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Liviu Paunescu On Sofic Actions and Equivalence Relations. Journal of Functional Analysis, p.2461-2485, 2011.
Valerio Capraro; Liviu Paunescu Product between ultralters and applications to the Connes’ Embedding Problem. Journal of Operator Theory, p. 165-172, 2012.
C. Enache, G.A. Philippin On some isoperimetric inequalities involving eigenvalues of symmetric free membranes. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 2014.
Imre Juhász, Ágoston Róth A scheme for interpolation with trigonometric spline curves. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, p.246-261, 2014.
Marius-F. Danca, Michal Feckan, Miguel Romera Generalized Form of Parrondo’s Paradoxical Game with Applications to Chaos Control. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2014.
C. Enache Maximum principles and isoperimetric inequalities for some Monge-Ampere type problems. Comptes Rendus Mathematique , 2014.
C. Enache Maximum and minimum principles for a class of Monge-Amp`ere equations in the plane, with applications to surfaces of constant Gauss curvature. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis , 2014.
Nicolae Lupa Roughness of $(mathbb{Z}_{+},mathbb{Z}_{-})$ — nonuniform exponential dichotomy for difference equations in Banach spaces. The Scientific World Journal , 2013.
Nicolae Lupa, Mihail Megan Exponential dichotomies of evolution operators in Banach spaces. Monatshefte für Mathematik, 2013.
Nicolae Lupa, Mihail Megan Generalized Exponential Trichotomies for Abstract Evolution Operators on the Real Line. JOURNAL OF FUNCTION SPACES AND APPLICATIONS , 2013.
Bogdan, M.; Kolumbán, J. On nonlinear parametric variational inequalities. Nonlinear Analysis , p.2272-2282, 2007.
Dinu Teodorescu, Nawab Hussain On Lipschitz Perturbations of a Self-Adjoint Strongly Positive Operator. Journal of Function Spaces and Applications, p.902563, 2013.
R.M. Tudoran The free rigid body dynamics: Generalized versus classic. Journal of Mathematical Physics, p.072704 , 2013.
Miguel Romera, Gerardo Pastor, Amalia Orue Lopez, Agustin Martin, Marius-F. Danca and Fausto Montoya Method to solve the limitations in drawing external rays of the Mandelbrot set. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013.
Marius-F. Danca, Michal Feckan, Miguel Romera Generalized Form of Parrondo’s Paradoxical Game with Applications to Chaos Control. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2013.
Marius-F. Danca, Nicolae Lung Parameter switching in a generalized Duffing system: Finding the stable attractors. Applied Mathematics and Computations, 2013.
C. Bereanu, D. Gheorghe, M. Zamora Non-resonant boundary value problems with singular phi-Laplacian operators. NoDEA, p.1365-1377, 2013.
C. Bereanu, P. jebelean, P.J. Torres Multiple positive radial solutions for a Dirichlet problem involving the mean curvature operator in Minkowski space. J. Functional Analysis, p.644-659, 2013.
R. M. Tudoran Explicit Hamiltonian realizations of non-degenerate three-dimensional real linear differential systems. Applied Mathematics Letters, p.1031-1034, 2013.
Yanhong Zheng, Qingyun Wang, Marius-F. Danca Noise induced complexity: patterns and collective phenomena in a small-world neuronal network. Cogn Neurodyn, 2013.
Alireza Amini-Harandi, Szilárd László. A coincidence point result via variational inequalities. Fixed Point Theory , 2013.
Alireza Amini-Harandi, Szilárd László Solution existence of general variational inequalities and coincidence points. Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 2013.
C. Enache Necessary conditions of solvability and isoperimetric estimates for some Monge-Ampere problems in the plane. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2014.
R.M. Tudoran Complete integrability versus symmetry. Journal of Mathematical Physics, p.122701, 2012.
Lascu D. A Gauss-Kuzmin-type problem for a family of continued fraction expansions. Journal of Number Theory, p.2153-2181, 2013.
Szilárd László Multivalued variational inequalities and coincidence point results. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications , p.105-114, 2013.
Ionut Munteanu Boundary feedback stabilization of periodic fluid flows in a magnetohydrodynamic channel. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, p.2119 - 212, 2013.
S. Burciu and S. Witherspoon Hochschild cohomology of smash products and rank one Hopf algebras. Biblioteca de la Revista Matematica Iberoamericana , p.153-170, 2007.
S. Burciu Kernels of representations and coideal subalgebras of Hopf algebras. Glasgow Math. J, p.107 - 119, 2012.
S. Burciu Categorical Hopf kernels and representations of semisimple Hopf algebras. J. Algebra, p.905-914, 2011.
S. Burciu On Normal Hopf Subalgebras of Semisimple Hopf Algebras. , p.491–506, 2012.
S. Burciu Coset decomposition for semisimple Hopf algebras. Commun. Algebra, p.3573-3585, 2009.
S. Burciu A class of Drinfeld doubles that are ribbon algebras. J. Algebra, p. 2053-2078, 2008.
S. Burciu On some representations of the Drinfel’d double. J. Algebra, p.480-504, 2006.
S. Burciu and L. Kadison Depth two Hopf subalgebras of semisimple Hopf algebras. J. Algebra, p.162-176., 2009.
S. Burciu Normal Hopf Subalgebras of Semisimple Hopf Algebras. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. , p.3969-3979, 2009.
S. Burciu and S. Natale Fusion rules of equivariantizations of fusion categories. J. Math. Phys. , 2013.
S. Burciu Clifford theory for cocentral extensions. Israel Journal of Mathematics , p.111-123, 2011.
Ulrich Kohlenbach, Laurentiu Leustean On the computational content of convergence proofs via Banach limits. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, p.3449-3463, 2012.
Ulrich Kohlenbach, Laurentiu Leustean A quantitative Mean Ergodic Theorem for uniformly convex Banach spaces. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, p.1907-1915, 2009.
Laurentiu Leustean Nonexpansive iterations in uniformly convex W-hyperbolic spaces. Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization I: Nonlinear Analysis, p.193-209, 2010.
Ulrich Kohlenbach, Laurentiu Leustean Effective metastability of Halpern iterates in CAT(0) spaces. Advances in Mathematics, p.2526-2556, 2012.
Adara M. Blaga; M. Crasmareanu The geometry of product conjugate connections. An. Stiint. Univ. Al. I. Cuza Iasi. Mat. (N.S.), p.73-84. , 2013.
K-H. Georgi, C. Hähnlein, K. Schilcher, C. Sebu and H. Spiesberger Conductivity Reconstructions Using Real Data from a New Planar Electrical Impedance Device. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 2013.
C. Hähnlein, K. Schilcher, H. Spiesberger and C. Sebu Conductivity imaging with interior potential measurements. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering , p.729-750, 2011.
C. Bereanu, P. Jebelean, J. Mawhin Radial solutions for Neumann problems involving mean extrinsic curvature and periodic nonlinearities. Calc. Var. PDE, p.113-122, 2013.
Marius-F Danca, Roberto Garrappa, Wallace K. S. Tang, Guanrong Chen Sustaining stable dynamics of a fractional-order chaotic financial system by parameter switching. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2013.
Andrei Draganescu and Ana Maria Soane Multigrid Solution of a Distributed Optimal Control Problem Constrained by the Stokes Equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation, p.5622-5634, 2013.
Szilárd László On the strong representability of the generalized parallel sum. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society , 2013.