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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

T.S. Ratiu, R. Tudoran, L. Sbano, E. Sousa Dias, G. Terra Chapter II: A Crash Course in Geometric Mechanics. Geometric Mechanics and Symmetry: the Peyresq Lectures , p.23-156, 2005.

D. Rosca Uniform and refinable grids on elliptic domains and on some surfaces of revolution. Appl. Math. Comput., p.7812-7817, 2011.

Singer, F. M. The Dynamic Infrastructure of Mind – a Hypothesis and Some of its Applications. New Ideas in Psychology, p.48–74, 2009.

Adrian D.Olaru, Serban A. Olaru Assisted Research of the Neural Network. Proceedings, p.1-5, 2010.

Grigore Roxana, Badea Adrian, Hazi Gheorghe Studies concerning the Maintenance Optimization of Power Plant Steam Condenser,. ANNALS of DAAAM for 2008 &Proceedings of 19th DAAAM International Symposium, Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Next Generation of Intelligent Systems and Solutions, 2008.

Grigore Roxana, Popa Sorin, Hazi Aneta, Hazi Gheorghe Research about Correlation between the performance of Plate Heat Exchanger and the Number of Plates. Recent Advances in Finite Differences-Finite Elements-Finite Volumes-Boundary Elements, p.92-97, 2010.

N. El Wakil, N.C. Chereches, J. Padet Numerical study of heat transfer and fluid flow in a power transformer. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, p.615 –, 2006.

Aurel Diacon, Edina Rusen, Bogdan Mãrculescu, Corina Andronescu, Cosmin Cotruţ, Cãtalin Zaharia, Alexandra Mocanu, Corneliu Cincu Superficial grafting of water-soluble polymers on brominated MWCNT by ATRP technique. International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, p.1-8, 2011.

Catalin Zaharia, Mihaela-Ramona Tudora, Florin Miculescu, Corneliu Cincu, Daniel Chappard Mineralization behaviour of some new phema-based copolymers with potential uses in tissue engineering. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications, p.314-317, 2011.

Bocean C., Sitnikov C Improving and enhancing Jorgensen model based on new trends in quality management. Annals of DAAAM, 2010.

Sitnikov C., Bocean C. New approaches of consumers’ protection in terms of management systems international standards evolution. Amfiteatru Economic, 2010.

Agarwal, RP; Mustafa, OG; Popescu, L, On the positive solutions of certain semi-linear elliptic equations.. BULLETIN OF THE BELGIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY-SIMON STEVIN, , p.49-57, 2009.

Popescu, Liviu Metric nonlinear connection on Lie algebroids. Balkan Journal of Geometry and its Applications, p.111-121, 2011.

M. Puta, R. Tudoran Controlability, stability and the n-dimensional Toda lattice. Bulletin Des Sciences Mathematiques , p.241-247, 2002.

P. Birtea, M. Puta, T.S. Ratiu, R. Tudoran A short proof of chaos in an atmospheric system. Physics Letters A, p.189-191, 2002.

Frãţilã D., Caizar C Application of Taguchi method to selection of optimal lubrication and cutting conditions in face milling of AlMg3. Journal of Cleaner Production, p.640-645, 2011.

Frãţilã D., Radu A Modeling and comparing of steady thermal state at gear milling by conventional and environment-friendly cooling method. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, p.1003-1012, 2010.

P. Birtea, M. Puta, T.S. Ratiu, R. Tudoran Symmetry breaking for toral actions in simple mechanical systems. Journal of Differential Equations , p.282-323, 2005.

Frãţilã D Macro-Level Environmental Comparison Of Near-Dry Machining And Flood Machining. Journal of Cleaner Production, p.1031-1039, 2010.

Fratila D Minimization of metal working fluid ecological impact by NDM. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, p.335-339, 2009.

A. Aron, P. Birtea, M. Puta, P. Susoi, R. Tudoran Stability, periodic solutions and numerical integration in the Kowalevski top dynamics. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics , p.1323-1330, 2006.

Frãţilã D Evaluation of Near Dry Machining Effects on Gear Milling Process Efficiency. Journal of Cleaner Production, p.839-845, 2009.

P. Birtea, M. Puta, T.S. Ratiu, R.M. Tudoran On the symmetry breaking phenomenon. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics , p.697-718, 2006.

M. Puta, R. Tudoran, R.M. Tudoran, M. Boleantu Some remarks on the Herrera-Hojman system. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics , p.919-925, 2007.

P. Birtea, M. Puta, R.M. Tudoran Some remarks on the dynamics of the underwater vehicle. Bulletin Des Sciences Mathematiques , p.601-612, 2007.

P. Birtea, M. Puta, R.M. Tudoran Periodic orbits in the case of a zero eigenvalue. Comptes Rendus Mathematique , p.779-784, 2007.

P. Birtea, M. Puta, R. Tudoran, C. Voicu Controllability problems in the charged top dynamics. Systems & Control Letters , p.512-515, 2007.

