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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

S. Burciu Normal Hopf Subalgebras of Semisimple Hopf Algebras. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. , p.3969-3979, 2009.

S. Burciu and S. Natale Fusion rules of equivariantizations of fusion categories. J. Math. Phys. , 2013.

S. Burciu Clifford theory for cocentral extensions. Israel Journal of Mathematics , p.111-123, 2011.

Cinta Pinzaru, S., Falamas, A. and Dehelean, C. A Molecular conformation changes along the malignancy revealed by optical nanosensors. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 2013.

Simona Cîntã-Pînzaru, Cristina A Dehelean, Codruta Soica, Monica Culea and Florin Borcan Evaluation and differentiation of the Betulaceae birch bark species and their bioactive triterpene content using analytical FT-vibrational spectroscopy and GC-MS. Chemistry Central Journal, 2012.

Gui, O. M., Fãlãmaş, A., Barbu-Tudoran, L., Aluaş, M., Giambra, B. and Cîntã Pînzaru, S Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and complementary techniques applied for the investigation of an Italian cultural heritage canvas. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, p.277-282, 2013.

Dogan Y., Nedelcheva A. M., Obratov-Petkovic D. & Padure Ioana Marcela The First Asian Conference of Ethnobiology: “When Nature Meets Culture: The International Forums for National Parks and Indigenous Cultural Understanding of Nature”. The First Asian Conference of Ethnobiology: “When Nature Meets Culture: The International Forums for National Parks and Indigenous Cultural Understanding of Nature”, Taichung-Taiwan, 2009.

Camelia Minoiu and Javier A. Reyes A Network Analysis of Global Banking: 1978–2010. Journal of Financial Stability, p.168–184, 2013.

Shatakshee Dhongde and Camelia Minoiu Global Poverty Estimates: A Sensitivity Analysis. World Development, p.1-13, 2013.

Sabina Grigorescu, Chong-Yong Lee, Kiyoung Lee, Sergiu Albu, Indhumati Paramasivam, Ioana Demetrescu, Patrik SchmukiT Thermal air oxidation of Fe: rapid hematite nanowire growth and photoelectrochemical water splittiperformance. Electrochem Communications, p.59-62, 2012.

Manole, C.C., Maury, F., Demetrescu, I. Thermally induced release of internal liquid phase encapsulated in a polymer membrane grown by photoactivated DLICVD. Chemical Vapor Deposition , p.274-281, 2012.

Ulrich Kohlenbach, Laurentiu Leustean On the computational content of convergence proofs via Banach limits. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, p.3449-3463, 2012.

Ulrich Kohlenbach, Laurentiu Leustean A quantitative Mean Ergodic Theorem for uniformly convex Banach spaces. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, p.1907-1915, 2009.

Laurentiu Leustean Nonexpansive iterations in uniformly convex W-hyperbolic spaces. Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization I: Nonlinear Analysis, p.193-209, 2010.

Ulrich Kohlenbach, Laurentiu Leustean Effective metastability of Halpern iterates in CAT(0) spaces. Advances in Mathematics, p.2526-2556, 2012.

Neagoe Aurora, Virgil Iordache, Hans Bergmann† and Erika Kothe Patterns of effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on plants grown in contaminated soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, p.273-286, 2013.

Marius Dumitru Monismul neutru, incotro?. Problema minte-creier in neurostiinta cognitiei, p.127-134, 2013.

Marius Dumitru The Extended Mind Hypothesis and Phenomenal Consciousness. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy, p.5-13, 2008.

Marius Dumitru André Scrima, Apophatic Anthropology (translations from Romanian and French with an introductory study). 2014.

Anely Nedelcheva, Yunus Dogan, Dragica Obratov-Petkovic, Ioana M. Padure The Traditional Use of Plants for Handicrafts in Southeastern Europe. Human Ecology, p.813-828, 2011.

