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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

S. Cosmulescu, A. Baciu, M. Botu, GH. Achim ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS’ INFLUENCE ON WALNUT FLOWERING. Acta Hort. (ISHS) , p.83-88, 2010.

Cutlac, I.-M. and Horbulyk, T.M. Optimal Water Allocation under Short-Run Water Scarcity in the South Saskatchewan River Basin. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, p.92-100, 2011.


C. Gabriel, C. P. Raptopoulou, V. Psycharis, A. Terzis, M. Zervou, C. Mateescu, A. Salifoglou 1D-3D Metal-Organic Lattice Assemblies through Chemical Reactivity and Metal-Assisted Ligand Transformations in Ternary Pb(II)-Phenanthroline-(Hydroxy)Dicarboxylic Acid Systems. Crystal Growth & Design, p.382-395, 2011.

Nicolaescu Ioan, Stoica Dan Smart antennas for wireless communications systems. Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications , 2010.

G. I. Rusu, A. Airinei, Viorica Hamciuc, G. G. Rusu, Petronela Rmbu, Mihaela Diciu, Petronela Garoi, Mihaela Rusu Electronic and Optical Properties of Some Polysulfone-Polydimethylsiloxane Copolymers in Thin Films. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B, p.238 - 253, 2009.

Petronela Prepelita, R. Medianu, F. Garoi, N. Stefan, Felicia Iacomi On the structural and electrical characteristics of zinc oxide thin films. Thin Solid Films, p.4615-4618, 2010.

Petronela Prepelita, R. Medianu, Beatrice Sbarcea, F. Garoi, Mihaela Filipescu The influence of using different substrates on the structural and optical characteristics of ZnO thin films. Appl. Surf. Sci, p.1807-1811, 2010.

Adriana Birlutiu, Perry Groot and Tom Heskes Multi-Task Preference Learning with an Application to Hearing-Aid Personalization. Neurocomputing, p.1177-1185, 2010.


Vasile Coman, Wolfgang Harreither, Roland Ludwig, Dietmar Haltrich, Lo Gorton Investigation of electron transfer between cellobiose dehydrogenase from Myriococcum Thermophilum and gold electrodes. Chemia Analityczna (Warsaw), p.945-960, 2007.

Wolfgang Harreither, Vasile Coman, Roland Ludwig, Dietmar Haltrich, Lo Gorton Investigation of graphite electrodes modified with cellobiose dehydrogenase from the ascomycete Myriococcum thermophilum. Electroanalysis, p.172-180, 2007.

Vasile Coman, Cristina Vaz-Dominguez, Roland Ludwig, Wolfgang Harreither, Dietmar Haltrich, Antonio L. De Lacey, Tautgirdas Ruzgas, Lo Gorton, Sergey Shleev A membrane-, mediator-, cofactor-less glucose/oxygen biofuel cell. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, p.6093-6096, 2008.

Sergey Alferov, Vasile Coman, Tobias Gustavsson, Anatoly Reshetilov, Claes von Wachenfeldt, Cecilia Hägerhäll, Lo Gorton Electrical communication of cytochrome enriched Escherichia coli JM109 cells with graphite electrodes. Electrochimica Acta, p.4979-4984, 2009.

Vasile Coman, Tobias Gustavsson, Arnonas Finkelsteinas, Claes von Wachenfeldt, Cecilia Hägerhäll, Lo Gorton Electrical Wiring of Live, Metabolically Enhanced Bacillus subtilis Cells with Flexible Osmium-Redox Polymers. Journal of the American Chemical Society, p.16171-1617, 2009.

Vasile Coman, Roland Ludwig, Wolfgang Harreither, Dietmar Haltrich, Lo Gorton, Tautgirdas Ruzgas, Sergey Shleev A Direct Electron Transfer-Based Glucose/Oxygen Biofuel Cell Operating in Human Serum. Fuel Cells, p.9-16, 2010.

Oliver Spadiut, Dagmar Brugger, Vasile Coman, Dietmar Haltrich, Lo Gorton Engineered Pyranose 2-Oxidase: Efficiently Turning Sugars into Electrical Energy. Electroanalysis, p.813-820, 2010.

