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Morcan, O., „Prefigurarea rolului asistentului social în consilierea mamelor aflate în dificultate. A cunoaşte pentru a schimba. Studii şi cercetãri de asistenţã socialã, p.70-81, 2009.
Mihai Jalobeanu The Internet in Education: The Past, the Present and, hopefully, the Future. Toward the Virtual University. International Online Perspectives, p.23-36, 2003.
Chifu T., Ştefan N., Zamfirescu Oana, Mânzu Ciprian, Zamfirescu Şt. Forest communities floristically specific to Eastern Romania. Nature Conservation, Concepts and Practice, p.169 - 180, 2006.
A. A. Raduta Coherent State Model for several collective interacting bands. Recent developments in Nuclear Physics,ed. S.G. Pandalai; Transworld Research Network, p.1-70, 2004.
Rãzvan Sãftoiu Small talk – a work of frame. Professional Communication across Languages and Cultures, p.213-236, 2012.
Stanca Mãda, Rãzvan Sãftoiu Introduction: Understanding the dynamics of dialogue at work. Professional Communication across Languages and Cultures, p.1-18, 2012.
Gheorghe CERIN, Bogdan Adrian POPA, Marco DIENA The Degenerative Mitral Valve Regurgitation: From Geometrical Echocardiographic Concepts to Successful Surgical Repair;. Echocardiography - In Specific Diseases,, 2012.
Gheorghe CERIN, Bogdan Adrian POPA, Marco DIENA G Cerin, B A Popa, M Diena; The Degenerative Mitral Valve Regurgitation: From Geometrical Echocardiographic Concepts to Successful Surgical Repair;. Echocardiography - In Specific Diseases,, 2012.
Maria Ignat and Evelini Popovici Layered Porous Carbons Based on Montmorilonitic Structure. Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured Materials, p.411, 2010.
Ruprecht, E. Cessation of Traditional Management Reduces the Diversity of Steppe-Like Grasslands in Romania Through Litter Accumulation. Eurasian Steppes – Ecological Problems and Livelihoods in a Changing World, p.197-208, 2012.
A. Georgescu, N. Alexandru, D. Popov Ongoing data on vascular endothelial cell dysfunction: an update. , p.125-141, 2011.
Conf. dr. Tarcea Monica, dr. Daniel Ganea Relevanta evolutiei morbiditatii TBC in trei judete din Romania intre 2000 si 2004. Impactul monitorizarii morbiditatii prin TBC in Romania, 2005.
R. Cristescu , C. Popescu , A. C. Popescu , G. Socol , I. Mihailescu , G. Caraene , R. Albulescu , T. Buruiana , and D. Chrisey Pulsed Laser Processing of Functionalized Polysaccharides for Controlled Release Drug Delivery Systems. Technological Innovations in Sensing and Detection of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Threats and Ecological Terrorism, p.231-236, 2012.
Goga, N., Rzepiela, A., Melo, M.N., de Vries, A.H., Hadăr, A., Markvoort, A.J., Nedea, S., Berendsen, H.J.C. Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes, Chapter Four intitled “Methods for Multiscale Modeling of Membranes”. Elsevier Inc., p.139-170, 2012.
Dragos Dragoman Linguistic Pluralism and Citizenship in Romania. Language Rights Revisited, p.267-280, 2012.
Petru Urdea, Onaca, Alexandru, Florina Ardelean, Mircea Ardelean, New Evidence on the Quaternary Glaciation on the Romanian Carpathians (Chapter 24). Developments in Quaternary Science,, p.305-323, 2011.
Alina Badulescu, Daniel Badulescu Entrepreneurship and Local Resources. Tourism Enterprises and the Sustainability Agenda across Europe, p.151-167, 2012.
Hartelius, G., Friedman, H., Andreescu, A. Transpersonal studies. Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions, p.2294-2301, 2013.
