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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

van de Luijtgaarden MW, Jager KJ, Stel VS, Kramer A, Cusumano A, Elliott RF, Geue C, Macleod AM, Stengel B, Covic A, Caskey FJ. Global differences in dialysis modality mix: the role of patient characteristics, macroeconomics and renal service indicators.. Nephrol Dial Transplant. May;, p.10.1093/nd, 2013.

Covic AC, Buimistriuc LD, Green D, Stefan A, Badarau S, Kalra PA. The prognostic value of electrocardiographic estimation of left ventricular hypertrophy in dialysis patients.. Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol Mar;, p.188-98. do, 2013.

Covic A, Voroneanu L Dialysis fata morgana: can we finally successfully tackle intradialytic hypotension with plasma sodium biofeedback systems?. Nephrol Dial Transplant, p.250-3, 2013.

Radu BM, Bramanti P, Osculati F, Flonta ML, Radu M, Bertini G, Fabene PF Neurovascular unit in chronic pain. Mediators of Inflammation, p.18 pages, 2013.

Jude C, Dejica D, Samasca G, Balacescu L, Balacescu O Soluble CD163 serum levels are elevated and correlated with IL-12 and CXCL10 in patients with long-standing rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology International, p.1031-1037, 2013.

Vlad Denis Constantin, Bogdan Socea, George Sireţeanu, Florian Popa – Epidemiological aspects and risk factors in the outcome of variceal eso-gastric bleeding at cirrhosis patients. Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods, p.316-324, 2008.

V. Constantin, B. Socea, G. Sireţeanu, S. Pãun, V. Budu, V. Ciofoaia, F. Popa – Rezultatele abordului terapeutic diferenţiat la pacienţii politraumatizaţi cu leziuni abdominale. Archives of the Balkan Medical Union, p.108-112, 2009.

B. Socea, V. Constantin, Liliana Dimitriu, A. Carâp, C. Moculescu, D. Costea, F. Popa – Homograft vs. heterograft in lower limb revascularization – postoperative complications. Archives of the Balkan Medical Union, p.51-55, 2013.

R. Jitianu, F. Popa, V.D. Constantin, C. Bãlãlãu, C. Moculescu, B. Socea, A. Carâp – Blunt abdominal trauma in a patient with associated epigastric incarcerated hernia. Archives of the Balkan Medical Union, p.377-379, 2012.

B. Socea, V. Constantin, A. Carâp, C. Moculescu, N. Pãdeanu, F. Popa – Rare Urogenital Malformation Coupled with Complex Vascular Malformation – A Case Report. Chirurgia, p.659-663, 2012.

Andreea Nicoleta Safta, V. D. Constantin, Laura-Ileana Socea, B. Socea – The efficiency of low molecular weight heparins in the prophylaxis of venous thromboembolic complications in general surgery. Farmacia, p.127-137, 2012.

B. Dumitriu, L. Olariu, M. Constantinovici, L. Zglimbea, N. Rosoiu Estrogen-like” effect of some phytocompounds from Trifolium pratense for modulation of dermal fibroblasts physiology. FEBS Journal, p.135, 2011.

M. Constantinovici, L. Zglimbea, N. Dociu, A. Netoiu, L. Olariu Evaluation of metabolic effects of two triterpenic derivates obtained from Salvia sp. on endothelial primary cell culture Huvec. Tox. Let. , 2010.

N. Rosoiu, R. Nita, D. Ene, M. Constantinovici, L. Olariu ‘In vitro and in vivo investigation of some bioactive extracts rich in glycosaminoglycans obtained from small sea fish. FEBS Journal , p.340, 2009.

Mircioiu C., Voicu V. A., Ionescu M., Miron D. S., Radulescu F. S., Nicolescu A. C Evaluation of in vitro absorption, decontamination and desorption of organophosphorous compounds from skin and synthetic membranes. Toxicol. Lett., p.99-106, 2013.

Viorel Pais, Leon Danaila, Emil Pais Ultrastructural patterns of the activated cell death programs in the human brain. Ultrastructural Pathology, p.110-120, 2013.

L. Pfeffel Oncology researsching purpose. 2013.

Cretoiu SM, Cretoiu D, Marin A, Radu BM, Popescu LM Telocytes: ultrastructural, immunohistochemical and electrophysiological characteristics in human myometrium. Reproduction, p.357-70, 2013.

