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Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

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Ducea, M.N., Kidder, S., and Chesley, J.T. A window into a subduction megathrust. EOS, p.277-278, 2007.

Horodyskyj U.N. Lee C.T.A. and Ducea M.N. Similarities between Archean high MgO eclogites and Phanerozoic arc-eclogite cumulates and the role of arcs in Archean continent formation. Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, p.510-520, 2007.

Ducea, M.N. Tectonic vs. magmatic processes and the anatomy of Andean arcs. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, p.149, 2006.

Ducea MN, Gehrels GE, Shoemaker S, Ruiz J, Valencia VA Geologic evolution of the Xolapa Complex, southern Mexico: Evidence from U-Pb zircon geochronology: Discussion. Geological Society of America Bulletin, p.766-767, 2006.

Inam, A., Clift, P., Giosan, L., Tabrez, A., Tahir, M., Rabbani, M. The Indus. LARGE RIVERS: GEOMORPHOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 2007.

Tanţãu Ioan Histoire de la végétation tardiglaciaire et holocene dans les Carpates Orientales. , p.200, 2006.

Trenberth, K.E., P.D. Jones, P. Ambenje, R. Bojariu, D. Easterling, A. Klein Tank, D. Parker, F. Rahimzadeh, J.A. Renwick, M. Rusticucci, Observations: Surface and Atmospheric Climate Change. The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, p.235-336, 2007.

Ersek, V. Analyses of Common Elements and Oxides in the Paleosols of the Bahamas and of the Northern Mariana Islands. 2004.

Luscier, J.D, Thompson, W.L, Wilson, J.M, Gorham, B.E. and Dragut, L.D. Using digital photographs and object- based image analysis to estimate percent ground cover in vegetation plots. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, p.408-413, 2006.

Dragut L. and Blaschke, T. Automated classification of landform elements using object-based image analysis. Geomorphology, p.330-344, 2006.

Rougier, H., Milota, S., Rodrigo, R., Gherase, M., Sarcina, L., Moldovan, O., Zilhao, J., Constantin, S., Franciscus, R.G., Zollikofer, C.P.E., Ponce de Leon, M., Trinkaus, E. Pestera cu Oase 2 and the cranial morphology of early modern Europeans. PNAS, p.1165-1170, 2007.

J. Quilès , C. Petrea, O. Moldovan, J. Zilhao, R. Rodrigo, H. Rougier, S. Constantin, S. Milota, M. Gherase, L. Sarcina and E. Trinkaus Cave bears (Ursus spelaeus) from the Pestera cu Oase (Banat, Romania): Paleobiology and taphonomy. Comptes Rendus Palevol, p.927-934, 2006.

Magri D, Vendramin G, Comps B, Dupanloup I, Geburek T, Gomory D, Latalowa M, Litt T, Paule L, Roure JM, Tantau I, Van der Knaap WO, Petit R, de Beaulieu JL A new scenario for the Quaternary history of European beech populations: palaeobotanical evidence and genetic consequences. New Phytologist, p.199-223, 2006.

Tantau Ioan, Reille Maurice, Beaulieu Jacques-Louis de, Farcas Sorina Late Glacial and Holocene vegetation history in the southern part of Transylvania (Romania): pollen analysis of two sequences from Avrig. Journal of Quaternary Science, p.49-61, 2006.

Tantau I., Reille M., Beaulieu J.-L. de, Farcas S., Goslar S., Paterne M Vegetation History in the Eastern Romanian Carpathians: pollen analysis of two sequences from the Mohoş crater. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, p.113-125, 2003.

Constantin, S., Bojar, A.-V., Lauritzen, S.-E., Lundberg, J. Holocene and Late Pleistocene climate in the sub-Mediterranean continental environment: A speleothem record from Poleva Cave (Southern Carpathians, Romania). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, p.322-338, 2006.

Onac, B. P., Constantin, S., Lundberg, J., & Lauritzen, S.-E Isotopic climate record in a Holocene stalagmite from Ursilor Cave (Romania). J. of Quaternary Sciences, p.319-327, 2002.