Jean de Dieu Tamokou, Jean Rodolphe Chouna, Eva Fischer-Fodor, Gabriela Chereches, Otilia Barbos, Grigore Damian, Daniela Benedec, Mihaela Duma, Alango Pépin Nkeng Efouet, Hippolyte Kamdem Wabo, Jules Roger Kuiate, Augustin Mot, Radu Silaghi-Dumitrescu Anticancer and Antimicrobial Activities of Some Antioxidant-Rich Cameroonian Medicinal Plants. PLos ONE, p.1-14, 2013.

Todica, M. , Udrescu, L., Damian, G., Astilean, S Spectroscopic investigation of PVA-TIO2 membranes gamma irradiated. Journal of Molecular Structure, p.328-330, 2013.

Mircea Voiculescu., Alexandru Onaca Snow avalanche assessment in the Sinaia ski area (Bucegi Mountains, Southern Carpathians) using the dendrogeomorphology method. Area, p.109-122, 2013.

Irina Albastroiu The particularities of logistic related to e-commerce. Amfiteatru Economic, p.117-191, 2008.

Marian Ivan Crustal thickness in Vrancea area-Romania from S to P converted waves. J. Seismology, p.317-328, 2011.

Soare Liliana Crestomatie de limba romana veche si moderna (1521-1881). 2013.

Soare Liliana Elemente de istorie a limbii romane literare. 2012.

Andreia Ilie, Ecaterina Andronescu, Denisa Ficai, Georgeta Voicu, Maria Ficai, Maria Maganu, Anton Ficai “New approaches in layer by layer synthesis of collagen/hydroxyapatite composite materials. Central European Journal of Chemistry,, 2012.

Ion Anghel, Alina Maria Holban, Alehandru Mihai Grumezescu, Ecaterina Andronescu, Anton Ficai, Alina Georgiana Anghel, Maria Maganu, Veronica Lazar, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc “Modified wound dressing with phyto-nanostructured coating to prevent staphylococcal and pseudomonal biofilm development”. Nanoscale Research Letters, 2012.

M. Mihalache, A. Bratu, A Hanganu, N. A. Chira, M. Maganu, M. C. Todașcã, S. Roșca “Thermal Formation of trans Fatty Acids in Romanian Vegetable Oils Monitored by GC-MS and FT-IR Techniques. Revista de Chimie, , 2012.

A. Hanganu, M. C. Todasca, N. A. Chira, M. Maganu, S. Rosca A. Hanganu, M. C. Todasca, N. A. Chira, M. Maganu, S. Rosca, “The compositional characterization of Romanian grape seed oils using spectroscopic methods. Food Chemistry, 2012, 134, p.2453-2456., p., p.2453-2, 2012.

Revista de Chimie., 2012 ,63 (5), p. 470-474. GC-MS ” Spectrosc for the Study of Archaecological Ceramics”. P. G. Popescu. C. Enache Preoteasa. F. D. Badea, Emanoil Pripon, Maria Maganu, , p. p. 470-47, 2012.

Catalin Angelo Ioan, Gina Ioan A generalization of a class of production functions. Applied Economics Letters, p.1777-1784, 2011.

Adara M. Blaga; M. Crasmareanu The geometry of product conjugate connections. An. Stiint. Univ. Al. I. Cuza Iasi. Mat. (N.S.), p.73-84. , 2013.

1. T. Nygrén, J. Markkanen, A. Aikio, and M. Voiculescu High-precision measurement of satellite velocity using the EISCAT radar. Ann. Geophys. , p.1555–1565, 2012.

Daniel Esch, Juha Vahokoski, Matthew R. Groves, Vivian Pogenberg, Vlad Cojocaru, Hermann vom Bruch, Dong Han, Hannes C. A. Drexler, Marcos J. Araúzo-Bravo, Calista K. L. Ng, Ralf Jauch, Matthias Wilmanns and Hans R. Schöler A unique Oct4 interface is crucial for reprogramming to pluripotency. Nature Cell Biology, 2013.

