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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

G. Ciobanu, G. Carja, O. Ciobanu, I. Sandu, A. Sandu SEM and EDX studies of bioactive hydroxyapatite coatings on titanium implants. Micron, p.143-146, 2009.

G. Carja, S. Ratoi, G. Ciobanu, I. Balasanian Glucose oxidase vanadium substituted anionic clay as bionanocomposite formulations for biosensors applications. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, p.55-58, 2009.

G. Carja, S. Dranca, G. Ciobanu, E. Husanu, I. Balasanian Fabrication of mesoporous mixed oxides containing copper and cerium by using substituted anionic clays as precursors. Materials Science - Poland, p.909-917, 2009.

G. Ciobanu, D. Ignat, G. Carja, C. Luca Hydroxyapatite/polyurethane composite membranes for lead ions removal. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, p.1347-1350, 2009.

G. Carja, A. Vieru, S. Dranca, G. Ciobanu, E. Husanu Uptake of anionic surfactants from aqueous medium by using porous anionic clays with tailored properties. Desalination and Water Treatment, p.211-214, 2011.

G. Carja, Yoshikazu Kameshima, G. Ciobanu, Kiyoshi Okada Oleate-LDH Hybrids by the Successive Use of the Clay Structural ”Memory Effect”. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, p.2880-2884, 2010.

G. Ciobanu, G. Carja Electrolyte removal by mixed matrix membranes based on polyurethane. Desalination, p.698-701, 2010.

Barza, Silviu Variation of Constant Sum Constraint for Integer Model with Non Uniform Variables. International Conference on Applied Mathematical Programming and Modeling (APMOD2008), Bratislava, 2008.

Barza, Silviu Constant Sum Integer Programming Model with Non-uniform defined variable. Proceedins of The 5th International Conference on Operational Research for Development (ICORD-V), Jamshedpur, India, p.255-259, 2005.

Albeanu G., Averian A. and I. Duda Towards web applications reliability engineering. In Krzysztof Kolowrocki & Enrico Zio (ed.). Proceedings of SSARS, p.15-22, 2009.

Averian A, Duda G, and Albeanu G Quality assurance for agile component-based software development. In H Pham, T Nakagawa (eds.). Proceedings of the 15th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, San Francisco, California, USA, August 6-8, 2009, p.100-104, 2009.

G. Albeanu, A. Averian, I. Duda Web Software Reliability Engineering. R & RATA, Electronic Journal of International Group on Reliability, ISSN 1932-2321, p.2(4), 2009.

G. Albeanu, G. Duda, N. Stancu-Mara On Designing Highly Secure Embedded Systems. Proceedings of the 16th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, p.174-178, 2010.

G. Albeanu, B. Burtschy, Fl. Popentiu-Vladicescu, G. I. Duda Intuitionistic Fuzzy Methods in Optimal Software Reliability Allocation. In I. A. Ryabinin, E. D. Solojentsev (eds.). Modelling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems. Proceedings of the International Scientific School MA SR. July 6-10, 2010, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, p.206-212, 2010.

Albeanu G., Duda I. G. Intuitionistic Fuzzy Approaches for Quality Evaluation of Learning Objects. In H. Pham (ed.). Proceedings of 17th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, Vancouver B. C., Canada, August 4-6, 2011, p.258-262, 2011.

Albeanu G., Duda G. Recent soft computing methods in software reliability engineering. In Kolowrocki K., Soszynska-Budny J. (eds.). Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association, SSARS 2011 - Summer Safety and Reliability Seminars, p.1-10, 2011.

Gheorghe Duda, Emilia Bondrea, L’Universite Spiru Haret dans le contexte de l’education et de la formation 2010. UNIversite dans la Societe UNISO 2005, Cherbourg France , 18-15 juillet 2005, p.145-152, 2005.

R.C. Adochite, D. Munteanu, M. Torrell, L. Cunha, E. Alves, N.P. Barradas, A. Cavaleiro, The influence of annealing treatments on the properties of Ag:TiO2. Applied Surface Science, p.4028-4034, 2012.

Ber S, Lee C, Voiculescu O, Surani MA Dedifferentiation of Foetal CNS Stem Cells to Mesendoderm-Like Cells through an EMT Process. PLoS One, p.e30759, 2012.

Mocanita Ionut, Traian Anghel, Troia Georgiana Un pod peste timp. , p.25, 2010.

Bogdan Tita, Adriana Fulias, Geza Bandur, Eleonora Marian, Dumitru Tita Compatibility study between ketoprofen and pharmaceutical excipients used in solid dosage forms. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, p.221-227, 2011.

V. Copil, L. Panaitopol Properties of non powerful numbers. JIPAM, J. Inequal. Pure Appl. Math., p.Paper No. , 2008.

TUNDE JURCA, ELEONORA MARIAN , LAURA VICAS, DANIELA GATEA Simultaneouss Determination of Metals in Hypericum Perforatum L. by ICP-OES. Revista de Chimie, p.1154-1156, 2011.

V. Copil Relating the Riemann Hypothesis and the primes between two cubes. Analele Universitatii Spiru Haret, p.5-10, 2007.


