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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

Lobatto ME, Fayad ZA, Silvera S, Vucic E, Calcagno C, Mani V, Dickson SD, Nicolay K, Banciu M, Schiffelers RM, Metselaar JM, van Bloois L, Wu HS, Fallon JT, Rudd JH, Fuster V, Fisher EA, Storm G, Mulder WJ. Multimodal Clinical Imaging To Longitudinally Assess a Nanomedical Anti-Inflammatory Treatment in Experimental Atherosclerosis.. Mol Pharm. , p.2020-2029, 2010.

Coimbra M, Banciu M, Fens MH, de Smet L, Cabaj M, Metselaar JM, Storm G, Schiffelers RM. Liposomal pravastatin inhibits tumor growth by targeting cancer-related inflammation.. J Control Release, p.303-10, 2010.

Brunchi C.-E., Morariu S., Cazacu M., Bercea M Influence of the Solvent Quality on the Thermodynamic Behavior of Polymethylphenylsiloxane Solutions. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, p.12740-6, 2010.

Ionita, V., Preda, G. Evaluation of magnetic material losses produced by hysteresis and eddy currents. Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on, p.2633-2635, 1998.

Eugen Axinte Glasses as engineering materials. A review. Materials and Design DOI 10.1016/j.matdes.2010.11.057, p.1717-1732, 2011.

Rusu MC, Boscu AL. Transverse subisthmic course of the innominate artery in an adult: detailed anatomy and additional variation.. Folia Morphol (Warsz)., p.261-266, 2010.

Rusu MC, Comes CA, Stanciu D, Ciuluvica RC, Motoc A, Niculescu MC, Jianu AM. Altered anatomy in a case with a buccally impacted maxillary canine tooth.. Rom J Morphol Embryol, p.783-786, 2010.

Dermengiu D, Vovolis I, Hostiuc S, Curca GC, Rusu MC, Luca L. Morphological features in myocardial bridging.. Rom J Leg Med, p.163-170, 2010.

Ioan Marginean, Jason S. Page, Aleksey V. Tolmachev, Keqi Tang, Richard D. Smith Achieving 50% Ionization Efficiency in Subambient Pressure Ionization with Nanoelectrospray. Analytical Chemistry, p.9344-9349, 2010.

Jason S. Page, Ioan Marginean, Erin S. Baker, Ryan T. Kelly, Keqi Tang, Richard D. Smith Biases in Ion Transmission Through an Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry Capillary Inlet. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, p.2265-2272, 2009.

*E. Hamid, D. Moraru, J. C. Tarido, S. Miki, T. Mizuno and M. Tabe Single-electron transfer between two donors in nanoscale thin silicon-on-insulator field-effect transistors. Applied Physics Letters, p.262101, 2010.

*M. Tabe, A. Udhiarto, D. Moraru and T. Mizuno Single-photon detection by Si single-electron FETs. Physica Status Solidi A (on the cover), p.646-651, 2011.

D. Moraru, K. Yokoi, R. Nakamura, T. Mizuno, M. Tabe Tunable single-electron turnstile using discrete dopants in nanoscale SOI-FETs. Key Engineering Materials, p.27-32, 2011.

M. Anwar, Y. Kawai, D. Moraru, T. Mizuno, M. Tabe KFM observation of electron charging and discharging in phosphorus-doped SOI channel. Key Engineering Materials, p.33-38, 2011.

F. Stanculescu, M.Moldoveanu, M.Botea Analysis of diffusion limited oxygen precipitation mechanism in Cz-silicon. J.Cryst.Growth, p.183-188, 1996.

A. Stanculescu, F. Stanculescu, H.Alexandru Melt growth and characterization of pure and doped meta-dinitrobenzene crystals. J.Cryst. Growth, p.572-577, 1999.

H. Alexandru, C. Berbecaru, B. Logofatu, Anca Stanculescu, F. Stanculescu Growth and Characterization of pure and Alanine Doped TGS Crystals. J. of Optoelectronics and Adv. Mater., p.57-63, 1999.

A. Stanculescu, F. Stanculescu Some optical investigations on crystalline doped meta-dinitrobenzene. J. of Optoelectronics and Adv. Mater, p.536-541, 2000.

H.V.Alexandru, C. Berbecaru, R.C.Radulescu, F. Stanculescu, B. Logofatu Influence of Impurities on the Growth Kinetic of KDP. J. Optoelectr. Adv. Materials, p.589-597, 2003.

A. Stanculescu, S. Antohe, H.V. Alexandru, L. Tugulea, F. Stanculescu, M. Socol Effect of dopant on the intrinsic properties of some multifunctional aromatic compounds films for target applications. Synthetic Metals, p.215-220, 2004.

H.V. Alexandru, C. Berbecaru, F. Stanculescu, L. Pintilie, I. Matei, M. Lisca Doped TGS crystals for IR detection and sensors. Sensors and Actuators A, p.387-392, 2004.

H.V. Alexandru, C. Berbecaru, F. Stanculescu, A. Ioachim, M.G. Banciu, M.I. Toacsen, L. Nedelcu, D. Ghetu, G. Stoica Ferroelectric solid solutions (Ba,Sr)TiO3 for microwave applications. Materials Science and Engineering B, p.92-96, 2005.

A. Stanculescu, L. Tugulea, H.V. Alexandru, F. Stanculescu, M. Socol Molecular organic crystalline matrix for hybrid organic-inorganic (nano) composite materials. Journal of Crystal Growth, p.e1779-1786, 2005.

A. Stanculescu, F. Stanculescu, H. Alexandru, M. Socol Doped aromatic derivatives wide-gap crystalline semiconductor structured layers for electronic application. Thin Solid Films, p.389-393, 2006.

