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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


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Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

Horga R, Axente D, Pamula A, Chiriac M, Baldea A, Fatu C, Leuca M, Ilies I, Ursu D, Floare C U-235 enrichment by chemical exchange in the U4+-UO22+ system, by using ion exchange resins. Revista De Chimie, p.377-381, 2001.

Lucian-Gabriel Zamfir, Lucian Rotariu, Camelia Bala A novel, sensitive, reusable and low potential acetylcholinesterase biosensor for chlorpyrifos based on 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate/multiwalled carbon nanotubes gel. Biosensors and Bioelectronics (5-Year Impact Factor: 5. 480), p.3692, 2011.

Z. Moldovan, N. Palibroda, V. Mercea,Gh.Mihailescu, M. Chiriac, M.Vlassa Mass Spectra of some beta-Keto Esters. Organic Mass Spectrometry, p.195, 1980.

Z. Moldovan, N. Palibroda, V. Mercea,Gh.Mihailescu, M. Chiriac, M.Vlassa Mass Spsctra of some beta-Keto Esters. Organic Mass Spectrometry, p.195, 1980.

M. Vlassa, M. Kezdi, I. Goia Application of PTC in the Acridine Series I. S-Alkylation and S-Acylation of Thioacridone and of some Halogenated Thioacridone Derivatives.. Synthesis, p.850, 1980.

C. Sarbu C. Marutoiu, M. Vlassa, C.Liteanu Direct Fluorescent Detection of Chromatographically Separated Amino-Acids by Means of 9-Isothiocyanatoacridines. Talanta, p.438, 1987.

C. Marutoiu, M.Vlassa, C. Sarbu, S. Nagy Separation and Identification of Organophosphorus Pesticides in Water by HPTLC. J.High Resolution Chromatography & Chromat. Commun., p.10687, 1987.

M.Vlassa, M. Kezdi S-Alkylation of Thioacridone Derivatives Using Solid-Liquid Phase Transfer Catalysis without Solvent.. Organic Prep. Proced. Int., p.433, 1987.

M.Vlassa, M. Kezdi S-Alkylation of Thioacridone derivatives using solid-Liquid Phase Transfer Catalysis without Solvent.. Organic Prep. Proced. Int., p.433, 1987.

M. Vlassa, M. Kezdi Synthesis of Thioacridones. J.prakt.Chem., p.141, 1987.

C. Marutoiu, C. Sarbu, M.Vlassa A new Separation and identification method of some phytotoxics aminoacids b y means of temperature programming gradient thin-layer chromatography. Analusis, p.508, 1987.

M. Vlassa, I.A.Silberg, C.Afloroaei A New Rearrangement of the Heterocyclci Isothiocyantes. Heterocyclic Commun ., p.55, 1994.

T.Iliescu, M.Vlassa, M.Caragiu, I. Marian, S.Astilean Raman Study of 9-Methylacridine adsorbed on silver sol. Vibrational Spectroscopy, p.451, 1995.

M.Vlassa, I. A. Silberg, R. Custelcean, M. Culea Reactions of pi-Deficient Aromatic Heterocycles with Ammonium Polyhalides I. Halogenation of Acridone and Acridine Derivatives Using Benzyltriethylammonium (BTEA) Polyhalides. Synthetic Commun., p.3493, 1995.

S.V.Filip, E.Surducan,M.Vlassa, I.A.Silberg, G. Jucan Microwave-Assisted Acridones Preparations Using an Inorganic Acidid Solid Support. Heterocyclic Commun ., p.431, 1996.

M.Vlassa, I.Ciocan-Tarta, F. Margineanu, I. Oprean Synthesis of Diynes by Phase Transfer Catalysis in the Presence of Pd(0) Catalyst. Tetrahedron, p.1337, 1996.

R.Custelcean,M.Vlassa, I. A. Silberg Reaction of pi-Deficient Aromatic Heterocycles with Ammonium Polyhalides III. Halogenation of Phenothiazine-5-oxide with Benzyltriethylammonium Polyhalides. Monatshefte fur Chemie, p.919, 1997.

R. Custelecean, M.Vlassa, I. A. Silberg, M. Szoke, S.I.Farcas, M. Culea Reaction of pi-Deficient Aromatic Heterocycles with Ammonium Polyhalides. II. Halogenation of Phenothiazine with Benzyltriethylammonium (BTEA) Polyhalides. Heterocycl. Commun., p.317, 1997.