BOGDAN TITA, ADRIANA FULIAS, MIRCEA STEFÃNESCU, ELEONORA MARIAN, DUMITRU TITA Kinetic Study of Decomposition of Ibuprofen under Isothermal Conditions. Revista de Chimie, p.216-221, 2011.


Copil, V; Panaitopol, L A sequence attached to powerful numbers. BULLETIN MATHEMATIQUE DE LA SOCIETE DES SCIENCES MATHEMATIQUES DE ROUMANIE, p.249-258, 2007.

BOGDAN TITA, ADRIANA FULIAS, MIRCEA STEFANESCU, ELEONORA MARIAN, DUMITRU TITA Kinetic Study of Sodium Diclofenac under Isothermal Conditions. Revista de Chimie, p.31-36, 2011.

V. Copil, L. Panaitopol Properties of a sequence generated by positive integers. BULLETIN MATHEMATIQUE DE LA SOCIETE DES SCIENCES MATHEMATIQUES DE ROUMANIE, p.131-137, 2007.

ELEONORA MARIAN, TUNDE JURCA, LAURA VICAS, IREN KACSO, MARIA MICLAUS, IOAN BRATU Inclusion Compounds of Erythromycin with β-cyclodextrin. Revista de Chimie, p.1065-1068, 2011.

T. Jurca, E. Marian, M. Braun, L. Vicaș Metals determination by microwave digestion ICP-OES of some supplements. Revista de Chimie, p.139-141, 2011.

Damaceanu Romulus-Catalin A Multi-Agent Computational Model of Trade. Year-Book „Petre Andrei” University from Iasi, Fascicle: Law, Economic Sciences, Political Sciences - THE IMPLICATIONS OF GLOBAL FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC CRISIS ON THE ROMANIAN BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT, p.135-152, 2010.

Babeanu C., Marinescu G., Badea E. Influence of some natural and synthetic growing factors on peroxidase system in leaves of greenhouse plants. J. Environ. Protection and Ecology, p.68-74, 2004.

Revista de pielarie si incaltaminte Badea E., Miu L., Budrugeac P., Giurginca M., Braghieri A., Della Gatta G.. , p.8-11, 2007.

Della Gatta G., Badea E., Saczuk M., Odlyha M., Larsen R. Sustainable preservation of historical parchments. Chimica e Industria , p.106-111, 2010.

Badea E., Della Gatta G., Budrugeac P. Characterisation and evaluation of the environmental impact on historical parchments by DSC. J. Thermal. Anal. Calorim., p.495-506, 2011.

Badea E., Della Gatta G., Józwiak M., Giancola C Hydration of Thiourea and Mono-, Di- and Tetra-N-Alkylthioureas at Infinite Dilution: A Thermodynamic Study at a Temperature of 298.15 K. J. Chem. Eng. Data, p.4778-4785, 2011.

Badea E., Della Gatta G., Usacheva T. Effects of Temperature and Relative Humidity on Fibrillar Collagen within Parchment: A Micro Differential Scanning Calorimetry Study. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2011.

Adrian Andreescu Rethinking Prayer and Health Research: An Exploratory Inquiry on Prayer’s Psychological Dimension. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, p.23-47, 2011.

Wei Liu, Sheba Johnson, Miodrag Micic, Jhony Orbulescu, Jeffrey Whyte, Andrew R. Garcia, and Roger M. Leblanc Study of the Aggregation of Human Insulin Langmuir Monolayer. Langmuir, 2012.

C. Daniasa, A. Girban, R.M. Tudoran New aspects on the geometry and dynamics of quadratic Hamiltonian systems on (so(3))*. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, p.1695-1721, 2011.

Curseu Petru L.; Kenis, P.; Raab, J. & Brandes, U. Composing effective teams through team-dating. Organization Studies, p.873–, 2010.

Curseu Petru L Team creativity in web site design: An empirical test of a systemic model. Creativity Research Journal, p.98-107, 2010.

Curseu Petru L.; Schruijer, S. & Boros, S. The effects of groups’ variety and disparity on groups’ cognitive complexity. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research and Practice, p.187-206, 2007.

Curseu Petru L; Schalk, R. & Wessel, I. How do virtual teams process information? A literature review and implications for management. Journal of Managerial Psychology, p.628-652, 2008.

Curseu Petru L; Stoop, R. & Schalk, R. Prejudice toward immigrant workers among Dutch employees: Integrated Threat Theory revisited. European Journal of Social Psychology, p.125-140, 2007.

Curseu Petru L Emergent states in virtual teams. A complex adaptive systems perspective. Journal of Information Technology, p.249-261, 2006.

Singh K, Matsuyama S, Drazba JA, Almasan A. Autophagy-dependent senescence in response to DNA damage and chronic apoptotic stress. Autophagy, 2012.

Al-Harbi S, Hill BT, Mazumder S, Singh K, Devecchio J, Choudhary G, Rybicki LA, Kalaycio M, Maciejewski JP, Houghton JA, Almasan A An antiapoptotic BCL-2 family expression index predicts the response of chronic lymphocytic leukemia to ABT-737.. Blood, p.3579-90, 2011.