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Petrişor Alexandru-Ionuţ, Petrişor Liliana Elza Transitional dynamics based trend analysis of land cover and use changes in Romania during 1990-2012. Present Environment and Sustainable Development, p.215-231, 2018.
Tache Antonio Valentin, Sandu Irina Crina Anca, Popescu Oana-Cătălina, Petrişor Alexandru-Ionuţ UAV solutions for the protection and management of cultural heritage. Case study: the Halmyris archaeological site. International Journal of Conservation Science, p.795-804, 2018.
Benbouras Mohammed Amin, Mitiche Kettab Ratiba, Zedira Hamma, Petrisor Alexandru-Ionut, Mezouar Nourredine, Debiche Fatiha A new approach to predict the compression index using artificial neural network and multiple regression analysis. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, p.704-720, 2019.
Petrişor Alexandru-Ionuţ, Tîrziman Elena Communism and environmentalism: documenting environmental conflicts induced by changing political regimes. Problemy ekorozwoju – Problems of sustainable development, p.175-184, 2019.
Fantazi Imane, Hecham Bernia Zehioua, Petrisor Alexandru-Ionut The impact of the absence of the communication on the success of the rehabilitation projects of the built heritage: The case of the old city of Constantine. Present Environment and Sustainable Development, p.225-239, 2019.
Petrişor Alexandru-Ionuţ The use and misuse of statistics in research: theory and practice. Revista Română de Statistică, p.59-70, 2019.
Petrişor Alexandru-Ionuţ, Sîrodoev Igor, Ianoş Ioan Trends in the national and regional transitional dynamics of land cover and use changes in Romania. Remote Sensing, p.230, 2020.
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Veysel Demir, Mehmet Ates, Zikri Arslan, Mustafa Camas, Fatih Celik, Corneliu Bogatu, Şafak Seyhaneyildiz Can Influence of Alpha and Gamma-Iron Oxide Nanoparticles on Marine Microalgae Species. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, p.752-757, 2015.
Mehmet Ates, Veysel Demir, Zikri Arslan, James Daniels, Ibrahim O. Farah, Corneliu Bogatu Evaluation of Alpha and Gamma Aluminum Oxide Nanoparticle Accumulation, Toxicity, and Depuration in Artemia salina Larvae. Environmental Toxicology, p.109-118, 2015.
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Gabriel Istrate, Cosmin Bonchis, Alin Brindusescu Attacking Power Indices by Manipulating Player Reliability. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS'19), p.538-546, 2019.
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Ionescu C., Hoeck V., Gruian C., Simon V Insights into the EPR characteristics of heated carbonate-rich illitic clay. Applied Clay Science, p.138-145, 2014.
Crandell O., Ionescu C., Mirea P Neolithic and Chalcolithic stone tools used in ceramics production: Examples from the south of Romania. Journal of Lithic Studies, p.241-258, 2016.
Giurgiu A., Ionescu C., Hoeck V., Tămaş T., Roman C., Crandell O.N. Insights into the raw materials and technology used for producing Copper Age ceramics in the Southern Carpathians (Romania). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, p.1259-1273, 2017.
Ionescu C., Fischer C, Hoeck V., Lüttge A. Discrimination of ceramic surface finishing by vertical scanning interferometry. Archaeometry, 2018.
Gál Á., Ionescu C., Bajusz M., Codrea V.A., Hoeck V., Barbu-Tudoran L., Simon V., Mureșan-Pop M., Csók Z. Composition, technology and provenance of Roman pottery from Napoca (Cluj-Napoca, Romania). Clay Minerals, 2018.
Coman C., Chiriac C.M., Robeson M.S., Ionescu C., Dragoş N., Barbu-Tudoran L., Andrei A-S., Banciu H.L., Sicora C., Podar M. Structure, mineralogy and microbial diversity of geothermal spring. Microbialites associated with a deep oil drilling in Romania. Frontiers in Microbiology, p.253, 2015.
Ionescu C., Hoeck V., Crandell O.N., Šaric K. Burnishing versus smoothing in ceramic surface finishing: A SEM study. Archaeometry, p.18-26, 2015.
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Hoeck V., Ionescu C., Metzner-Nebelsick C., Nebelsick L.D. Mineralogy of the ceramic slags from the Bronze Age funerary site in Lapus, NW Romania. Geological Quarterly, p.649-664, 2012.
Ørnulf Nordseth, Raj Kumar, Kristin Bergum, Laurențiu Fara, Sean Erik Foss, Halvard Haug, Florin Drăgan, Dan Crăciunescu, Paul Sterian, Irinela Chilibon, Cristina Vasiliu, Laurentiu Baschir, Dan Savastru, Edouard Monakhov, Bengt Gunnar Svensson Optical analysis of a ZnO/Cu2O subcell in a silicon-based tandem heterojunction solar cell. Green and Sustainable Chemistry, p.57-69, 2017.
Catalin Alexandru Method for the quasi-static analysis of beam axle suspension systems used for road vehicles. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, p.1-16, 2018.
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James Aisenberg, Maria Luisa Bonet, Sam Buss, Adrian Craciun and Gabriel Istrate Short Proofs of the Kneser-Lovász Coloring Principle. Information and Computation, p.296-310, 2018.
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Gabriel Istrate Stochastic Stability in Schelling’s Segregation Model with Markovian Asynchronous Update. Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Asynchronous Cellular Automata and Asynchronous Discrete Models (ACA'18), Satelite Workshop of ACRI'2018, 2018.
P. Moutet, N.M. Sangeetha, L. Ressier, N. Vilar-Vidal, M. Comesaña, S. Ravaine, R. A. L. Vallée, A. M. Gabudean, S. Astilean, C. Farcau Surface-Enhanced Spectroscopy on Plasmonic Oligomers Assembled by AFM nanoxerography. Nanoscale, p.2009, 2015.
C. Farcau, R. A. L. Vallee, S. Boca, S. Astilean Polarized SERS on linear arrays of silver half-shells: SERS re-radiation modulated by local density of optical states. J. Opt., p.114007, 2015.
S. Boca, C. Leordean, S. Astilean, C. Farcau Chemiresistive / SERS dual sensor based on densely-packed gold nanoparticles. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., p.2498, 2015.
D. Zaharie-Butucel, L. Digianantonio, C. Leordean, L. Ressier, S. Astilean, C. Farcau Flexible transparent sensors from reduced graphene oxide micro-stripes fabricated by convective self-assembly. Carbon, p.361, 2017.
I. Botiz, M.-A. Codescu, C. Farcau, C. Leordean, S. Astilean, C. Silva, N. Stingelin Convective self-assembly of π-conjugated oligomers and polymers. J. Mat. Chem. C, p.2513, 2017.
C. Tira, I. Ly, R. Vallee, S. Astilean, C. Farcau Shaping light spectra and field profiles in metal-coated monolayers of etched microspheres. Optical Materials Express, p.2847, 2017.