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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

Cristinel Mortici, Soon-Mo Jung and Michael Th. Rassias On a functional equation of trigonometric type. Applied Mathematics and Computation, p.294-303, 2015.

Cristinel Mortici, Feng Qi Some best approximation formulas and inequalities for Wallis ratio. Applied Mathematics and Computation, p.363-368, 2015.

Cristinel Mortici Estimates of the function and quotient by Minc-Sathre. Applied Mathematics and Computation, p.52-60, 2015.

Cristina RT, Hanganu F, Brezovan D, Dumitrescu E, Muselin F, Chiurciu V, Adrian Stancu AC, Pentea MC, Motoc AG Cytoarchitecture of steroid dependent target tissues after testosterone administration compared to nandrolone decanoate in castrated rats in the aim of Hershberger bio test. Rom J Morphol Embryol, p.1143-1148, 2014.

Marius-F. Danca, M.A. Aziz-Alaoui, Michal Small A new piecewise linear Chen system of fractional-order; Numerical approximation of stable attractors. Chinese Physics B, 2014.

Gabriel Istrate Identifying almost-sorted permutations from TCP buffer dynamics. Scientific Annals of Computer Science (special issue dedicated to professor Sergiu Rudeanu's 80th birthday), p.133-154, 2015.

Maria Cristina Corotchi, Mirel Adrian Popa, Anca Remes, Livia Elena Sima, Ilinca Gussi and Marilena Lupu Plesu Isolation method and xeno-free culture conditions influence multipotent differentiation capacity of human Wharton’s jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2013.

Tang C, Ahmed K, Gille A, Lu S, Gröne HJ, Tunaru S, Offermanns S Loss of FFA2 and FFA3 increases insulin secretion and improves glucose tolerance in type 2 diabetes.. Nature Medicine, 2015.

Viorel Robert Barbu O ctitorie transilvaneana, doi ctitori olteni. 2014.


Ovidiu Csillik, Ian.S. Evans, Lucian Drãguţ Transformation (normalization) of slope gradient and surface curvatures, automated for statistical analyses from DEMs. Geomorphology, p.65-77, 2015.

Viorel Robert Barbu, Loredana Sarb, Stefania Nachiu, Elena Rusu, Diana Iuliana Barbu, Ligia Ana Solomon Date noi despre iconostasul Bisericii Sfanta Ecaterina din Bucuresti. Doxologia, Iasi, 2014.

Viorel Robert Barbu Dogmatic unity and concern in the creation and preserving of Romanian cultural orthodox patrimony. Revista Teologica, 2014.

Gabriel Balmus, Natasha A Karp, Bee Ling Ng, Stephen P Jackson, David J Adams, Rebecca E McIntyre A high-throughput in vivo micronucleus assay for genome instability screening in mice. Nature Protocols, p.205-215, 2015.

Sachiyo Okayama, Levy Kopelovich, Gabriel Balmus, Robert S Weiss, Brittney-Shea Herbert, Andrew J Dannenberg, Kotha Subbaramaiah p53 Protein Regulates Hsp90 ATPase Activity and Thereby Wnt Signaling by Modulating Aha1 Expression. Journal of Biological Chemistry, p.6513-6525, 2014.

Gabriel Balmus, Rebecca E McIntyre Genetic screens in mice for genome integrity maintenance and cancer predisposition. Current opinion in genetics & development, p.1-7, 2014.

Geelhoed JS, Sorokin DY, Epping E, Tourova TP, Banciu HL, Muyzer G, Stams AJ, van Loosdrecht MC Microbial sulfide oxidation in the oxic-anoxic transition zone of freshwater sediment: involvement of lithoautotrophic Magnetospirillum strain J10. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, p.54-65, 2009.

Baricz A, Coman C, Andrei A-Ş, Muntean V, Keresztes ZG, Păusan M, Alexe M, Banciu HL. Spatial and temporal distribution of archaeal diversity in meromictic, hypersaline Ocnei Lake (Transylvanian Basin, Romania). Extremophiles, p.399-413, 2014.

Andrei A-Ş, Banciu HL, Oren A. Living with salt: metabolic and phylogenetic diversity of archaea inhabiting saline ecosystems. FEMS Microbiology Letters, p.1-9, 2012.

W. Zhuang, Q. Xiao, M. Paun “The effects of movie awards on movie success: a replication using the Golden Globe data. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research Journal, 2011.

A. Paun, M. Paun, A. Rodriguez-Paton On the Hopcroft’s minimization technique for DFA and DFCA. Theoretical Computer Science , 2009.

M. Paun, N. Naksinehaboon, R. Nassar, C. Leangsuksun, S. Scott, N. Taerat Incremental Checkpoint Schemes for Weibull Failure Distribution. ”, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 2010.

R. Gottumukkala, R. Nassar, M. Paun, C. Leangsuksun, S. Scott The TTF Distribution of System of K Nodes for HPC Applications. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2010.

R. Nassar, S. Wu, M. Paun, W. Dai, and J. Palmer A mathematical model characterizing the diffusion properties of microcapsules. ”, Chemical Engineering Communications Journal, 2011.

M.G. Watson, J.M. Lopez, M. Paun, S.A.Jones A novel dynamic layer-by-layer assembled nano-scale biointerface: functionality tests with platelet adhesion and aggregate morphology influenced by adenosine diphosphate. Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, 2013.

B.M. Strimbu, M. Paun Sensitivity of forest plan value to parameters of simulated annealing. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, p.28-38, 2013.

W. Zhuang, B. Babin, Q. Xiao, M. Paun The Influence of Movie’s Quality on its Performance: Evidence Based on Oscar Awards. Managing Service Quality, p.122-138, 2014.