G. Aouad, J.-L. Crovisier, D. Damidot, P. Stille, E. Hutchens, J. Mutterer, J.-M. Meyer, V.A. Geoffroy Interactions between Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator (MSWI) bottom ash and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Science of the Total Environment, 2006.

Kaminski, M.A., Silye, L. & Kender, S. Miocene deep-water agglutinated foraminifera from ODP Hole 909C: Implications for the paleoceanography of the Fram Strait area, Greenland Sea. Micropaleontology, p.373-403, 2005.

Mateescu,M. et Haidu,I. COMPARAISON ENTRE LA VARIABILITÉ DE LA NAO ET DU SOI SELON L’APPROCHE DES ONDELETTES. Les risques liés au temps et au climat, Actes du colloque d'Épernay, p.421, 2006.

Giosan, L., J.P. Donnelly, S. Constantinescu, F. Filip, I. Ovejanu, A. Vespremeanu-Stroe, E. Vespremeanu and G.A.T. Duller Young Danube delta documents stable Black Sea level since the middle Holocene: Morphodynamic, paleogeographic, and archaeological implications. Geology, p.757-760, 2006.

Ioan Baca Analiza morfologica comparativa a masivelor magmatice intrusive Tibles si Toroiaga. 2004.

Ioan BALIN, physicist DOAS- Air Pollution Measurement Technique. 1999.

Dr Ioan BALIN Ph. D Thesis. 2004.

KAMINSKI, M.A.; GRADSTEIN, F.M.; BÄCKSTRÖM, S.; BERGGREN, W.A.; BUBÍK, M.; CARVAJAL-CHITTY, H.; FILIPESCU, S.; GEROCH†, S.; JONES, G.D.; KUHNT, W.; MCNEIL, D.H.; NAGY, J.; PLATON, E.; RAMESH, P.; RÖGL, F.; THOMAS, F.C.; WHITTAKER, J.E.; YAKOVLEVA-O’NEIL, Atlas of Paleogene Cosmopolitan Deep-Water Agglutinated Foraminifera. Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication, p.545 pp., 2005.

FILIPESCU, S. Cenozoic Lithostratigraphic units in Transylvania. Algae and carbonate platforms in western part of Romania. 4th Regional Meeting of IFAA Cluj-Napoca 2001 - Field Trip Guidebook, p.75-92, 2001.

CHIRA, C.; FILIPESCU, S.; CODREA, V. Paleoclimatic evolution in the Miocene from the Transylvanian Depression reflected in the fossil record.. Climates: Past, Present and Future, p.55-64, 2000.

BUCUR, I.; FILIPESCU, S. Middle Miocene Red Algae from the Transylvanian Basin (Romania). Beiträge zur Paläontologie, p.39-47, 1994.

FILIPESCU, S.; GIRBACEA, R. Lower Badenian sea level drop on the western border of the Transylvanian Basin: foraminiferal palaeobathymetry and stratigraphy. Geologica Carpathica, p.325-334, 1997.

KAMINSKI, M.A. & FILIPESCU, S. Praesphaerammina, a new genus of Cenozoic deep-water agglutinated foraminifera from the Carpathian flysch deposits. Micropaleontology, p.353-359, 2000.

KAMINSKI, M.A.; AKSU, A.; BOX, M.; HISCOTT, R.N.; FILIPESCU, S.; AL-SALAMEEN, M. Late Glacial to Holocene benthic foraminifera in the Marmara Sea: implications for Black Sea-Mediterranean Sea connections following the last deglaciation. Marine Geology, p.165-202, 2002.

KRÉZSEK, CS.; FILIPESCU, S. Middle to late Miocene sequence stratigraphy of the Transylvanian Basin (Romania). Tectonophysics, p.437-463, 2005.

Marcq, Emmanuel; Bézard, Bruno; Encrenaz, Thérèse; Birlan, Mirel Latitudinal variations of CO and OCS in the lower atmosphere of Venus from near-infrared nightside spectro-imaging. Icarus, p.375-386, 2005.

