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premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

Axinte, Eugen; Wang, Yan; L. Tabacaru, Lucian; Radwan, Neyara Shear Banding in Metallic Glasses: Major Weakness or Potential Advantage?. Recent Patents on Materials Science, p.2-19, 2016.

Jing Xu, Eugen Axinte, Zhengfeng Zhao, Yan Wang Effect of C and Ce addition on the microstructure and magnetic property of the mechanically alloyed FeSiBAlNi high entropy alloys. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, p.59-68, 2016.

Petrişor AI, Andronache IC, Petrişor LE, Ciobotaru AM, Peptenatu D Assessing the fragmentation of the green infrastructure in Romanian cities using fractal models and numerical taxonomy. Procedia Environmental Sciences, p.110-123, 2016.

O. T. Moldovan, S. Constantin, C. Panaiotu, R. D. Roban, P. Frenzel, and L. Miko Fossil invertebrates records in cave sediments and paleoenvironmental assessments – a study of four cave sites from Romanian Carpathians. Biogeosciences, p.483-497, 2016.

Fu, Q., Posth, C., Hajdinjak, M., Petr, M., Mallick, S., Fernandes, D., Furtwängler, A., Haak, W., Meyer, M., Mittnik, A., Nickel, N., Peltzer, A., Rohland, N., Slon, V., Talamo, S., Lazaridis, I., Lipson, M., Mathieson, I., Schiffels, S., Skoglund, P., Derevianko, A.P., Drozdov, N., Slavinsky, V., Tsybankov, A., Grifoni Cremonesi, R., Mallegni, F., Gély, B., Vacca, E., González Morales, M.R., Straus, L.G., Neugebauer-Maresch, C. Teschler-Nicola, M., Constantin, S., Moldovan, O.T., Benazzi, S., Peresani, M., Coppola, D., Lari, M., Ricci, S., Ronchitelli, A., Valentin, F., Thevenet, C., Wehrberger, K., Grigorescu, D., Rougier, H., Crevecoeur, I., Flas, D., Semal, P., Mannino, M.A., Cupillard, C., Bocherens, H., Conard, N.J., Harvati, K.,, Moiseyev, V., Drucker, D.G., Svoboda, J., Richards, M.P., Caramelli, D., Pinhasi, R., Kelso, J., Patterson, N., Krause, J., Pääbo,S., Reich, D. The genetic history of Ice Age Europe.. Nature, 2016.

Petrişor AI Evolving strategies of the predatory journals. Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science, p.1-17, 2016.

Petrişor AI, Meiţă V, Petre R Difficulties in achieving social sustainability in a biosphere reserve. International Journal of Conservation Science, p.123-136, 2016.

Buhai, I.S. and C.N. Teulings Tenure Profiles and Efficient Separation in a Stochastic Productivity Model. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, p.245-258, 2014.

Buhai, I.S., M. A., Portela, C.N. Teulings, and A. van Vuuren Returns to seniority or tenure?. Econometrica, p.705-730, 2014.

Gałka, Mariusz, Tanţău, Ioan, Ersek, Vasile and Feurdean, Angelica A 9000 year record of cyclic vegetation changes identified in a montane peatland deposit located in the Eastern Carpathians (central-Eastern Europe): Autogenic succession or regional climatic influences?. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2016.

McGregor, Helen, Evans, Michael, Goosse, Hugues, Leduc, Guillaume, Martrat, Belen, Addison, Jason, Mortyn, Graham, Oppo, Delia, Seidenkrantz, Marit-Solveig, Sicre, Marie-Alexandrine, Phipps, Steven, Selvaraj, Kandasamy, Thirumalai, Kaustubh, Filipsson, Helena and Ersek, Vasile Robust global ocean cooling trend for the pre-industrial Common Era. Nature Geoscience, 2015.

Daniela Iacob, Otilia Fufezan, Dorin Farcău, Gabriel Samaşca, Adriana Slavcovici, Dan Gheban Celiac disease in toddler with atypical onset. Case report. Med Ultrason, p.116-119, 2016.