Tattersall JE, Ward RA; on behalf of the EUDIAL group. Online haemodiafiltration: definition, dose quantification and safety revisited.. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2013.

Macdougall IC, Provenzano R, Sharma A, Spinowitz BS, Schmidt RJ, Pergola PE, Zabaneh RI, Tong-Starksen S, Mayo MR, Tang H, Polu KR, Duliege AM, Fishbane S; PEARL Study Groups. Peginesatide for anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease not receiving dialysis.. N Engl J Med, p.368(4):320, 2013.

Fishbane S, Schiller B, Locatelli F, Covic AC, Provenzano R, Wiecek A, Levin NW, Kaplan M, Macdougall IC, Francisco C, Mayo MR, Polu KR, Duliege AM, Besarab A; EMERALD Study Groups. Peginesatide in patients with anemia undergoing hemodialysis.. N Engl J Med, p.368(4):307, 2013.

Ureña-Torres P, Bridges I, Christiano C, Cournoyer SH, Cooper K, Farouk M, Kopyt NP, Rodriguez M, Zehnder D, Covic A. Efficacy of cinacalcet with low-dose vitamin D in incident haemodialysis subjects with secondary hyperparathyroidism.. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2013.

Chan CT, Covic A, Craig JC, Davenport A, Kasiske BL, Kuhlmann MK, Levin NW, Li PK, Locatelli F, Rocco MV, Wheeler DC 2012 Dec 15. Kidney Int, 2013.

Yilmaz MI, Turgut F, Kanbay M, Saglam M, Sonmez A, Yaman H, Demirbas S, Unal HU, Gok M, Karaman M, Ay SA, Demirkaya E, Covic A, Carrero JJ. Serum gamma-glutamyltransferase levels are inversely related to endothelial function in chronic kidney disease.. Int Urol Nephrol., 2012.

R. Lãcãtuşu, Anca-Rovena, Lãcãtuşu Soil-plant relations in an urban environment polluted with heavy metals. Urban Environment; Alliance for Global Sustainability Bookseries, p.403-412, 2012.

Lacatusu R., Anca-Rovena Lacatusu Heavy metals soil pollution in some urban location from Romania. Highway and Urban Environment; Alliance for Global Sustainability Bookseries Science and Technology, p.347-355, 2010.

Lacatusu Radu, George Câtu, John Aston, Mihaela Lungu, Anca-Rovena Lacatusu Heavy metals soil pollution state in relation to potential future mining activities in the Roşia Montanã area. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, p.39-50, 2009.

LÃCÃTUŞU Anca-Rovena, Diana COCÂRÞÃ, Radu LÃCÃTUŞU Ex-situ bioremediation efficiency in removing organic and inorganic compounds from artificially and anthropogenic contaminated soils. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, p.59 - 70 , 2013.

R. Lãcãtuşu, Anca-Rovena Lãcãtuşu, Mihaela Monica Stanciu-Burileanu, Doina Rodica Lazãr, Mihaela Lungu, Nineta Rizea, Virginia Catrina Phytoremediation of a sludge deposit proceeded from a city wastewater treatment plant. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, p.71-79 , 2012.

R.Lãcãtuşu, Mihaela Lungu, Mihaela Monica Stanciu-Burileanu, Anca-Rovena Lãcãtuşu, Ion Rîşnoveanu, Andrei Vrânceanu, Rodica Lazãr Selenium in the soil-plant system of the Fãgãraş Depression. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, p.37-46, 2012.

Elena Marcela Badea, Flori Chelu, Anca Lãcãtuşu Results regarding the levels of Cry1Ab protein in transgenic corn tissue (MON810) and the fate of Bt protein in three soil types. Romanian Biotechnological Letters , p.55-62, 2010.

Lacatusu R., Lacatusu Anca-Rovena Vegetable food quality within heavy metals polluted areas in Romania. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, p.115-129, 2009.