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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

Mihai Jalobeanu Acces în Internet. Poșta electronicã și transferul de fișiere. ISBN 973-97377-2-2, , p.256p., 1996.

Jalobeanu Mihai Stanislav A successful example of distance learning opportunity. the 15th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning and 41st International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy,, 2012.

Mihai Jalobeanu WWW în învãţãmânt. Instruirea prin Internet. , p.225pg. A4, 2001.

Mihai Jalobeanu Internet: Informare şi Instruire. Paşi în lumea comunicaţiilor. 1995.

Dumbrãveanu Roza, Mihai Jalobeanu Enhancing quality of teacher education. REV-2011 Conference Proceedings , p.273-277, 2011.

Jalobeanu Mihai How to Teach in a Romanian University? How to Prepare Professionals, Not Criminals?. Conference proceedings of "eLearning and Software for Education" Anywhere, Anytime Education on Demand, p.235-240, 2011.

Jalobeanu, Mihai; Naaji, Antoanela; Dumbrãveanu, Roza; Herman, Cosmin Using Moodle Platform in Distance Education. Conference proceedings of "eLearning and Software for Education" Anywhere, Anytime Education on Demand, p.241-248, 2011.

M. Jalobeanu Teaching Computer Graphics with virtual group and virtual laboratories. Advanced Distributed Learning in education and training transformation, p.109-115, 2010.

M.Jalobeanu, A.Naaji, D.Acostachioaie „Linux and Virtual Learning Environments” workshop project. Automation Computers and Applied Mathematics, p.3-13, 2008.

Cireşica Jalobeanu, Mihai Jalobeanu Online teaching Mathematics: a case study. 2007 International REV Conference, University of Porto, Portugal, 2007.

C. Alexa, V. Boldea, M. Ciubancan, S. Constantinescu, S. Diţã, D. Pantea, T. Preda, M. Jalobeanu, G. Popeneciu „IFIN – ITIM Distributed GRID System. IEEE Proceedings The Fifth International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing - ISPDC'06, p.215-219, 2006.

Jalobeanu M., Jalobeanu C. The Nowadays ICT Teacher’ Challenges: From Kidlink to Web Generation. 2006 International REV Symposium (Remote Engineering Virtual Instrumentation), 2006.

M. Jalobeanu Avoiding Web-Plagiarism. Innovation in Education for Electrical and Information Engineering, p.87-92, 2006.

S. Delouis and M. Jalobeanu Tele-Pedagogy in the Virtual Educational Communities. IEEE - Advanced Industrial Conference on Telecommunications/Service Assurance with Partial and Intermittent Resources Conference/E-Learning on Telecommunications Workshop, p.527-532, 2005.

N. Nistor, D. Banciu, M. Jalobeanu E-Learning in Romanian universities: Dealing with essential changes of society and culture. "E-Learning in Europe - Learning Europe", p.251-270, 2005.

Mihai Jalobeanu, Susan English, and Nicolae Nistor Five Years of the Romanian Internet Learning Workshop : Building an International Community of Experts. Toward the Virtual University. International Online Perspectives, p.1-22, 2003.

Mihai Jalobeanu The Internet in Education: The Past, the Present and, hopefully, the Future. Toward the Virtual University. International Online Perspectives, p.23-36, 2003.

Benjamin C. Pierce, Chris Casinghino, Michael Greenberg, Cãtãlin Hriţcu, Vilhelm Sjöberg, and Brent Yorgey Software Foundations. 2012.

Adriana Birlutiu, Perry Groot, Tom Heskes Efficiently learning the preferences of people. Machine Learning, p.1-28, 2012.

Gavin M. Bierman, Andrew D. Gordon, Cãtãlin Hriţcu, David Langworthy Semantic Subtyping with an SMT Solver. Journal of Functional Programming, p.31-105, 2012.

Michael Backes, Alex Busenius, Catalin Hritcu On the Development and Formalization of an Extensible Code Generator for Real Life Security Protocols. 4th NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2012), p.371-387, 2012.

Michael Backes, Catalin Hritcu, Thorsten Tarrach Automatically Verifying Typing Constraints for a Data Processing Language. First International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP 2011), p.296-313, 2011.

Michael Backes, Cãtãlin Hriţcu, Matteo Maffei Union and Intersection Types for Secure Protocol Implementations. Theory of Security and Applications (TOSCA'11), Invited paper, p.1-28, 2011.

V. Popovici, E. Budinska, M. Delorenzi Rgtsp: a generalized top scoring pairs package for class prediction. Bioinformatics, 2011.

C. Chira, D. Dumitrescu, C.-M. Pintea Heterogeneous Sensitive Ant Model for Combinatorial Optimization. Proceedings of the 10-th Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO, p.163-164, 2008.

C.Chira, C.-M. Pintea, Gloria C. Crisan, D. Dumitrescu Solving the Linear Ordering Problem using Ant Models. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO, p.1803-1804, 2009.

CM. Pintea, C.P.Sitar, M.H-Macelaru, P.Pop A hybrid classical approach to a fixed-charged transportation problem. Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, LNCS , p.557-566, 2012.

