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Lavinia Stan and Lucian Turcescu “Religious Freedom in the Expanded Europe”. Freedom of Religions, p.252-267, 2010.
Lavinia Stan „Religion in Moldova”. Moldova at the Crossroads, 2008.
Lavinia Stan „Romania: In the Shadow of the Past”. Central and Southeastern Europe since 1989, 2009.
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Vicentiu Radulescu Singular phenomena in nonlinear elliptic problems. From blow-up boundary solutions to equations with singular nonlinearities. Handbook of Differential Equations: Stationary Partial Differential Equations, p.483-591, 2007.
Marius Ghergu, Vicentiu Radulescu On the influence of a subquadratic convection term in singular elliptic problems, in Applied Analysis and Differential Equations. Book, p.12, 2007.
Vicentiu Radulescu Comparison principles and applications to nonlinear elliptic equations, in Critical Point Theory and Its Applications. Book, p.36, 2007.
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Vicentiu Radulescu Perturbations of eigenvalue problems with constraints for hemivariational inequalities, From Convexity to Nonconvexity, volume dedicated to the memory of Prof. G. Fichera, Nonconvex Optimiz. Appl., vol. 55. book, p.11, 2001.
Vicentiu Radulescu Hemivariational inequalities associated to multivalued problems with strong resonance, in Nonsmooth/Nonconvex Mechanics: Modeling, Analysis and Numerical Methods, dedicated to the memory of Professor P.D. Panagiotopoulos. , p.16, 2000.
Luciana-Simona Velea, Olimpius Istrate L’educazione nel post-comunismo: il caso romeno. Le scuole degli altri. Le riforme scolastiche nell'Europa che cambia, 2006.
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M. Tabe, R. Nuryadi, Z. A. Burhanudin, D. Moraru, K. Yokoi, and H. Ikeda Manipulation of single-electrons in Si nanodevices – interplay with photons and ions. Recent Advances in Mechatronics, p.500-504, 2007.
Peter Laszlo - Pasztor Gyongyi Segregare sociala si spatiala. Enciclopedia dezvoltarii sociale, p.530-535, 2007.
Peter Laszlo - Pasztor Gyongyi Inegalitati de locuire. Enciclopedia dezvoltarii sociale, p.315-316, 2007.
Peter Laszlo - Pasztor Gyongyi Ghetou si ghetoizare. Enciclopedia dezvoltarii sociale, p.279-281, 2007.
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