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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


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Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

I Tomuta, C. Alecu, L.L. Rus Optimization of fluid bed formulations of metoprolol granules and tablets using an experimental design. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, p.1072-1081, 2009.

C. Alecu, I. Tomuta, L.L. Rus, S.E. Leucuta Screening formulation on technological variables of a fluidized bed granulation on characteristics of granules and tablets containining metoprolol. Farmacia, p.647-658, 2008.

C. Sarbu, L.L. Rus, I. Tomuta Analiza spectrofotometrica simultana a amestecului format din acid ascorbic si rutin prin metode de regresie bazate pe analiza componentelor principale. Revista de chimie, p.581-587, 2005.

L.L. Rus, M. Bojiţă Contributions to spectrophotometric determination of calcium and magnesium in pharmaceuticals. Farmacia, p.17-22, 2006.

B. Kiss, L.L. Rus, Cristina Iuga, M. Bojiţă Quantification of hydrochlorothiazide in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography with UV detection. Clujul Medical, p.681-688, 2006.

L.L. Rus, B. Kiss, I. Tomuţă, E. Făgărăşan Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of acetaminophen and caffeine in pharmaceuticals using multiple calibration methods. Farmacia, p.84-92, 2006.

L.L. Rus, M. Bojiţă Spectrophotometric determination of ubidecarenone in pharmaceuticals. Method validation. Farmacia, p.12-17, 2005.

4. L. Vlase, I. Bâldea, S. Leucuţa, L.L. Rus, L. Copolovici Kinetic study on omeprazole acid reaction at different pH values by using HPLC. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Seria Chemia, p.169-174, 2005.

3. B. Kiss, Cristina Iuga, M. Bojiţă, L.L.Rus, Lucia Nemeti Validarea metodei RP-HPLC de dozare a tramadolului. Farmacia, p.24-29, 2003.

2. B. Kiss, Cristina Iuga, M. Bojiţă, L.L.Rus, Ioana Mîndruţău Quantification of rapamycin in whole blood by HPLC. Method optimization. Analele Universităţii Ovidius, p.117-122, 2003.

1. L.L. Rus, B. Kiss, Cristina Iuga, M. Bojiţă, Lucia Nemeti, Ioana Mîndruţău HPLC analysis of some hidrosoluble vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, riboflavin-5-phosphate, pyridoxine, cyancobalamin, nicotinamide). Analele Universităţii Ovidius, p.103-106, 2003.

Dragoescu D., Teodorescu M., Gheorghe D. Isothermal vapour-liquid equilibria and excess Gibbs free energies in some binary nitroalkane + chloroalkane mixtures at temperatures from 298.15 K to 318.15 K. Fluid Phase Equilibria, p.16-22, 2013.

Costel Sârbu, Rodica Domnica Naşcu-Briciu, Dorina Casoni, Agata Kot-Wasik, Andrzej Wasik, Jacek Namieśnik Chromatographic lipophilicity determination using large volume injections of the solvents non-miscible with the mobile phase. Journal of Chromatography A, 2012.

Rodica Domnica Nascu-Briciu, Costel Sarbu A comparative study concerning the chromatographic behaviour and lipophilicity of certain natural toxins. Journal of Separation Science, p.1059-1067, 2012.

Ioniţã, M., Alexandru, C. Dynamic optimization of the tracking system for a pseudo-azimuthal photovoltaic platform. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, p.053117, 2012.

R. Danescu, F. Oniga, V. Turcu, O. Cristea Long Baseline Stereovision for Automatic Detection and Ranging of Moving Objects in the Night Sky. Sensors, p.12940-1296, 2012.

Hundorfean G, Chiriac MT, Siebler J, Neurath MF, Mudter J. Confocal laser endomicroscopy for the diagnosis of diversion colitis.. Endoscopy. 2012 Sep;44 Suppl 2:E358-9. Epub 2012 Sep 25., 2012.

M. Voiculescu, I. Usoskin Persistent solar signatures in cloud cover: spatial and temporal analysis. Environ. Res. Lett. , 2012.

Bogdan C. Donose, Subash Sukumar, Marc Pidou, Yvan Poussade, Jurg Keller, Wolfgang Gernjak Effect of pH on the ageing of reverse osmosis membranes upon exposure to hypochlorite. Desalination, p.97-105, 2013.

A. A. Raduta, V. Ceausescu, A. Gheorghe and R. M. Dreizler Phenomenological description of three interacting bands. Zietschrift fuer Kernphysik, p.83, 1979.

A. A. Raduta Extension of Moszkowski Model to proton-neutron systems: a) Scissors mode b) Gamow-Teller double beta decay. Collective motion and nuclear dynamics, proceedings of the Predeal International Summer School,1995, p.41-65, 1995.

