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Zeng, L., Ducea, M.N., and Saleeby, J. The formation of leucosome with pronounced negative Ce anomalies from metasediment partial melting;Implications for Ce anomalies in oceanic island arc lavas. Acta Petrologica and Mineralogica, p.426-430, 2005.

Bojariu R. and F. Giorgi The North Atlantic Oscillation signal in a regional climate simulation for the European region. Tellus, p.641-653, 2005.

Brady, R.J., Ducea, M.N., Kidder S. and J. Saleeby The distribution of radiogenic heat production as a function of depth in the Sierra Nevada Batholith, California. Lithos, p.229-244, 2006.

V. A. Valencia, J. Ruiz, F. Barra, G. Geherls, M. Ducea, S. R. Titley and L. Ochoa-Landin U-Pb zircon and Re-Os molybdenite geochronology from La Caridad porphyry copper deposit: insights for the duration of magmatism and mineralization in the Nacozari District, Sonora, Mexico. Mineralium Deposita, p.175-191, 2005.

Simona Dragoi & G. Albeanu Markovian Chain Prognosis Model for Allowable Cut Structure. Lesnictvi - Forestry, p.344 - 347, 1998.

M. Echim, J. Lemaire Advances in the kinetic treatment of the solar wind magnetosphere interaction: the impulsive penetration mechanism. "Earth's Low Latitude Boundary Layer" AGU Monograph 133, p.169-179, 2003.

M. Echim and J. Lemaire Positive density gradients at the magnetopause: interpretation in the framework of the impulsive penetration mechanism. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, p.2019-2028, 2002.

Bojariu, R., L.Gimeno Predicibilidat y modelizacion numerica de la Oscilation del Atlantico Norte. La Oscilation del Atlantico Norte y su influencia sobre la Peninsula Iberica y Canarias, ACCA, 2004.

Hacker, B., Luffi, P., Lutkov, P., Minaev, V., Ratschbacher, L., Patino-Douce, A., Ducea, M., McWilliams, M. and J. Metcalf Near-ultrahigh pressure processing of subducted continental crust: Miocene crustal xenoliths from the Pamirs. Journal of Petrology, p.1661-1687, 2005.

Ducea, M.N., Morrison, J., Saleeby, J.B. and Valencia, V.A Subducted carbonates, metasomatism of mantle wedges and possible connections to diamond formation: An example from California. American Mineralogist, p.864-870, 2005.

Dickinson, W.R., Ducea, M.N., Rosenberg, L., Greene H.G., Graham, S., Ernst, W.G., Kidder, S. and Weber, G. Tectonic relations and net dextral slip, late Neogene San Gregorio-Hosgri fault zone, coastal California. Geological Society of America Special Paper, p.43p, 2005.

D. B. ROOT , B. R. HACKER, P. B. GANS , M. N. DUCEA, E. A. EIDE and J. L. MOSENFELDER Discrete ultrahigh-pressure domains in the Western Gneiss Region, Norway: implications for formation and exhumation. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, p.45-61, 2005.

Giosan, L., Donnelly, J., Vespremeanu, E., Bhattacharya, J., Olariu, C., Buonaiuto, F River delta morphodynamics: Examples from the Danube delta. River Deltas: Concepts, Models, Examples, 2005.

Giosan, L. and Bhattacharya, J. New Directions in River Delta Studies. River Deltas: Concepts, Models, Examples, 2005.

Sylvester, Z., Lowe, D.R Textural trends in turbidites and slurry beds from the Oligocene flysch of the East Carpathians, Romania. Sedimentology, p.945-972, 2004.

Zandt, G., Gilbert, H., Owens, T., Ducea, M.N., Saleeby, J., and Jones, C. Active foundering of a continental arc root beneath the Sierra Nevada. Nature, p.41-46, 2004.

Zeng, L., Saleeby, J.,, and Ducea, M.N. Non-modal crustal anatexis during the formation of migmatites. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, p.386-402, 2005.