M. Vlassa, J. Barbe, P. Brouant Synthesis of 2-(Arylamino)-Nicotinic Acid Deivative4s. Indian J. Heterocycl. Chem., p.149, 1997.

C. Marutoiu, V. Coman, M.Vlassa, R. Constantinescu A New Detection of some Organophosphorous Pesticides separeated by TLC. J.LiQ. Chrom.& Rel.Technol., p.2143, 1998.

S. V. Filip, I. A. Silberg, E. Surducan, M. Vlassa, V. Surducan Microwave-Assisted Phenothiazine Preparation by Thionation of Diphenylamines. Synthetic Commun., p.337, 1998.

M.Vlassa, I. A. Silberg, L.I.Gaina Application of Phase Transfer Catalysis(PTC) without Solvent in Organic Chemistry IV.[1] Selective O-Alkylation of Hydroxy-phenothiazine and Hydroxy-diphenylamine Derivatives. J.prakt.Chem., p.576, 1998.

C. Afloroaei, M. Vlassa, A. Becze, P. Brouant, J. Barbe Microwave Action on 2-(Arylamino)-Nicotinic Acid Derivatives. Heterocyclic Commun., p. 249, 1999.

M. Vlassa, C. Afloroaei, N.,Dulamita, P. Brouant, J. Barbe Applications of Phase Transfer Catalysis in the Acridine Series VII(1).Synthesis of 9-Cyanoacridone Derivatives.. Heterocyclic Commun., p.51, 1999.

I. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, I.A. Silberg, S. Filip, M. Vlassa, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu, S. Hernandez-Ortega The Crystal and Molecular Structure of the 2,4,6,8- tetra-t-Bu-Phenothiazine 0.5 Benzene Adduct.. J. Molec. Structure, p.279, 2000.

R. Custelcean, C. Afloroaei, M.Vlassa, M. Polverejan Transformation of Extended Tapes of Cyclic Water Hexamers in an Organic Molecular Crystal Host. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. , p.3094, 2000.

R. Custelcean, M. Vlassa, J. E. Jackson, Toward Crystalline Covalent Solids:Crystal-to-Crystal Dihidrogen to Covalent Bonding Transfromation in NaBH4.THEC. Angew.Chem.Int Ed. , p.3299, 2000.

C. Afloroaei, N. Dulamita, M. Vlassa, J. Barbe, P. Brounat Synthesis of new bis(2,4-dimethyl-5-amino-benzo[b][1,8]-naphthyridines)linked with methyl linear chain. J. Heterocyclic. Chem., p.1289, 2000.

C. Uncuta, E. Bartha, D. Gherase, I.A. Loas, F. Teodorescu, R. A. Varga, N. Vanthuyne, C. Roussel, U. Berg Chiral bicyclo[3.3.1]-3,7 dioxanonane derivatives: study of crystallization mode and conformational dynamics in solution. J.Mol.Struc., p.989, 2011.

Maria-Cristina Radulescu, Ana Chira, Medeea Radulescu, Bogdan Bucur, Madalina Petruta Bucur, Gabriel Lucian Radu Determination of Silver(I) by Differential Pulse Voltammetry Using a Glassy Carbon Electrode Modified with Synthesized N-(2-Aminoethyl)-4,4′-Bipyridine. Sensors, p.11340-1135, 2010.

A.M. Vãlean, S. Gómez-Ruiz, P. Lönnecke, I. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, L. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, E. Hey-Hawkins Stabilisation of an inorganic digallane by the phosphinobisthiolato P,S,S pincer ligand PPh(2-SC6H4)2. New Journal of Chemistry, p.1771-1779, 2009.

A.M. Vãlean, S. Gómez-Ruiz, P. Lönnecke, I. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, L. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, E. Hey-Hawkins When arsine makes the difference: chelating phosphino and bridging arsinoarylthiolato gallium complexes. Inorganic Chemistry, p.11284-1129, 2008.

M. Crişan, M. Rãileanu, S. Preda, M. Zaharescu, A.M. Vãlean, E.J. Popovici, V.S. Teodorescu, V. Matejec, J. Mrazek Manganese doped sol-gel materials with catalytic properties. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, p.815-819, 2006.