A. A. Raduta, D. S. Delion, I. I. Ursu and N. Lo Iudice Semiclassical description of alpha clustering in heavy nuclei. New trends in Theoretical and experimental nuclear physics, Proceedings of the Predeal Internatioanal Summer school, 1991, World Scientific, p.173-193, 1991.

A. A. Raduta The description of the quadrupole collective motionof a proton-neutron interacting system within a generalized coherent state model. Symmetries and semiclassical features of nuclear dynamics, proceedings of the Poiana Brasov International summer school, 1986, p.255-284, 1987.

P. Buganu, A. A. Raduta Can the coherent state model describe the triaxial nuclei?. Rom. Jour. Phys., p.1103, 2012.

R. Budaca, A. A. Raduta Compact formulas for rotational bands energies in transuranic region. Rom. Jour. Phys., p.1088, 2012.

A. A. Raduta Teoria difuziei magneto-optice multiplu coerenta in formalismul matricii densitatii. St. Cerc. Fiz. , p.503, 1968.

A. A. Raduta, A. Sandulescu On the quadrupole octupole interaction and the phonon states. Rev. Roum. Phys., p.765, 1967.

A. A. Raduta, A. Sandulescu On the quadrupole octupole interaction and the phonon states. Rev. Roum. Phys., p.765, 1967.

A. A. Raduta, G. Stratan, A. Sandulescu On the quadrupole interaction and the two quadrupole-octupole phonon states. Rev. Roum. Phys., p.869, 1967.

A. A. Raduta, A. Sandulescu Alpha decay of even-even and even-odd spherical nuclei when one or both nuclei are in excited collective states. Rev.Roum. Phys., p.1073, 1970.

A. A. Raduta, A. Sandulescu On the quadrupole octupole anharmonicitie in spherical nuclei. Rev. Roum. Phys., p.677, 1971.

A. A. Raduta, V, Ceausescu, E, Badralexe Microscopic description of the quadrupole-octupole anharmonicities in spherical nuclei. Rev. Roum. Phys., p.901, 1973.

V. Ceausescu, A. A. Raduta Aproximatia BCS in studiul nucleelor supraconductoare,. St. Cerc. Fiz. , p.575, 1973.

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A. A. Raduta, V, Ceausescu, E, Badralexe Folosirea aproximatiei fazelor intimplatoare in studiul structurii nucleelor sferice. St. Cerc. Fiz. , p.617, 1976.

A. A. Raduta, V. Ceausescu, E. Badralexe Asupra unor aspecte fundamentale ale aproximatiei fazelor intimplatoare in probleme de structura nucleara. St. Cerc. Fiz, p.707, 1976.

A. A. Raduta A new model for a simultaneus description of the groundstate and beta bands. Rev. Roum. Phys., p.601, 1976.

A. A. Raduta, E. Badralexe, M. Badea Upon an elementary way to derive a closed formula for the Bogoliubov boson transformation. Rev. Roum. Phys., p.959, 1978.

A. A. Raduta, C. Sabac, Stock Upon a perturbative treatment of the decoupled bands. Rev. Roum. Phys., p.1071, 1977.

A. A. Raduta, C. Sabac, S. Stoica Upon a simplified version of the coherent states model for the yrast bands of even-even nuclei. Rev. Roum. Phys., p.613, 1977.

A. A. Raduta, M. Badea Boson description of asymmetric rotator. Rev. Roum. Phys., p.743, 1979.

A. A. Raduta Interband and intraband E2 transition probabilities for three interacting bands. Vibrational and rotational limits.. Rev. Roum. Phys., p.195, 1983.

A. A. Raduta Interband and intraband E2 transition probabilities for three interacting bands. Vibrational and rotational limits.. Rev. Roum. Phys., p.195, 1983.

A. A. Raduta, C. Sabac, S. Stoica Upon the treatment of the interaction of one particle and a quadrupole vibrational core. Rev. Roum. Phys., p.897, 1982.

A. A. Raduta, S. Stoica The influence of three quasiparticle states on the yrast bands of the transitional odd mass nuclei. Rev. Roum. Phys., p.211, 1983.

A. A. Raduta, C. Sabac, S. Stoica The energies predicted by the coherent states model for near vibrational nuclei. Rev. Roum. Phys., p.55, 1984.

A. A. Raduta, C. Sabac, S. Stoica The phenomenological description of the rotational spectra of Pt. Rev. Roum. Phys., p.867, 1983.

A. A. Raduta, I. I. Ursu, D. S. Delion The description of the (e,e’) form factor and the BM1 probability for the magnetic state 1+ within the generalised coherent state model. Rev. Roum. Phys., p.799, 1986.

A. A. Raduta, N. Sandulescu Description of the even-even Gd isotopes in terms of projected quadrupole coherent states. Rev. Roum. Phys., p.765, 1986.

A. A. Raduta, V. Ceausescu, A. Faessler Description of the Kpi = 1+ isovector states within a generalised coherent state model. Rev. Roum. Phys., p.765, 1986.