Chi-Fru, E., Ofiţeru, I.D., Lavric, V., Graham, D.W Non-linear population dynamics in chemostats associated with live-dead cell cycling in Escherichia coli strain K12-MG1655. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, p.791-798, 2011.

S.A. Gaz, I. Dobra, A. Woiczechowski-Pop, R. A. Varga, I. Grosu Ing.. Acta Cryst., p.o2618, 2010.

M. Pentia, C. Ciocarlan, S. Constantinescu, M. Gugiu, G. Caragheorgheopol Preshower detector for pi+ pi- hadronic atom studies. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A,, p.309-318, 2009.

Dan Bãlteanu, Viorel Chendeş, Mihaela Sima, Petru Enciu A country-wide spatial assessment of landslide susceptibility in Romania. Geomorphology, p.102-112, 2010.

Pollington, S.D., Enache, D.I., Landon, P., Meenakshisundaram, S., Dimitratos, N., Wagland, A., Hutchings, G.J., Stitt, E.H. Enhanced selective glycerol oxidation in multiphase structured reactors. Catalysis Today, p.169-175, 2009.

Chunli Xu, Jonathan K. Bartley, Dan I. Enache, David W. Knight, Matthew Lunn, Martin Lok, Graham J. Hutchings On the synthesis of b-keto-1,3-dithianes from conjugated ynones catalyzed by magnesium oxide. Tetrahedron Letters, p.2454–, 2008.

Peter J. Miedziak, Zirong Tang, Thomas E. Davies, Dan I. Enache, Jonathan K. Bartley, Albert F. Carley, Andrew A. Herzing, Christopher J. Kiely, Stuart H. Taylor and Graham J. Hutchings Ceria prepared using supercritical antisolvent precipitation: a green support for gold-palladium nanoparticles for the selective catalytic oxidation of alcohols. Journal of Materials Chemistry, p.8619–, 2009.

Chunli Xu, Dan I. Enache, Rhys Lloyd, David W. Knight, Jonathan K. Bartley, Graham J. Hutchings Mgo Catalysed Triglyceride Transesterification for Biodiesel Synthesis. Catalysis Letters, p.1-7, 2010.

Mick D. Mantle, Dan I. Enache, Ewa Nowicka, Scott P. Davies, Jennifer K. Edwards, Carmine D’Agostino, Darren P. Mascarenhas, Lorraine Durham, Meenakshisundaram Sankar, David W. Knight, Lynn F. Gladden, Stuart H. Taylor, and Graham J. Hutchings Pulsed-Field Gradient NMR Spectroscopic Studies of Alcohols in Supported Gold Catalysts. J. Phys. Chem. C, p.1073-1079, 2011.

Kesavan, L., Tiruvalam, R., Rahim, M.H.A., Saiman, M.I.B., Enache, D.I., Jenkins, R.L., Dimitratos, N., Lopez-Sanchez, J.A., Taylor, S.H., Knight, D.W., Kiely, C.J., Hutchings, G.J. Solvent-free oxidation of primary carbon-hydrogen bonds in toluene using Au-Pd alloy nanoparticles. Science, p.195-199, 2011.

Sorin Cheval, Madalina Baciu, Alexandru Dumitrescu, Traian Breza, David R. Legates, Viorel Chendes Climatologic adjustments to monthly precipitation in Romania. International Journal of Climatology, 2010.

Dan Bãlteanu, Viorel Chendeş, Mihaela Sima GIS landslide hazard map of Romania, tool for disaster management and spatial planning. GIM International, p.13-15, 2009.

Nicolae Dumitru Alexandru, Sorin Pohoaţã Improved Nyquist Filters with a Transfer Characteristic Derived from a Staircase Characteristic Interpolated with Sine Functions. Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, p.103-108, 2009.

Miclaus S., Bechet P., Olariu O. V., Demeter S Computation of radiofrequency field deposition in biological exposed models by an analytical method. Romanian Journal of Biophysics, p.47-54, 2005.

