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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

Péter László Újszegények túlélési életstratégiái. Erdelyi tarsadalom, p.25-51, 2003.

Péter László „How Extreme Marginalization Generates Ethnicity?”. Ethnizität in der Transformation. Zur Situation nationaler Minderheiten in Rumänien., p.99-118, 2005.

Péter László Vázlatok a szegénység szociológiájához. , p.231, 2006.

Ciumasu, I.M Circulation mondial du talent – une solution pour le développement de la Roumanie (in English: International circulation of talent – a solution for the development of Romania). Université dans la Société – UNISO, edition 2007: La formation tout au long de la vie et le certifications professionnelles dans l'enseignement supérieur. (In English: University within Society – UNISO, edition 2007: Life-long education and professional c, 2007.

Ciumasu, I.M Environmental science and technology in Romania: the need and the possibilities of cooperation between Romanian Universities and the Romanian researchers and students at the European Universities. Université dans la société – UNISO, edition 2005: université et employ, (in English: University within Society – UNISO, edition 2005: university and labour market), 18-23.07.2005, Cherbourg, France, 2005.

Costica, N., Ciumasu, I.M., Costica, M Partnership for human resources development in Romania and the European Union: methodological training of trainers in the field of environmental education. The Second European Fair on Education for Sustainable Development, 13-15.09.2006, Hamburg, Germany, p.36, 2006.

Éva KÁLLAY, Csaba L. DÉGI , Anna E. VINCZE Dysfunctional attitudes, depression and quality of life in a sample of Romanian Hungarian cancer patients. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 2007.

Andrei Soficaru, Catalin Petrea, Adrian Dobos, Erik Trinkaus The Human Cranium from the Pestera Cioclovina Uscata, Romania, Context, Age, Taphonomy, Morphology, and Paleopathology. Current Anthropology, p.611-619, 2007.

Andrei Soficaru, Adrian Dobos, aErik Trinkaus Early modern humans from the Pestera Muierii, Baia de Fier, Romania. PNAS, p.17196̵, 2006.

Stefania Marin An articulatory modeling of Romanian diphthong alternations.. Proceedings of the 16th ICPhS, Saarbrücken, 6-10 August 2007., p.453-456, 2007.

Landale, Nancy; R.S. Oropesa; Cristina Bradatan Hispanic Families in the United States: Family Structure and Process in an Era of Family Change. Multiple Origins, Uncertain Destinies: Hispanics and the American Future, 2006.

Bradatan, Cristina; Glenn Firebaugh History, population policies, and fertility decline in Eastern Europe: A case study. Journal of Family History, p.179-192, 2007.

Kulcsar, Laszlo; Cristina Bradatan Politics without Frontiers: The impact of Hungarian domestic politics on the minority question in Romania. Communist and Post Communist Studies, p.301-314, 2007.

Cristina Bradatan On Some 19th Century Theories of Suicide – Interpreting Suicide in an East European Country. ”, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 2007.

Bildea Marin Comunitate si vulnerabilitate: perceptie, comunicare, reducerea riscului dezastrelor. 2007.

Bildea Marin Raspuns la urgente: planificare, coordonare, comunicare. 2006.

Tudorel, A., Tusa, E., Herteliu, C. Percepţia discriminãrii de gen la nivelul populaţiei educate tinere din România – o abordare cantitativã. Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, p.47-58, 2006.

Herteliu, C Statistical Indicators System regarding Religious Phenomena. Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, p.111-127, 2007.

Silviu E. Rogobete and Andre Otchie, (eds) Ethnic and Religious Diversity in Europe. 2006.

Raluca Moise Le SMS chez les jeunes. Premiers éléments de réflexion, a partir d’un point de vue ethnolinguistique. Glottopol, 2007.

coord. de Adela Rogojinaru SMS-ul – practicã de scriiturã contemporanã şi cultura juvenilã. Comunicare si cultura - aplicatii interdisciplinare, 2006.

Raluca Moise Viaţa monasticã şi ce ştim despre ea – încercare de antropologie religioasã. Cercetãri de antropologie, 2006.

Raluca Moise Antropologia reflexivã sau antropologia culturalã astãzi. Cercetãri de antropologie, 2005.

Ciairano, S., Visu-Petra, L., & Settani, M. Executive Inhibitory Control and Cooperative Behavior During Early School Years: A Follow-Up Study. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, p.335-345, 2007.

A. Marcu Negative energy waves in a periodic magnetic steady state medium. AIP Conference Proceedings -FIFTY YEARS OF ROMANIAN ASTROPHYSICS, p.135-140, 2007.