Bernatsky S, Rusu C, O'Donnell S, Mackay C, Hawker G, Canizares M, Badley E. Self-management strategies in overweight and obese Canadians with arthritis. Arthritis Care and Research, p.280-6, 2012.

Tattersall JE, Ward RA; on behalf of the EUDIAL group. Online haemodiafiltration: definition, dose quantification and safety revisited.. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2013.

Macdougall IC, Provenzano R, Sharma A, Spinowitz BS, Schmidt RJ, Pergola PE, Zabaneh RI, Tong-Starksen S, Mayo MR, Tang H, Polu KR, Duliege AM, Fishbane S; PEARL Study Groups. Peginesatide for anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease not receiving dialysis.. N Engl J Med, p.368(4):320, 2013.

Fishbane S, Schiller B, Locatelli F, Covic AC, Provenzano R, Wiecek A, Levin NW, Kaplan M, Macdougall IC, Francisco C, Mayo MR, Polu KR, Duliege AM, Besarab A; EMERALD Study Groups. Peginesatide in patients with anemia undergoing hemodialysis.. N Engl J Med, p.368(4):307, 2013.

Ureña-Torres P, Bridges I, Christiano C, Cournoyer SH, Cooper K, Farouk M, Kopyt NP, Rodriguez M, Zehnder D, Covic A. Efficacy of cinacalcet with low-dose vitamin D in incident haemodialysis subjects with secondary hyperparathyroidism.. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2013.

Chan CT, Covic A, Craig JC, Davenport A, Kasiske BL, Kuhlmann MK, Levin NW, Li PK, Locatelli F, Rocco MV, Wheeler DC 2012 Dec 15. Kidney Int, 2013.

Yilmaz MI, Turgut F, Kanbay M, Saglam M, Sonmez A, Yaman H, Demirbas S, Unal HU, Gok M, Karaman M, Ay SA, Demirkaya E, Covic A, Carrero JJ. Serum gamma-glutamyltransferase levels are inversely related to endothelial function in chronic kidney disease.. Int Urol Nephrol., 2012.

Buzoianu AD, Trifa AP, Mureşanu DF, Crişan S Analysis of CYP2C9*2,CYP2C9*3 and VKORC1 -1639 G>A polymorphisms in a population from South-Eastern Europe. J Cell Mol Med 2012, vol 16 (12), 2919-24, p.2919-24, 2012.

Rusu MC Adult leptomeningeal cerebellar heterotopia in contact with the posterior inferior cerebellar artery. Anat Sci Int, 2012.

Loreto C, Galanti C, Leonardi R, Musumeci G, Pannone G, Palazzo G, Rusu MC Possible role of apoptosis in the pathogenesis and clinical evolution of radicular cyst: an immunohistochemical study. Int Endod J. , p.642-8, 2013.

7. Gheorghiţa Voicu, Anamaria Bechir, Oana Cristina Arghir „Chemical Air Polution and the Prevalence of Respiratory Disorders”. • Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 13 (3) , pp. 1357-1365, p.1357-1365, 2012.

4. Claus Vogelmeier, M.D., Bettina Hederer, M.D., Thomas Glaab, M.D., Hendrik Schmidt, Ph.D.,Maureen P.M.H. Rutten-van Mölken, Ph.D., Kai M. Beeh, M.D., Klaus F. Rabe, M.D., and Leonardo M. Fabbri, M.D.,for the POET-COPD Investigators* (…Oana Arghir „Tiotropium versus Salmeterol for the Prevention of Exacerbations of COPD”. New England Journal of Medicine March 24 2011; vol. 364, Nr. 12: 1093-1103; ISSN: 0028-4793, p.1093-1103, 2011.

3. Elena Dantes, Man Milena Adina, Oana Cristina Arghir, Dana Alexandrescu, Antigona Trofor „Risk factors and overlap between asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease”. WSEAS Conference Book "RECENT ADVANCES IN RISK MANAGEMENT, ASSESSMENT AND MITIGATION" published by WSEAS Press 2010: 369-373; ISBN: 978-960-474-182-3; ISSN: 1790-2769, p.369-373, 2010.

2. Monica Goron, Man Milena, Cosmina Bondor, Oana Arghir „Risk Factors in the Etiology of Lung Cancer” WSEAS Conference Book”RECENT ADVANCES IN CLINICAL MEDICINE”. WSEAS Conference Book"RECENT ADVANCES IN CLINICAL MEDICINE" ISI PROCEEDINGS- University of Cambridge, UK, February;Textbooks published by WSEAS Press; 2010: 207-212; ISSN 1790-5125, p.207-212, 2010.

