen Axinte, Lucian L. Tabacaru A critical study of the emergence of glass and glassy metals as “green” materials. Materials and Design, p.713-723, 2013.
L. G. BUJOREANU, M.L.CRAUS, V.DIA and V.PLUGARU RESPONSE TO APPLIED MECHANICAL LOAD OF A MULTIVARIANT MARTENSITIC Cu-Zn-Al-Fe SHAPE MEMORY ALLOY. University Politehnica of Bucharest, Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, p.59-68, 2002.