A.M. Kaszoni Pricop, E.J. Popovici, D. Roiban, T. Ursales, R.Grecu, E. Indrea Multifunctional Skeletal Catalytic Support. Alumina based composition for porous adsorbing layer. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials , p.219-224, 2004.

Madalina Tudorache, Diana Mahalu, Cristian Teodorescu, Razvan Stan, Camelia Bala and Vasile I. Parvulescu Biocatalytic microreactor incorporating HRP anchored on micro-/nano-lithographic patterns for flow oxidation of phenols. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, p.133-139, 2011.

Neagu Elena , Paun Roman Gabriela, Radu Gabriel Lucian, Nechifor Gheorghe Concentration of the bioactive principles in Geranium robertianum extracts through membranare procedures (ultrafiltration). Roumanian Biotechnological Letters, p.5042-5048 , 2010.

Neagu Elena , Paun Roman Gabriela, Moroeanu Veronica, Radu Gabriel Lucian Evaluation of antioxidant capacity of Geraniun robertianum extracts. Revue Roumaine de Chemie, p.321-325 , 2010.

Neagu Elena , Paun Roman Gabriela ,Radu Gabriel Lucian Antioxidant capacity of some Symphytum officinalis extracts processed by ultrafiltration. Roumanian Biotechnological Letters, p.5404-5510 , 2010.

Pârvulescu V. , Roman G., Somacescu S. , Dascalu I. , Albu B., B.L.Su Membranes with Ni, Mn-MCM-41 mesoporous mecular sieves and their applications for wasted water purification. Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal., p.857-861, 2007.

Fifere A, Pinteala M, Spulber M, Harabagiu V, Simionescu BC, Mracec M Semi-Empirical PM3 Study On The Complexation Of Alpha-Cyclodextrin With 5-Flucytosine.. AIP Conf. Proc. , p.83-86, 2009.

Spulber M, Pinteala M, Fifere A, Harabagiu V, Simionescu BC New therapeutically agent with increased antifungal activity. Macrocyclic Chemistry: New Research Developments , p.435-446, 2010.

Pricop L, Durdureanu-Agheluta A, Pinteala M, Spulber M, Fifere A, Marangoci N, Dascalu AI, Tigoianu R, Harabagiu V, Simionescu BC Synthesis and micellization of polydimethylsiloxane-carboxy-terminated poly(ethylene oxide) graft copolymer in aqueous and organic media. E-Polymers, 2010.

Spulber M, Schlick S Using Cyclodextrins to Encapsulate Oxygen-Centered and Carbon-Centered Radical Adducts: The Case of DMPO, PBN, and MNP Spin Traps. J. Phys. Chem. A, p.6217-6225, 2010.

Schlick S, Spulber M ESR detection of early events in the fragmentation of perfluorinated model compounds and relevance stability of polymeric membranes used in fuell cells. Mat. Sci. Eng. (PMSE Preprints), p.137-138, 2010.

Spulber M, Fifere A, Durdureanu-Angheluta A, Fifere N Nystatin-polyethylene oxide conjugates with enhanced solubility in water. J. Incl. Phenom. Macrocycl. Chem., 2010.

Paun Roman Gabriela, Neagu Elena, Radu Gabriel Lucian Membrane processes for the purification and concentration of Helleborus purpurascens extracts and evaluation of antioxidant activity. Revista de Chimie, p.877-881 , 2010.

Paun Roman Gabriela, Tache Andreia, Neagu Elena, Radu G. L. , Pârvulescu Viorica, Mureseanu Mihaela Microparticule compozite continand cupru-metalotioneina pentru imobilizarea catalazei. Revista de Materiale Plastice, p.497-502 , 2010.

Mihaela Vlassa, G. Borodi, G. Blanita, I. cojocaru, M. Vlassa, C.Silvestru Synthesis and characterization of coordination polymers prepared from Cu2+ and Ni 2+ cyclam pherclorate and carmoisine. Cent. Eur. J. Chem, p.224, 2011.

C. Onisor, G. Blanita, M.Corois, M. Bucsa, M.Vlassa, C. Sarbu. A comparative study concerning chromatographic retention and computed partition coefficients of some precursors of peraza crown ethers. Cent. Eur. J. Chem, p.1203, 2010.

I.O.Marian, N. Bonciocat, C. Cristea, R. Sandulescu, M. Bucsa, M.Vlassa Spectroelectrochemical study of 9-substituted acridines with potential antitumor activity. Electroanalysis, p.542, 2010.