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Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

Narcisa- Mihaela Stoicu, Sorin Fildan Criminal Liability of Government Members in Romanian Law,. International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research, Society, Humanity an History, Selected, peer reviewed from the 2012 International Conference on Society, Humanity an History (ICSHH 2012), 23-24 iunie, 2012, in Singapore, China, p.61-64, 2012.

Sorin Fildan, Narcisa- Mihaela Stoicu, Ioana Mihnea Lease contracts in the new civil Code. Studia Universitatis "Vasile Goldiş" Arad, Seria Ştiinţe inginereşti şi agro-turism, p.71-82, 2011.

Narcisa- Mihaela Stoicu, Sorin Fildan Constitutional issues regarding the acquisition of the right to land property by foreign and citizens and stateless persons. Studia Universitatis „Vasile Goldiș” Arad, Seria Științe inginerești și agro-turism, p.81-84, 2011.

Sorin Fildan, Narcisa- Mihaela Stoicu Hotel bailment in the new civil Code. Studia Universitatis "Vasile Goldiş" Arad, Seria Ştiinţe inginereşti şi agro-turism, p.85-88, 2011.

D. Constantin, D. Munteanu, C. Moura, L. Cunha The influence of oxygen flow during deposition on the structural, mechanical and tribological properties of titanium oxide magnetron sputtered thin films. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, p.964-970, 2012.

Ciacli petru, Ioana Mihnea The “Error Communis Facit Jus”. Origins. The roman law, the Mid Age and the old romanian law. 2nd International Conference on Humanity, History and Society, p.p.291-294, 2011.

Ciacli Petru, Ioana Mihnea The “Error Communis Facit Jus” Principle in the French Law. International Conference on Humanity, History and Society, p.90-94, 2010.

Creţ Daniela, Cristian Alunaru Ageing people in Romania, demographic and legal aspects in the context of globalization. Innovation and Sustainable Economic Competitive Advantage From Regional Development to World Economies, International Business Management Association (IBIMA) , 2012.

1. Dumiter Florin, Creț Daniela, Bobar Cosmina The structure, characteristics and implication of the bureaucracy: the central bank’s case. Creative Global Competitive Economies: A 360 Degree-Approach, International Business Management Association (IBIMA), 2011.

A.M. Badescu, T. Petrescu Observational limits of a large scale neutrino detector in a salt dome. Acta Astronautica, Volume 69, Issue 7, 2011.

Petru Ciacli, Ioana Mihnea „Error communis facit” -Origins.The Roman Law, the Mid Ages and the Old Romanian Law. 2011 2nd International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences, p.291-295, 2011.

Balakrishnan, Anant; Banciu, Mihai; Glowacka, Karolina; Mirchandani, Prakash Hierarchical Approach For Survivable Network Design. European Journal of Operational Research, p.223-235, 2013.

David R. Limmer, Timothy J. Henstock, Liviu Giosan, Camilo Ponton, Ali R. Tabrez, David I. M. Macdonald, Peter D. Clift Impacts of sediment supply and local tectonics on clinoform distribution: the seismic stratigraphy of the mid Pleistocene-Holocene Indus Shelf. Marine Geophysical Research, p.251-267, 2012.

3. Sabo Helena Maria and Vendelin Glazer The migration process in the context of Romania’s accession to the European Union, (Migraţia în contextul aderãrii României la Uniunea Europeanã),. International Conference on Environment and Industrial innovation,ISI, p.200-204, 2011.

Stoicu Narcisa Mihaela, Fildan Sorin, Sabãu Georgeta Valeria The right to a healthy environment in internal and international regulation. Studia Universitatis „Vasile Goldiş” Arad, Seria Ştiinţe inginereşti şi agro-turism, p.pp. 83-91, 2012.

Stoicu Narcisa Mihaela, Fildan Sorin, Sãbau Georgeta Valeria Access to Education in International Regulations. ICEEM 2012 Proceedings will be published by published by Hong Kong Education Society, which will be indexed by Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Sciences & Humanities ( CPCI-SSH ) and submitted for indexing by EI Compendex and so on. , 2012.

