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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

Alina C Ion, Ion Ion, Alina Culetu, Dragos Gherase, Carmen A. Moldovan, Rodica Iosub and Adrian Dinescu Acetylcholinesterase voltammetric biosensors based on carbon nanostructure-chitosan composite material for organophosphate pesticides. Materials Science and Engineering: C, p.817-821, 2010.

M. Boca, V. Florescu „Relativistic effects in the time evolution of an one-dimensional model atom in a. Eur. Phys. J. D. , p.15-20, 2008.

M.Durea, R.Strugariu Quantitative results on openness of set-valued mappings and implicit multifunction theorems. Pacific Journal of Optimization, p.533-549, 2010.

M. Durea, R. Strugariu Necessary optimality conditions for weak sharp minima in set-valued optimization. Nonlinear Analysis, p.2148-2157, 2010.

L Kilanski, M Górska, W Dobrowolski, E Dynowska, M Wójcik, B J Kowalski, J R Anderson, C R Rotundu, D K Maude, S A Varnavskiy, I V Fedorchenko, and S F Marenkin Magnetism and magnetotransport of strongly disordered Zn1-xMnxGeAs2 semiconductor: The role of nanoscale magnetic clusters. Journal of Applied Physics, p.073925, 2010.

Mihaescu M., Fuchs L. Sound Generated by an Unsteady Flow Field, Using a Hybrid Method. Modeling Fluid Flow-The State of the Art., p.169-178, 2004.

Mihaescu M., Szasz R.Z., Fuchs L. Noise Computation of a Turbo-Engine Jet Exhaust Based on LES and Lighthill’s Acoustic Analogy. ASME Paper, GT2004-53580, ISBN: 0-7918-4170-7 , p.1723-1731, 2004.

Duwig C., Gherman B.G., Mihaescu M., Salewski M., Fuchs L. Numerical Study of Thermo-acoustic Waves Generation by a Swirling Flame Using a New Approach Based on LES. ASME Paper, GT2005-68136, ISBN: 0-7918-4725-X , p.67-75 , 2005.

Mihaescu M., Szasz R.Z., Fuchs L., Gutmark E.J. Flow and Noise Investigations of a Separate Flow Exhaust System. ASME Paper, GT2005-68164, ISBN: 0-7918-4730-6, p.1221-1229, 2005.

Szasz R.Z., Mihaescu M., Fuchs L. Computation of the Acoustic Field in an Annular Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber Using a Hybrid Approach. ASME Paper, GT2006-90024, ISBN: 0-7918-4241-X , p.1615-1624, 2006.

Szasz R.Z., Mihaescu M., Fuchs L. Parallel Computation of the Flow- and Acoustics Fields in a Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber. Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics - Theory and Applications, ISBN 978-0-444-52206-1, p.445-452, 2006.

Mihaescu M., Gutmark E.J., Fuchs L. Computational Aeroacoustics of the Coaxial Flow Exhaust System of a Gas Turbine Engine. ASME Paper, GT2007-28193, ISBN-13: 978-0791837963, p.1531-1539, 2007.

Mihaescu M., Murugappan S., Gutmark E.J., Donnelly L.F., Kalra M. Computational Modeling of Upper Airway before Adenotonsillectomy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. The Laryngoscope , p.360-362, 2008.

Mihaescu M., Murugappan S., Gutmark E.J., Khosla S.M., Donnelly L.F., Kalra M. Computational fluid dynamics analysis of upper airway reconstructed from Magnetic Resonance Imaging data. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol , p.303-309, 2008.

Mihaescu M., Murugappan S., Kalra M., Khosla S.M., Gutmark E.J. Large Eddy Simulation and Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Modeling of Flow in a Realistic Pharyngeal Airway Model; an Investigation of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Journal of Biomechanics , p.2279-2288, 2008.

Mihaescu M., Gutmark E.J., Murugappan S., Elluru R.G., Cohen A., Willging J.P. Modeling Flow in a Compromised Pediatric Airway Breathing Air and Heliox. The Laryngoscope , p.2205-2211, 2008.

Mylavarapu G., Murugappan S., Mihaescu M., Kalra M., Khosla S.M., Gutmark E.J. Validation of Computational Fluid Dynamics Methodology used for Human Upper Airway Flow Simulations. Journal of Biomechanics, p.1553-1559, 2009.

Mihaescu M., Khosla S.M., Murugappan S., Gutmark E.J. Unsteady Laryngeal Airflow Simulations of the Intra-glottal Vortical Structures.. Journal of Acoustical Society of America, p.435-444, 2010.