T. Thanakornworakij, R. Nassar, C.Leangsuksun, M. Pau Reliability model of a system of k nodes with simultaneous failures for high-performance computing applications. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, p.474-482 , 2013.

S. Laosooksathit, R. Nassar, C. Leangsuksun, M. Paun Reliability-aware performance model for optimal GPU-enabled cluster environment. The Journal of Supercomputing , p.1630-1651, 2014.

Butnariu A, Iancu M, Samasca G, Chira M, Lupan I Changes in NT-proBNP in young children with congenital heart malformations. Laboratory Medicine, p.43-47, 2014.

Lidia Benea , Eliza Danaila, Pierre Ponthiaux. Effect of titania anodic formation and hydroxyapatite electrodeposition on electrochemical behaviour of Ti–6Al–4V alloy under fretting conditions for biomedical applications. Corrosion Science, p.262–271, 2015.

Lidia Benea, Eliza Mardare, Marilena Mardare, Jean-Pierre Celis Preparation of titanium oxide and hydroxyapatite on Ti-6Al-4V alloy surface and electrochemical behaviour in bio-simulated fluid solution. Corrosion Science, p.331–338, 2014.

Lidia Benea, Eliza Danaila, Jean-Pierre Celis Influence of electro-co-deposition parameters on nano-TiO2 inclusion into nickel matrix and properties characterization of nanocomposite coatings obtained. Materials Science and Engineering: A, p.106-115, 2014.

Lidia Benea, Eliza Mardare - Danaila, Jean-Pierre Celis Increasing the tribological performances of Ti-6Al-4V alloy by forming a thin nanoporous TiO2 layer and hydroxyapatite electrodeposition under lubricated conditions. Tribology International, p.168-175, 2014.

Lidia Benea, Sorin-Bogdan Basa, Eliza Danaila, Nadège Caron, Olivier Raquet, Pierre Ponthiaux, Jean-Pierre Celis Fretting and wear behaviors of Ni/nano-WC composite coatings in dry and wet conditions. Materials & Design, p.550-558, 2015.

Viorel Barbu, Diana Barbu Arta religioasã în perioada interbelicã. 2014.

Pr. Viorel Barbu, Gabriela Ştefãniţã, Diana Barbu, Ligia Ana Solomon Forme de manifestare a spiritualitãţii ortodoxe în secolul XVIII. Conservarea si Restaurarea Patrimoniului Cultural ISSN 2286-1459, ISSN-L 2286-1459, 2014.

Alexandru Ştefãniţã, Gabriela Ştefãniţã, pr. Viorel R. Barbu, Diana Barbu Elemente laice în pictura religioasã de secol XIX. Conservarea si Restaurarea Patrimoniului Cultural, 2014.

pr.Viorel Barbu, Loredana Sârb, Elena Rusu, Ştefania Nachiu, Diana Barbu, Ana Ligia Solomon Date noi despre iconostasul Bisericii Sfânta Ecaterina din Bucureşti. Conservarea si Restaurarea Patrimoniului Cultural, 2014.

Angela Antonescu, Simona Ioana Vicaș, Alin C. Teușdea, Ioana Rațiu, Ina Andreea Antonescu, Otilia Micle, Laura Vicaș, Mariana Mureșan, Felicia Gligor The levels of serum biomarkers of inflammation in hemodialysis patient. Farmacia, p.950 –, 2014.

. Andrada Iova, Otilia Micle, Laura Vicaș, Liana Micle, Sorin Iova, Mariana Mureșan, Corina Ana Ionițã Oxidative stress in Alzheimer’s dementia. Farmacia, p.546 –, 2014.

Purcãrea V.L., Coculescu Bogdan-Ioan (autor de corespondenţã), Coculescu E.C The concept of marketing in the public-private partnership in the Romanian medical system. Journal of Medicine and Life , p.20-22, 2014.

M. Voiculescu, I. Usoskin, S. Condurache-Bota Clouds blown by the solar wind. Environ. Res. Lett., p.045032, 2013.

G. Murariu, S. Condurache-Bota Temperature dependence of the optical properties of Bi2O3. A theoretical approach based on the Kramers-Kronig transformation for polynomial mixed terms models. Central European Journal of Physics, p.130-137, 2013.

G. Murariu, S. Condurache-Bota, N. Țigãu Polynomial fitting approach for the Kramers–Kronig method for optical properties computing for Bi2O3 fabric. International Journal of Modern Physics B , p.1250049 -1, 2012.

S. Condurache-Bota, R. Draşovean, N. Þigãu, A. P. Râmbu The influence of substrate temperature on the structure and on the optical reflection spectrum of bismuth thin films. Revue Roumaine de Chimie, p.1097-1102, 2011.

S. Condurache-Bota, N. Tigau, A. P. Râmbu, G. G. Rusu, G. I. Rusu Optical and Electrical Properties of Thermally-Oxidized Bismuth Thin Films. Applied Surface Science, p.10545 R, 2011.

C. Oancea, C. Gheorghieș, S. Condurache-Bota Complex analysis of the bells’ sounds from the ‘Saint Trinity’ Cathedral from Alba Iulia. European Journal of Science and Theology, p.57-70, 2011.

C. Gheorghies, S. Condurache-Bota Temperature correction for thickness measurements of hot rolled steel plates. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, p.30-36, 2010.

S. Condurache-Bota, G. I. Rusu, N. Þigãu and L. Leontie Important physical parameters of Bi2O3 thin films found by applying several models for optical data. Cryst. Res. Technol. , p.503-511, 2010.