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Cicero I. Limberea Solvency II, FDIC And Ratings-Free Capital Ratios. Biannual US Society of actuaries investment section, 2011.
Puiu Nistoreanu, Ovidiu-Mihai Tanase „Modern means of promoting tourism destinations”. The AMFITEATRU ECONOMIC journal, p.265-270, 2008.
Bogdan Gabriel Nistoreanu, Remus Ion Hornoiu, Puiu Nistoreanu „The Adjustment of Perspective Among Students Regarding Protection of Educational Services’ Consumer”. The AMFITEATRU ECONOMIC journal, p.348-359, 2010.
Puiu Nistoreanu , Liliana Nicodim, Tanase Mihai Ovidiu „Traditional professions+ elements of tourist integrated development in rural areas”. The AMFITEATRU ECONOMIC journal, p.61-68, 2009.
Hornoiu Remus, Tanase Mihai Ovidiu, Nistoreanu Puiu „ECOROM – Indicators System Proposal of Quality Certification in Ecotourism”. The AMFITEATRU ECONOMIC journal, p.330-338, 2009.
Nistoreanu Puiu , Tanase Mihai Ovidiu „The Relationship Between The Integrated Tourism Development Of A Region And The Respective Local Communities Of Romania. A Moral Approach”. The AMFITEATRU ECONOMIC journal, p.41-45, 2008.
eu echilibrul sistemelor în mișcare. fãrã, 2011.
Andrei, CL; Oancea, B; Stancu, S; et al. Considerations about medical research in Romanian universities. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, p.3422-3426, 2010.
Andrei, T; Teodorescu, D; Stancu, S; Oancea, B. Some features of the non-academic behavior in the Romanian universities. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, p.1964-1968, 2009.
Andrei, T; Teodorescu, D; Oancea, B; et al. Characteristics of higher education in Romania during transition. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, p.3417-3421, 2010.
Cristina Antoaneta Ciungu, Teodora Vãtuiu Relevance and Benefits of Expert System for Management Diagnosis in Romanian Agriculture. , 5 th RoEduNet IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Proceedings and CDROM, the IEEEXplore Digital Library, p.316-319, 2006.
Romulus-Catalin Damaceanu Foreign trade operations. , p.64, 2011.
Cicero I. Limberea Evaluating, taxing and insuring agricultural enterprises. IBSUSG, p.45-57, 2011.
Matei,Ani;Matei,Lucica;Savulescu,Carmen Local Development:Theoretical and Empirical Models. , p.166, 2010.
Camelia Surugiu, Nuno Carlos Leitao, Marius Razvan Surugiu A PANEL DATA MODELLING OF INTERNATIONAL TOURISM DEMAND: EVIDENCES FOR ROMANIA. Ekonomska istra¾ivanja, p.134-145, 2011.
CORINA-MARIA ENE, ANDA GHEORGHIU, CRISTINA BURGHELEA, ANCA GHEORGHIU The Conflict between Economic Development and Planetary Ecosystem in the Context of Sustainable Development. Recent Researches in Energy & Environment, 6th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Energy&Environment (Cambridge - EE'11), p.266-271, 2011.
Corina-Maria Ene, Anda Gheorghiu, Anca Gheorghiu A Theoretical Approach for Dynamic Modelling of Sustainable Development. Recent Researches in Energy & Environment, 6th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Energy&Environment (Cambridge EE'11), p.261-265, 2011.
Anca Gheorghiu, Ion Spânulescu Macrostate Parameter and Investment Risk Diagrams for 2008 and 2009. Proceedings of the International Conference on Econophysics, New Economics & Complexity – ENEC-2010, p.47-54, 2010.
Anda Gheorghiu, Anca Gheorghiu, Ion Spânulescu Target market risk evaluation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Econophysics, New Economics & Complexity – ENEC-2009, p.113-130, 2009.
Bocean C., Sitnikov C Improving and enhancing Jorgensen model based on new trends in quality management. Annals of DAAAM, 2010.
Sitnikov C., Bocean C. New approaches of consumers’ protection in terms of management systems international standards evolution. Amfiteatru Economic, 2010.
Dobrescu Monica, Paicu Claudia Elena, Iacob Silvia Elena The Natural Rate of Unemployment and its Implications for Economic Policy. Theoretical and Applied Economics, Vol. XVIII, no. 2(555) / 2011, ISSN 1841-8678, p.181 - 194, 2011.
Popescu Constantin, Taşnadi Alexandru, Paicu Claudia Elena, Badea Liana Being Proactive Versus Reactive In The Competitive Management. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Volume IV (2009), Special Issue on "Further Challenges for a Competitive Management, p.630 - 635, 2009.
Hristache Diana Andreia, Paicu Claudia Elena, Popescu (Iacob) Silvia Elena The Communication Process And The Public Relations – An Ethical And Moral Approach. Analele Universitãţii Constantin Brâncuşi din Târgu Jiu, Nr.2/2010, ISSN 1844 – 6051, p.113 - 120, 2010.
