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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

Blockeel T.L., Abay G., Bakalin V.A., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Ochyra R., Çetin B., Cykowska B., Fuertes E., Hespanhol H., Holyoak D.T., Hradílek Z., Keçeli T., Kürschner H., Larraín J., Long D.G., Parolly G., Piatek J., Piatek M., Rams S., Ros R.M., Séneca A. New national and regional bryophyte records, 19. Journal of Bryology, p.231-237, 2008.

Blockeel T.L., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Ochyra R., Bruggeman-Nannenga M.A., Gremmen N.J.M., Hébrard J.P., Luís L., Matcham H.W., Oshea B.J., Séneca A., Sérgio C., Sim-Sim M., Ştefãnuţ S., Vieira C. New national and regional bryophyte records, 10. Journal of Bryology, p.305-309, 2004.

Blockeel T.L., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Ochyra R., Çetin B., Keçeli T., Lara F., Mazimpaka V., Pokorny L., Matteri C.M., O'Shea B.J., Schiavone M.M., Ştefãnuţ S., Uyar G New national and regional bryophyte records, 9. Journal of Bryology, p.63-66, 2004.

Sabovljeviæ M., Ganeva A., Tsakiri E. & Ştefãnuţ S Bryology and bryophyte protection in south-eastern Europe. Biological Conservation, p.73-84, 2001.

Anca Geantă , Ioan Tanţău , Tudor Tămaş, Vanessa E. Johnston Palaeoenvironmental information from the palynology of an 800year old bat guano deposit from Măgurici Cave, NW Transylvania (Romania). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2012.

Riggs, B.C., Dias, A.D., Schiele, N.R., Cristescu, R., Huang, Y., Corr, D.T., and Chrisey D.B. Matrix-Assisted Pulsed Laser Methods for Biofabrication. MRS Bulletin, p.1043-1050, 2011.

Ghiţã Eugen Two Cases of Divorce in the Town of Arad in the Eighteenth Century. Journal of Humanistic and Social Studies, p.101-106, 2011.

M. Kaliva, C. Gabriel, C. P. Raptopoulou, A. Terzis, G. Voyiatzis, M. Zervou, C. Mateescu, A. Salifoglou A unique dinuclear mixed V(V) oxo-peroxo complex in the structural speciation of the ternary V(V)-peroxo-citrate system. Potential mechanistic and structural insight into the aqueous synthetic chemistry of dinuclear V(V)-citrate species with H2O2. Inorganic Chemistry, p.11423–1143, 2011.

2. M. Kaliva, C. Gabriel, C. P. Raptopoulou, A. Terzis, G. Voyiatzis, M. Zervou, C. Mateescu, A. Salifoglou A unique dinuclear mixed V(V) oxo-peroxo complex in the structural speciation of the ternary V(V)-peroxo-citrate system. Potential mechanistic and structural insight into the aqueous synthetic chemistry of dinuclear V(V)-citrate species with H2O2. Inorganic Chemistry, p.11423–1143, 2011.

Adrian Rizea Interferential dichroic filter. Scientific Bulletin of the University Politehnica of Bucharest, series A (Applied Mathematics and Physics), 2004.

A. RIZEA Selective interferential filters with high optical efficiency and increased resistance in intense optical radiation. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, p.2452-2457, 2007.

A. Beldiceanu, A. Rizea Ellipsometric arrangement for thin films control. Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, series A, 2008.

C. Cotirlan, C. Logofatu, A. Rizea, M.F. Lazarescu Angle-resolved evanescent-wave cavity ring-down spectroscopy for thin film-solid interface characterization. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, p.709-714 , 2011.

A. Rizea Antireflection optical coatings for the visible spectral range. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, p.1062-106, 2011.

Adrian Rizea Design technique for all-dielectric non-polarizing beam splitter plate. Opto-Electronics Review , p.96-99, 2012.

Adrian Rizea, Ion M. Popescu Design techniques for all-dielectric polarizing beam splitter cubes, under constrained situations. Romanian Reports in Physics, 2012.

Bãdescu V, Gueymard C, Cheval S, Oprea C, Baciu M, Dumitrescu A, Iacobescu F, Miloş I, Rada C. Computing global and diffuse solar hourly irradiation on clear sky. Review and testing of 54 models. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, p.1636-1656, 2012.

Corina Ciobanasu, Bruno Faivre and Christophe Le Clainche Actin dynamics associated with focal adhesions. IJCB, 2012.

Nicoleta Presura Calina National vs. universal – o tentativa aporetica in teatrul lui Stefan Petica. „Arhivele Olteniei”, nr. 25, Editura Academiei Romane, Bucuresti, 2011, p.pp. 251-25, 2011.

Bickerton, G.R.; Paolini, G.V.; Besnard, J.; Muresan S.; Hopkins, A.L Quantifying the chemical beauty of drugs. Nature Chemistry, p.90-98, 2012.

Sayle, R.; Xie, P.H.; Muresan, S Improved Chemical Text Mining of Patents with Infinite Dictionaries and Automatic Spelling Correction. J. Chem. Inf. Model., p.51-62, 2012.

McCarney-Castle, K., G. Voulgaris, A.J. Kettner, and L. Giosan Simulating fluvial fluxes in the Danube watershed: The ‘Little Ice Age’ versus modern day. The Holocene, p.91-105, 2012.

G. Ciobanu, M. Bezdadea SAPO-5 zeolite-filled polyurethane membranes. I. Preparation and morphological characterisation. Revista de Chimie (Bucureşti), p.140-143, 2004.