Fildan Sorin, Sabãu Georgeta Valeria, Stoicu Narcisa Mihaela Protecting trademarks in e-commerce. ICEEM 2012 Proceedings will be published by published by Hong Kong Education Society, which will be indexed by Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Sciences & Humanities ( CPCI-SSH) and submitted for indexing by EI Compendex and so on. , 2012.

Gianina Sabau, Dima-Laza Ramona Stancuta Graham Greene and the Modern Catholic Novel Today. Volum IEDRC, 2012.

Dima-Laza Ramona Stancuta, Tirban Narcisa The complex facets of interpreting competence. volum IPEDR, International Conference on Society, Humanity and History, 2012.

Dima-Laza Ramona Stancuta Cultural behaviour – a challenge for intercultural encounters. volum IPEDR, INternational Conference on Humanity, History and Society, p.17-21, 2012.

Sabãu Georgeta Valeria, Stoicu Narcisa Mihaela, Fildan Sorin The Judicial Regime of the Crime Product Laundering from the Illicit Drug Traffic in the Roman Law and Comparative Law. International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research - IPEDR , p.pp. 88-96, 2012.

Sabãu Georgeta Valeria, Cioia Pantilimon Unele consideratii referitoare la protectia juridica a vietii private prin mijloace de drept penal. Revista Dreptul, 2012.

Ana Höniges1*, Aurel Ardelean1, Xiaonan Xi2, Kaori Yoneyam2, Koichi Yoneyam2 and Klaus Wegmann1 Towards understanding Orobanche host-specificity. Romanian Agricultural Research, no. 29, 2012, p.314-322, 2012.

Mihai Jalobeanu, Susan English, and Nicolae Nistor Five Years of the Romanian Internet Learning Workshop : Building an International Community of Experts. Toward the Virtual University. International Online Perspectives, p.1-22, 2003.

Mihai Jalobeanu The Internet in Education: The Past, the Present and, hopefully, the Future. Toward the Virtual University. International Online Perspectives, p.23-36, 2003.

Viorica Leordean, D. Lazãr, M. Trofenciuc Morphological aspects in a urogenital malformation,complex and rare, in a child.. 2012.

Dima-Laza Ramona Stancuta Utopia versus dystopia. A perfect environment for a perfect. volum IPEDR, International Conference on Humanity, History and Society, p.12-16, 2012.

Melania F. Munteanu, Ramona Gligor, Ioan Crîsnic, Carmen A. Costache, Ioana A. Colosi Antimicrobial activity of Melampyrum cristatum, Melampyrum bihariense and Melampyrum arvense tinctures. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, p.2808-2812, 2012.

Bratosin D., Tissier J-P, Doummar D., Billette de Villemeur T., Cotoraci C., Hermine O., Montreuil J., Mignot C., A cytometric study of the red blood cells in Gaucher disease reveals their abnormal shape that may be involved in increased erythrophagocytosis. Cytometry Part B (Clinical Cytometry), 80B, p.28-37, 2011.

Ramona Gligor, Maria Puşchiţă, Dana Zdremţan, Ioan Crîsnic, Constantin Ionescu-Tîrgovişte Relationship between adiponectin and some metabolic parameters in obese and diabetic patients. Farmacia, p.293-306, 2012.

Bratosin D, Mignot C, In Memoriam Professor Emeritus Jean Montreuil (1920-2010) A Lifetime Dedicated to the Progress of Science and Education. Cytometry Part B (Clinical Cytometry), 80B , p.69-70 , 2011.

Milancovici Speranta Sofia 1. De la Benjamin Fundoianu la Benjamin Fondane. 2011.

1. Bratosin D, Fagadar-Cosma E., Gheorghe A-M, Ruginã A., Ardelean A., Montreuil J, Marinescu Al. G ., In vitro toxi- and eco-toxicological assessment of porphyrine nanomaterials by flow cytometry using nucleated erythrocytes. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, , Vol. 6, , p.225 –, 2011.