Ionut Purica Nonlinear effects in knowledge production,. 6th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Proceedings ISBN 978-0-7354-0404-5 One Volume Print, CD-ROM included; 910 pages; CD-ROM VERSION: ISBN 978-0-7354-0405-2 ., p.427-428, 2007.

Ionut Purica Comments on the change in the power industry (Avoiding chaos on the way to an optimal market structure). IEEE Power Engineering Review, ISSN 0272-1724., p.43-45, 2002.

Ionut Purica Socio-economic risk in development of energy systems. Risk Analysis, 1985.

Bechet P., Bouleanu I., A. Neagu A., Helbet R. ,Hangan A Optimizing the Positioning of MIMO and SISO Systems in Indoor Environments. Ultra-Wideband, Short Pulse Electromagnetics 9, Part 1 Springer Science+Business Media, 2010.

Miclaus S., Bechet P Estimated and measured values of the radiofrequency radiation power density around cellular base stations. Romanian Journal of Physics, 2007.

Miclaus S., Bechet P., Bouleanu I., Helbet R Radiofrequency field distribution assessment in indoor areas covered by Wireless Local Area Networks. Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2009.

Mitran R., Bechet P Measurement Settings’ Influence upon Energy Detection of TETRA Signals. Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2010.

Carmen Gaidau, Maria Giurginca, Teodora Dragomir, Aura Petica, Wuyong Chen PhD. JOAM, p.p. 2157-21, 2010.

Corabieru, Anisoara; Velicu, Stefan; Corabieru, Petrica; Vasilescu, Dan Dragos STUDY OF THE BIMETALLIC LAYERS STRUCTURE BY SPECTROMETRY WITH LASER. Metalurgia International, p.A17-A19 , 2010.


Corabieru, Petrica; Velicu, Stefan; Corabieru, Anisoara; Vasilescu, Dan Dragos; Voda, Mircea Research on the Wearing Resistance of Quaternary Alloys Covered with Polyester. MATERIALE PLASTICE, p.16-20, 2009.

Velicu, Stefan; Zait, Dumitru; Corabieru, Petrica; Corabieru, Anisoara; Vasilescu, Dan Dragos Aspects regarding the improvement of the life metallic products management in the industry of auto components. Metalurgia International, p.5-8, 2008.

Velicu, S.; Corabieru, P.; Vasilescu, D. D.; Corabieru, A., The effect of the temperature on the electric resistivity of the quaternary alloys utilized in electronics. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 10 (6), , p.1421-1424, 2008.

Corabieru, Anisoara; Velicu, Stefan; Corabieru, Petrica; Vasilescu, Dan Dragos STUDY OF THE BIMETALLIC LAYERS STRUCTURE BY SPECTROMETRY WITH LASER. Metalurgia International, p.A17-A19, 2010.

Corabieru, Petrica; Velicu, Stefan; Corabieru, Anisoara; Vasilescu, Dan Dragos; Voda, Mircea, Research on the Wearing Resistance of Quaternary Alloys Covered with Polyester. MATERIALE PLASTICE, 46 (1), p.16-20, 2009.

Velicu, Stefan; Zait, Dumitru; Corabieru, Petrica; Corabieru, Anisoara; Vasilescu, Dan Dragos Aspects regarding the improvement of the life metallic products management in the industry of auto components. METALURGIA INTERNATIONAL , p.5-8, 2008.

Velicu, S.; Corabieru, P.; Vasilescu, D. D.; Corabieru, A., The effect of the temperature on the electric resistivity of the quaternary alloys utilized in electronics.. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 10 (6),, p. 1421-1424, 2008.

Cristina Bischin, Florina Deac, Radu Silaghi-Dumitrescu, Jonathan A. R. Worrall, Badri S. Rajagopal, Grigore Damian & Chris E. Cooper Ascorbate peroxidase activity of cytochrome c. Free Radical Research, p.439-444, 2011.

Corabieru A. Tendences in manufacturing metallic products within the lasting development context. Metalurgia International, p.55-60, 2010.