G. Ciobanu, G. Carja, G. Apostolescu, I. Taraboanta Structural, electrical and optical properties of thin ZnO films prepared by chemical precipitation. Superlattices and Microstructures, p.328-333 , 2006.

G. Carja, Hiroo Niiyama, G. Ciobanu, Takashi Aida Towards new drugs formulations: gentamicin – anionic clay as nanohybrids. Materials Science and Engineering: C, p.1129-1132, 2007.

G. Ciobanu, G. Carja, O. Ciobanu Preparation and characterization of polymer – zeolite nanocomposite membranes. Materials Science and Engineering: C, p.1138-1140, 2007.

Margareta Gabriela Ciobanu, Gh. Pop, O. Ciobanu Hydroxyapatite coatings on titanium implants. Revista de Chimie (Bucuresti), p.1313-1315, 2007.

G. Ciobanu, G. Carja, O. Ciobanu Use of SAPO-5 zeolite–filled polyurethane membranes in wastewater treatment. Desalination, p.197-201, 2008.

G. Carja, S. Ratoi, G. Ciobanu, I. Balasanian Uptake of As(V) from aqueous solution by anionic clays type FeLDHs. Desalination, p.243-248, 2008.

G. Ciobanu, G. Carja, O. Ciobanu Structural characterization of hydroxyapatite layer coatings on titanium supports. Surface and Coatings Technology, p.2467-2470, 2008.

G. Ciobanu, G. Carja, O. Ciobanu Structure of mixed matrix membranes made with SAPO-5 zeolite in polyurethane matrix. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, p.61-66, 2008.

G. Carja, Yoshizaku Kameshima, G. Ciobanu, H. Chiriac, Kiyoshi Okada New hybrid nanostructures based on oxacillin–hydrotalcite-like anionic clays and their textural properties. Micron, p.147-150, 2009.

G. Ciobanu, G. Carja, O. Ciobanu, I. Sandu, A. Sandu SEM and EDX studies of bioactive hydroxyapatite coatings on titanium implants. Micron, p.143-146, 2009.

G. Carja, S. Ratoi, G. Ciobanu, I. Balasanian Glucose oxidase vanadium substituted anionic clay as bionanocomposite formulations for biosensors applications. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, p.55-58, 2009.

G. Carja, S. Dranca, G. Ciobanu, E. Husanu, I. Balasanian Fabrication of mesoporous mixed oxides containing copper and cerium by using substituted anionic clays as precursors. Materials Science - Poland, p.909-917, 2009.

G. Ciobanu, D. Ignat, G. Carja, C. Luca Hydroxyapatite/polyurethane composite membranes for lead ions removal. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, p.1347-1350, 2009.

G. Carja, A. Vieru, S. Dranca, G. Ciobanu, E. Husanu Uptake of anionic surfactants from aqueous medium by using porous anionic clays with tailored properties. Desalination and Water Treatment, p.211-214, 2011.

G. Carja, Yoshikazu Kameshima, G. Ciobanu, Kiyoshi Okada Oleate-LDH Hybrids by the Successive Use of the Clay Structural ”Memory Effect”. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, p.2880-2884, 2010.

G. Ciobanu, G. Carja Electrolyte removal by mixed matrix membranes based on polyurethane. Desalination, p.698-701, 2010.

G. Albeanu, A. Averian, I. Duda Web Software Reliability Engineering. R & RATA, Electronic Journal of International Group on Reliability, ISSN 1932-2321, p.2(4), 2009.

G. Albeanu, G. Duda, N. Stancu-Mara On Designing Highly Secure Embedded Systems. Proceedings of the 16th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, p.174-178, 2010.

Albeanu G., Duda G. Recent soft computing methods in software reliability engineering. In Kolowrocki K., Soszynska-Budny J. (eds.). Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association, SSARS 2011 - Summer Safety and Reliability Seminars, p.1-10, 2011.

R.C. Adochite, D. Munteanu, M. Torrell, L. Cunha, E. Alves, N.P. Barradas, A. Cavaleiro, The influence of annealing treatments on the properties of Ag:TiO2. Applied Surface Science, p.4028-4034, 2012.

Ber S, Lee C, Voiculescu O, Surani MA Dedifferentiation of Foetal CNS Stem Cells to Mesendoderm-Like Cells through an EMT Process. PLoS One, p.e30759, 2012.

Bogdan Tita, Adriana Fulias, Geza Bandur, Eleonora Marian, Dumitru Tita Compatibility study between ketoprofen and pharmaceutical excipients used in solid dosage forms. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, p.221-227, 2011.

V. Copil, L. Panaitopol Properties of non powerful numbers. JIPAM, J. Inequal. Pure Appl. Math., p.Paper No. , 2008.

TUNDE JURCA, ELEONORA MARIAN , LAURA VICAS, DANIELA GATEA Simultaneouss Determination of Metals in Hypericum Perforatum L. by ICP-OES. Revista de Chimie, p.1154-1156, 2011.

V. Copil Relating the Riemann Hypothesis and the primes between two cubes. Analele Universitatii Spiru Haret, p.5-10, 2007.


BOGDAN TITA, ADRIANA FULIAS, MIRCEA STEFÃNESCU, ELEONORA MARIAN, DUMITRU TITA Kinetic Study of Decomposition of Ibuprofen under Isothermal Conditions. Revista de Chimie, p.216-221, 2011.