Hristache Diana Andreia, Popescu (Iacob) Silvia Elena, Paicu Claudia Elena, Popescu Constatin An approach of sustainable development from the perspective of the communicational paradigm. Metalurgia International, vol. XV (2010) Special Issue no.1, ISSN 1582- 2214, p.58 - 61, 2010.
Paicu Claudia Elena, Hristache Diana Andreia, Iacob Silvia Elena THE WOOD MASS – A VALORIFICATION INSTRUMENT FOR THE FORESTRY REAL ESTATE. Supplement of Quality-access to success Journal, Year 11, no. 111, 2010, ISSN 1582-2559, 2010.
Paicu Claudia Elena Advertising – A New Perspective. Annals. Economic Science Series, Timişoara, vol. XIII/2007, ISSN 1582 / 6333, p.370 - 373, 2007.
Paicu Claudia Elena „The Impact Analysis Regarding The Marketing Advertising Over The Group Dacia”,. Analele Universitãţii din Oradea - Seria Ştiinţe Economice, ISSN-1582-5450 pentru format electronic, p.1051-1056, 2008.
Nistor R., Nistor C., Muntean M. C. Design and Development of a Business Modelling and Simulation Application for the Improvement of the Students’ Management Skills. Selected Topics in Education and Educational Technology Iwate Prefectural University, Japan , p.p. 132-137, 2010.
Alina Botezat The Cultural Capital of Immigrant Families and The Impact on Student Performance: Evidence from Germany. Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies , p.59-72, 2011.
Patrick Imam and Camelia Minoiu The Equilibrium Exchange Rate of Mauritius: Evidence from Two Structural Models. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade , 2011.
Andries, AM; Cocris, V A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE EFFICIENCY OF ROMANIAN BANKS. Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, p.54-75 , 2010.
Alina Botezat, Ruben Seiberlich How far is the East? Educational Performance in Eastern Europe. University of Konstanz Working Paper Series 2011-15 , 2011.
Puiu Nistoreanu, Marinela Gheres(coordonatori) Turism rural. Tratat. 2010.
Tanase Mihail Ovidiu, Minciu Rodica, Nistoreanu Puiu Development Model for a Rural Community Located in the Mountain Area of Romania – the Tourism Holding. AcademicaTuristica, p.36-42, 2009.
Cutlac, I.-M. and Horbulyk, T.M. Optimal Water Allocation under Short-Run Water Scarcity in the South Saskatchewan River Basin. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, p.92-100, 2011.
Corabieru P., Velicu S., Corabieru A., Vasilescu D.D., Sohaciu M. Redesigning organisational processes – part of the innovative system. The 7th WSEAS International Conference on Engineering Education, (EDUCATION '10), 2010.
Corabieru P., Zait D., Velicu S., Spalanzani A., Corabieru A., Sohaciu M Provocations and creative mechanisms of the inter-organisational innovation. The 7th WSEAS International Conference on Engineering Education, (EDUCATION '10), 2010.
Corabieru A., Velicu S., Spalanzani A., Corabieru P., Vasilescu D.D Aspects of innovative process on creative problem solving. Proceedings of the International Conference on Risk Management, Assessment and Mitigation, p.199- 204, 2010.
Corabieru P., Velicu S., Corabieru A., Vasilescu D.D., Sohaciu M. Redesigning organisational processes – part of the innovative system,. WSEAS, The 7th WSEAS International Conference on Engineering Education, (EDUCATION '10), 2010.
Corabieru P., Zait D., Velicu S., Spalanzani A., Corabieru A., Sohaciu M Provocations and creative mechanisms of the inter-organisational innovation. WSEAS, The 7th WSEAS International Conference on Engineering Education, (EDUCATION '10), 2010.
Cicero I. Limberea FISCAL EQUITY IN NEGATIVE EQUITY SITUATIONS AND UNDER THE QUANTITATIVE EASING FED POLICY. International Journal of Economics and Research, p.81-84, 2011.
Marcel C. Pop, Dan Cristian Dabija Targurile si expozitiile – instrumente moderne de marketing. , p.219 pag, 2009.
Dan Cristian Dabija Marketingul intreprinderii de comert. , p.282 pag, 2010.
Bernhard Swoboda, Bettina Berg, Nicolae Al. Pop, Dan Cristian Dabija Aufbau von Retail Brands in jungen Auslandsmärkten – Bewertung westlicher Unternehmen des Lebensmittelhandels in Rumänien. Distribution und Handel in Theorie und Praxis, Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Diether Ahlert, p.469-496, 2009.
Bernhard Swoboda, Bettina Berg, Nicolae Al. Pop, Dan Cristian Dabija Store Image of Grocery Retail Formats in Romania: Relevance of Retailer Attributes. European Retail Research, p.101-124, 2009.
Bernhard Swoboda, Nicolae Al. Pop, Dan Cristian Dabija Vertical Alliances between Retail and Manufacturer Companies in the Fashion Industry. Amfiteatrul Economic, p.634-649, 2010.