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premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


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Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

Borcherding F, Nitschke M, Hundorfean G, Rupp J, von Smolinski D, Bieber K, van Kooten C, Lehnert H, Fellermann K, Büning J. The CD40-CD40L pathway contributes to the proinflammatory function of intestinal epithelial cells in inflammatory bowel disease.. Am J Pathol., 2010.

Mihaela Ionescu, Cristina M. Ranetti, Lavinia G. Hinescu, Elena Ionica, C. Mircioiu, Dalia Miron, C. Draghici, V. A. Voicu HPLC method for trichlorfon determination used in a transmembranar transfer study. 13th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee, p.216-217, 2008.

C. Mircioiu, Lavinia Hinescu, Mihaela Ionescu, Elena Ionica, I. Mircioiu, Victor A. Voicu Antidotes as orphan drugs development and production. Simpozion aniversar - Centrul de Cercetari Stiintifice Medico-Militare Bucuresti, 40 de ani de activitate, p.40, 2008.

C. Mircioiu, Lavinia Hinescu, Mihaela Ionescu, Elena Ionica, I. Mircioiu, Victor A. Voicu Adsorbtion, decontamination and desorbtion of toxics at skin level at the border between health and environment protection. In Simpozion aniversar - Centrul de Cercetari Stiintifice Medico-Militare Bucuresti, 40 de ani de activitate, p.18, 2008.

Mihaela Ionescu, Maria-Cristina Ranetti, Elena Ionica, Lavinia Georgeta Hinescu, C. Mircioiu, Dalia Miron, C. Draghici, Lacramioara Popa, V. A. Voicu Trichlorfon permeation: a comparative study with different membranes and adsorptive powders. Farmacia, ISI - SCIENCE CITATION INDEX EXPANDED, ISSN: 0014-8237, p.275-282, 2008.


Lavinia G. Hinescu, C. M. Ranetti, M. Ionescu, C. Mircioiu, C. Cosmescu, V. A. Voicu Development and Validation of a Separation Method for an analgesic drug and its main metabolite from plasma. Revista de chimie, indexed Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) and Chemistry Citation Index, ISSN: 0034-7752, 2009.

Lavinia G. Hinescu, Cristina Ranetti, Mihaela Ionescu, Elena Ionica, Constantin Draghici, Constantin Mircioiu, Cristiana Cosmescu, Victor A. Voicu HPLC METHOD FOR THE SIMULTANEOUS DETERMINATION OF THE COMPONENTS OF AN AQUEOUS SOLUTION ANTIDOTE. Farmacia, ISI - SCIENCE CITATION INDEX EXPANDED, ISSN: 0014-8237, p.pp.97-105, 2011.

Arsene D, Ardeleanu C Neurodegenerative changes in human aging brain. An autopsy study. Rom J Morphol Embryol, p.55-60, 2010.

Adela Magdalena Ciobanu Schizofrenia. 2009.

Jiga LP, Barac S, Taranu G, Blidisel A, Dornean V, Nistor A, Stoichitoiu T, Geishauser M, Ionac M The versatility of propeller flaps for lower limb reconstruction in patients with peripheral arterial obstructive disease: initial experience. Ann Plast Surg, p.193-197, 2010.

Jiga LP, Cristian H, Blidisel A, Sandra F, Nistor A, Hoinoiu B, Dornean V, Ionac M Thoracoscopic approach of the internal mammary artery (IMA): a training model in pigs. Microsurgery, p.375-379, 2008.

Anghel A, Jamieson CA, Ren X, Young J, Porche R, Ozigbo E, Ghods DE, Lee ML, Liu Y, Lutfy K, Friedman TC Gene expression profiling following short-term and long-term morphine exposure in mice uncovers genes involved in food intake. Neuroscience, p.554-66, 2010.

Wainberg ZA, Anghel A, Desai AJ, Ayala R, Luo T, Safran B, Fejzo MS, Hecht JR, Slamon DJ, Finn RS Lapatinib, a Dual EGFR and HER2 Kinase Inhibitor, Selectively Inhibits HER2-Amplified Human Gastric Cancer Cells and is Synergistic with Trastuzumab In vitro and In vivo. Clin Cancer Res., p.1509-19, 2010.

Dumitrescu AM, Refetoff S Novel biological and clinical aspects of thyroid hormone metabolism.. Endocr Dev, p.127-139, 2007.

Refetoff S, Dumitrescu AM. Syndromes of reduced sensitivity to thyroid hormone: genetic defects in hormone receptors, cell transporters and deiodination.. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab, p.277-305, 2007.

