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premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


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Goldsmith DJ, Covic AC Significant further evidence to bolster the link between epoetin and strokes in chronic kidney disease and cancer.. Kidney Int. , p.237-9, 2011.

Kanbay M, Huddam B, Azak A, Solak Y, Kadioglu GK, Kirbas I, Duranay M, Covic A, Johnson RJ. A randomized study of allopurinol on endothelial function and estimated glomular filtration rate in asymptomatic hyperuricemic subjects with normal renal function.. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2011 Aug;6(8):1887-94. Epub 2011 Jul 22. Erratum in: Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. , p. 2901-2, 2011.

Cozzolino M, Galassi A, Apetrii M, Covic A. What would we like to know, and what do we not know about fibroblast growth factor 23?. J Nephrol. , p.696-706, 2011.

Yilmaz MI, Solak Y, Covic A, Goldsmith D, Kanbay M. Renal anemia of inflammation: the name is self-explanatory.. Blood Purif , p.220-5, 2011.

Ortiz A, Massy ZA, Fliser D, Lindholm B, Wiecek A, Martínez-Castelao A, Covic A, Goldsmith D, Süleymanlar G, London GM, Zoccali C. Clinical usefulness of novel prognostic biomarkers in patients on hemodialysis.. Nat Rev Nephrol. , p.141-50, 2011.

Onofriescu M, Hogas S, Voroneanu L, Covic A. Methods for estimating „dry weight” in hemodialysis patients.. Rev Med Chir Soc Med Nat Iasi. , p.742-9., 2011.

A, Rincic I, Roa-Castellanos RA, Sass HM, Selak M, Zagorac I. Rijeka Declaration on the future of bioethics.. Indian J Med Ethics. , p.260, 2011.

Kanbay M, Wolf M, Selcoki Y, Solak Y, Ikizek M, Uysal S, Segall L, Armutcu F, Eryonucu B, Duranay M, Goldsmith D, Covic A. Association of serum calcitonin with coronary artery disease in individuals with and without chronic kidney disease.. Int Urol Nephrol., 2011.

Afsar B, Elsurer R, Covic A, Kanbay M. Vascular access type, health-related quality of life, and depression in hemodialysis patients: a preliminary report.. J Vasc Access.., 2011.

Oleniuc M, Schiller A, Secara I, Onofriescu M, Hogas S, Apetrii M, Siriopol D, Covic A. Evaluation of advanced glycation end products accumulation, using skin autofluorescence, in CKD and dialysis patients.. Int Urol Nephrol. , 2011.

Draca N, Coviæ A, Pauk M, Pasaliæ A, Dekaris I 1-year follow-up study of endothelial cell density loss after penetrating keratoplasty.. Coll Antropol, p.11-40, 2011.

Gavriæ M, Gabriæ N, Jagiæ J, Coviæ A. Clinical experience with Ex-press Mini Glaucoma Shunt implantation.. Coll Antropol. ., p.39-41, 2011.

Akcay AB, Ozlu MF, Sen N, Cay S, Ozturk OH, Yalcn F, Bilen P, Kanat S, Karakas MF, Isleyen A, Demir AD, Sogut S, Covic A, Kanbay M. Prognostic significance of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.. J Investig Med. ., p.508-13. do, 2012.

Covic A, Voroneanu L, Locatelli F. Uraemic toxins versus volume and water as the major factor that matters with dialysis.. Nephrol Dial Transplant. , p.58-62, 2012.

Heine GH, Ortiz A, Massy ZA, Lindholm B, Wiecek A, Martínez-Castelao A, Covic A, Goldsmith D, Süleymanlar G, London GM, Parati G, Sicari R, Zoccali C, Fliser D. Monocyte subpopulations and cardiovascular risk in chronic kidney disease.. Nat Rev Nephrol. . , p.doi: 10.10, 2012.

Kanbay M, Yilmaz MI, Afsar B, Saglam M, Akgul EO, Cayci T, Caglar K, Unal HU, Gok M, Vural A, Covic A Serum calcitonin and endothelial dysfunction in chronic kidney disease: a novel risk factor?. Int Urol Nephrol. , 2012.

Oana Mãrginean, Ana-Maria Pitea, Klara Brânzaniuc, Adina Huțanu, S. Voidãzan Serum leptin levels in obese children and adolescents: relationship to age, gender, body mass index and lipid metabolism parameters. RRML, 2010.

ADRIENNE HORVÁTH1), MARIA DESPINA BAGHIU1), ZSUZSANNA PAP2), CLAUDIA BÃNESCU3), CRISTINA OANA MÃRGINEAN1), Z. PÁVAI2 Follow-up of childhood chronic myelogenous leukemia with monitoring the BCR-ABL fusion gene expression in peripheral blood. 2011.

Oana Cristina I. Marginean1*, Simona Stolnicu2 New diagnostic perspectives related to Helicobacter pylori infection in children. RRL, 2009.

Broderick TL, Jankowski M, Wang D, Danalache BA, Parrott CR, Gutkowska J. Downregulation in GATA4 and Downstream Structural and Contractile Genes in the db/db Mouse Heart.. ISRN Endocrinol., 2012.

Galoiu S., Jurcut R., Vladaia A., Florian A., Purice M., Popescu B.A., Ginghina C., Coculescu M 56. Structural and Functional Changes of Carotid Wall Properties in Patients with Acromegaly are not Restored after 1 year of GH/IGF1 Normalization.. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes, 2012.

Rusu MC, Pop F, Hostiuc S, Curca GC, Jianu AM, Paduraru D. Telocytes form networks in normal cardiac tissues. Histol Histopathol., p.807-16., 2012.

