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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

Florin Nenciu, Danut-Ionel Vaireanu A comparative study for assessing the effectiveness of solar trackers used in conjunction with photovoltaic power autonomous systems. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, p.102-109, 2014.

Irina-Elena Ciobotaru, Danut-Ionel Vaireanu Considerations regarding the polarity reversal in electrochemically generated hypochlorite. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, p.198-206, 2014.

Andreea Ioana Enache (Bontos), Danut Ionel Vaireanu The use of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for interactions between food and/or the food additives and the packaging materials. Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, p.7-13, 2014.

Irina-Elena Ciobotaru, Florin Nenciu, Danut-Ionel Vaireanu The Electrochemical Generation of Ozone using an Autonomous Photovoltaic System. REV. CHIM, p.1339-1342, 2013.

Andreea Ioana Enache (Bontos), Marius Daniel Bontos, Danut Ionel Vaireanu A Novel Information System for Studying the Interactions between, Foods, Food Additives and Packaging Materials. Rev. Chimie, , p.1139-1142, 2013.

Florin Nenciu, Irina-Elena Ciobotaru, Dănuţ-Ionel Vaireanu The Evaluation Of Weston Cell Reliability On The Basis Of The Electromotive Force Drift. U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series B, p.101-108, 2013.

C.-M. Baicea, D.I. Vaireanu, G. Nechifor Sulfonated polyether etherketonepoly(phenylenediamine derivates) composite membranes for fuel cell applications. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, p.33-42, 2013.

V.I. Luntraru, D.I. Vaireanu, D.L. Ghindeanu, G. Nechifor The synthesis and characterization of a new composite material: Polysulfone-Fe3O4/TiO2. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, p.91-98, 2013.

C.M Baicea, V.I. Luntraru, D.I. Vaireanu, E. Vasile, R. Trusca Composite membranes with poly(ether ether ketone) as support and polyaniline like structure, with potential applications in fuel cells,. Central European Journal of Chemistry, p.438-445 , 2013.

Simona Caprarescu, Violeta Purcar, Danut-Ionel Vaireanu Separation of Copper Ions From Synthetically Prepared Electroplating Wastewater at Different Operating Conditions Using Electrodialysis. Separation Science and Technology, p.2273 - 228, 2012.

Iosif Lingvay, Danut-Ionel Vaireanu, Kinga Ollerer, Carmen Lingvay The Influence of Synthetic and Environmentally Friendly Scale and Corrosion Inhibitors on the Biodegradation of Pollutants. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, p.767-772, 2012.

A.I. Suciu Hyperplane arrangements and Milnor fibrations. Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse, p.417-481, 2014.

Robert Coravu Influences francophones sur la vie professionnelle des bibliothécaires roumains. Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France, p.37-39, 2012.

Robert Coravu Ce este plagiatul şi cum poate fi prevenit (dacã se doreşte). Biblioteca, p.39-43, 2013.

2. Ioan Tanţău, Anca Geantă, Angelica Feurdean & Tudor Tămaş Pollen analysis from a high altitude site in Rodna Mountains (Romania). Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, p.23-30, 2014.

Bucur, M.P., Bucur, B., Marty, J.-L., Radu, G.-L. In vitro investigation of anticholinesterase activity of four biochemical pesticides: Spinosad, pyrethrum, neem bark extract and veratrine. Journal of Pesticide Science , p.48-52, 2014.

Radulescu, M.-C., Bucur, B., Bucur, M.-P., Radu,G.L. Bienzymatic biosensor for rapid detection of aspartame by flow injection analysis. Sensors (Switzerland) , p.1028-1038, 2014.

Cristian Ioan Iojã, Mihai Rãzvan Niţã, Gabriel Ovidiu Vânãu, Diana Andreea Onose, Athanasios Alexandru Gavrilidis Using multi-criteria analysis for the identification of spatial land-use conflicts in the Bucharest Metropolitan Area. Ecological Indicators, 2013.

Constantina Alina Tudor, Ioan Cristian Iojã, Ileana Pãtru-Stupariu, Mihai Rãzvan Nitã, Anna M. Hersperger How successful is the resolution of land-use conflicts? A comparison of cases from Switzerland and Romania. Applied Geography, p.125-136, 2014.

Damaceanu Romulus-Catalin Using Agent-Based Simulation Methodology for Teaching Economics. Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" - Secţ. Ştiinţele Educaţiei, p.115-122, 2012.

Claudiu Covrig A global view on world ethanol markets and trade flows. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, p.224-227, 2013.

Luiza Buimaga-Iarinca, Calin G Floare, Cristian Morari DFT study of the trioxotriangulene derivatives in bulk state. Chemical Physics Letters, p.48-62, 2014.

A Pirnau, C G Floare, M Bogdan The Complexation of Flurbiprofen with b-cyclodextrin: a NMR study in aqueous solution. J. Incl. Phenom. Macrocycl. Chem., p.1-4, 2014.

C G Floare, A Pirnau, M Bogdan 1H NMR spectroscopic characterization of inclusion complexes of tolfenamic and flufenamic acids with b-cyclodextrin. Journal of Molecular Structure, p.72-78, 2013.

C G Floare, M Bogdan CONSTEQ – A program for association constants determination using solution NMR data. AIP Conference Proceedings - Processes in Isotopes and Molecules (PIM 2013), p.48-52, 2013.