P. Birtea, M. Boleantu, M. Puta, R.M. Tudoran Asymptotic stability for a class of metriplectic systems. Journal of Mathematical Physics , 2007.

P. Birtea, M. Puta, R.M. Tudoran Some remarks on the dynamics and geometry of an underwater vehicle. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics , p.831-849, 2008.

R.M. Tudoran, R.A. Tudoran On a large class of three-dimensional Hamiltonian systems. Journal of Mathematical Physics , 2009.

R.M. Tudoran, A. Aron, S. Nicoara On a Hamiltonian Version of the Rikitake System. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems , p.454-479, 2009.

R.M. Tudoran, R.A. Tudoran On 3D Hamiltonian systems via Darboux-Weinstein coordinates. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics , p.451-459, 2009.

R.M. Tudoran, A. Girban Bi-Hamiltonian structure of the Kawachi equations. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics , p.625-629, 2010.

R.M. Tudoran, A. Girban A Hamiltonian look at the Rikitake two-disk dynamo system. Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications , p.2888-2895 , 2010.

R.M. Tudoran, A. Girban On the Hamiltonian dynamics and geometry of the Rabinovich system. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, p.789-823, 2011.

Hatieganu E.M, Nicolescu A., Gutu M. Chimie farmaceutica I. , p.209, 1999.

Dobrescu Monica, Paicu Claudia Elena, Iacob Silvia Elena The Natural Rate of Unemployment and its Implications for Economic Policy. Theoretical and Applied Economics, Vol. XVIII, no. 2(555) / 2011, ISSN 1841-8678, p.181 - 194, 2011.

Popescu Constantin, Taşnadi Alexandru, Paicu Claudia Elena, Badea Liana Being Proactive Versus Reactive In The Competitive Management. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Volume IV (2009), Special Issue on "Further Challenges for a Competitive Management, p.630 - 635, 2009.

Hristache Diana Andreia, Paicu Claudia Elena, Popescu (Iacob) Silvia Elena The Communication Process And The Public Relations – An Ethical And Moral Approach. Analele Universitãţii Constantin Brâncuşi din Târgu Jiu, Nr.2/2010, ISSN 1844 – 6051, p.113 - 120, 2010.

Hristache Diana Andreia, Popescu (Iacob) Silvia Elena, Paicu Claudia Elena, Popescu Constatin An approach of sustainable development from the perspective of the communicational paradigm. Metalurgia International, vol. XV (2010) Special Issue no.1, ISSN 1582- 2214, p.58 - 61, 2010.

Paicu Claudia Elena, Hristache Diana Andreia, Iacob Silvia Elena THE WOOD MASS – A VALORIFICATION INSTRUMENT FOR THE FORESTRY REAL ESTATE. Supplement of Quality-access to success Journal, Year 11, no. 111, 2010, ISSN 1582-2559, 2010.

Paicu Claudia Elena Advertising – A New Perspective. Annals. Economic Science Series, Timişoara, vol. XIII/2007, ISSN 1582 / 6333, p.370 - 373, 2007.

Paicu Claudia Elena „The Impact Analysis Regarding The Marketing Advertising Over The Group Dacia”,. Analele Universitãţii din Oradea - Seria Ştiinţe Economice, ISSN-1582-5450 pentru format electronic, p.1051-1056, 2008.

Silviu-Laurentiu Badea, Carsten Vogt, Matthias Gehre, Anko Fischer, Andrei-Florin Danet, Hans-Hermann Richnow Development of an enantiomer-specific stable carbon isotope analysis (ESIA) method for assessing the fate of alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane in the environment. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, p.1363-1372, 2011.

M Prodana, D.Ionita, C.Ungureanu, D.Bojin I Demetrescu Enhancing antibacterial effect of carbon nanotubes using silver nanoparticle. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, p.549-556, 2011.

C. Pirvu, I. Demetrescu, P. Drob, E. Vasilescu, C. Vasilescu, M. Mindroiu and R Stancu Electrochemical stability and surface analysis of a new alkyd paint with low content of volatile organic compounds. Progres in Org. Coatings,, p.Pages 274–, 2010.

M. Filimon, I. Kopf, D. A. Schmidt, J. Rühe, S. Santer, and M. Havenith Local chemical composition of nanophase-separated polymer brushes. PCCP, DOI: 10.1039/c0cp02756a, 2011.

I. Demetrescu D.Ionita Evaluating environmental impact factors as heavy metals on behavior of temporary teeth ,. Molecular Crystal & Liquid Cryst., p.73-81, 2010.

C. Vasilescu, P. Drob, E. Vasilescu, , I. Demetrescu, D. Ionita, M. Prodana and S.I. Drob Characterisation and corrosion resistance of the electrodeposited hydroxyapatite and bovine serum albumin/hydroxyapatite films on Ti–6Al–4V–1Zr alloy surface.. Corrosion Science, p.992–999, 2011.

Demetrescu D.Ionita, C. Pirvu, D. Portan . Present and future trends in TiO2 nanotubes elaboration, characterization and potential applications.. Molecular Crystal & Liquid Cryst., p.195–203, 2010.