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premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

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Covic A, Gusbeth-Tatomir P, Mardare N, Buhaescu I, Goldsmith DJ. Dynamics of the circadian blood pressure profiles after renal transplantation.. Transplantation, p.1168-73, 2005.

Al-Khoury S, Afzali B, Shah N, Covic A, Thomas S, Goldsmith DJ. Anaemia in diabetic patients with chronic kidney disease–prevalence and predictors.. Diabetologia, p.1183-9, 2006.

Shah N, Al-Khoury S, Afzali B, Covic A, Roche A, Marsh J, Macdougall IC, Goldsmith DJ. Posttransplantation anemia in adult renal allograft recipients: prevalence and predictors.. Transplantation, p.1112-8, 2006.

Covic A, Gusbeth-Tatomir P, Goldsmith DJ. Vascular calcification–a new window on the cardiovascular system: role of agents used to manipulate skeletal integrity.. Semin Dial, p.158-69, 2007.

Covic A, Gusbeth-Tatomir P, Goldsmith DJ. Current dilemmas in inhibiting the renin-angiotensin system: do not forget real life.. Int Urol Nephrol. , p.571-6, 2007.

Covic A, Gusbeth-Tatomir P, Goldsmith D. Negative outcome studies in end-stage renal disease: how dark are the storm clouds?. Nephrol Dial Transplant, p.56-61, 2008.

Cannata-Andía JB, Fernández-Martín JL, Zoccali C, London GM, Locatelli F, Ketteler M, Ferreira A, Covic A, Floege J, Górriz JL, Rutkowski B, Memmos DE, Verbeelen D, Tielemans C, Teplan V, Bos WJ, Nagy J, Kramar R, Goldsmith DJ, Martin PY, Wüthrich RP, Pav Current management of secondary hyperparathyroidism: a multicenter observational study (COSMOS).. J Nephrol. , p.290-8, 2008.

Goldsmith D, Covic AC. Jupiter or Aurora? Micro-inflammation and dyslipidaemia: twin targets for statin therapy in CKD.. Int Urol Nephrol. , p.133-6, 2010.

Goldsmith D, Covic A. Blood pressure control in CKD stage 5D patients–are we more or less certain what to do in 2009?. Nephrol Dial Transplant, p.3597-601, 2009.

Kanbay M, Goldsmith D, Uyar ME, Turgut F, Covic A. Magnesium in chronic kidney disease: challenges and opportunities.. Blood Purif, p.280-92, 2010.

Kanbay M, Goldsmith D, Uyar ME, Turgut F, Covic A. Magnesium in chronic kidney disease: challenges and opportunities.. Blood Purif, p.280-92, 2010.

Popescu GA, Gavriliu L, Popescu C, Popoiu M, Popa G. Successful oral therapy switch to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole in the case of an Enterococcus faecium liver abscess. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, p.424-5, 2008.

Popescu GA, Daha I, Popescu C, Mitache E. Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia hermanii in diabetes patient.. Emerging Infectious Diseases, p.1335-7, 2004.

Picu C, Mille C, Popescu GA, Bret L, Prazuck T. Aortic Prosthetic Endocarditis with Neisseria elongata subspp nitroreducen. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Disease, p.280-2, 2003.

Popescu GA, Benea E, Mitache E, Piper C, Horstkotte D An Unusual Bacterium, Aerococcus viridans, and Four Cases of Infective Endocarditis. The Journal of Heart Valve Disease , p.317-319, 2005.

Popescu GA Immunocompromised host (especially HIV-positive) the target of pyomyositis in temperate regions. Southern Medical Journal, p.235, 2008.

Popescu GA The emerging role of group A beta hemolytic Streptococcus as retropharyngeal abscess pathogen in children–a change which doesn’t matter?. Southern Medical Journal, p.917-8, 2006.

Rusu MC, Nicolescu MI, Jianu AM, Lighezan R, Mănoiu VS, Păduraru D. Esophageal telocytes and hybrid morphologies.. Cell Biol Int, 2012.

Andrieş Marius Alin, Cãpraru Bogdan Competition and efficiency in EU27 banking systems. Baltic Journal of Economics, p.41 - 60, 2012.

Comanescu M, Annaratone L, D'Armento G, Cardos G, Sapino A, Bussolati G Critical steps in tissue processing in histopathology. Recent Pat DNA Gene Seq., p.22-32, 2012.

A. Lungeanu, A. Arghir, S. Arps, G. Cardos, N. Dumitriu, M. Budisteanu, S. Chirieac, A. Rodewald Chromosome Y Isodicentrics in two cases with ambiguous genitalia and features of Turner syndrome. Balkan J.Med.Genet, p.51-58, 2008.

Magdalena Budisteanu, Aurora Arghir, Sorina Mihaela Chirieac, Georgeta Cardos, Agripina Lungeanu Oculocutaneous albinism associated with multiple malformations and psychomotor retardation. Pediatric Dermatology, p.212-214, 2010.

A. Georgescu, N. Alexandru, E. Andrei, I. Titorencu, E. Dragan, C. Tarziu, S Ghiorghe, E. Badila, D. Bartos, D. Popov. Circulating microparticles and endothelial progenitor cells in atherosclerosis; pharmacological effects of irbesartan. J Thromb Haemost, p.680-91, 2012.

N. Alexandru, D. Popov, A. Georgescu. Platelet dysfunction in vascular pathologies and how can it be treated. Thrombosis Research, p.116-126, 2012.

A. Georgescu, N. Alexandru, A. Constantinescu, I. Titorencu, D. Popov The promise of EPC-based therapies on vascular dysfunction in diabetes.. European Journal of Pharmacology, p.1–6, 2011.