1. Man Milena Adina, Cosmina Bondor, Ioana Neagoe, Monica Pop, Antigona Trofor, Dana Alexandrescu, Ruxandra Rasnoveanu, Oana Arghir „Prognostic Factors in the Evaluation of Metastatic Breast Cancer”. WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine, Issue 11, Vol.5, Nov.2008: 281-292, p.281-292, 2008.

Vasile TA, Feier D, Socaciu M, Anton O.M, Seicean A, Iancu C, Zaharie T, Badea R Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound and Computer Tomography Diagnosis of Solid and Mixed Pancreatic Tumors – Analysis of Confounders. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis , p.1-8, 2012.

Gorunescu F, Belciug S, Gorunescu M, Badea R. Intelligent decision-making for liver fibrosis stadialization based on tandem feature selection and evolutionary-driven neural network.. Expert Systems with Applications, p.12824-1283, 2012.

Seicean A, Badea R, Stan-Iuga R, Iancu C, Seicean R Double splenic artery pseudoaneurysm associating splenic infarction in chronic pancreatitis.. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis, p.313-315, 2012.

Sporea I, Bota S, Peck-Radosavljevic M, Sirli R, Tanaka H, Iijima H, Badea R, Lupsor M, Fierbinteanu-Braticevici C, Petrisor A, Saito H, Ebinuma H, Friedrich-Rust M, Sarrazin C, Takahashi H, Ono N, Piscaglia F, Borghi A, D'Onofrio M, Gallotti A, Ferlitsch Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Elastography for fibrosis evaluation in patients with chronic hepatitis C: An international multicenter study.. Eur J Radiol. , 2012.

Crisan D, Lupsor M, Boca A, Crisan M, Badea R Ultrasonographic assessment of skin structure according to age. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol, p.519, 2012.

Badea R Medical education of students and residents – a new paradigm?. Med Ultrason, p.175-176, 2012.

Badea R, Neciu C, Iancu C, Al Hajar N, Pojoga C, Botan E The role of i.v. and oral contrast enhanced ultrasonography in the characterization of gastric tumors. A preliminary study. Med Ultrason, p.197-203, 2012.

Mircea PA, Badea R, Fodor D, Buzoianu AD Using ultrasonography as a teaching support tool in undergraduate medical education – time to reach a decision. Med Ultrason, p.211-216, 2012.

Carlo Cattani, Badea R Shengyong Chen, Maria Crisan. Biomedical Signal Processing and Modeling Complexity of Living Systems. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2012.

Badea R, Ciobanu L Contrast enhanced and Doppler ultrasonography in the characterization of the microcirculation. Expectancies and performances. Med Ultrason, 2012.

Badea R, Serban A, Procopet B, Caraiani C, Pascu O. Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic: Abernethy malformation-congenital portocaval shunt.. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2012.

Dobrila Marcel, Pais Viorel, Patru Ionel Expertiza urmelor de natura piloasa prin microscopie electronica. Tratat practic de criminalistica, p.292-299, 1978.

HS. Papiu , A. Dumnici , T. Olariu , M. Onita , E. Hornung , D. Goldis , G. Aiordachioae , V. Vasca Perianal giant condyloma acuminatum (Buschke-Löwenstein tumor). Case report and review of the literature. Chirurgia , p.535-539, 2011.

D.M. Podea, P.D. Nanu, R.M. Chenderes, C. Mila The risk for mild cognitive impairment in elderly patients with metabolic syndrome. European Psychiatry, p.PP = S1106, 2009.

Delia Podea, Radu Suciu, Cristina Suciu, Mihai Ardelean An update on the cognitive behavior therapy of obsessive compulsive disorder in adults. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, p.p 221-233, 2009.

Daşcãu Voicu, Furãu Gheorghe, Popa Adrian, Furãu Cristian The Frequency of Vulvar Cancer in the “Dr. Salvatorvuia” Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Arad (Romania) During the 2004-2008 Period. Jurnal Medical Aradean, p.5-8, 2010.

V. Daşcãu, I. Ioiart, A. Popa, Gh. Furãu, Doina Teodorescu, Maria Sãtmãrean, Dorina Burdan, Adriana Marta, Elena Gomoi The incidence of urological malformations in newborns in Arad county. Acta Medica Marisiensis, 2010.