Vernazza, P.; Mothé-Diniz, T.; Barucci, M. A.; Birlan, M.; Carvano, J. M.; Strazzulla, G.; Fulchignoni, M.; Migliorini, A. Analysis of near-IR spectra of 1 Ceres and 4 Vesta, targets of the Dawn mission. Astronomy and Astrophysics, p.1113-1121, 2005.

Barucci, M. A.; Fulchignoni, M.; Fornasier, S.; Dotto, E.; Vernazza, P.; Birlan, M.; Binzel, R. P.; Carvano, J.; Merlin, F.; Barbieri, C.; Belskaya, I Asteroid target selection for the new Rosetta mission baseline. 21 Lutetia and 2867 Steins. Astronomy and Astrophysics, p.313-317, 2005.

Giosan, L., Constantinescu, S., Clift, P.D., Tabrez, A.R., Danish, M., Inam, A Recent morphodynamics of the Indus delta shore and shelf. Continental Shelf Research, p.1668-1684, 2006.

Sheremet, A., R.T. Guza, and T. H. C. Herbers A new estimator for directional fluxes of nearshore waves. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2005.

Sheremet, A., A. J. Mehta, B. Liu, and G. W. Stone Wave-sediment interaction on a muddy inner shelf during Hurricane Claudette. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 63, p. 225-233, 2005.

Gao Shan, Mihai N. Ducea, Jin Zhenmin, and Jason B. Saleeby Lower crustal delamination and evolution of continental crust. Geological Journal of China Universities, p.241-249, 1998.

Ducea, M.N., McInnes, B.I.A., and Wyllie, P.J. Sulfur variations in glasses from volcanic rocks: effect of melt composition on sulfur solubility. International Geology Review, p.703-714, 1994.

Ducea, M.N., and Saleeby, J.B. A case for delamination of the deep batholithic crust beneath the Sierra Nevada, California. International Geology Review, p.78-93, 1998.

Miura, Y., Iancu, O. G., Iancu, G., Yanai, K., Haramura, H. Reexamination of Mocs and Tauti Chondritic Meteorites; Classification with Shock Degree. Proc. NIPR Symp. Antarct. Meteorites, p.153-166, 1995.

Iancu, O. G., Ionescu, C., Topa, D. Petrological and Geochemical Classification of the Sopot Chondrite. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, p.A71, 2005.

Barucci M.A., I. Belskaya, M. Fulchignoni, Birlan M. Taxonomy of Centaurs and Trans-Neptunian Objects. Astronomical J., p.1291-1298, 2005.

Birlan, M., M.A. Barucci, W. Thuillot Solar system observations by remote observing technique : useful experience for robotic telescope strategies.. Astronomische Nachricthen, p. 571-573, 2004.

Barzoi, S.C., Ciobanu, D. Ramona, Guy, B., Seclaman, M. The influence of metamorphic deformation on graphitization process. Journal of Science Politics and Scientometry - Special Number, 2005.

Cecil, M.R., Ducea, M.N., Reiners, P.W., and Chase, C.G. Cenozoic exhumation of the northern Sierra Nevada, from (U-Th)/He thermochronology. Geological Society of America Bulletin, p.1481-1488, 2006.

Wagner, L.S., Beck, S., Zandt, G., and Ducea, M.N. Depleted lithosphere, cold trapped asthenosphere, and frozen melt puddles above the flat slab in central Chile and Argentina. Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, p.289-301, 2006.

Kidder, S., and Ducea, M.N High temperatures in the schist of the Sierra de Salinas, California: Heat sources and implications of sediment underplating during shallow subduction initiation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, p.422-437, 2006.

Vasile E. Turcu, Scott B. Jones, and Dani Or . Continuous soil carbon dioxide and oxygen measurements and estimation of gradient-based gaseous flux. Vadose Zone Journal, p.1161–, 2005.