Ducea, M.N., Valencia, V.A., Shoemaker, S., Reiners, P., DeCelles, P., Campa, M., Moran-Zenteno, D., and Ruiz, J. Rates Of Sediment Recycling Beneath The Acapulco Trench: Constraints From (U-Th)/He Thermochronology. Journal of Geophysical Research, p.11 p., 2004.

Giosan, L. and Flood, R.D. Drilling to Investigate Extreme Environmental Changes. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, p.179, 2004.

Birlan M., Barucci M.A., Vernazza, P., Fulchignoni M., Binzel R.P., Bus S.J., Fornasier S. Near-Ir Spectroscopy of asteroids21 Lutetia, 89 Julia, 140 Siwa, 2181 Fogelin, and 5480 (1989YK8), potential targets of the Rosetta mission; remote observations campaign on IRT. New Astronomy, p.343-351, 2004.

Ganguly J, Cheng W, Ducea M Time scales of metamorphic processes: Records in diffusion modification of mineral compositions and ages. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, p.116, 2003.

D.L. Barbeau, M.N. Ducea, G.E. Gehrels, S. Kidder, J.B. Saleeby The origin of Salinia, California: New evidence from U-Pb detrital-zircon geochronology of basement and cover rocks. Geological Society of America Bulletin, p.466-481, 2005.

Park, S.K., C.H. Jones, S.D. Ruppert, R.W. Clayton, M.N. Ducea, and B. Wernicke Project combines seismic and magnetotelluric surveying to address the Sierran Root question. EOS, p.297-298, 1995.

Wernicke, B., R. Clayton, M. Ducea, C.H. Jones, S. Park, S. Ruppert, J. Saleeby, J.K. Snow, L. Squires, M. Fliedner, G. Jiracek, R. Keller, S. Klemperer, J. Luetgert, P. Malin, K. Miller, W. Mooney, H. Oliver, and R. Phinney Origin of high mountains in the continents: The southern Sierra Nevada. Science, p.190-193, 1996.

Cheval, S., Baciu, M., Breza, T. An investigation into the precipitation conditions in Romania using a GIS-based method. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, p.77-88, 2003.

Hutchens, E., Valsami-Jones, E., McEldowney, S., Gaze, W., McLean, J. The role of heterotrophic bacteria in feldspar dissolution – an experimental approach. Mineralogical Magazine, p.1157-1170, 2003.

Ducea, M.N., Gehrels, G.E., Shoemaker, S., Ruiz, J, and Valencia, V.A Geologic Evolution Of The Xolapa Complex, Southern Mexico; Evidence From U-Pb Zircon Geochronology. Geological Society of America Bulletin, p.1016-1025, 2004.

Kidder, S., Ducea, M.N., Gehrels, G., Patchett, P.J., and Vervoort, J. Tectonic and magmatic development of the Salinian Coast Ridge Belt, California. Tectonics, 2003.

Ducea, M.N., Ganguly, J., Rosenberg, E., Patchett, P.J., Cheng, W., Isachsen, C. Sm-Nd Dating of Spatially Controlled Domains of Garnet Single Crystals: A new Method of High Temperature Thermochronology. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, p.31-42, 2003.

Saleeby, J, Ducea M.N., and Clemens-Knott, D Production and loss of high-density batholithic root-southern Sierra Nevada, California. Tectonics, 2003.

Ducea, M.N., Lutkov, V., Minaev, V.T., Hacker, B., Ratschbacher, L., Luffi, P., Schwab, M., Gehrels, G.E., McWilliams, M., Vervoort, J., Metcalf, J Building The Pamirs: The View From The Underside. Geology, p.849-852, 2003.

L. Gimeno, O.Vidal, R. Nieto, L.dela Torre, R. Garcia, E. Hernandez, R. Bojariu, P. Ribera, D. Gallego Impact of the extratropical dynamical modes upon troposphere temperature using an approach based on advection of temperature. International Journal of Climatology, p.399-404, 2003.