C-M.Pintea, S.V.Sabau Correlations involved in a bio-inspired classification technique. Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization in Studies in Computational Intelligence, p.239-246, 2011.

C-M.Pintea, G-C.Crisan, C.Chira Hybrid Ant Models with a Transition Policy for Solving a Complex Problem. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 2011.

Pintea, C. M.; Dumitrescu, D. Improving ant systems using a local updating rule. Seventh International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Proceedings, p.295-298 , 2005.

Pintea, C. M.; Dumitrescu, D. The Importance of Parameters in Ant System. International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, p.376-380, 2006.

Pintea, C. M.; Chira, C.; Dumitrescu, D Combining meta-heuristics to solve the rook problem. SYNASC 2006: Eighth International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Proceedings, p.239-243, 2007.

Chira, C.; Pintea, C. M.; Dumitrescu, D. Sensitive stigmergic agent systems – A hybrid approach to combinatorial optimization. INNOVATIONS IN HYBRID INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Book Series: ADVANCES IN SOFT COMPUTING, p.33-39, 2007.

Chira, C.; Pintea, C. M.; Dumitrescu, D Cooperative Learning Sensitive Agent System for Combinatorial Optimization. NATURE INSPIRED COOPERATIVE STRATEGIES FOR OPTIMIZATION (NICSO 2007) Book Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, p.347-355 , 2008.

Pintea, C. M.; Pop, P. C.; Dumitrescu, D. An ant-based technique for the dynamic generalized travelling salesman problem. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 7TH WSEAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS THEORY AND SCIENTIFIC COMPUTATION (ISTACS'07) Book Series: ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING, p.257-261, 2007.

Pop, P. C.; Pintea, C. M.; Sitar, C. P. An ant-based heuristic for the railway traveling salesman problem. Applications of Evolutionary Computing, Proceedings Book Series: LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENC, p.702-711, 2007.

Pop, P. C.; Pintea, C. M.; Sitar, C. P.; et al. A Bio-inspired Approach for a Dynamic Railway Problem. NINTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SYMBOLIC AND NUMERIC ALGORITHMS FOR SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING, PROCEEDINGS, p.449-452, 2007.

Pop, P. C.; Pintea, C.; Zelina, I.; et al. Solving the Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem with an ACS-based Algorithm. BICS 2008: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIO-INSPIRED COMPUTATIONAL METHODS USED FOR SOLVING DIFFICULT PROBLEMS-DEVELOPMENT OF INTELLIGENT AND COMPLEX SYSTEMS Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings, p.157-162, 2008.

Pintea, C. M.; Chira, C.; Dumitrescu, D. Sensitive Ants: Inducing Diversity in the Colony. NICSO 2008: NATURE INSPIRED COOPERATIVE STRATEGIES FOR OPTIMIZATION Book Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, p.15-24, 2009.

Chira, C.; Dumitrescu, D.; Pintea, C. M. Sensitive Ant Model For Combinatorial Optimization. 14th International Conference on Soft Computing, p.1-5, 2008.

Chira, C.; Pintea, C. M.; Dumitrescu, D. Multi-Population Agent Search: Stigmergy and Heterogeneity. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SYMBOLIC AND NUMERIC ALGORITHMS FOR SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING, p.526-531 , 2008.

Pintea, C. M.; Dumitrescu, D.; Pop, P. C. Combining Heuristics and Modifying Local Information to Guide Ant-based Search. Carpathian J.Math., p.94-103 , 2008.

Chira, C.; Pintea, C. M.; Dumitrescu, D. An agent-based approach to combinatorial optimization. International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, p.212-217, 2008.

Pintea, C. M.; Chira, C.; Dumitrescu, D.; et al. A sensitive metaheuristic for solving a large optimization problem. SOFSEM 2008: THEORY AND PRACTICE OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Book Series: LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, p.551-559, 2008.

C-M. Pintea, C.P.Pop, C.Chira, D.Dumitrescu A Hybrid Ant-Based System for Gate Assignment Problem. HYBRID ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS Book Series: LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, p.273-280, 2008.

Chira, C.; Pintea, C. M.; Dumitrescu, D. A New Exploration Mechanism for Sensitive Ant Models. KEPT 2009: KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES AND TECHNIQUES Book Series: Knowledge Engineering Principles and Techniques, p.159-167, 2009.

Pintea, C. M.; Crisan, G. C.; Chira, C.; et al. A Hybrid Ant-Based Approach to the Economic Triangulation Problem for Input-Output Tables. HYBRID ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS Book Series: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, p.376-38, 2009.

Pintea, C. M.; Crisan, G. C.; Chira, C. A Hybrid ACO Approach to the Matrix Bandwidth Minimization Problem. HYBRID ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS, PT 1 Book Series: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, p.405-412, 2010.

Pintea, C- M.; Chira, C.; Dumitrescu, D.; et al. Sensitive Ants in Solving the Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem. International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, p.734-741, 2011.