Luiza Buimaga-Iarinca, Calin G Floare, Adrian Calborean, Ioan Turcu DFT study on cysteine adsorption mechanism on Au(111) and Au(110). AIP Conference Proceedings - Processes in Isotopes and Molecules (PIM 2013), p.29, 2013.

Calin Gabriel Floare, Alex Rodriguez, Alessandro Laio Molecular dynamics investigation of an inverse freezing counterintuitive phenomenon. HPC-Europa2 - Project Report, 2012.

Guthrie J.P., Povar I. Equilibrium constants for enolization in solution by computation alone. J. Phys. Org. Chem. , p.1154-1162, 2013.

Povar I., Rusu V. Buffer capacity of heterogeneous chemical equilibria in natural waters. Can. J. Chem., p.395-402, 2012.

Povar I., Spinu O. The role of hydroxy aluminium sulfate minerals in controlling Al3 concentration and speciation in acidic soils. Central Eur. J. Chem., 2014.

Sparchez M, Constantinescu I, Samaşca G, Iancu M, Miu N, Sparchez Z New HLA Associations Identified in Romanian Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Patients. Clinical Laboratory, p.449-454, 2014.

Marius-F. Danca Continuous approximations of a class of piece-wise continuous systems. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2014.

M.-G. Suru, I. Dan, N. M. Lohan, A. L. Paraschiv, B. Pricop, I. P. Spiridon, C. Baciu, L.-G. Bujoreanu Effects of hot working procedure on surface relief characteristic in an Fe–Mn–Si–Cr shape memory alloy. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, p.44-50, 2014.

Preda, G., Hantila, F.I. Nonlinear Integral Formulation and Neural Network-Based Solution for Reconstruction of Deep Defects With Pulse Eddy Currents. Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on, p.113-116, 2014.

Ruprecht, E., Fenesi, A., Fodor, E.I., Kuhn, T. Prescribed burning as an alternative management in grasslands of temperate Europe: The impact on seeds.. Basic and Applied Ecology, p.642-650, 2013.

Turtureanu, P.D., Palpurina, S., Becker, T., Dolnik, C., Ruprecht, E., Sutcliffe, L.M.E., Szabó, A., Dengler, J. Scale- and taxon-dependent biodiversity patterns of dry grassland vegetation in Transylvania (Romania). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, p.15-24, 2014.

Fenesi, A., Albert, Á., Ruprecht, E. Fine-tuned ability to predict future competitive environment in Ambrosia artemisiifolia seeds. Weed Research, p.58-69, 2014.

Dinu Teodorescu On Firmly Nonexpansive Perturbations of the Identity in Hilbert Spaces. Georgian Mathematical Journal, p.97-99, 2014.

C. Bonchis and G. Istrate Improved approximation algorithms for low-density instances of the Minimum Entropy Set Cover Problem. Information Processing Letters, p.360–365, 2014.

Syvitski, J.P.M., Albert J. Kettner, Irina Overeem, Liviu Giosan, G. Robert Brakenridge, Mark Hannon, Roger Bilham Anthropocene Metamorphosis of the Indus Delta and Lower Floodplain. Anthropocene, 2014.

Donciu MD, Tasmoc A, Dumea R, Hogas S, Voroneanu L, Siriopol MD, Covic A. A cross-sectional study regarding the impact of end-stage renal disease on quality of life.. Rev Med Chir Soc Med Nat Iasi, p.908-15, 2013.

Segall L, Moscalu M, Hogaş S, Mititiuc I, Nistor I, Veisa G, Covic A. Protein-energy wasting, as well as overweight and obesity, is a long-term risk factor for mortality in chronic hemodialysis patients.. Int Urol Nephrol. , 2014.

Nistor I, Palmer SC, Craig JC, Saglimbene V, Vecchio M, Covic A, Strippoli GF Convective Versus Diffusive Dialysis Therapies for Chronic Kidney Failure: An Updated Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials.. Am J Kidney Dis, 2014.

Solak Y, Akilli H, Kayrak M, Aribas A, Gaipov A, Turk S, Perez-Pozo SE, Covic A, McFann K, Johnson RJ, Kanbay M. Uric Acid level and erectile dysfunction in patients with coronary artery disease.. J Sex Med. , p.165-72, 2014.

Ozkok A, Kanbay A, Odabas AR, Covic A, Kanbay M. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and chronic kidney disease: a new cardiorenal risk factor. Clin Exp Hypertens, 2014.

S. Friedl, A.I. Suciu Kähler groups, quasi-projective groups, and 3-manifold groups. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, p.151-168, 2014.

Dragos Cirneci, Radu Silaghi-Dumitrescu Learning tasks as a possible treatment for DNA lesions induced by oxidative stress in hippocampal neurons. Neural Regeneration Research, p.3063-3070, 2013.

A.I. Suciu Characteristic varieties and Betti numbers of free abelian covers. International Mathematics Research Notices, p.1063-1124, 2014.

Laurian-Ioan Piscoran and Catalin Barbu Remarks on a new metric in the unity disc of the complex plane. Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 2014.

Cãtãlin Barbu, Laurian Pişcoran Jordan type inequalities using monotony of functions. Journal of Mathematical Inequalities , 2014.