Georgescu CE, Rusu MC, Sandulescu M, Enache AM, Didilescu AC. Quantitative and qualitative bone analysis in the maxillary lateral region. Surg Radiol Anat., p.551-558, 2012.

C Baicus, T Voiosu ACP Journal Club. Review: Antispasmodics and antidepressants were each effective in the irritable bowel syndrome; bulking agents were not. Ann Intern Med, p.JC 6-7, 2011.

Baicus C, Caraiola S, Rimbas M, Patrascu R, Baicus A; for the GSSPI Serum Cytokines and Cancer in Involuntary Weight Loss. J Investig Med, p.827-829, 2012.

Capusa C, Stoian I, Rus E, Lixandru D, Barbulescu C, Mircescu G. Does Dialysis Modality Influence the Oxidative Stress of Uremic Patients?. Kidney Blood Press Res, p.220-225, 2012.

Covic A, Mardare N, Gusbeth-Tatomir P, Buhaescu I, Goldsmith DJ Acute effect of CyA A (Neoral) on large artery hemodynamics in renal transplant patients. Covic A, Mardare N, Gusbeth-Tatomir P, Buhaescu I, Goldsmith DJ. Kidney Int, 2005.

Covic A, Seica A, Gusbeth-Tatomir P, Gavrilovici O, Goldsmith DJ Illness representations and quality of life scores in haemodialysis patients. Nephrol Dial Transplant., p.2078-83, 2004.


Hundorfean G., Atreya R., Agaimy A., Heinzerling L., Kämpgen E., Schuler G., Neurath M. F. Fluorescein-guided confocal laser endomicroscopy for the detection of ipilimumab-induced colitis. Endosocopy , 2012.

Hundorfean G., Agaimy A., Atreya R., Mudter J., Neurath M. F., Neumann H. Confocal laser endomicroscopy for characterization of Crohn’s disease-associated duodenitis. Endoscopy, 2012.

Durbalã, I; Mihai, CM Correlation of HLA-DRB1 alleles and clinical aspects in a group of Romanian children with type 1 diabetes. Tissue Antigens, p.620, 2010.

Oana Vittos, Bogdan Toana, Alexandros Vittos, Elena Moldoveanu Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2): a review of its role and significance as a cardiovascular biomarker. Biomarkers, 2012.

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Mariana Mureşan, Otilia Micle, Liana Antal, Luciana Dobjanschi, Angela Antonescu, Laura Vicaş, Florin Bodog, Mircea Dorofteiu Correlation between reactive oxygen species and homocysteine levels in normal pregnancy. Farmacia, p.179 –, 2011.

Tunde Jurca, Eleonora Marian, Laura Vicaș, Daniela Gâtea Simultaneouss determination of metals in Hypericum perforatum L. by ICP-OES. Revista de Chimie, p.1154 ̵, 2011.

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Jurcut R, Giusca S, Ticulescu R, Popa E, Amzulescu MS, Ghiorghiu I, Coman IM, Popescu BA, Voigt JU, Ginghina C Different Patterns of Adaptation of the Right Ventricle to Pressure Overload: A Comparison between Pulmonary Hypertension and Pulmonary Stenosis. J Am Soc Echocardiogr, p.1109-17, 2011.

Giusca S, Jurcut R, Ticulescu R, Dumitru D, Vladaia A, Savu O, Voican A, Popescu BA, Ginghina C Accuracy of Handheld Echocardiography for Bedside Diagnostic Evaluation in a Tertiary Cardiology Center: Comparison with Standard Echocardiography. Echocardiography, p.136-41, 2011.

Roşca M, Popescu BA, Beladan CC, Călin A, Muraru D, Popa EC, Lancellotti P, Enache R, Coman IM, Jurcuţ R, Ghionea M, Ginghină C Left atrial dysfunction as a correlate of heart failure symptoms in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. J Am Soc Echocardiogr, p.1090-8, 2011.

Erven K, Jurcut R, Weltens C, Giusca S, Ector J, Wildiers H, Van den Bogaert W, Voigt JU Acute Radiation Effects on Cardiac Function Detected By Strain Rate Imaging in Breast Cancer Patients. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, p.1444-51 , 2011.

Jurcut R, Florian A, Deleanu D, Arsenescu I, Jurcut C, Coriu D, Ginghina C. Atherothrombosis in two vascular territories in a young woman: importance of trombophilia testing. Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, p.108-13, 2011.

Jurcut R, Savu O, Popescu BA, Florian A, Herlea V, Moldovan H, Ginghina C. Images in cardiovascular medicine: Primary cardiac leiomyosarcoma: when valvular disease becomes a vascular surgical emergency.. Circulation, p.e415-8 , 2010.


Voinescu, Bogdan I; Coogan Andrew N A variable-number tandem repeat polymorphism in PER3 is not associated with chronotype in a population with self-reported sleep problems. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, p.23-26, 2012.

Kaminski MM, Ohnemus A, Cornitescu M, Staeheli P Plasmacytoid dendritic cells and Toll-like receptor 7-dependent signalling promote efficient protection of mice against highly virulent influenza A virus. Journal of General Virology, p.555-559, 2012.

Lupescu A, Jilani K, Zelenak C, Zbidah M, Qadri SM, Lang F. Hexavalent chromium-induced erythrocyte membrane phospholipid asymmetry.. 2011.

Lupescu A, Zbidah M, Jilani K, Fajol A, Michael D, Qadri SM, Lang F. Apigenin-induced suicidal erythrocyte death.. 2011.