Dumitrescu AM, Liao XH, Weiss RE, Millen KJ, Refetoff S Tissue specific thyroid hormone deprivation and excess in Mct8 deficient mice.. Endocrinology, p.4036-4043, 2006.

Dumitrescu AM, Liao XH, Best TB, Brockmann K, Refetoff S. A novel syndrome combining thyroid and neurological abnormalities is associated with mutations in a monocarboxylate transporter gene.. American Journal of Human Genetics, p.168-175, 2004.

Dumitrescu AM, Liao XH, Abdullah MSY, Lado-Abeal J, Abdul Majed F, Moeller LC, Boran G, Schomburg L, Weiss RE, Refetoff S Mutations in SECISBP2 result in abnormal thyroid hormone metabolism. Nature Genetics, p.1247-1252, 2005.

V. David, A. Radulescu, M. C. Popoiu, M. Puiu, E. S. Boia, O. Adam, R. Iacob Genetic disorders associated with chest wall malformations. European Journal of Human Genetics, p.113, 2006.

Nicodin A, Boia ES, Cozma G, Popoiu MC, Nicodin G, Badeti R, David VL, Trailescu M. Preliminary results after Nuss procedure in 5 cases of pectus excavatum. Jurnalul Pediatrului, p.35-41, 2008.

David VL, Radulescu A, Boia M, Pop E, Popoiu MC, Boia ES Factors of mortality and morbidity in necrotizing enterocolitis. Jurnalul Pediatrului. , p.49-53, 2008.

David VL, Puiu M, Boia ES, Popoiu MC Anterior chest deformities therapy in children. Timişoara Medical Journal , p.286-289, 2008.

J. Antonov, V. Popovici, M. Delorenzi, P. Wirapati, A. Baltzer, A. Oberli, B. Thurlimann, A. Giobbie-Hurder, G. Viale, H.-J. Altermatt, S. Aebi, R. Jaggi Molecular risk assessment of BIG 1-98 participants by expression profiling using RNA from archival tissue. BMC Cancer, 2010.

Drochioiu, G. Chronic metabolic acidosis may be the cause of cachexia: Body fluid pH correction may be an effective therapy. Medical Hypotheses, p.1167-1173, 2008.

Popescu BA, Calin A, Beladan CC, Muraru D, Rosca M, Deleanu D, Lancellotti P, Antonini-Canterin F, Nicolosi GL, Ginghina C Left ventricular torsional dynamics in aortic stenosis: relationship between left ventricular untwisting and filling pressures. A two-dimensional speckle tracking study. European Journal of Echocardiography, 2010.

V. Popovici, W. Chen, B.G. Gallas, C. Hatzis, W. Shi, F.W. Samuelson, Y. Nikolsky, M. Tsyganova, A. Ishkin, T. Nikolskaya, K.R. Hess, V. Valero, D. Booser, M. Delorenzi, G.N. Hortobagyi, L. Shi, W.F. Symmans, L. Pusztai Effect of training sample size and classification difficulty on the accuracy of genomic predictors. Breast Cancer Research, p.R5, 2010.


Visu-Petra, L., Tincas, I, Cheie, L., & Benga, O. Anxiety and visual-spatial memory updating in young children: An investigation using emotional facial expressions.. Cognition & Emotion, p.223-240, 2010.

Rusu MC, Cuzino D, Dermengiu D, Curca GC, Capatina C, Strambu VDE, Hostiuc S. Coronary artery calcium scoring in postmortem specimens. Method report.. Rom J Leg Med , p.271 - 276, 2009.

Turer AT, Stevens RD, Bain JR, Muehlbauer MJ, van der Westhuizen J, Mathew JP, Schwinn DA, Glower DD, Newgard CB, Podgoreanu MV. Metabolomic profiling reveals distinct patterns of myocardial substrate use in humans with coronary artery disease or left ventricular dysfunction during surgical ischemia/reperfusion.. Circulation, p.1736-46, 2009.

Borza DB, Bondar O, Colon S, Todd P, Sado Y, Neilson EG, Hudson BG Goodpasture autoantibodies unmask cryptic epitopes by selectively dissociating autoantigen complexes lacking structural reinforcement: novel mechanisms for immune privilege and autoimmune pathogenesis.. J Biol Chem, p.27147-54, 2005.

Wang XP, Fogo AB, Colon S, Giannico G, Abul-Ezz SR, Miner JH, Borza DB Distinct epitopes for anti-glomerular basement membrane alport alloantibodies and goodpasture autoantibodies within the noncollagenous domain of alpha3(IV) collagen: a janus-faced antigen. J Am Soc Nephrol, p.3563-71, 2005.