N. Alexandru, D. Popov, A. Georgescu Intraplatelet oxidative/nitrative stress: inductors, consequences, and control. Trends Cardiovasc Med, p.232-238, 2010.

Bogdan C. Donose, Falk Harnisch, Elena Taran Electrochemically produced hydrogen bubble probes for gas evolution kinetics and force spectroscopy. Electrochemistry Communications, p.21-24, 2012.

Zhuoqin Yang, Qingyun Wang, Marius-F Danca, Jiaoying Zhang Complex dynamics of compound bursting with burst episode composed of different bursts. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2012.

C. Schiopu, ®. Vukeliæ, F. Capitan, S.Kalanj-Bognar, E. Sisu, A. D. Zamfir. Chip-nanoelectrospray quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry of meningioma gangliosides: A preliminary study.. Electrophoresis, p.1778-1786, 2012.

Florina Dumitru , Yves-Marie Legrand , Eddy Petit , Arie van der Lee and Mihail Barboiu Self-sorting of metallosupramolecular DCLs via double-level exchange: amplification in solution and solid state modulation. Dalton Trans., p.11860-1186, 2012.

M.-D. Serb, Y. Wang, F. Dumitru and U. Englert Triaquabis[4-(methoxycarbonyl)benzoato-[kappa]O1]zinc dihydrate. Acta Cryst. E, p.m475, 2011.

F. Dumitru, M.-D. Serb and U. Englert Pyridine-2,6-dicarboxaldehyde bis[(diphenylmethylidene)hydrazone]. Acta Cryst. E, p.o1030, 2011.

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Sorin POHOATA, Adrian POPA, Nicolae Dumitru ALEXANDRU Approximation of the Third Derivative of the Gaussian Pulse. Proceedings of 10-th International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems - ISSCS 2011, Iasi, Romania, 2011.

Sorin POHOATA, Adrian POPA, Nicolae Dumitru ALEXANDRU Generation of Quasi-Gaussian Pulses Based on Correlation Techniques. Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering , p.71-76, 2012.

Marius-F. Danca OGY method for a class of discontinuous dynamical systems. Nonlinear Dynamics , 2012.

Vulcan Pavel, Vulcan Vasilica, Pais Viorel, Grigore Maria Profuse multiple trichoepitheliomas of the face, scalp and buttocks. Histological, histochemical and ultrastructural study. Annales de Dermatologie et de Venereologie, p.625-627, 1983.

Alexandru Badanoiu, Vasilica Vulcan, Viorel Pais Notes on the intermediary form of incontinentia pigmenti. Dermatologische Monatschrift, p.17-23, 1976.

Viorel Pais, Leon Danaila, Emil Pais A comparative ultrastructural study of a new type of autoschizis versus a survival cellular mechanism that involves cell membranes of cerebral arteries in humans. Ultrastructural Pathology, p.166-170, 2012.

Viorel Pais, Leon Danaila, Emil Pais From pluripotent stem cells to multifunctional cordocytic phenotypes in the human brain: an ultrastructural study. Ultrastructural Pathology, p.252-259, 2012.

Leon Danaila, Viorel Pais The thread-protective cell, a new cell performing multiple tasks. Chirurgia (Bucur), p.729-736, 2011.

L. Campos, F. Solly, C. Aanei, P. Flandrin, D. Guyotat HSP90 is overexpressed in high-risk myelodysplastic syndromes and associated with higher expression and activation of FAK. Leukemia Research, p.S45, 2009.

Lydia Campos, Nathalie Nadal, Pascale Flandrin-Gresta, Christian Vasselon, Carmen Aanei, Claire Berger, and Jean Louis Stephan Congenital Acute Leukemia with Initial Indolent Presentation—A Case Report. Cytometry B Clin Cytom, p.130-3, 2011.

Carmen Mariana Aanei, Florin Zugun Eloae, Pascale Flandrin, Emmanuelle Tavernier, Eugen Carasevici, Denis Guyotat, Lydia Campos Focal adhesion protein abnormalities in myelodysplastic mesenchymal stromal cells. Experimental Cell Research, p.2616-2629 , 2011.

Carmen Mariana Aanei, Pascale Flandrin, Florin Zugun Eloae, Eugen Carasevici, Denis Guyotat, Eric Wattel, Lydia Campos Intrinsic growth deficiencies of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). Stem Cells and Development, p.1604-15, 2012.

Costea, AV, Byraki, A, Ionita, I, Rusu, MC, Hostiuc, S, (Hostiuc, Sorin)1,5, Perde, FV, Curca, GC. The quantification of dental trauma in clinical medical-legal practice. An update. ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF LEGAL MEDICINE, p.47-50, 2012.

Jianu, AM, Pop, F, Hostiuc, S, Curca, GC, Rusu, MC Trigeminal ganglionic neuronal death in a case positive for the botulinum neurotoxin B. ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF LEGAL MEDICINE, p.83-88, 2012.

Rusu MC, Didilescu AC, Jianu AM, Paduraru D 3D CBCT anatomy of the pterygopalatine fossa. Surg Radiol Anat, 2012.

Stănescu R, Didilescu AC, Jianu AM, Rusu MC. Angiogenesis in the reparatory mucosa of the mandibular edentulous ridge is driven by endothelial tip cells.. Rom J Morphol Embryol., p.375-8, 2012.

Dan C. VODNAR, Oana L. POP, Carmen SOCACIU* Monitoring Lactic Acid Fermentation in Media Containing Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) by FTIR Spectroscopy. Notulae Botanicae Horti AgrobotaniciCluj-Napoca, p.65-68, 2012.