Ogrean Claudia, Herciu Mihaela Strategic Management between the Constraints and Incentives of Globalization – the Role and Contribution of Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility. The Economic Geography of Globalization, p.21-38, 2011.
Roland Iosif Moraru Current trends and future developments in occupational health and safety risk management. Book:: Risk Management for the Future - Theory and Cases, ISBN: 978-953-51-0571-8 , p.3-28, 2012.
CM. Pintea, C.P.Sitar, M.H-Macelaru, P.Pop A hybrid classical approach to a fixed-charged transportation problem. Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, LNCS , p.557-566, 2012.
C-M.Pintea, S.V.Sabau Correlations involved in a bio-inspired classification technique. Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization in Studies in Computational Intelligence, p.239-246, 2011.
Chira, C.; Pintea, C. M.; Dumitrescu, D. Sensitive stigmergic agent systems – A hybrid approach to combinatorial optimization. INNOVATIONS IN HYBRID INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Book Series: ADVANCES IN SOFT COMPUTING, p.33-39, 2007.
Chira, C.; Pintea, C. M.; Dumitrescu, D Cooperative Learning Sensitive Agent System for Combinatorial Optimization. NATURE INSPIRED COOPERATIVE STRATEGIES FOR OPTIMIZATION (NICSO 2007) Book Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, p.347-355 , 2008.
Pop, P. C.; Pintea, C. M.; Sitar, C. P. An ant-based heuristic for the railway traveling salesman problem. Applications of Evolutionary Computing, Proceedings Book Series: LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENC, p.702-711, 2007.
Pintea, C. M.; Chira, C.; Dumitrescu, D.; et al. A sensitive metaheuristic for solving a large optimization problem. SOFSEM 2008: THEORY AND PRACTICE OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Book Series: LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, p.551-559, 2008.
C-M. Pintea, C.P.Pop, C.Chira, D.Dumitrescu A Hybrid Ant-Based System for Gate Assignment Problem. HYBRID ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS Book Series: LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, p.273-280, 2008.
Pintea, C. M.; Crisan, G. C.; Chira, C.; et al. A Hybrid Ant-Based Approach to the Economic Triangulation Problem for Input-Output Tables. HYBRID ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS Book Series: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, p.376-38, 2009.
Pintea, C. M.; Crisan, G. C.; Chira, C. A Hybrid ACO Approach to the Matrix Bandwidth Minimization Problem. HYBRID ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS, PT 1 Book Series: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, p.405-412, 2010.
Timothy Ehlinger - University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, USA; Lucica Tofan - Ovidius University - Constanta, Romania; Mirela Bucur - Ovidius University - Constanta, Romania; Jill Enz - Ovidius University - Constanta, Romania; Jason Application of a Participatory Ex Ante Assessment Model for Environmental Governance and Visualizing Sustainable Redevelopment in Gorj County, Romania. Agricultural and Environmental Informatics, Governance and Management: Emerging Research Applications, p.61-86, 2011.
Petrea, Nicoleta; Iordache, Petrisor Zamora; Lungu, Rodica Mihaela; Ioan, Safta; Petre, Razvan; Pretorian, Andrada New methods and new types of functionalised nanocomposites intended for the ecological depollution of waters. NANOMATERIALS, p.117-144, 2011.
Iordache, Petrisor Zamora; Petrea, Nicoleta; Lungu, Rodica Mhaela; Petre, Razvan; Sau, Ciprian; Safta, Ioan Nanocomposite materials with oriented functionalized structure. NANOMATERIALS, p.69-98, 2011.
Marius M. Balas, Valentina E. Balas Adaptive Rule-Based Reasoning by Qualitative Analysis. 13 International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty, IPMU 2010, Dortmund, Germany, June 28- July 2, Proceedings, Part I, Communications in Computer and Information Science, p.553-560, 2010.
Chitez, M. and O. Kruse Writing Cultures and Genres in European Higher Education. University Writing, p.151-175, 2012.