S. Codreanu, A. Marcu Analogy between Lorenz-Robbins system and laser equations. Optoelectronics and Advenced Materials (RC), p.207-210, 2007.

Ioana Iosa L’héritage urbain de Ceausescu : fardeau ou saut en avant ?. 2006.

Stefania Marin Lexical and post-lexical vowel coordination, Romanian diphthongs and blending. Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting, January 4-7 2007, p.146, 2007.

Maria Babyonyshev, Stefania Marin Acquisition of Romanian Pronominal Clitics. Catalan Journal of Linguistics, p.17-44, 2006.

Stefania Marin Complex Nuclei in Articulatory Phonology: The Case of Romanian Diphthongs. Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Romance Linguistics. Selected papers from the 34th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Salt Lake City, March 2004, p.161-177, 2005.

Camelia Minoiu and Sanjay G. Reddy Aid Does Matter After All: Revisiting the Relationship between Aid and Growth. Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs, 2007.

Bara AC, Heuvel WJA van den Patient status in Romanian health care system. European Journal of Public Health, 2003.

Bara AC, Heuvel WJA van den, Dijk JP van Inequalities in health care users’ expectations about their physicians. European Journal of Public Health, 2004.

Rahmqvist M, Bara AC Patients retrieving information via the Internet: a trend analysis of a Swedish population, 2000–2005. European Journal of Public Health, 2006.

NEDELCU, Mihaela et HAINARD, François Pour une écologie citoyenne. Risques environnementaux, médiations et politiques publiques. 2006.

Nedelcu, Mihaela Les nouvelles technologies, creuset d’une nouvelle dynamique diasporique des Roumains. Les diasporas dans le monde contemporain, p.159-174, 2006.

Nedelcu, Mihaela Stratégies de migration et d’acces au marché du travail des professionnelles roumaines a Toronto : rapports de genre et nouvelles dynamiques migratoires. La Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales (REMI), p.77-106, 2005.

Ioana Ispas Is the use of genetic data by public authorities a violation of our inner sphere?. proceedings of ELSAGEN conference on” Ethical, Legal and Social aspects of human Genetic Databases” Reykjavik,Iceland, 2004.

Ioana Ispas . „Reconciling ethics with Internet: a telemedical challenge. A survey focused on information aspects”. Proceedings 2nd International Conference-E-Health in Common Europe-Critical Conditions for E-health Environment in Transforming Economies Krakov, 2004.

Stefan Cojocaru Proiectul de interventie in asistenta sociala. De la propunerea de finantare la planurile individualizate de interventie. , p.240, 2006.

Gabriel Istrate, Anders Hansson, Charles D. Tallman, Leticia Cuellar-Hengartner and Nicolas Hengartner Towards Generative Activity-based Models for Large-scale Socio-technical Simulations. Proceedings of The AGENT 2006 Conference "Social Agents. Results and Prospects", ANL/DIS-06-7, ISBN 0-9679178-7-9, co-sponsored by Argonne National Laboratory and The University of Chicago, 2006.

Trauşan-Matu, Şt., Ana-Maria Marhan, Gh.Iosif, I.Juvinã Generation of Cognitive Ergonomic Dynamic Hypertext for E-Learning. Human-Centred Computing. Cognitive, Social and Ergonomic Aspects, p.607-611, 2003.

Stefan Cojocaru Social Projectionism: A Vision For New Ethics In Social Welfare. Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 2006.

G. A. Cividjian, A. G. Cividjian, N. G. Silvis-Cividjian “Corner” electrodynamic force,. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, p.384-389, 2004.

Sorin A. Matei, Sandra Ball-Rokeach, Jack Qiu Fear and misperception of Los Angeles urban space: A spatial-statistical study of communication-shaped mental maps. Communication Research, p.429-463, 2001.

Sorin A. Matei The magnifying glass effect: negotiating individualism and community on the Internet. 2001.

Stefan Cojocaru Metode apreciative in asistenta sociala. Ancheta, supervizarea si mangementul de caz. Metode apreciative in asistenta sociala. Ancheta, supervizarea si mangementul de caz, p.220, 2005.

Gruev-Vintila, A. (2005) Représentations sociales et conduites de réduction des risques collectifs : le rôle de l’expérience préalable et de la possibilité perçue d’action (Social representations and collective risks mitigation behavior: the role of prior experience and of…). Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of Applied Social Psychology, Rennes, 20-22 October, 2005.

Adrian Boruz Transformation in Romania: A managerial perspective. The End of Transformation, p.407-439, 2005.

Irina Georgescu Degree of dominance and congruence axioms for fuzzy choice functions. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, p.390-407, 2005.