Bojariu, R. and L. Gimeno Predictability and numerical modelling of the North Atlantic Oscillation. Earth-Science Reviews, 2003.

M. Siddall, L. Pratt, K. Helfrich, L. Giosan Testing the physical oceanographic implications of the suggested sudden Black Sea in-fill 8400 years ago. Paleoceanography, 2004.

Ungureanu Gh. Viorel, Stanica Adrian Impact of human activities on the evolution of the Romanian Black Sea beaches. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management, p.111-115, 2000.

Corbeanu, H, T Brikowski, C Aiken and P Enoiu Landslide Monitoring in Romania. GPS World, p.pp. 38-42, 2000.

Park, S.K., and Ducea, M.N. Can in situ measurements of mantle electrical conductivity be used to infer properties of partial melts?. Journal of Geophysical Reserach, p.2002JB0018, 2003.

Ducea, M.N., Kidder, S., Zandt, G Arc composition at mid-crustal depths: Insights from the Coast Ridge Belt, Santa Lucia Mountains, California. Geophysical Research Letters, p.2002GL0162, 2003.

Bojariu R. and L. Gimeno The role of snow cover fluctuations in multiannual NAO persistence. Geophysical Research Letters, p.1156, doi:, 2003.

Fornasier, S.; Barucci, M. A.; Binzel, R. P.; Birlan, M.; Fulchignoni, M.; Barbieri, C.; Bus, S. J.; Harris, A. W.; Rivkin, A. S.; Lazzarin, M.; Dotto, E.; Michaowski, T.; Doressoundiram, A.; Bertini, I.; Peixinho, N. A portrait of 4979 Otawara, target of the Rosetta space mission. Astronomy & Astrophysics, p.p.327-333, 2003.

Vasile E. Turcu and Dani Or Mathematical Modeling and In-Situ Measurements of Soil CO2/O2 Flux Dynamics. AGU 2002 - Fall Meeting, 2002.

Vasile E. Turcu L’impact biogeochimique d’un evenement de crue dans un lac alpine mesotrophique – Bourget, Savoie. 1999.

Sen, G., Yang, H-J, and Ducea, M. Anomalous isotopes and trace element zoning in plagioclase peridotite xenoliths of Oahu (Hawaii); Implications for the Hawaiian plume. Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, p.23-38, 2003.

Janok P. Bhattacharya and Liviu Giosan Wave-Influenced Deltas: Geomorphological Implications for Facies Reconstruction. Sedimentology, 2003.

Roger D. Flood and Liviu Giosan Migration history of a fine-grained abyssal sediment wave on the Bahama Outer Ridge. Marine Geology, p.259-273, 2002.

3.3.1. Ceccini S., Giacomelli G, Haşegan D., Mandrioli G., Mariş O., Patrizii L., Plaian A., Popa V., Ştefanov L., Vãleanu V. Search for Neutrino Decay During the 1999 Solar Eclipse. Astrophysics and Space Science, p.35-41, 2000.

Ducea, M.N., House, M.A., Kidder, S. Late Cenozoic denudation, bedrock and surface uplift rates in the Santa Lucia Mounains, California. Geology, p.139-142, 2003.

Ducea, M.N. Constraints on the bulk composition and root foundering rates of continental arcs. Journal of Geophysical Research, p.1-13, 2002.

Ducea, M.N., and Saleeby, J.B. Buoyancy sources for a large unrooted mountain range, the Sierra Nevada, California: Evidence from xenolith thermobarometry. Journal of Geophysical research, p.8229-8241, 1996.

Medaris, G., Ducea, M., Ghent, E., and Iancu V. Timing of high-pressure metamorphism in the Getic-Supragetic basement nappes of the South-Carpathian mountains fold-thrust belt. Lithos, p.141-161, 2003.