Chitez, M., Keller, J. and O. Kruse Didaktische Genres und Schreibpraktiken in einem wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studiengang. Textsorten in der Wirtschaft: Zwischen textlinguistischem Wissen und wirtschaftlichem Handeln, p.121-149, 2011.
Liana Manolache The Psychosocial Aspects of Vitiligo . A Focus on Stress Involvement in Children with Vitiligo:. Vitiligo- Management and Therapy, p.57-68, 2011.
Catalin Alexandru Modeling and simulation of the tracking mechanism used for a photovoltaic platform. New Trends in Mechanism Science, Mechanisms and Machine Science, p.575-582, 2010.
Catalin Alexandru, Claudiu Pozna The analysis and optimization in virtual environment of the mechatronic tracking systems used for improving the photovoltaic conversion. Motion Control, p.553-580, 2010.
Albert-Lõrincz, Enikõ Aspects of Transylvanian Adolescents’ Emotional Life. Monitoring Health Status of Vulnerable Groups in Europe: Past and Present, p.63-90, 2006.
A. E. Segneanu, I. Balcu, N. Vlatanescu, Z. Urmosi, C. A. Macarie Corrosion Resistance. Corrosion Resistance, 2012.
A.E. Segneanu, I.Balcu, C. A. Macarie, R.O.Pop Combined Microwave-Acid Pretreatment of the Biomass. Progress in Biomass and Bioenergy Production, 2011.
Iordache Virgil, E. Kothe, A. Neagoe, F. Gherghel A conceptual framework for up-scaling ecological processes and application to ectomycorrhizal fungi. Diversity and Biotechnology of Ectomycorrhiza, p.255-299, 2011.
Farcasanu Ileana, Matache Mihaela, Aurora Neagoe, Virgil Iordache Hyperaccumulation: a Key to Heavy Metal Bioremediation. Biogeointeractions in contaminated soils, 2012.
Jianu Denisa, Iordache Virgil, Barbara Soara, Lucian Petrescu, Aurora Neagoe, Cezar Iacob, Răzvan Orza The Role of Mineralogy and Geochemistry in Hazard Potential Assessment of Mining Areas. Biogeointeractions in contaminated soils, p.35-79, 2012.
Neagoe Aurora, Iordache Virgil, Ileana Farcasanu The Role of Organic Matter in the Mobility of Metals in Contaminated Sites. Biogeointeractions in contaminated soils, 2012.
Iordache Virgil, Lacatusu Radu, Daniel Scradeanu, Marilena Onete, Stelian Ion, Ioana Cobzaru, Aurora Neagoe, Florian Bodescu, Denisa Jianu, Dorina Purice Contributions to the theoretical foundations of integrated modeling in biogeochemistry and their application in contaminated areas. Biogeointeractions in contaminated soils, p.385-416, 2012.
R. P.Socoteanu, R. Boscencu, A. Hirtopeanu, G. Manda, A. S. Oliveira, M. Ilie, L. F. Vieira Ferreira Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies Revealing Porphyrinic Compounds Multivalency Towards Biomedical Application. Biomedical Engineering - From Theory to Applications, 2011.
Ana-Maria Stan Der Status der Lehrenden an der rumänischen Universität Klausenburg und deren soziokulturelle Aktivitäten 1919-1940. Universitäten in Zeiten des Umbruchs. Fallstudien über das mittlere und östliche Europa im 20. Jahrhundert, p.83-93, 2011.
Bîzdoacã, N., Tarnita, D.N., Tarnita, D., et al Application of smart materials: bionics modular adaptive implants. Advances in Mobile Robotics, -Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots - CLAWAR 2008, p.190-198, 2008.
Bîzdoacã, N., Tarniţã, D., Petrişor, A, Diaconu,I, Tarniţã, D.N. Biomimetic approach to design and control mechatronics structure using smart materials. Robotics, Automation and Control, 2009.