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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

Chiriac, Adrian; Ciubotariu, Dan; Funar-Timofei, Simona; Kurunczi, Ludovic; Mracec, Maria; Mracec, Mircea; Szabadai, Zoltan; Seclaman, Edward; Simon, Zeno QSAR and 3D-QSAR in Timisoara. 1972-2005. REVUE ROUMAINE DE CHIMIE, p.79-99, 2006.

Funar-Timofei, S.; Ilia, G Theoretical study of organic-inorganic hybrids obtained by grafting reaction of vinyl phosphonic acid on titanium oxide. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, p.3933-3938, 2007.

Funar-Timofei, S.; Ilia, G. Simulation of grafting reaction of benzyl phosphonic acid on titanium oxide by the semiempirical PM6 approach. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, p.2649-2652, 2008.

Ionescu, Daniela; Dehelean, Cristina; Funar-Timofei, Simona; Dragan, Simona; Galca, Elena EFFICACY AND TOLERABILITY OF RISPERIDONE IN THE TREATMENT OF DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS. FARMACIA, p.494-501, 2010.

Funar-Timofei, Simona; Ionescu, Daniela; Suzuki, Takahiro A tentative quantitative structure-toxicity relationship study of benzodiazepine drugs. TOXICOLOGY IN VITRO, p.184-200, 2010.

Chicu, Sergiu Adrian; Funar-Timofei, Simona; Simu, Georgeta-Maria Hydractinia echinata test system. II. SAR toxicity study of some anilide derivatives of Naphthol-AS type. , p.1578-1582, 2011.

Iliescu, S; Grozav, I; Funar-Timofei, S; et al. Optimization of synthesis parameters in interfacial polycondensation using design of experiments. Polymer Bulletin , p.303-314 , 2010.

N.Dinca, M.D.Stanescu, E.Sisu, M.Mracec The differential mass spectrometry (Dif MS) and the computational chemistry. II. Dif MS and MO semiempirical analyses of exo-and endo-5,10-methylene-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,d]cyclohepten-11-ols. Rev.Chim., p.346-350, 2004.

G. M. Simu, S. G. Hora, M. E. Grad, E. N. V. Sisu Coloranţi direcţi derivaţi ai 4,4’-diaminobenzanilidei. II. Sinteza şi evaluarea proprietãţilor tinctoriale a unor coloranţi disazoici cu structurã asimetricã. Rev.Chim., p.873-876, 2004.

G.M.Simu, S.G.Muntean, M.E.Grad,S.A.Chicu, E.N.V.Şişu Coloranti directi derivati ai 4,4-diaminobenzanilidei III. Obtinerea, caracterizarea si evaluarea toxicitatii unor noi coloranti disazoici simetrici. Rev.Chim., p.1038-1040, 2006.

N.Onita,E.Sisu,A.X.Lupea,R.Szabo Aminophosphonic Acids and Derivatives, Antioxidant Activity Ranking. Rev.Chim., p.1022-1024, 2006.

M.Niculescu,R.Dumitru, A. Magda,G.Bandur, E.Şişu Noi metode de obţinere a unor acizi carboxilici prin reacţii de oxidare a poliolilor cu azotaţi de metal (II).I. Reacţii de oxidare a 1,2-propandiolului cu azotaţi de metal(II). Rev.Chim., p.932-936, 2007.

Cristian Baicus A diagnostic study: Confidence intervals must be given, and likelihood ratios calculated. European Journal of Internal Medicine, 2011.

I.Sisu,N.Dinca,E.Sisu Sinteza de glicozilsulfone in conditiile CTI. Rev.Chim., p.615-618, 2006.

Rimbaş M, Marinescu M, Voiosu MR, Bãicuş CR, Caraiola S, Nicolau A, Niţescu D, Badea GC, Pârvu MI NSAID-induced deleterious effects on the proximal and mid small bowel in seronegative spondyloarthropathy patients.. World Journal of Gastroenterology, p.1030-5, 2011.