Coculescu E.C., Manole G., Coculescu Bogdan-Ioan (corresponding author), Purcãrea V.L Burning mouth syndrome: controversial place as a symptom of Oro-dental pathology. Journal of Medicine and Life, p.34-37, 2015.

M. Merca An Alternative to Faulhaber’s Formula. American Mathematical Monthly, p.599-601, 2015.

Braic, L.; Vasilantonakis, N.; Zou, B; Maier, S.A.; Alford N.M.; Zayats, A.; Petrov, P.K.; Optimizing Strontium Ruthenate Thin Films for Near-Infrared Plasmonic Applications. Scientific Reports, 2015.

Coculescu Bogdan-Ioan (and corresponding author), Palade A.M., Delcaru C., Pircalobioru G., Berteşteanu Ş Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Salmonella Typhimurium strains producing extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) isolated from children (under 4 years of age) with diarrhea in Romania. Romanian Biotechnological Letters (IF=0,35), p.10478-85, 2015.

Constantin-Daniel Negut, Vasile Bercu, Octavian-Gheorghe Duliu Defects induced by gamma irradiation in historical pigments. Journal of Cultural Heritage, p.397 - 403, 2012.

E. Bratu, I.V. Moise, M. Cutrubinis, C.D. Negut, M. Virgolici Archives decontamination by gamma irradiation. NUKLEONIKA, p.77 - 84, 2009.

E. L. Grigorescu, C. D. Negut, A. Luca, Anamaria Cristina Razdolescu, Mioara Tanase Standardization of 68(Ge+Ga). Applied Radiation and Isotopes, p.429 - 431, 2004.

Raduca Mihaela, Hatiegan Cornel, Pop Nicolina, Raduca Eugen, Gillich Gilbert-Rainer Finite element analysis of heat transfer in transformers from high voltage stations. JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, p.1355-1360, 2014.

Raduca Mihaela, Hatiegan Cornel, Pop Nicolina, Raduca Eugen, Gillich Gilbert-Rainer Finite element analysis of heat transfer in transformers from high voltage stations. JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, p.1355-1360, 2014.

Raduca Mihaela, Hatiegan Cornel, Pop Nicolina, Raduca Eugen, Gillich Gilbert-Rainer Finite element analysis of heat transfer in transformers from high voltage stations. JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, p.1355-1360, 2014.

Raduca, Mihaela; Hatiegan, Cornel; Pop, Nicolina; Raduca, Eugen; Gillich, Gilbert-Rainer Finite element analysis of heat transfer in transformers from high voltage stations. JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, p.1355-1360, 2014.

Raduca, Mihaela; Hatiegan, Cornel; Pop, Nicolina; Raduca, Eugen; Gillich, Gilbert-Rainer Finite element analysis of heat transfer in transformers from high voltage stations. JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, p.1355-1360, 2014.

Raduca, Mihaela; Hatiegan, Cornel; Pop, Nicolina; Raduca, Eugen; Gillich, Gilbert-Rainer Finite element analysis of heat transfer in transformers from high voltage stations. JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, p.1355-1360, 2014.

Sirbu Alexandrina, Paslaru V. Phospholipase Using as Breadmaking Improver. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, p.1-10 , 2007.

Sirbu Alexandrina, Paslaru V. Comparative studies between Phospholipase and DATEM effects in bread-making. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, p.411-419 , 2009.

Alexandru R., Sirbu Alexandrina Changes and Prospects on Romanian University Education in Food Engineering Area. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, p.939-947 , 2006.

Fu, Q, Hajdiniak, M, Moldovan, O.T., Constantin, S., Mallick, S, Pontus, S., Patterson, N, Rohland, N., Lazaridis, I., Nickels, B., Viola, B., Prufer, K., Meyer, M., Kelso, J., Reich, D., & Paabo, S. An early modern human from Romania with a recent Neanderthal ancestor. Nature, 2015.

Alin Suciu The Sahidic Version of Jacob of Serugh’s Memrā on the Ascension of Christ. Le Muséon, p.49-83, 2015.