Simona Cinta-Pinzaru and Melania Munteanu Study of the betulin enriched birch bark extracts effects on human carcinoma cells and ear inflammation. Chemistry Central Journal , 2012.

Melania F. Munteanu, Ramona Gligor, Ioan Crîsnic, Carmen A. Costache, Ioana A. Colosi Antimicrobial activity of Melampyrum cristatum, Melampyrum bihariense and Melampyrum arvense tinctures. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology , 2012.

Florin Borcan, Codruta M Soica, Srinvas Ganta, Mansoor M Amiji, Cristina A Dehelean, Melania F Munteanu Synthesis and preliminary in vivo evaluations of polyurethane microstructures for transdermal drug delivery. Chemistry Central Journal , 2012.

Melania F. MUNTEANU , Laurian VLASE The Determination of the Iridoids from the Melampyrum species by Modern Chromatographic Methods. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoc, 2011.

Ghibu, S; Craciun, C; Morgovan, C; Mogosan, C; Muresan, A The impact of therapy with alpha-lipoic acid and vitamin E in the oxidative stress associated with intermittent hypobaric hypoxia conditions.. FREE RADICAL RESEARCH, p.S58, 2008.

Morgovan, C; Cosma, S; Ghibu, S; Burta, C; Bota, M; Polinicencu, C Study of diabetes mellitus care cost in Romania during 2000-2008. FUNDAMENTAL & CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, p.44, 2010.


Ghibu, S; Muresan, A; Morgovan, C Alpha-lipoic acid and oxidative stress in the physical effort of variable intensity. FREE RADICAL RESEARCH, p.S157, 2006.

Marius Bota, Mihai Naghi, Claudiu Morgovan The Romanian clothing customer’s profile. 16th International Economic Conference – IECS 2009 "Industrial revolutions, from the globalization and post-globalization perspective, p.62-69, 2009.

Claudiu Morgovan, Smaranda Cosma, Steliana Ghibu, Marius Bota, Cãlin Burta, Constantin Polinicencu Features of the global and romanian anti-diabetic drug market between 1999 and 2007. 16th International Economic Conference – IECS 2009 "Industrial revolutions, from the globalization and post-globalization perspective, p.220-230, 2009.


Daniela Nedelescu-Ionescu Trade Facilitation under the Doha Round: A Review. International Scientific Conference Academic Research Preoccupation in the Central and Eastern Europe, Bucuresti, ISBN 978-606-505-163-8, 2009.

Daniela Nedelescu-Ionescu Libera circulatie a marfurilor, serviciilor, capitalului si fortei de munca in cadrul Uniunii Europene. Sesiunea Științifică Implicaţii ale procesului de integrare în Uniunea Europeană asupra relaţiilor economice internaţionale ale României, Universitatea Creștină Dimitrie Cantemir, București, 2009.

Radu BM, Iancu AD, Dumitrescu DI, Flonta ML, Radu M TRPV1 Properties in Thoracic Dorsal Root Ganglia Neurons are Modulated by Intraperitoneal Capsaicin Administration in the Late Phase of Type-1 Autoimmune Diabetes. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, p.187-196, 2013.

Daniela Nedelescu-Ionescu Power of Nontariff Barriers in International Trade. Sesiunea Științifică Intrenațională Dimensiunea Economico-Juridica a Integrarii Romaniei in Structurile Europene si Euro-Atlantice, ed. VIII, ISSN 2065-085X, p.p. 530-534, 2008.

Banciu DD, Marin A, Radu BM Methods for neuronal guiding and synapse formation. J Med Life, p.242-5, 2012.

Radu BM, Dumitrescu DI, Mustaciosu CC, Radu M Dual effect of methylglyoxal on the intracellular Ca2+ signaling and neurite outgrowth in mouse sensory neurons. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, p.1047-57, 2012.