Baicus, Cristian; Caraiola, Simona; Rimbas, Mihai; Patrascu, Ruxandra; Baicus, Anda; for Grupul de Studiu al Scaderii Ponderale Involuntare Utility of routine hematological and inflammation parameters for the diagnosis of cancer in involuntary weight loss. Journal of Investigative Medicine, 2011.

I.Sisu, V. Bercean, M.Niculescu, N.Dinca, E. Sisu Obtinerea de S- si O-glicozide în conditiile CTI. Rev.Chim., p.1249-1251, 2005.

G. M. Simu, S. G. Hora, M. E.Grad, E.N.Şişu Direct Dyes Derived from 4,4’-Diaminobenzanilide. Synthesis, Physicochemical Properties and Colouristic Evaluation of some Trisazo Direct Dyes. Rev. Roum. Chim., p.113-117, 2005.

Lucaci M, Pintea J, Tsakiris V, Orban RL Fe AND Co ALLOYED NiAl POWDERS FOR SENSORS APPLICATION. Metalurgia International, p.115-118 , 2009.

Valeanu M, Lucaci M, Crisan AD, Sofronie M , Leonat L, Kuncser V Martensitic transformation of Ti50Ni30Cu20 alloy prepared by powder metallurgy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, p.4495-4498 , 2011.

Lucaci M, Biris AR, Orban RL, Sbarcea GB, Tsakiris V Effects of mechanical alloying on the hydrogen storage properties of the Mg76Ti12Fe12-xNx (x=4, 8) materials. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, p.163-168 , 2009.

Eufrosina Otlacan About the Mathematical Expression of the Observation Operators,. KIBERNETES, , p.1058 ̵, 2000.

K. Lubelsmeyer, A.Schultz von Dratzig, M. Wlochal, G. Ambrosi, P. Azzarello, R. Battiston, R. Becker, U. Becker, B.Bertucci, K.Bollweg, J.D.Burger, F. Cadoux, X.D.Cai, M. Capell, V. Choutko, M. Duranti, C. Gargiulo, C. Guandalini, S. Haino, M. Ionica, A. Upgrade of the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) for long term operation on the International Space Station (ISS). Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, p.639-648, 2011.

Zamfir AD, Flangea C, Sisu E, Seidler DG, Peter-Katalinic J. Combining size-exclusion chromatography and fully automated chip-based nanoelectrospray quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry for structural analysis of chondroitin/ dermatan sulfate in human decorin.. Electrophoresis, p.1639-1646, 2011.

Sisu E, Flangea C, Serb A, Rizzi A, Zamfir AD. High-performance separation techniques hyphenated to mass spectrometry for ganglioside analysis.. Electrophoresis, p.1591-1609, 2011.

Ioja, I.C., Rozylowicz, L., Patroescu, M., Nita, M.R., Vanau, G.O. Dog walkers’ vs. other park visitors’ perceptions: The importance of planning sustainable urban parks in Bucharest, Romania. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2011.

C. Budica, Gh. Panait, St. Cristea, F. Groseanu, C. Mihai FRACTURE RISK ON FRAGILITY TROCHANTERIC FRACTURES TREATED BY SURGERY – FIXATION WITH DHS. OSTEOPOROSIS INT 2010/ 21:Suppl1 S25-S388 ISI Web knowledge. Com Springer London WC1X 8HL, England IDS 591KN, ISSN 0937-941X, 2010.

Morariu S., Brunchi C.E., Cazacu M., Bercea M The behaviour of poly(dimethylsiloxane-co-diphenylsiloxane)s in good and theta solvents. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, p.1468-1475, 2011.

Darie R.N., Bercea M., Kozlowski M., Spiridon I Evaluation of properties of LDPE/Oak wood composites exposed to artificial ageing. Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, p.127-135, 2011.

Nita L.E., Chiriac A.P., Bercea M., Neamtu I The temperature influence upon the complexation process between poly(aspartic acid) and poly(ethylene glycol). Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, p.5369-5375, 2011.