Zhenxi Sun, Qi Xing, Eugen Axinte ,Wenjuan Ge , Jinfeng Leng, Yan Wang Formation of highly thermal stable Al88Ni6Y6 amorphous composite by graphene addition design. Materials and Design, p.59–64, 2015.

Doina Popov Organelles Stress and their Crosstalk within Diabetic Myocardium. Athens Journal of Health, p.117-131, 2015.

Doina Popov Protein S-glutathionylation: from current basics to targeted modifications. Arch Physiol Biochem, p.123-130, 2014.

Oancea R., Bradu A., Sinescu C.*, Negru R. M., Negrutiu M. L., Antoniac I., Duma V.-F., and Podoleanu A. Gh. Assessment of the sealant/tooth interface using optical coherence tomography. J of Adhesion Science and Technology, p.49-58, 2015.

Roberto Casadio, Octavian Micu, Dejan Stojkovic Horizon Wave-Function and the Quantum Cosmic Censorship. Phys.Lett. B, 2015.

Roberto Casadio, Octavian Micu, Dejan Stojkovic Inner Horizon of the Quantum Reissner-Nordström Black Holes. JHEP, 2015.

Ágoston Róth Control point based exact description of trigonometric/hyperbolic curves, surfaces and volumes. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, p.74-91, 2015.

Nienhuis, J.H., Andrew D. Ashton and Liviu Giosan What makes a delta wave-dominated?. Geology, p.511-514, 2015.

Viorel Pais, Emil Sebastian Pais Intercellular communication by extracellular vesicles with emphasis on the roles of cordocytes in the human brain. An ultrastructural study. Ultrastructural Pathology, p.177-186, 2015.

Silviu-Laurentiu Badea, Andrei-Florin Danet Enantioselective stable isotope analysis (ESIA) — A new concept to evaluate the environmental fate of chiral organic contaminants. Science of The Total Environment, p.459-466, 2015.

Vasilescu, G., Maricaru, M., Hantila, F.I., Preda, G. Eddy Current Levitation in Ferromagnetic Structures. Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on, p.1-4, 2015.

T.D. Russell, J.C.A. Miller-Jones, P.A. Curran, R. Soria, D. Altamirano, S. Corbel, M. Coriat, A. Moin, D.M. Russell, G.R. Sivakoff, T.J. Slaven-Blair, T.M. Belloni, R.P. Fender, S. Heinz, P.G. Jonker, H.A. Krimm, E.G. Koerding, D. Maitra et al. Radio monitoring of the hard state jets in the 2011 outburst of MAXI J1836-194. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, p.1745, 2015.

Merino F, Bouvier B, Cojocaru V Cooperative DNA recognition modulated by an interplay between protein-protein interactions and DNA-mediated allostery. PLoS Computational Biology, 2015.

Yu X, Cojocaru V, Mustafa G, Salo-Ahen OM, Lepesheva GI, Wade RC Dynamics of CYP51: implications for function and inhibitor design.. Journal of Molecular Recognition, p.59-73, 2015.

Narasimhan K, Pillay S, Huang YH, Jayabal S, Udayasuryan B, Veerapandian V, Kolatkar P, Cojocaru V, Pervushin K, Jauch R DNA-mediated cooperativity facilitates the co-selection of cryptic enhancer sequences by SOX2 and PAX6 transcription factors.. Nucleic Acids Research, p.1513-1528, 2015.

Epure, L., Muntean, V., Constantin, S., & Moldovan, O.T. Ecophysiological groups of bacteria from cave sediments as potential indicators of paleoclimate.. Quaternary International, 2015.


G Balmus, PX Lim, A Oswald, KR Hume, A Cassano, J Pierre, A Hill, W Huang, A August, T Stokol, T Southard, RS Weiss HUS1 regulates in vivo responses to genotoxic chemotherapies. Oncogene, 2015.

M. Crasmareanu, C. Ida Almost analytic forms with respect to a quadratic endomorphism and their cohomology. Turkish J. Math., p.322-334, 2015.

Vasilica C. Chinan, Lucian Fusu, Ciprian C. Manzu Firts record of Inocutis tamaricis in Romania with comments on its cultural characteristics. Acta Botanica Croatica, p.187-193, 2015.