S D Wilson, Z Yamani, C R Rotundu, B Freelon, P N Valdivia, E Bourret-Courchesne, J W Lynn, Songxue Chi, Tao Hong, and R J Birgeneau Antiferromagnetic critical fluctuations in BaFe2As2. Physical Review B, p.144502, 2010.

Ioan Roman, Corneliu Fratila, Eugeniu Vasile, Alexandru Petre, Maria-Laura Soare 1. Electrochemical evaluation of the stability of ceramic nanostructured titanium oxide layers in Ringer solution. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials , p.p.1597÷160, 2010.

Alexandra Banu, Maria Marcu, Cristian Doicin, Mircea Corban, Ioan Roman 2. Corrosion Behaviour of Some Dental Copper Alloys. Revista de Chimie, p.p.1276÷128, 2009.

Ioan Roman, Cornel Fratila, Eugeniu Vasile, Alexandru Petre, Maria-Laura Soare 3. Achievement and evaluation of some ceramic nanostructured titanium oxide-layers. Materials Science and Engineering B, p.p.207÷211, 2009.

M.Burlibasa, A.Iliescu, I.Roman, C.Fratila, C.Cristache, L.Soare 5. New methods of increasing titanium and its alloys biotolerance. Clinical Oral Implants Research, p.p.948, 2008.

A.Colceriu, C.Fratila, I.Roman, M.Moldovan, M.Trif, C.Prejmerean, C.Tamas 6. Microstructural and citotoxicity evaluation for different surface treatments of TA6V4 alloy. European Cells and Materials, p.p.29, 2008.

Sultana Ciolac, Paula Drob, I.Roman, P.Nita 17. Corrosion of some nickel base superalloys in Reducing Acids. Revista de Chimie , p.p.798÷804, 1988.

I.Roman, Viorica Matei 16. Electrode potential measuring used to define the technological parameters of the magnesium alloys chemical oxidation. Revista de Chimie , p.p.106÷110, 1991.

I.Roman, Carmen Novac, P.Niţã 15. The anodic oxidation of the carbon-fiber obtained by using PAN precursor. Materiale Plastice , p.p.252÷257, 1995.

O.Radovici, I.Roman 14. The influence of alloying elements on the anodic behavior of nickel and nickel base super alloys. Revista de Chimie, p.p.45 ÷52, 1997.

O.Radovici, I.Roman 13. Mixed electrode potential estimate of the super alloys based on their chemistry. Revista de Chimie, p.p.136 ÷141, 1997.

Sanda Visan, Virginia Ciobotaru, Florica Ionescu, Catalin Zaharia, Florin Miculescu, Corneliu Cincu Correlation of chemical composition and microstructure with technical properties of an elasto-plastic composite material. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications, p.722-725, 2010.

Mihaela Armeanu, Corneliu Cincu, Catalin Zaharia, Cristinel-Nicolae Degeratu, Ramona-Mihaela Tudora Active polymers for water treatment. Materiale Plastice, p.274-277, 2010.

Nicoleta Mihaela Şulcã, Adriana Lungu, Cãtãlin Zaharia, Raluca Stan, Horia Iovu Determination of the monomer reactivity ratios in co-polymerization of two distinct dimethacrylates for dental use. Materiale Plastice, p.254-248, 2010.

Aurel Diacon, Edina Rusen, Cristian Boscornea, Catalin Zaharia, Corneliu Cincu, Laurentiu Fara, Mihai Razvan Mitroi, Constantin Rosu, Dragos Comaneci New materials for hybrid dye sensitized solar cells. Optical Materials, p.1583-1586, 2010.

Aurel Diacon, Edina Rusen, Cristian Boscornea, Cãtãlin Zaharia, Corneliu Cincu Hybrid dye sensitized solar cells. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, p.199-204, 2010.

Cristinel Mortici Estimating the digamma and trigamma functions by completely monotonicity arguments. Applied Mathematics and Computation, p.4081-4085, 2010.

Luo W, Wang XP, Kashtan CE, Borza DB Alport alloantibodies but not Goodpasture autoantibodies induce murine glomerulonephritis: protection by quinary crosslinks locking cryptic alpha3(IV) collagen autoepitopes in vivo. J Immunol, p.3520, 2010.