Daniel ARPINTE, Sorin CACE, Stefan COJOCARU Social economy in Romania. Preliminary approach. Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala, p.77-85, 2010.

Cace Sorin, Arpinte, Daniel, Cace, Sorina, Cojocaru, Stefan THE SOCIAL ECONOMY. AN INTEGRATING APPROACH. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, p.49-66, 2011.

Cojocaru, Daniela, Cojocaru, Stefan, Sandu, Antonio THE ROLE OF RELIGION IN THE SYSTEM OF SOCIAL AND MEDICAL SERVICES IN POST-COMMUNISM ROMANIA. Journal For the Study of Religions and Ideologies , p.65-83, 2011.

H. Oros, C. Popescu A Secure and Efficient Off-line Electronic Payment System for Wireless Networks. International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, p.551-557, 2010.

C. Popescu Blind Signature Schemes Based on the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem. Studies in Informatics and Control, p.397-402, 2010.

Prof. Vasile Tudor The vortex theory of matter. 2011.

Cicero I. Limberea Evaluating, taxing and insuring agricultural enterprises. IBSUSG, p.45-57, 2011.

Hura C, Leanca M, Rusu L, Hura BA. Risk assessment of pollution with pesticides in food in the Eastern Romania area (1996-1997).. Toxicology Letters :, p.103-7, 1999.

Matache, ML, Rozylowicz, L., Hura, C., Matache, M. Organochlorine Pesticides – a Threat on the Herman’s Tortoise Perpetuation. Organohalogen Compounds, p.728 –, 2006.

Matache, ML, Ioja, C., Hura, C., Rozylowicz, L Organochlorine Compounds (DDT, HCH) Concentration In Sediments Collected From The Lower Sector Of The Arges River, Romania,. Organohalogen Compounds , p.436 –, 2006.

Cojocaru V., Balali-Mood K., Sansom M.S.P., Wade R.C. Structure and dynamics of the membrane-bound cytochrome P450 2C9. PLoS Computational Biology, 2011.

Cojocaru V., Winn P.J., Wade R.C. Multiple, ligand-dependent routes from the active site of cytochrome P450 2C9. Current Drug Metabolism, 2011.

Slanchev K, Stebler J, Goudarzi M, Cojocaru V, Weidinger G, Raz E Control of Dead end localization and activity–implications for the function of the protein in antagonizing miRNA function.. Mechanism of Development, p.270-7, 2009.

M.D.Stanescu,N.Dinca,E.Sisu Spectrum Fragmentation of 10,11-Dihydro-5H-Dibenzo[a,d]cyclohepten-5-one. Rev. Roum. Chim., p.669-673, 2006.

V.Careja, M.Mracec, L.Sayti, E.Sisu,R.Tudose, Z.Simon Comparative Study of some ionic bridges implying calcium and magnesium cations by computational methods.. Rev. Roum. Chim., p.379-383 , 2006.

Marieta Vasilov, Gabriela Mancaş, Gabriela Albu, Carmen Hura, Maria Brãdãţan Epidemiological studies highlighting the relationship between environmental pollution with nitrogenous compounds and health of children.. THE JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, p.12-22, 2002.

Marieta Vasilov, Carmen Hura Iodine deficiency in drinking water and its effects on human health. Present Environment and Sustainable Development, 2007.

Covaci, Adrian ; Hura, Carmen ; Gheorghe, Adriana ; Neels, Hugo ; Dirtu, Alin C. Organochlorine contaminants in hair of adolescents from Iassy, Romania, –. Chemosphere, p. p. 16-20, 2008.

Covaci, Adrian ; Hura, Carmen ; Schepens, Paul Solid phase disk extraction: an improved method for determination of organochlorine residues in milk –. Chromatographia,, p.247-252 , 2001.

Adrian Covaci, Carmen Hura, Paul Schepens Selected persistent organochlorine pollutants in Romania. The Science of The Total Environment, p.143-152, 2001.