A. Ioachim, H.V. Alexandru, C. Berbecaru, S. Antohe, F. Stanculescu, M.G. Banciu, M.I. Toacsen, L. Nedelcu, D. Ghetu, A. Dutu, G. Stoica Dopant influence on BST ferroelectric solid solutions family. Materials Science and Engineering C, p.1156-1161, 2006.

F. STANCULESCU, A. STANCULESCU, M. SOCOL Light absorption in meta-dinitrobenzene and benzil crystalline films. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, p.1053-1056, 2006.

A. STANCULESCU, F. STANCULESCU, M. SOCOL Optical properties of polycarbonate organic matrix/cadmium sulphide clusters composite material. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, p.1057-1061, 2006.

A. STANCULESCU, F. STANCULESCU, M. ELISA Light absorption process in CdSxSe1-x doped aluminophosphate glass. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, p.828-835, 2007.

C. TAZLAOANU, L. ION, G. SOCOL, M. SOCOL, I. N. MIHAILESCU, F. STANCULESCU, I. ENCULESCU, F. IONESCU, L. MAGHERUŞAN, S. ANTOHE Photosensitization of ZnO nanostructured thin films with organic dyes. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, p.1342-1346, 2007.

F. STANCULESCU, A. STANCULESCU, M. SOCOL Effect of the metallic contact on the electrical properties of organic semiconductor film. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, p.1352-1357, 2007.

A. Stanculescu, F. Stanculescu Investigation of the properties of indium tin oxide-organic contacts for optoelectronic applications. Thin Solid Films, p.8733-8737, 2007.

A. Stanculescua, L. Mihut, F. Stanculescu, H. Alexandru Investigation of emission properties of doped aromatic derivative organic semiconductor crystals. Journal of Crystal Growth, p.1765-1771, 2008.

Anca Stanculescu, Florin Stanculescu, Marcela Socol, Oana Grigorescu Electrical transport in crystalline perylene derivatives films for electronic devices. Solid State Sciences, p.1762-1767, 2008.

Gabriel Socol, Ion N. Mihailescu, Ana-Maria Albu, Stefan Antohe, Florin Stanculescu, Anca Stanculescu, Lucian Mihut, Nicoleta Preda, Marcela Socol, Oana Rasoga MAPLE prepared polymeric thin films for non-linear optic applications. Applied Surface Science, p.5611-5614, 2009.

A. STANCULESCU, O. RASOGA, N. PREDA, M. SOCOL, F. STANCULESCU, I. IONITA, A.-M. ALBU, AND G. SOCOL Preparation and Characterization of Polar Aniline Functionalized Copolymers Thin Films for Optical Non-Linear Applications. Ferroelectrics, p.159-173, 2009.

O-L. RASOGA, M. SOCOL, F. STANCULESCU Charge carrier transport phenomena in some organic heterojunctions. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, p.509 - 514, 2009.

A. STANCULESCU, A.-M. ALBU, G. SOCOL, F. STANCULESCU, M. SOCOL, N. PREDA, O. RASOGA, M. GIRTAN, I. IULIAN MAPLE deposited thin monomer films of maleimidic derivatives for photonics. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, p.731 - 739, 2010.


Stefan Trausan-Matu, Gerry Stahl, Johann Sarmiento Supporting Polyphonic Collaborative Learning. E-service Journal, p.215-224, 2007.

Stefan Trausan-Matu A socio-cultural ontology for urban development. Studies in Computational Intelligence, p.121-130, 2007.

Anca Moanţã, Catalina Ionescu, Petre Rotaru, Margareta Socaciu, Ana Hãrãbor Structural characterization, thermal investigation and liquid crystalline behavior of 4-[(4-chlorobenzyl)oxy]-3,4′-dichloroazobenzene. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, p.1079-1086, 2010.

Claudiu Covrig, Laia Bosch-Gual Assessing European biodiesel markets and capacities. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, p.590-593, 2010.

AMZA,V.D., BRATIANU,C., AMZA,V.M The management of innovation, a chance to strenghten the organisation. The Annals of the Stefan cel Mare University Suceava. Fascicle of The Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, p.107-111, 2009.

C. Enache, P. Filip, S. Nica Mass spectrometry in the analysis of non-ionic detergents II. Quantitative determination of polyethylenglycole in comercial products. Rev.Chim., p.636 - 637, 2010.

A. C. Razus, L. Birzan, V. Tecuceanu, S. Nica, C. Enache Fragmentation of Azulen-1-yl Diazenes and bis-diazenes in Mass Spectrometer. Rev. Chim., p.55 - 57., 2010.

A. C. Razus, S. Nica, E. A. Dragu Pyranilium Salts as Synthones in the Synthesis of Substituted Benzenes. Synth. Commun., p.3166-3183, 2009.

C. Uncuta, S. Ion (Nica), D. Gherase, E. Bartha, F. Teodorescu, F. Petru Absolute configurational assignment in chiral compounds through vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) spectroscopy. Rev. Chim., p.86 - 98, 2009.

S. Nica, A. Buchholz, M. Rudolph, A. Schweitzer, M. Wächtler, H. Breitzke, G. Buntkowsky, W. Plass Mixed-Ligand Oxidovanadium(V) Complexes with N -Salicylidenehydrazides: Synthesis, Structure, and 51V Solid-State MAS NMR Investigation. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., p.2350-2359, 2008.

A. C. Razus, C. Pavel, O. Lehadus, S. Nica and L. Birzan Synthesis And Properties of [1,6’]Biazulenyl Compounds. Tetrahedron, p.1792-1797, 2008.

S. Nica, A. Buchholz, H. Görls, W. Plass Methoxyoxobis(quinolin-8-olato-kappa-2-N,O) vanadiu (V). Acta Cryst. E, p.m1450-m145, 2007.