Pedchenko V, Bondar O, Fogo AB, Vanacore R, Voziyan P, Kitching AR, Wieslander J, Kashtan C, Borza DB, Neilson EG, Wilson CB, Hudson BG Molecular architecture of the Goodpasture autoantigen in anti-GBM nephritis. N Engl J Med, p.343, 2010.

Summers SA, Steinmetz OM, Li M, Kausman JY, Semple T, Edgtton KL, Borza DB, Braley H, Holdsworth SR, Kitching AR Th1 and Th17 cells induce proliferative glomerulonephritis. J Am Soc Nephrol, p.2518, 2009.

Abrahamson DR, Hudson BG, Stroganova L, Borza DB, St John PL Cellular origins of type IV collagen networks in developing glomeruli. J Am Soc Nephrol, p.1471, 2009.

Gross O, Borza DB, Anders HJ, Licht C, Weber M, Segerer S, Torra R, Gubler MC, Heidet L, Harvey S, Cosgrove D, Lees G, Kashtan C, Gregory M, Savige J, Ding J, Thorner P, Abrahamson DR, Antignac C, Tryggvason K, Hudson B, Miner JH Stem cell therapy for Alport syndrome: the hope beyond the hype. Nephrol Dial Transplant, p.731, 2009.

Radulescu, C., Ioniţã, I., Moater, E.-I., Gheboianu, A.I. Studies concerning the photostabilization of cationic dyes derived by the compact condensed systems with thiazolic ring applied on polyacrylic fibres using UV absorber. Industria Textila, p.168-175, 2010.

C. Mateescu, C. Wikete, O. Costisor, G. Bouet, M.A. Khan Protonation Behavior Of N, N’-Piperazine-Dipropionic Acid. Comptes Rendues Chimie, p.1149-1153, 2005.

C. Mateescu, Ecaterina Princz, Mustayeen A. Khan, Gilles Bouet Speciation studies of iron (III) with (poly)phosphonate ligands. The case of EDTMP (ethylenediamine-tetramethylene phosphonic acid). Phosphorus, Sulfur & Silicon, p.947-958, 2006.

E. M. Jouad, G. M. Bouet, D. Dogaru, C. Mateescu, M. A. Khan A Detailed Study of Some Furannic Thiosemicarbazone Complexes of 3d Transition Metals in Ethanolic Solutions and in the Solid State. Phosphorus, Sulfur & Silicon, p.2705-2718, 2007.

C. Gabriel, C. P. Raptopoulou, A. Terzis, V. Tangoulis, C. Mateescu, A. Salifoglou A Chromium(III)-Citrate Complex from Aqueous Solution. pH-Specific Synthesis, Spectroscopic, Structural and Magnetic Studies in Relevance to Aqueous Cr(III)-Citrate Speciation. Inorganic Chemistry, p.2998-3009, 2007.

Catherine Gabriel, Melita Menelaou, Markos Daskalakis, Andrea Lakatos, Tamas Kiss, Constantin Mateescu, Raphael G. Raptis, Athanasios Salifoglou Synthetic, Structural, Spectroscopic and Solution Speciation Studies of the Binary Al(III)-Quinic Acid System. Relevance of soluble Al(III)-hydroxycarboxylate species to molecular toxicity. Polyhedron, p.2911-2920, 2008.

M. Menelaou, C. Mateescu, H. Zhao, N. Lalioti, A. Salifoglou The pH-specific synthesis, spectroscopic, structural, and magnetic properties of a new Ni(II) species containing the plant physiological binder D-(-)-quinic acid: Association with the aqueous speciation of the binary Ni(II)–quinate system. Polyhedron, p.883-890, 2009.

M. Menelaou, C. Mateescu, H. Zhao, R.G. Raptis, N. Lalioti, Y. Sanakis, A. Simopoulos, A. Salifoglou pH-Specific Synthetic Chemistry and Solution Studies in the Binary System of Iron(III) with the alpha-Hydroxycarboxylate Substrate Quinic Acid. Potential Relevance to Iron Chemistry in Plant Fluids. Inorganic Chemistry, p.1844-1856, 2009.

M. Menelaou, A. Konstantopai, C. Mateescu, H. Zhao, C. Drouza, N. Lalioti, A Salifoglou pH-Dependent Syntheses, Structural and Spectroscopic Characterization, and Chemical Transformations of Aqueous Co(II)-Quinate Complexes. An Effort to Delve Into the Structural Speciation of Co(II)-Quinic Acid Binary System. Inorganic Chemistry, p.8092-8105, 2009.

Cristinel Mortici Complete monotonic functions associated with gamma function and applications. Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, p.186-191, 2009.