Kang JS, Wang XP, Miner JH, Morello R, Sado Y, Abrahamson DR, Borza DB Loss of alpha3/alpha4(IV) collagen from the glomerular basement membrane induces a strain-dependent isoform switch to alpha5alpha6(IV) collagen associated with longer renal survival in Col4a3-/- Alport mice. J Am Soc Nephrol, p.1962-9, 2006.

Cosgrove D, Kalluri R, Miner JH, Segal Y, Borza DB Choosing a mouse model to study the molecular pathobiology of Alport glomerulonephritis. Kidney Int, p.615-8, 2007.

Kang JS, Kashtan CE, Turner AN, Heidet L, Hudson BG, Borza DB The alloantigenic sites of alpha3alpha4alpha5(IV) collagen: pathogenic X-linked alport alloantibodies target two accessible conformational epitopes in the alpha5NC1 domain.. J Biol Chem, p.10670-7, 2007.

Fox MA, Sanes JR, Borza DB, Eswarakumar VP, Fässler R, Hudson BG, John SW, Ninomiya Y, Pedchenko V, Pfaff SL, Rheault MN, Sado Y, Segal Y, Werle MJ, Umemori H Distinct target-derived signals organize formation, maturation, and maintenance of motor nerve terminals. Cell, p.179-93, 2007.

Borza DB Autoepitopes and alloepitopes of type IV collagen: role in the molecular pathogenesis of anti-GBM antibody glomerulonephritis. Nephron Exp Nephrol, p.e37-43, 2007.

Borza CM, Borza DB, Pedchenko V, Saleem MA, Mathieson PW, Sado Y, Hudson HM, Pozzi A, Saus J, Abrahamson DR, Zent R, Hudson BG Human podocytes adhere to the KRGDS motif of the alpha3alpha4alpha5 collagen IV network. J Am Soc Nephrol, p.677-84, 2008.

Pozzi A, Jarad G, Moeckel GW, Coffa S, Zhang X, Gewin L, Eremina V, Hudson BG, Borza DB, Harris RC, Holzman LB, Phillips CL, Fassler R, Quaggin SE, Miner JH, Zent R Beta1 integrin expression by podocytes is required to maintain glomerular structural integrity. Dev Biol, p.288-301, 2008.

Vanacore RM, Ham AJ, Cartailler JP, Sundaramoorthy M, Todd P, Pedchenko V, Sado Y, Borza DB, Hudson BG A role for collagen IV cross-links in conferring immune privilege to the Goodpasture autoantigen: structural basis for the crypticity of B cell epitopes. J Biol Chem, p.22737-48, 2008.

Ho J, Gibson IW, Zacharias J, Fervenza F, Colon S, Borza DB Antigenic heterogeneity of IgA anti-GBM disease: new renal targets of IgA autoantibodies. Am J Kidney Dis, p.761-5, 2008.

Lupu M., Buzila C., Andrei E., Iordache F., Maniu H Characterization of human umbilical cord blood- and Wharton’s jelly-derived endothelial progenitors for use in cellular therapy. Proceedings: pp. 27, 2009.

Carmen Fierbinteanu-Braticevici, Dan Andronescu, Radu Usvat, Dragos Cretoiu, Cristian Baicus, Gabriela Marinoschi Acoustic radiation force imaging sonoelastography for noninvasive staging of liver fibrosis. World Journal of Gastroenterology, p.5525-5532, 2009.

Gisela Gaina, Emilia Manole, Elena Ionica Muscular Dystrophies – Diagnostic Approaches in. Romania. Bringing down the barriers in translational medicine in inherited neuromuscular diseases, 2009.

Lupu M., Andrei E., Iordache F., Grigorescu G., Buzila C., Maniu H In vitro angiogenic potential of endothelial progenitors isolated from human Wharton’s Jelly. Proceedings: pp. S225, 2009.

Lupu M., Andrei E., Iordache F., Grigorescu G., Buzila C., Maniu H Isolation and characterization of endothelial progenitor cells from human Wharton’s jelly. Proceedings: pp. 68, IGB Meeting, 2009.

Rusu MC, Cergan R, Dermengiu D, Curca GC, Folescu R, Motoc AG, Jianu AM. The iliolumbar artery-Anatomic considerations and details on the common iliac artery trifurcation.. Clin.Anat., p.93-100, 2010.

D Vinereanu, M Diena, D Benea, G Cerin, M Cinteza, M Florescu From early to late ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction: the role of echocardiographic assessment in surgical decisions. Maedica - a Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2008.

Rusu MC, Pop F The anatomy of the sympathetic pathway through the pterygopalatine fossa in humans. Annals of Anatomy, 2009.